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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. Thanks. I am sure we can agree that we all also get a lot of support from our friends here. It's great to have friends with great hearts!
  2. I'm glad the MRI's are over for you. I think they are a challenge for most people. My last MRI's were supposed to be split into 2 days. I ended up having them all done in one day! 4 hours! The noise inside made me think I was at a bad rock concert. They rigged up an oxygen mask for me to wear inside. I hope all works out for your knee. Don't give up on cruising. If you're not fully recovered by the October maybe a scooter will help.
  3. Even people I've never met. A friend was sharing with a co-worker what we are experiencing. Her co-worker, who I have not met, bought me a gift and sent me a sweet card.
  4. Thanks. We have so many that wants to help in some way. Since learning what we are going through we have had so many reach out in so many ways. We have received at least 2 meals a week. After that feast Saturday we were given poppy seed chicken Sunday afternoon. Several has brought desserts, milkshakes, icecream etc. We have had men over working on the house We had a ramp sent to us, we are having our master bathroom remodeled so we have a walk in bathroom and some guys are going to demo it before the tile company works on it. So much love pouring in. So thankful.
  5. The girls wanted to treat me so yesterday they took us to a Mexican restaurant. I had a shimp fajita salad. Not sure what but a couple other meals ordered.
  6. We had a great weekend. All 3 daughters and their families gathered at the house this weekend. 2 couples from church wanted to prepare a meal for our family. It turned out to be a feast! There was 15 of us and we might of ate a 1/3 of the feast. Lots of leftovers. A smoked Boston Butt that turned out sooo tender. We turned it into pulled pork. Three racks of ribs! Delicious! Two large banquet size sides of mixed vegetables and baked been. Strawberry Cobbler and brownies with icing. It was really good.
  7. I know it's summer when I get up, look at the outside temperature, see 65⁰ and think..... wow, chilly out this morning!
  8. Our favorite traveling nurse posted some great helpful info in another thread. Scooters fit in balcony doors. I didn't know that. Our TA has been finding us Accessible rooms but when we booked Icon there were none available. It was a real challenge getting in and out of the room last month. So with that info Sharon googled Scooter rentals and found this one. What do you think?
  9. I just ate my last cloves of garlic from last year's harvest! 🫣😳 I love garlic. No need to worry. I have already harvested 8 small to medium heads of garlic.
  10. We have done it. We had a solo cruiser with us in a different cabin. He used our 2 vouchers and another couple's 2 vouchers. The way he timed out the 24 hour vouchers helped him to be satisfied with it for the 7 day cruise.
  11. The CES show has always been something I wanted to do. I would read a recap of each day's show to see what was new in the electronic world. How did you like being there.
  12. The pepper plants are doing great. Last year I didn't pick any Jimmy Nardello peppers until mid July. There are several that are good sized and I am just waiting for them to turn red. The Bell peppers are starting to show too.
  13. I was checking out a 5 night for October. $237 pp plus grats. Nope. So far I haven't paid that much for 7 nights. I added up 2 chops plus 1 and n dinner and it was $209, 5 dinners and no lunch. Actually I could add a Giovanni’s lunch for $20 and still save. It looks like we are done with the UDP for awhile. We will probably do the Chops + Giovanni’s and Izumi . 3 dinners.
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