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    Cruising - I love seeing the world that God created
  • Favorite Cruise Line(s)
    MSC Cruises and Royal Caribbean
  • Favorite Cruise Destination Or Port of Call
    Whatever is the cheapest when I've built up enough vacation time 😀

TheBeardedCruiser's Achievements

50+ Club

50+ Club (4/20)

  1. Your comment reminds me of a story. I am not implying that you did this!! My parents took a cruise where a lady started a puzzle on day one, on a huge table in one of the lounges. She kept the puzzle on that table all week! She wasn't even working on the puzzle some days. Talk about entitlement!!
  2. I don't ... What do you mean? Do you mean snuggle with your bunny stuffed animals? That does sound like a fun thing to do when your spouse is in a separate bed! My thinking is that if the beds are separated, you could use one for sleeping together, and one for "snuggle bunny" 🤣 (I obviously got your reference; I was just having fun above).
  3. If kids are misbehaving for that long, yes, the parents should leave, or be asked to leave. I just didn't like the blanket statement that kids should not be allowed in specialty restaurants. The majority of them are well behaved and I was defending the majority.
  4. To reiterate, I don't have kids, so I don't have any to discipline!
  5. Thank you for closing the loop! So many times on this site people take time to answer someone's question and the OP never responds or acknowledges that we responded. Cruise Critic is not Google. It's back and forth, which is what makes it fun (for me)!
  6. WOW!!!! Thank you for sharing! I would certainly be willing to deal with a few hiccups to get food like that! Plus, it sounds like a true celebratory atmosphere, which has to be so exciting! You have me thinking that I need to look into the maiden voyage for the Star of the Seas!
  7. I gotcha. I think that I took your comment more seriously than you intended, oops! Yes, I've seen drunk people on cruises, just not as bad as that guy. Which kind of surprises me considering the number of drinks that are served daily on cruise ships 🫢😮
  8. The cruise line is family friendly; therefore, all of the restaurants are open to kids. End of story!! Parents shouldn't feel guilty taking their kids with them to any venue that is part of their vacation package. I say this as someone with no children. I just get sick of people complaining that there are kids acting like kids on a kid friendly vacation. Would you also complain that there are kids at Disney World? The kids are passengers, just like the adults. If you don't like kids, go on an adult only cruise, please!
  9. I've always been "afraid" of those voyages. Was the crew ready, or did you have to roll with it and make the best of some situations? Thanks!
  10. If it was me in this situation, I would be talking to corporate. That was unacceptable behavior on behalf of your room stewart. They may give you some money back, or at least some money towards another cruise.
  11. Balcony rooms get two hair dryers... The electric one that every room gets, and then there is standing on your balcony when the ship is moving or there is a good breeze 🤣
  12. I'm really easy to please. Give me some swiss cheese and extra sharp cheddar cheese cubes and I'll be a happy man!
  13. No rush to answer-- What are your favorite mocktails? Any unusual ones? As someone that doesn't drink alcohol, I too made my way up and down the mocktail list numerous times on my last MSC cruise. My favorite mocktail was a frozen Toblerone, but I only found one bartender that would make it without alcohol
  14. As I read your post, a song came to mind... "Did you ever know that you're my hero... You're everything I wish I could be ..."
  15. We have no idea where this passengers cabin was on the ship. What we do know is that "having enough money to afford a YC cabin" and "appropriate behavior" don't always go together. No more so than being in the "normal cabins" equals "bad behavior."' I'm confident that wasn't what you're implying, but I wanted to clarify. I've never seen a passenger as belligerent and drunk as this guy, in or out of the YC (or YC equivalent)!
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