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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Good morning to all. Sunny here and high will get into the mid-60's. The river is rising but as our temps are staying down the melt in the high country is slow.... thankfully. I am well away but some of the valley homes could get flooded if it melts too fast. The birds must have known they were celebrating "their day" as the dawn chorus outside my window was very loud this morning. Sounded very cheerful. @kazuglad your doctor visit went well and that Ivan seems to be settling in. That he has bonded with your neighbor is a real plus. Much less disruption for him when you travel again. My dogs are off to the groomer this morning. Bandit suddenly has fuzzed up and he is hard to groom. Monty will go along for a pedicure and for the experience of being there since that is where they will stay if I go ahead with the GA cruise in January. They love everyone out there and are always are happy to go in. Later this month they will be there for 4 nights while I go to the dog show in Farmington to help out. It is much easier for me to deal with show issues and judges if I do not have to worry about my own dogs. Later this summer they and I will go on an overnight somewhere to see how they do with motel rooms. Should be interesting. Otherwise little from here. Am preparing for the annual meeting on Saturday. Talked with the auditor and have information for a financial report since our Treasurer will not be there and I am anticipating a few questions. I am amazed that the roofing, new kennels, etc. actually came in under my estimated budget. Don't know how that happened. Take care all. Susan
  2. No. For Antarctica you will find yourself on deck listening to an amazing silence. I moved around the ship. Susan
  3. Looks like lots of good news today. Happy for all of you. Susan
  4. Glad you are out and in what looks to be a very comfortable setting. Susan
  5. Wow.. speak of last minute. Hope you can get a bit of rest today. We are a bit cooler in Durango and watching the river carefully. The city did have sandbags available ... am not sure they still do. I know many people along the river stocked up a few weeks ago. Our ski area is still open on weekends which shows how deep the snow pack is just above town. Susan
  6. Good morning from sunny (and soon to be windy) Durango. Looks like it is going to be nice day weather wise except for the winds. Will have to keep the windows shut to keep Utah from blowing through..... or maybe it is Arizona. Glad to celebrate my siblings and some of my step-siblings. I keep in close touch with my sister and two of my step-sisters. My 1/2 brother is gone and I miss him. We were very alike in interests despite the fact I was 12 years older. The last years before he passed we spent a good deal of time together. Time marches on. His son and his wife are expecting a baby any day now so the family continues to grow although rather slowly. @kazuI am glad to see Ivan with you and hope he works out. He looks to be a real sweetie and a dog can be such a comfort. And, when you are walking around the house muttering about things it is nice to know you are talking to the dog, not to yourself. Makes me feel better anyway. Sorry to hear about Gordon Lightfoot...I still enjoy his music. Have several old LPs and some CDs. Best wishes to all.... take care. Hope to hear that Tana is improving. Susan
  7. Sorry to hear this. Hope things improve and my best wishes to you all. Susan
  8. Good morning. I "rabbited" this morning early when the dogs and I got up. They think I am crazy. I should be saying "breakfast". Trying to catch up with what I should have done yesterday. I forgot I was scheduled to work a booth for the shelter at the local Home and Ranch show.... remembered about 5 minutes before I was due to work and managed to get there only 10 minutes late. The person who was supposed to relieve me evidently forgot also and so I was there nearly all afternoon. It was windy, the pollen was thick and my allergies are driving me crazy. Hopefully all will settle with my nose and eyes this afternoon when the meds kick in. Today the winds will kick up in the afternoon... right now it is still, temp about 50. I am going to take the dogs for a long (for their little legs) walk and hope to stay in the rest of the day. Sending hugs to all that need them. @kazuthinking of you today and @St Pete Cruiserglad you are feeling better. Spider bites are so scary. Take care all. Susan
  9. Good morning. Late this morning, but no reason except I am just very slow today for some reason. Love all the pictures from Norway. I saw so little of it that I need to go back. And thanks for the Benchley quote. I remember Mom reading his books and articles to me and my Sister when I was young (and he was still alive) and the three of us laughing so hard we were crying. Those reading are probably responsible for my weird sense of humor. Hope everyone is well or on the way to healing today. @JazzyVI have taken a fall doing the same thing. I always have to remind myself to watch my feet around steps, entrances and in general. Glad you were not seriously hurt although banged up knees can give you problems walking for awhile. Susan
  10. As one who comes from a long line of pack rats I know how hard it is to get rid of things. One reason why it is going to take me a loooonnnnngggg time to downsize. Have been working on it for over year and have hardly made a dent. I will do it, will do it, will do it.... it is just going to take awhile. Susan
  11. Sorry you are so sick and I hope it is not what I had. I tested, retested, and retested again and it was not Covid but it was made me pretty sick. Listen to your body and take it easy. Susan
  12. Good afternoon everyone. Errands this morning so I am just now settling in to deal with my emails and anything else that is calling for my attention. @marshhawkI am sorry about Irving, but I always remind myself that when they are ready to go we need to let go. They are not living for any event in the future and if we can spare them pain and discomfort it is kindness to do so. Kirkwall is one of my favorite places. I used to take my students to Orkney to see the archaeological sites there and several of them wound up going back.... one, I believe is still there since she got work with one of the survey groups. And I see the WC is in another of my favorite towns.... Portree. I could hang out in either the Orkneys or the Hebrides for a long time. Shetland gets a bit too cold even for me. @St Louis CruiserOuch to that spider bite. Hope you are well on the way to recovery. Need to walk the dogs. Sun is shinning, wind is blowing and the temps are warmish, but I still need a jacket. Susan
  13. That was my first thought. Those meals sure looked good. Susan
  14. My terriers also..... to them it would be hairless mouse. I think it would terrorize my little chihuahua. Susan
  15. Good morning. Chilly here but will warm up into the 50's. Our sprinkler system was turned on yesterday and I need to check the timer. We are still going below freezing at night and I don't want to ice the lawn. Will turn it on and off by hand the next few weeks as needed during the early evening. Had that last BOD meeting last night and it set an all time record for being quick. I went over some things that are pending and the remaining members sort of had that deer in the headlights look. May 6 in the annual meeting which I will chair and then hopefully I will not be needed for anything. I will be going out of town for about week not long after that. Otherwise not much on my agenda. I am waffling back on forth on the Grand Australia cruise and will have to make up my mind by the end of May. What I would really love to do is the pole to pole in 2025 which revisits many places I really like.... but it is just too long. I need that crystal ball!!!!! Susan
  16. Good morning. Sunny here this morning but we had a pretty hard freeze last night. Spring is slow getting going. @kazuand @bennybearhope everything goes smoothly today and healing comes quickly. @dfishHappy Birthday. And good wishes and good health to everyone else. As we get older we do seem to find and feel many more aches and pains and feel our illnesses and injuries more. Will have to pass on today's food. Tofu is not kind to me. I spend much time at the grocery inspecting dressings, etc. for any type of soy product. Discovered this food sensitivity while on a long trip in China. Can take it in small doses... and wouldn't you know... Chinese is a favorite food. Today will be spent on getting ready for a BOD meeting tonight... hopefully my last regular meeting. There is not much on the agenda for my fellow board members to argue about. Then the annual meeting to go. Our new ED has sent us a report of activity for the last month. She is doing a great job, but I am concerned about a couple of things and will simply ask a few questions and leave the discussion of the resolutions to the continuing Board members. Off to dog walk and clean up the kitchen. Susan
  17. Sorry about Irving, but it sounds like it is the best for Irving. Love him up between now and then. It is a hard decision, but it is also our last act of love to our fur loves. And to have your hours cut .... well, that does make it a bad day. Hope things look up a bit tomorrow and that your vacation will give you a much needed breather. Susan
  18. Good morning from showery Durango. I don't expect much moisture, but all will be welcome as we head into Spring. Dogs and I got our walk in between the raindrops. Since today is inside work day it can shower away. @marshhawkit is so hard to deal with aging pets and especially if you are going to be away. I know you will make the best decision for Irving. I like eggplant so would probably like the lasagna and especially if someone would fix it for me. I get very tired of my own cooking such as it is. And the drink sounds refreshing for a hot day. This evening's meal will be leftovers from the past couple of days with a salad. Not terribly exciting. Take care all. Susan
  19. I am also looking longingly at the pole to pole. Have done parts of it years ago. And my age is also counting against me. But I would love to go back to some of those places and there are new ones. Decisions, decisions..... and I need a crystal ball. Susan
  20. Good morning!!! Sun to day and high will be in low 60's. Pretty comfortable. The Spring flowers are really bursting forth. Unfortunately none close to my condo since the deer do a number on them. I am waiting on the lilacs. Yesterday was errand day and I spent most of the day at the shelter. @kazuYou are wise to take your time with Ivan and being sure it is a good fit. I remember Shadow and the difficulties there. It is too bad that some rescues do not realize that all rescues are not going to be successful and that you have to consider both the person and dog as things move forward. There was one dog we placed 4 times over 5 months before it took. Our new ED was saying yesterday that she has not cried in years the way she has since she took the job at the shelter. Sometimes grief and frustration, sometimes joy and yesterday was one of latter type days. We had a family come in with their little boy and adopt a puppy. They paid the adoption fee but also donated a fairly substantial amount of goods which they had selected from our wish list. In addition they also gave a large cash donation. The little boy explained to our ED that he had been adopted which is why he paying it forward to the animals. Dad explained that he (the boy) had raised most of the donation money himself cutting grass last summer and doing other odd jobs. Dad had matched a small portion. We all felt a bit weepy as boy, puppy and family left together. Off to get another load ready for the thrift store tomorrow and also talk to some friends to see if they want to go out for breakfast this week. Also have a BOD meeting at the shelter Wednesday night. My last regular meeting!!!! Only the annual to go after that. Take care all. Susan
  21. Me too.... would probably have to rob a bank but then I could hide out on the ship. Susan
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