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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. I have been enjoying the beauty of inside the buildings especially the ceilings. In one pic I saw a can of coke on the table. Did you or Nate have a coke? if so, how did it taste? I remember Disneyworld used to have a place at Epcot that you could sample coke from around the world. they all had their own taste. While passing through the marketplace did you try tasting anything?
  2. @BonTexasNY Hey Bonnie. Sorry to hear of your unexpected loss. An unexpected loss can hit us hard. I pray that you and her friends and family receive the comfort needed.
  3. I keep noticing on buildings, menus etc things a spelled in English. It reminded me of when I visited Cambodia. The younger generation spoke good English . Do you find that many that speak English in Istanbul?
  4. We used to book our own about 3 months to at the most 6 months out and not book refundable. Even booking that close we could find some good prices. We feel it is wise for us to book refundable now. Also having a good TA and liking to book new ships we have several booked spread out to the Bella 2 cruise. Even with the refundable deposit the TA prices are usually less than RC and you usually receive on board credit.
  5. I grew a new kind of cherry tomato this year and it is so good it will be the only type of cherry tomato I will grow next year. They are called Sunrise Bumblebee tomatoes. Talking about exploding with flavor. And popping them in the mouth is how I eat them. On occasion I have cut cherry tomatoes in half and topped pizza with them. I eat these so fast I don't have them to put on pizza.
  6. Thanks for taking the time to share! Alaska is a great place to cruise. I hope the internet works well. It is sometimes a challenge in Alaska. I found that while at ports the cell 5g was good. If I had trouble with the ship internet posting pics, I would sit out on the balcony after getting back on board and post with the 5g. It would usually even work about an hour after leaving port. With all that said, enjoy the adventure. If you need to, post pics when you get back home. Thanks again.
  7. Some can not view them because they are in .mov . If you converted them to .mp4 all should be able to see them. When I view this thread on my android phone I can't view them so I later come back and view them on my MacBook Pro.
  8. I usually get described as jokester. I like to keep a good vibe going. My SIL warned the PTs that I like to joke around. Example, at PT last week I tried this one. Knock Knock Whose there? HIPAA HIPAA who? At this point I looked around then whispered...... Sorry..... I can't tell you.
  9. Kenzie is turning 3 next month. She still has that same reaction when a younger child comes around. She runs to them and makes sure they are doing well. Finnley's walking is so much better now. Yesterday her cousins walked into the other room and she walked right behind. Last month she was lucky to take 3 or 4 steps on her own.
  10. I forgot to post a pic of a couple of cuties that joined us swimming Friday! With Finnley being in the 98 percentile for height, she might be taller then Kenzie next year!
  11. @Sea Dog Greg, glad you are OK. I understand not wanting to go to the ER. I have been there but it looks like it was a good choice. I hope you get it all under control before the next cruise. I would hate for you to go through this at sea.
  12. The picture doesn't do it justice. The guy did such a professional job. He installed soft touch drawers that close themselves when there is 2 inches to go. The top surface is 1x5 maple wood that he used biscuits to hold together then framed them. Here is a pic of the top.
  13. That is really nice! do they just let one party in at a time? The size of it is nice. That would of been to hard to turn down!
  14. Yes. I can't remember if others were with us but there was 5 of us. @brillohead, me and Sharon, and the couple that cruise with us. You might remember but the next week Debbi went again and came back with a couple drunk ladies that she helped make it back to the ship.
  15. I read that wrong at first. I thought, why do you want to move to an impatient area. 😆 That would make me sick.
  16. Some might remember pics I posted a couple years ago of a chest of drawers I built. After building it I decided to modify the plans and build a TV stand. While on the Hawaii cruise I mentioned to one of our friends that I started a TV stand and had never finished it. When we got back home he asked to finish it for us. Today he delivered it! So nice. He did a great job!
  17. When I saw @ReneeFLL post they were going through the locks it was several minutes after the post so I looked up the location of Jewel on cruisemapper dot com. I then saw that they were out to sea and tried to find a webcam. I used one from Ijmuiden. If Gangwaze is correct they will be at Sea tomorrow and at Inverness Scotland Friday.
  18. Wow, seeing all the travel pics and luxury I feel like I am following a couple of rock stars!
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