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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. So here are some pics. Kenzie asked mom to send me this pic today. Last week she wanted to sit with Gpa. And they enjoyed the Icon puzzle. Finnley was with us at the eye doctor today. Then she went home. where Millie was waiting And some more of her pets. Their cool cousin Lottie coming home from school. Then napping And her brother
  2. I haven't felt that good lately. Life is more challenging after losing more mobility and energy. But God's love being shown to us through so many has kept my spirit good! Thanks for asking.
  3. Yesterday when I went out I had to deal with 70⁰ weather and the sun beating down on me. Right now it's all the way down to 56⁰. At least I have today off. 😆
  4. @Sea Dog Hey Greg. Thankful all went well with your surgery today and your not in a lot of pain! I hope you have a speedy recovery.
  5. I take it you are joking. For the last hour I have been getting multiple notifications for the Live Icon thread for post made a week ago. I just got a couple more. 😆
  6. I just looked at this week and next week in the app for Icon. After getting it up I clicked Daily Planner and then Entertainment and it all popped up. Next week for Feb 17 cruise it shows on day1 Wizard Of Oz is at 8:30 pm.
  7. I noticed on the main page different threads will show replies but zero views. Example 12 replies, 0 views. How can you have replies but no views.
  8. No obligation here. If we stop using something we don't mind letting others take it to use. It's been awhile but I remember the last time we moved we had several help us. As we emptied the attic we would yell out, who wants this. No matter how much we give away things still seem to pile up! One thing that will help the kids is we finally got our wills done. Something we put off to long.
  9. @island lady Patricia, thanks for taking the time to start this thread and all the great pics you posted. Good job. Please tell Bucky I said hi. Looking forward to you picking it back up when you get back!
  10. I understand. We were considering downsizing a few years back. After awhile we both started remembering back of the other times we moved. At that point we decided to stay put. We didn't want to experience moving again!
  11. After the 1st show they let us out the doors pretty quickly. It was a packed show. The 2nd show they were not reopening the doors quickly and they redirected me to the elevator. I waited for one other person to go up. Not that long. I don't know if they opened the doors after I left them. It appeared to me that they want to use the doors for accessibility only.
  12. We went to the ice skating shows twice. The 1st time a crew member caught us as we exited the elevator and directed us to the rink by going down the running track. The second time a crew member directed us through play makers to the elevator. DW was able to join me in the elevator. Sharon sat with me both times in a handicap chair while I stayed in the wheelchair. I was surprised how accessible things were. Not everything was perfect but beat my expectations after watching videos beforehand. I had no problem at shows. The Oz show and at the Aquatheater I transferred to a chair. I used a chair lift to get into a hot tub. There was a chair lift to get down to the Hideaway but I never had the desire to go all the way down after hearing it was load. The only lift that didn't work was to the Flowrider. Friends helped me up those stairs. Also there was no way for me to do the slides. I forgot about the pod in the Aquadome so never checked it out.
  13. The Crown Edge was a sea day. One pic 10:30am other 11:00. Not much different at noon. 1st pic of band 1:07pm at sea if I remember correctly. 2nd pic 9:17am. At port. There are so many different places to hang out. Each having a different experience. I heard the Hideaway was noisy so I stayed away from it.
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