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Everything posted by buckeye7

  1. buckeye7


    Have any of you been to Boccadasse? For our stop in Genoa, we were looking for a place to go to just stroll, grab lunch, and relax. We also would like somewhere close to Genoa and easy to get to. (We’ve been to Genoa before.)
  2. Wow that's great! So glad to learn this! Thank you!
  3. Can these AARP gift cards be used to pay for the cruise itself or just onboard items/excursions? Thank you! Didn't know about these!
  4. Thanks for posting this! Looks great and the wines look fine. You didn’t happen to order any wine here, did you? Just wondering about availability since that’s been a hot topic recently.
  5. Thank you for this trip report! We’re taking a Med cruise on the Enchanted in the spring and this is such a pleasure to read!!
  6. Prayers for you and your whole family. Thankful you are a part of this community and hope you feel the support from afar.
  7. The routes does make a difference (for both ships and cars.) My daughter and I both get severe motion sickness. We plan car routes that avoid windy roads when we have the option. We did the cruise out of Vancouver. We both wore patches, prescribed by our doc, behind our ear. I ended up having issues with the patch (it’s powerful), so for other cruises I’ve relied on Bonine. It really does help. When seas are rough, I may feel bad for awhile, but haven’t gotten really sick with Bonine. To me it’s been worth feeling queasy for a short portion of some trips to keep on cruising. Have a great time! (And good advice about cabin placement— low deck and central or toward the aft. )
  8. Sandancer, Just out of curiosity, did your travel agent check the box for Do Not Upgrade? I’m just wondering because we are booked on the Enchanted and we don’t want an upgrade — we want the cabin we selected. I’ve heard a few tales of people getting upgraded when they didn’t want to. Thanks and I hope you enjoy your cruise!
  9. Static (sold online) is the only polish that doesn’t chip for me and lasts at least a week. It’s expensive online (IMO) but I’ve found nice sample packs at TJMaxx at a very low price and buy them all up when I see them.
  10. Ahhh, thank you all for the reassurance about room service! We don't use it all that much, but do enjoy it occasionally!
  11. We’ve been very loyal to Princess, but haven’t cruised in quite a few years. We booked a cruise for next spring. Is room service really not complementary anymore?
  12. I will second the trash bags. We hang one in the closet for dirty clothes, which makes it easy to carry clothes to the ship’s laundry. And they always seem to come in handy for unforeseen reasons! (same with a few ziplock baggies in various sizes)
  13. Yes thank you! I am in the process of actually selecting a cabin and most of the “choices” are green, showing they are an option. But occasionally one will be black and is still an option. But I think from your info maybe that refers back to colors in the deck plans.
  14. Ahhh….. maybe this cruise is about sold out so I only see 2 colors? I’m looking at Enchanted 7-day France/Italy in May or June. Is there a key code somewhere to know what they mean? Thank you!!
  15. I am trying to select a cabin on the Princess website. Most available cabins are color-coded green, but some are black and still seem available. Can anyone help me decipher the difference? Thank you so much!
  16. I thought their policy was to allow each passenger to bring aboard one bottle of wine. We have done that several times with no question asked.
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