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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. Thanks Sue. I planted all sorts of stuff. Some that didn't do good was broccoli and Brussel sprouts. I think it's just to hot here. The Kohlrabi did OK, it taste good. Slow start has been my beans, zucchini and cucumbers but are now taking off, I direct sowed. Potatoes are now showing up. I don't mean to cause tears but I lost 6 bulbs of garlic, only 170 survived. My peppers are exploding. I am trying to be patient for them to turn their proper color. I have Jimmy Nardello, Orange Bell Pepper and Jalapeños. I have a few Watermelon doing good growing vertical. All the tomatoes and it looks like in about a week the Cherry tomatoes will blow up. I have been making pizza sauce with the tomatoes. When I make it I use a chamber vacuum to seal enough for a pizza. I so far have enough for 21 pizzas! Thanks for the prayers Sue. BTW, my brother lives not to far from you. He sent this picture of how his onions are doing.
  2. Today I harvested 44 tomatoes. That makes 145 so far this year! Last year at this time I had harvested 28. Looks like in another week the cherry tomatoes will be ready to pick.
  3. Thanks for posting. I hate that such young ones have to go through ALS. Well as Sharon said, anyone, but hard to imagine a 30 year old dealing with it. It was really hard to watch this but I am glad I did. Good to see others hanging in there and staying strong. Emotionally I'm not sure I would of been able to express myself as good as they did.
  4. I am one who does not like cold. We cruised Alaska May of 2022 and loved the balcony. One plus is that I could connect to 5g with my phone while at ports and at least an hour after leaving. It helped with internet. We have a balcony booked for Alaska again for next June.
  5. The tomatoes are coming out a lot right now. For some reason my cucumbers and zucchini are slow this year. I had a lady that harvested a bunch last week bring us a bag full.
  6. Caden heard that there has been a lot of airline cancelations and delays so he has set out to find us an alternative was to get to a cruise ship! He saw one at the lower left of the pic.
  7. Good morning! I am waking up to 74⁰F but it's forcast to hit 97⁰F with a heat index of 104⁰F. Tomorrow and Friday the highs 104⁰F each day with a heat index of 113⁰F. Now that's hot even for here.
  8. That looks really good! Our family loves Curry. It was a regular for Sharon's family when they lived in Fiji. Hope you had a great Anniversary! Looks like you did!
  9. You made a wise choice. Earlier this year Sharon and daughters decided I would need one for Disney. They didn't really discuss it much with me, Sharon just ordered it. It made a huge difference.
  10. Sounds like you have been blessed with a great care team! That can be a big plus. I hope all goes well for you. It's great your next cruise is with friends from here. It will make a big difference. I have loved meeting the ones I have already. It's amazing.
  11. Speaking of too high, I thought I would check Icon in January. They are not showing the key yet but for the UDP they want $356.99! Almost $51 per day!
  12. Our October Voyager is showing $50.11 for the key.... That's Cad $. US converts to $38. Which is to high for me.
  13. Would you do the key again? Were they grilled? I didn't realize how good grilled lamb chops where until I tried them in the Samba Grill on Allure. Those are my 2 favorites in Izumi. We love going here. So relaxing. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to the pics!
  14. I did not attend the Fair but learned to enjoy a ride from it. At Disney they have the Carousel of Progress which was at the 1964 World Fair. While at the Magic Kingdom, when it would get hot and I was tired I would suggest the ride. It's has nice air conditioning and I could get a nice the 20 minute nap!
  15. I have loved OLED. I remember the first time we were watching TV with all the lights out. There was a long black out screen while going to commercial. It was sooo noticeably darker in the room. How do you like the curve?
  16. Cool, would you get it again? Yes, I guess you could say I like garlic. 😉 I have cleaned so much in the basement the last few weeks that when you open the basement door you smell it. I hate my 1st garlic from this year yesterday along with my 1st tomato! I put them on an egg sandwich along with sharp cheddar cheese and bacon 🥓.
  17. It was forcast here in N. Ar 100⁰ for tomorrow buy it luckily dropped all the way down to just 97⁰. Heat index 112⁰. So I guess 🤷 the hottest is holding back. 😆
  18. It is common for people with ALS to eventually lose their voice. Our friend near us that also has ALS has already lost hers. With voice banking you record several phases and then the phases are used to generate a synthetic voice that will sound more like your on voice. My daughters really want this. We are currently working with a program through Acapela MOV. There is a lot to figure out but we are slowly getting there. We can use 300 phases limited to 80 characters. We still do not fully understand how it will work. Apple's next operating system upgrade is supposed to have a similar capability.
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