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Everything posted by lgdesign

  1. Isn't the Viva inaugural cruise on August 26, 2023? https://www.cruisecritic.com/news/norwegian-cruise-line-delays-norwegian-vivas-debut-to-august-2023 The information is old but I can't seem to find anything concrete and was just wondering.
  2. One time while staying in the Haven, we went on a small group sailing excursion set up by a fellow CC-er. We met a lovely, fun family of 4 that we hadn't seen before and had a great time. All "Average Joes" enjoying new regular people. A day later, we ran into each other at the Haven pool, smiled and simultaneously said "We didn't think you were "Haven people" " to each other! It was a funny reminder that you can't and shouldn't judge books by their covers. (Keeping in mind how few people read physical books these days, haha.) We're regular Joe's who live very ordinary, hard working lives at home. We just love to stay in the Haven or suite cabins when we can get good discounts and what passes for a "reasonable" price these days because it helps make our vacation memories even more special. Have we met snobs in the Haven? Extremely rarely. Have we met some uncouth low-lives there? You betcha... but fortunately, also very rarely! 🙂 Can you have a really great and memorable vacation at a lower price point than the Haven and suites on NCL? Definitely! Can staying in the Haven make a trip extra special? Absolutely. Hope the OP can find things that make his trip wonderful despite the obstacles.
  3. I had a similar situation with a 10% FCC that I was able to get extended for a month. Do not bother going through your TA. I've tried that many times for assorted requests and each time my TA was denied. I then go directly to NCL and usually have gotten my reasonable request granted (to my TA's surprise). The key is that the request be fair and reasonable which I feel this is. I also always e-mail as I feel a request made in writing is better than explaining myself over and over to different people at NCL on the phone... many of whom do not have the authority to make the decision any way. A brief, extremely polite request to Katty Bird outlining the issues and requesting the reasonable accommodation usually works for me. I had an answer agreeing to the FCC request I outlined above within a day. It never hurts to ask... Good luck!
  4. Those are very good prices for a Haven suite for a 7 night cruise. Is that "all in" or just the advertised fare per person? Also, what type of Haven suite are you talking about for that price range? And it would be wonderful for your older sister to get to experience the Haven someday... hopefully soon.
  5. Absolutely agree... we were able to get a second extension on a 10% FCC due a concise, reasonable and politely worded e-mail. Give it a whirl.
  6. OK... that is REALLY gross. What's next? Eating the pizzas in the public bathrooms?
  7. The chef did not make the substitution... the greedy, impatient people (who allegedly "pre-ordered") cut to the front of the line and just took the pizzas that were there for those on line to make their selection from. They should have talked to the staff and waited til their allegedly "pre-ordered" pie(s) were done. Their piggy, entitled actions are indefensible. I would possibly consider agreeing with your statements had the chef removed the pizzas from their side of the counter and discreetly handed the pies to those people at a different location at the counter. That is not what happened according to the OP.
  8. That is incredibly rude and entitled and takes a hell of a nerve!
  9. I agree... you didn't pay twice. I booked a cruise last Sept and that code did not show up on my NCL invoice until AFTER I prepaid the DSC in late Dec 2023 and got my revised NCL confirmation. I have a clear before and after "snapshot". I'm a little anal about the details and always ask for the NCL confirmation in addition to my TA's confirmation paperwork. I like to compare them for accuracy and also check the actual NCL codes as they do not show up on my TA's confirmations. Not all the codes are "promo" codes.
  10. I adopt the same technique with polite, concise, respectful and reasonable letters to resolve my issues when NCL has done wrong or fell short... and have always prevailed after my TA was denied (she's been doing it for 25 years)... she too asks how I do it, haha. I had a good laugh and massive deja vu reading Southern Gary account of his experiences. I also feel like things were simpler to get fixed 5 years and more ago when the first person you called at NCL seemed to have more authority to fix problems. These days, it seems whoever answers the phone to help you is ruled by NCL's myriad (and confusing) promo codes and if it's not "in the computer", their hands are tied and you're forced to elevate it to a higher power where getting an override often proves impossible. Hence the need for tenacity (my middle name when blatant unfairness and injustice is involved) and those passionate letters requesting satisfaction when you are clearly in the right! Southern Gary hit the nail on the head with all his posts (as usual). 🙂
  11. Was this one ever confirmed? 10OFFS Specialty dining for two, wine trio, bottled water and chocolate truffles Would love to know what "wine trio" is.
  12. Will be following... and as a fellow caregiver (short term for me), I wish you a wonderful and very well-deserved respite!
  13. BINGO! This is exactly what happened to us a month ago. What was supposed to be a quiet evening catching up with another couple turned into a deafening hour and half when the shindig started halfway through the meal. We all had raging headaches by the end of the meal and couldn't hear each other speak.
  14. My husband loves Old Havana... what cigars did you wind up getting? We're living vicariously through your adventures. 😉 Just saw your later post that the pickings were slim.
  15. Mind-boggling... NCL seems to never fail to surprise when it comes to billing... though this seems to be new tactic to increase sales. Hope your issues resolve without too much effort on your part.... though that might be too much to hope for! 🙃😉 Best of luck! Billing for ships you've never sailed on is a definitely a new one!
  16. Mine says "LATITUDES" and my husband's says "UNION+PRIVILEGE"... Huh? Plus, we never gamble... the mystery continues.
  17. And, sadly, Sthrngary drops the mic... Thank YOU so very much for all your insights and advice on Haven (and Haven-Lite) cruising always offered with gentlemanly courtesy, intelligence and humbleness. Will you be over on the Oceania forums giving the same level of detailed information and tips? Would love to follow you over there as we consider our future cruising choices. Cruise well, sir and adieux... or dare we hope au revoir? 😉
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