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Genghis Khan

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Everything posted by Genghis Khan

  1. Agreed with this Oamy...that would really frost my lilac bush!
  2. I never complain about anything within earshot of the crew or they'll spit in your food...or worse.
  3. Agree with this 100%, absolutely zero odor except for maybe a hint of a wisp of sunshine or perhaps butterflies in the air.
  4. I would like to be standing up in front of the oarsmen. Beating the drum and screaming at those lollygaggers to put their backs into it! Later on, at mess...we'd laugh and compare whip marks.
  5. When dropping off my carry on, I will acknowledge the room steward in Klingon (or what I imagine Klingon would sound like) in order to maintain plausible deniability if brought before a Captain's Mast later on.
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