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Everything posted by adolfo2

  1. Only the Aqua Class SUITES include Retreat Benefits.... Regular Aqua Class does not.
  2. BINGO... I've been saying this for a long time & crickets! Every "Free" drink served is a "Hit" to the bottom line... No Free drinks served = PROFIT!
  3. Bringing two bottled beers back to your table is OK but I won't be carrying back a Martini(s)
  4. Patience is one thing but I expect a certain level of "everything" based upon what was paid. Until this level is rendered, we should be receiving a letter of apology (Including an OBC) at embarkation when they know full well, in advance, that it can't be supplied.
  5. Then why isn't the MDR open for breakfast at least, on port-days, when there is still a captive audience of guests onboard? It's rare for docking to occur before 8:00AM so a 6:30~8:00AM sit-down breakfast sounds ideal and would take lots of pressure off of the room service staff as well!
  6. I'm hesitant to eat in some of the places we're at due to food "sanitation" fears/issues as I don't relish getting sick/ill for a few days with GI issues. I still remember the tricycle "Ceviche Cart" (not unlike an old-fashioned Good Humor one) in Columbia. Would have LOVED to partake of it BUT also terrified of the potential consequences 😲
  7. Very DISAPPOINTING 😞 A happy medium would be a few MDR breakfast & lunch "sprinkled" about on those days when Seabourns own historical data indicates many passengers remain onboard.
  8. I agree 100% While I'm sure that the "Buffet" experience is a step above Old Country Buffet or Golden Corral (being facetious of course) the fact remains, that in our case (14-day cruise w/o any sea days) we're never going to experience an MDR breakfast or lunch (except for maybe Galley lunch?). This is hardly the mark of a very-expensive, five or six star LUXURY cruise line 😕
  9. I remember Luca encouraging us to do a special dinner. We declined, and told him that with all this delicious food why would we add extra work to the Chef & Staff for something special? ... He was speechless 😉
  10. Or the POSSIBILITY of dining in CK 😉
  11. Don't want to appear ungrateful but handing out a ~ 10-LBS coffee table sized cookbook to guests who are mostly flying (subject to weight limits) isn't a smart idea 😲
  12. Agree w/you & It's "All about the MONEY" 😉 Yes, I understand they lost heaps of $ during COVID, but it's no excuse to try & balance the books now on our backs. Overpromising & under delivering is not a sound business model!
  13. Being "technically" overbooked for the amount of crew onboard is what we're all talking about! Not about having "Extra" passengers sleeping in the halls like a Hospital ER on a Saturday Night.
  14. Not sure BUT would surprise me if they did. You can always call & ask...
  15. This is sad as our 14-day has ZERO days at sea 😞 Would be nice to have the opportunity for Restaurant Lunch & Breakfast on a few of them.
  16. I've had breakfast in MDR (Minute Steak) but long time ago
  17. BINGO, same here, other than my obtaining/applying CPP benefits "up-front" @ deposit stage.
  18. Booking ONE Celebrity Cruise to be with your friends and trying something new is hardly a commitment.
  19. Luxury "High-End" agencies belonging to the Ensemble or Virtuoso travel consortia are your best bet to be participating w/CPP
  20. No, I haven't signed up to participate/offer the CPP program recently (Must be ~ 10-years ago) BUT I did get a $200.00 CPP benefit applied to a RoyalC, non-suite stateroom on 5/16/22 😲
  21. Nope, not necessary (I know first hand)... you just need to find an agency that's taken the time to sign up with AMEX to offer CPP benefits.
  22. I'm a no longer practicing, Independent "VERY SMALL" Travel Agent who "signed up" with AMEX many moons ago to offer clients CPP benefits. I've procured the $200/$300 benefit on several occasions BUT NOT the "Extra Membership Rewards® points" (I think you need your own "Merchant account" for that. It wasn't difficult, didn't cost me anything, & I didn't have to prove anything to AMEX other than signing up to offer it. It was though VERY HARD to find out how/where to do so. My perseverance paid-off as I'm getting the OBC these days :-) I suggest asking point-blank if the agency/agent is geared up to offer CPP. There must be others like me, out there, somewhere.
  23. There is always staying on-board and enjoying an empty pool & your drink package 😉
  24. I agree with you that this should be OK... but I recently had this confiscated on Royal or Celebrity at check in :-0 Doesn't get much simpler than this!
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