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Everything posted by Birdnutty

  1. Many years ago, when NCL was still docking in St George’s, there was a cheap shuttle (like $2 pp) available from the dock over the hill to Tobacco Bay. It sure beat trudging! I assume that shuttle doesn’t function anymore from wherever NCL docks its free ferry. It would be so nice if you could tell me it’s still running Yes?
  2. Can multiple people use one book of tickets? Was thinking it would be a good way for a family of 4 or more to get around, if so. Also, is this the book that is good for multiple days?
  3. I saw this post too late to respond, and was wondering if you had gone anyway. We were there in March on a single day trip, and the gardens were being worked on, and very little was in bloom. A resident told me that they had fallen into disrepair after the Portuguese family that had been caretakers stopped tending them. She also said that there were some who were trying to pick up the slack. All of this is hearsay, so I was wondering if there was any more recent news.
  4. You'll also probably find more info on this topic if you go to the European "Ports of Call" board.
  5. I'm with Turtles06. I go to meet people, to get the officers' business cards or numbers, to actually get a chance to eyeball, if not meet the officers that attend. The refreshments are unnecessary, and a flagrant waste of food, although I have to admit that the last time I was on the Getaway, the cookies (Yes!) that were just about to be tossed found their way into my possession. Best catch of the day, considering not many people were into cookies in the morning. I hate waste of any kind, so I honorably did my part. 😇 I used to enjoy the M&G's where there wasn't enough room to sit, so you had to wander and actually (gasp!) talk to other people! Never was much of a fan of the gift exchange (Don't need more crap). But I do enjoy meeting people that I could possibly hang out with more during the cruise. Met a couple once many years ago that we still cruise with together to this day.
  6. I would like to thank @debenson0723 @Sugar Magnolia and @graphicguyfor your terrific review and a sneak peak into your trip. I felt like I was eavesdropping half the time! Your banter was thoroughly entertaining, You all have the best senses of humor (humour?) and feed off each other perfectly. It made me wish my trip on the Joy were several weeks earlier than it is just so I could try to meet you! Hopefully someday I will. Thanks again for my vicarious adventure. In a few weeks, I'll be experiencing it myself, but I'm sure my report wouldn't quite read the same.....
  7. Time to become that wheel.... squeak...squeak...squeak...
  8. This has probably been asked a gazillion times before, but I really don't have time to read through all the 248 pages of comments. If I wish to use my WP to upgrade cabins/metas/etc, do I have to book directly with NCL, or can I use a travel agent? If I do book with NCL. can I transfer the booking at a later date to a TA in order to get their perks? So far, I'm still a bit confused with this whole process, but I'm trying to learn. At this point, I have 75 K points with BOA and want to maximise their potential. Shouldn't take me too much longer to get to 100K, and I don't want to waste them!
  9. We are cruising to Canada from Boston in September, and flying back to Boston to pick up our car and head back to CT. We'll be gone for 11 days and flying back on a Saturday. Is there a parking area that is in a preferred spot for this scenario? Closer to airport or to cruise terminal? I'm of course interested in security for the car as well as price. We shouldn't have to worry about time restraints on either end - there are no real deadlines. Thanks in advance!
  10. We will be arriving in Montreal around 1 PM, off the early Quebec City Via Rail train. We have a flight out of Montreal the next morning. What would you recommend as being the best places to visit to catch a flavor of the city in a half day? Also would like some recommendations for hotels to stay in that are not terribly expensive and might be within a walkable distance of some of the sights, restaurants, etc. Hoping to find one with a shuttle to the airport, but if that's not going to happen, we'll probably Uber into the airport the next morning, if Uber is even available at 4 or 5 AM. Looking for any and all suggestions. Thanks in advance!
  11. Oh Thank You!! That is exactly what I needed to know. Now I can purchase train tickets without worrying if I chose the right time or not. Eliminates much of the uncertainty. Thanks again!
  12. Do you happen to know how they handle disembarkation if there’s an overnight that ends at 6 AM the next morning? Do you need to wait until 6 AM or can you get off earlier? We’d like to get the 8AM train out of Quebec City to Montreal, but don’t want to cut it too close.
  13. Exactly! And even before that, they’d leave a bottle of real wine in your room, and you got a bottle with EACH Latitudes specialty dinner. Later reduced to one. Then they replaced the wine in the room with the sparkling swill. Then they stopped letting you swap the swill for wine, then stopped the swill altogether. Judging by what other people have said before, NCL can’t really win with the room treats. Some won’t eat the strawberries, some won’t eat the cookies, the canapés, etc. They can’t please everybody, that’s for sure. I like the idea of having a preference page included in your profile. Some hotels do that. It would take some work to get started, but the savings in the form of less waste could be substantial.
  14. As an addendum to my original post... we were on the Getaway last month, and yes, the quantity of abundant cookies available at any one time has been drastically reduced. However, as others have stated, we received a plate in our room (Club Balcony) early in the cruise, they were available in the wonderful spread that NCL put out for the M&G, and they were available every night in the casino as a late night snack. Knowing they would most likely be thrown away after the M&G, some of us took plates of the left over ones to our rooms, therefore helping us avoid the dry times when cookies were not to be found. I always bring some Ziplock containers and/or bags to store things in, so they made keeping the cookies fresh easy. I also would abscond with a couple when returning to our room after I was done in the casino. God forbid we don't have cookies every time we want them. 🙄
  15. Good to know! Really helps with the planning process. Just have to decide how much pressure we want to take on by building in too close a schedule. If we book an 8:10 train from Quebec City, and miss it, do you know if it can be exchanged for a later time?
  16. First of all, thank you for your responses! So we can get off earlier than the 6 AM "docking" time? The ship will be there the whole previous day. Or at 6 AM sharp? Would prefer to catch the 8:10 AM train to Montreal, and I am trying to figure out how doable that is. I am concerned that the entire disembarkation process won't start until then, at which point we'd have the rest of the passengers to deal with. I've been in situations where that was a nightmare, and others where it was seamless and easy peasy. I'm not accustomed to a ship that stays overnight in a port with disembarkation the next day, so I have no idea what to expect. We don't have either one. Regular run-of-the-mill folks here. Also have never flown in or out of Canada, so I have so many questions. We can expect that it takes at least an hour to go through Customs/Immigration without these special programs, or should we plan on much more?
  17. We're considering a cruise on the Emerald Princess that begins in Boston, and ends in Quebec City. As much as we'd like to stay and tour in Quebec City a second day (our ship is in port the day before and overnight before disembarkation), our time is very limited. We need to be home ASAP. Flights from Quebec City are few, expensive and LONG.Montreal has more frequent, shorter and cheaper flights Montreal Disembarkation starts at 6AM. We know it's a quick trip to the train station, from where we'd like to take a train to Montreal Airport, hoping to get a non-stop flight back to Boston, from where we will drive home (about 3 hours). Our problem is figuring out the timing. How rough or smooth disembarkation off the Emerald Princess is in Quebec City starts the whole chain. Is it usually smooth, or notoriously disorganised and chaotic? I do know stuff can happen. I'm just looking for an average situation. Is it possible to buy a ticket for an earlier train and then exchange it for a later one if there's availability? Or can we buy the tickets when we get there, thereby avoiding the pre-purchase time debacle? At that hour of the day, there's a 4+ hour difference between the first one we could get and the next, so the first one is infinitely preferable, but I realise how tight that is. Not quite as bad as flying, however. Has anyone done this, and how did it work?
  18. Thank you! I now know what to look for and think I've got it! It appears that I have might have some refundable OBC from my TA that I'm hoping to use on a Cruisenext. Will I be able to do that?
  19. How does refundable vs unrefundable OBC get applied? I have OBC from a variety of sources, and I have no idea which line item is for which credit. There are no codes listed next to the line items on my account where my OBC credits are listed. I got some from my TA, some as an incentive from NCL for booking, and I believe some as a shareholder, but it's impossible to tell which is which, which is refundable, which one gets used first against room charges, etc. I'm no stranger to cruising, being Sapphire on NCL,and high status on other lines, but this has me befuddled.
  20. Guess I'm lucky, then. I haven't sailed NCL since last year and haven't been on the boards, so I'm a bit uninformed. Got lucky and just purchased 2 $250 ones the day before it ended. Whew!
  21. Haven't called them yet, but I will tomorrow. Hope my issue is as easy to fix as versuco's. It's really bizarre to suddenly become a nobody.
  22. I was on the phone with my TA extensively today, booking rooms for this summer. Everything went pretty smoothly. Tonight, I tried to go into my account to check status, and it doesn't recognise anything about me. My email addresses, my username, password, nothing. Has this happened to anyone before? I guess I'm going to have to call tech services, but they close at 6 ET and don't work weekends. Any pearls of wisdom?
  23. Just spoke to an NCL rep, and confirmed this online. The Cruisefirst program is now being offered at $150 for a $300 credit. It was $250 for $500 but that is now changed.
  24. I know - it is kinda trite. But it's one of the things many of us look forward to, and miss when they are gone. Having Chocolate ganache is not quite the same, and it's hard to dip that in coffee... Glad to see they are not gone from everywhere - yet. For those of us not in the solo lounge, or in the Haven or with a butler, it's more challenging to find things sometimes. Will be on a concentrated mission when we climb aboard our cruise soon.
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