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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. Approaching Dayton Ohio and they have road construction. 😳 We were on an 8 mile stretch of a single lane. Good thing they had a caution sign warning that it was a single lane. I would hate for someone to get Confused. πŸ˜†
  2. That's what I was thinking. Book the whole ship! It's cash out is about 757 million so about 400 million after tax. Booking the whole ship would just put a dent in it . πŸ˜†
  3. Megamillions is up to 1.55 billion dollars! I think it at least ties the highest amount! Now that would take care of a nice cruise for us all!
  4. Our group is in 4 different vehicles and started at different times. 1st made it early and already at the Stadium, we are at Sharon's DB now. 3rd was not far behind us and is going straight to the Stadium. The 4th is 100 miles away and has been in stand still traffic due to an accident. I love coming here. Old memories. Will be going to Skyline soon!
  5. May of 2022 we had our Hawaii cruise canceled. We replaced it with Alaska. I was not sure I would like it because I don't like cold. After cruising Alaska I would say it was probably our favorite cruise. We are cruising Alaska again June 2024. Here is a live review I did during the 2022 Alaska cruise.
  6. 2nd photo 2 attempts. Crystal, I been meaning to ask, have you thought at all about cruising Bella 2. It would be great for us all to meet you and I know you would add not only to the fun on the ship but also on the live thread. Also, go give Nate a soft kiss, give it a second, then tell him it's from me! Then let us know the reaction. πŸ˜‚ Looks like your having fun!
  7. So what are you thinking should be there. With the bricks there it appears they are working on something . I am guessing you don't want the background blurred. Here is a couple of things AI produced.
  8. Really, y'all are going to Disney? πŸ˜† Hope you have a great time. Do you plan to go on Tron? It looks cool 😎. When we had annual passes we liked to cruise out of PC and spend a couple days at Disney.
  9. I was just thinking, after cruising Wonder (Bella 2) we will of cruised every Oasis class ship......... Except Oasis! πŸ˜† Have a great time!
  10. It was 2002 when we were there. The Royal Pacific Resort had just opened. Staying there gave us passes to go to the front of the line on each ride. We loved the park and hotel. A lot has changed since then. I bet y'all will love it. Have a great time.
  11. Helen might say she's a lightweight in alcohol but she out drank me! Ken @Ourusualbeach can verify! She can also out dance anyone!
  12. Another thing about the 70's, you didn't buy jeans with holes already in them, you wore them out until natural wholes appeared.
  13. I might of mentioned before that I am growing jalapeno peppers from last year's seeds. Out of the 8 plants one is cross-pollinated. It is producing peppers that are big and characteristics of a bell pepper. The first one I tried had very little heat. Today I was chopping up a lot of different vegetables to roast. I thought I would had one. After cutting it open I took a seed a put it on my tongue. Another one stuck on my finger dropped on my lower lip. HOT πŸ”₯. It felt like I had a severe burn. I recovered with a couple spoonfuls of cool whip! These pics don't show the true size but here ya go. I set regular jalapenos inside the sliced new one. Here is a comparison of the tops.
  14. Forgot about our posts. Looking back, I am so glad to see you decided not to spread the rumors about the butter.
  15. You can also share them..... What cruise are you on? πŸ€”
  16. We cruised last May from Hawaii and the year before in Alaska. I remember I was surprised that they were not not charging for everything this year. We had the regular fish and chips with no charge. I remember going to the Solarium for lunch. I am not seeing it on the app for the current cruise.
  17. I reckin it's bout time to gettin back to that there southern talk thang. Y'all for a small or large group. All Y'all when you want to expand the group you where referring to first.
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