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Everything posted by AncientWanderer

  1. Good morning everyone from slightly foggy San Diego. The three days are interesting and any quote from Abraham Lincoln is good by me. The sesame noodles and wine sound good. Watermelon cocktails aren’t a favorite. We haven’t been to Amber Cove yet. I hope those on the unwell list are improving and getting stronger each day. I’m grateful to be up and about and looking forward to Easter Brunch. DH is off to golf today with DSIL. I might make a run to See’s Candies for Easter treats. We are lucky to have a small store a few minutes away. @grapau27, your lunch looks delicious as always. @aliaschief, congratulations on the upgrade! @superoma, lovely that you can share fish and chips with your father at his grand old age of 93. @smitty34877, prayers that the new aide stays a long time and eases things for you and your family. Many thanks to the Daily Team and to all contributors. Wishing all a lovely Saturday.
  2. Best wishes for a great anniversary celebration, @Overhead Fred and Mitzi!
  3. Disappointing way to end it. I guess they don't play overtime at that tournament. That "sudden death" business is very anticlimactic. But...Ren played well, and all the scouts are out at Dallas Cup, so onward and upward for Ren! 👍
  4. I liked how the Mexican ports themselves were decorated and very festive over the holidays. Never been to Panama Canal ports during that time, so can't comment there. It was just striking to us because we'd just returned from Hawaii in December, which was very low-key as far as any decoration, and then when we went to Mexico right after, it was very cheerful. It just felt happy.
  5. I know beavers cause a lot of damage, but my goodness are they ever cute @bennybear.
  6. Good morning everyone. @JazzyVVanessa, thank you for putting me on the Care List. You can remove me now, as I started antibiotics and they are working their magic. I don’t think I’ve ever before had a bug where ears, eyes, nose, throat and chest were all involved at once. Weird one! Caramel popcorn and beer sound good. Thank you, @StLouisCruisers, for suggestions on some good beers to try. A Manhattan sounds good, too, as an alternative to my usual Old-Fashioned. DH really likes swordfish, but I prefer softer types of fish. The wines always sound good…but can’t drink wine. Hope to see Saint John some day. @Cruisercl, many thanks for sharing your observance of Good Friday. @Cruising-along, I hope you guys are feeling better. Tough that both you and DH have it at the same time. Stupid Covid! 😡 @marshhawk, thinking of you again today with your test. Stay strong. @luvteaching, what an experience at the hospital!! I’d probably need the EKG myself after that. So glad all is looking up in the end!! Well, @StLouisCruisers, after three years, DH is finally interested in the Daily. We’re both excited for Dallas Cup semifinals! Fingers and toes crossed! Thanks on this Good Friday to everyone for the photos, recipes, stories and all things that make the Daily so special.
  7. That’s a big, important and very exciting tournament. Glad Ren is doing so great. Keep those updates coming!
  8. Sandi, is it the Dallas Cup tournament that Ren is playing in now?
  9. Ann, DD used to live in Manhattan and when I went back there to help her move back to California, the last thing we did, to say farewell to NYC, was the Circle boat tour. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. We learned a lot and it was just a very special day.
  10. Thanks for the tartan info! I am saving it as a gift idea for my lovely son-in-law. It's hard to think of gifts for him (all men, really!!) and that is something I think he'd really like. He and DD are hosting a lovely Seder dinner tonight, but I'll miss it because I'm still under the weather. Thanks for sharing about your holiday prep.
  11. Good that part is over with. Perhaps if they see anything alarming, they will contact you sooner. Prayers that it's a big nothing. Annie, we have done the two-week Alaska three times. I looked through my journals and on each of those, we had three gala/dressy nights. That agrees with what I'm seeing all over the internet, too. Sometimes they do have that on the boarding pass, but not always. The only thing consistent about HAL is that they are inconsistent. Rest up. Maxine
  12. It's funny Sandi, I only remember you mentioning Berkley and USC, and I wondered at the time why the heck he didn't apply to UCLA. I think it's the best of western schools right now. That's great news that he's chosen UCLA. Congratulations to your family for all of their achievements.
  13. Good morning from sunshiny San Diego. I've been down with the mother of all influenzas. I wonder if it's the same that @Seasick Sailor has. Also wonder if having had covid is making these bugs harder to knock out. I've skimmed through Dailys and, of course, the high point has been @ger_77's wonderful interaction with her new Ukrainian neighbors. @marshhawk Annie, I did have Thursday in mind as the day of your scan. Thoughts are with you. Also, @bennybear Brenda has some testing this week. Sending prayers and good thoughts. Also wishing @tupper10 a successful surgery. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, it's great that Ren is having a smooth start with his team. I'm waiting to hear what his older brother does. Our DDIL and my brother both went to "SC." Can't wait to hear if he ends up in So Cal. That's about it from me today. Plans are to lay around on the sofa all day again. How's that for ambitious? DSIL is preparing a Seder dinner tomorrow night, and his mom is visiting from Philadelphia, but it's looking unlikely that I'll be able to attend. I have a feeling I won't be able to see anyone until Easter Brunch. We have a group of 11 planned for that, so I really don't want to miss it. Thanks Daily Team for keeping things lively and interesting here. Wishing everyone a pleasant Wednesday. Thinking of all of you.
  14. I showed DH these photos while at dinner tonight. It really is amazing that the home is practically unchanged after many years and with so much potential for hurricane damage. It must have been quite an experience to see that. Lovely. ❤️
  15. I haven’t posted in a few days because we’re sorting out some difficulties here. I’m reading the thread starting at the end and your post jumped out. I remember a quote something like “heaven is two people and a ham.” I hope your DH improves and that the ham settles things down. Sandwiches, ham and eggs…peaceful household. 😊
  16. A couple of other things we've factored in lately, as the drink part doesn't make sense for us... If port stops are frequent and in U.S., like on an Alaska cruise, we don't really need wi-fi because we use our phones in port. (That is getting to be applicable in foreign ports, too, now that international phone service is better.) Also, on some itineraries, like trans-oceanic, the wi-fi service onboard isn't great anyhow, so having the package isn't useful. One does need to pencil it all out, but those are things we've thought of recently.
  17. Good morning everyone. "Something on a Stick Day"? Did any of you ever enjoy chocolate covered bananas on a stick? We used to have them a lot as kids when we spent time on Balboa Island near Newport Beach. Hadn't thought about those for years. I'm so sorry @smitty34877Terry that you have lost your aide. Praying that someone fills in quickly. As you say, it's hard to get people to take the difficult job. When we needed help with my mom, it was a constant scramble, but things never did totally unravel. Don't cry. Or do, if it helps. @RMLincoln Maureen, thinking of you and your DH with his eye surgery today. Prayers for a successful surgery and quick recovery. @Vict0riann, I hope the rest of your journey goes smoothly. Nice that you were able to see friends and make lemonade out of lemons with the missed flight. Wishing you a fabulous cruise. We haven't been to Moorea, but would like to go there some day. Yesterday we finally sat down and sorted out a quick trip to Idaho in June to visit our old neighborhood where we used to spend summers and see friends who we miss very much. The trip is long overdue. Prayers and best wishes are offered for those who are having difficulties, and hats off to those celebrating. I wish the care list was shorter. There's so much sad news! Stay safe and enjoy the day, everyone. Many thanks to the Daily Team.
  18. Good morning and Happy Maybe Sorta Birthday. Whichever date, I'll take it! It was fun looking over those first threads. I sure couldn't find them when I did a search. There must be magic here! Along with everyone already mentioned for their contributions, many thanks to@StLouisCruisersand @Quartzsite Cruiser for all of their amazing port photos. It takes time to download all those photos, and it's so generous of them to share their vast travel experience with us. Of course, many thanks to all who have shared destination photos, and contributions of all kinds, but these two fine ladies have really been reliable. Thinking of all of you today with gratitude and wishing everyone a very fine Sunday.
  19. Oh, that's so lucky the consultant was thorough and cautious! Thanks for sharing your experience.
  20. Karen, I was typing my post when yours came through, so I didn't see it. I'm sorry that things have been so rocky for you and hope things do look up. The ER is always daunting. Thoughts are with you. Maxine
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