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Everything posted by weacat

  1. So happy to see your post and I just caught up. Thanks for the few hours of diversion and love reading your tales and reviews. Enjoy your last couple of days.
  2. Our 10 year old loves it. It's her favorite cruise line. She's been on 9 cruises so far, 4 of which were X.
  3. OMG - I'm dying here.... 🤣🤣🤣
  4. Our 9 year old has been on 9 cruises and 3 have been on Celebrity. It is hands down her favorite cruise line. The kids club is very engaging and she loves going there and making new friends. We went on a Xmas cruise 2 years ago and they made it so fun for the kids! Santa came onboard via a lifeboat and danced around greeting all. He even sat in a chair and gave X themed gifts to all the children. For those saying they wouldn't put their children through an X cruise- might need to change their tune. CoCo Cay will be a port very soon.
  5. Looking forward to your review. We are a family of 3 and really want to do a cruise like this. No triple rooms. 😞
  6. So excited to read your travels once again. We have been debating cruising the MED next summer but the prices.... That bag is gorgeous. Just think - it's an inheritance present for Gen Z. 🙂
  7. Yes-my husband went on one on Apex this summer.
  8. Does Silversea allow 3 people in a cabin for the Galapagos cruises?
  9. The app is fairly easy to use. Download and add your credit card once in Copenhagen. The 2 zone fare does include the bus fare (and all other buses in the city) that gets you to the metro station (Orientkaj). It ends up being about $4 per person per ride or 75 minutes. Kids under age 12 are free with a paying adult. There is a great thread about Copenhagen in the Ports of Call board.
  10. Thank you so much for your review! I’ve enjoyed following along especially as we start to plan for a similar cruise next summer.
  11. Thank you much for taking the time out of your vacation to do this. I really appreciate it!
  12. I can’t seem to message you privately. The first name is “Harper”. Thank you again.
  13. Yea please. Email would be great. Thanks again!
  14. Thank you so much! I would need to contact them directly because of privacy issues I would guess. If you could quickly find out a direct contact number/email - I would really appreciate it.
  15. Hi everyone - hoping the hive will have some contact information for us. While onboard the Apex this last sailing, our daughter was evaluated by the medical office after she fell on a bike ride in Copenhagen. Thankfully nothing was broken and she came away with a sore arm. After the visit, we were charged but have no other documentation from that office. Since we have trip insurance, I would like to submit the claim but need additional documentation other than the final receipt. Does anyone have information on how to contact the medical office or a main phone number to start with? Thank you!
  16. We were on the July 19th Apex sailing that had an overnight in Copenhagen. The shuttle was $20 a day. We decided to use public transportation.
  17. We were just on Apex and there were shuttles for a fee at almost every port. Copenhagen was $20 a day (we were overnight there). The others ranged from $10 to $15.
  18. Sorry to read about your cruise to Japan. I'm sure that would be an amazing experience. We also looked at a Norwegian cruise for next summer but after the "cool" weather this past cruise, we want something warmer for next summer. We are thinking of a B2B so we can see both eastern and western Mediterranean. It will be an intense 14 days but we will be able to see a lot.
  19. Thanks for your review. We just got off Apex on the 31st. I can confirm they are following the 1 hour rule in the solarium and it was a pleasant surprise. The attendant saw that I was looking for a lounger one day and even found me as I was sitting at a table to led me to an empty lounger that they had just cleaned off.
  20. Thank you so much for your review. We just came back from our 12 night Baltic Cruise on Apex and your review from last year really helped us plan for this year - especially with DD age 9. We are about to book this same cruise you are reviewing for next year but it will be on the Ascent. So since we seem to be following you a year behind - what's planned for next year? 🙂
  21. So happy to hear you are home and on the mend! We leave for Amsterdam tomorrow and been voraciously reading your journal. I just looked and Cafe de Jaren is a 3 minute walk from our hotel - I'm so excited! We board Apex on Wednesday.
  22. Question about using Euros in the casino? Can you use Euros to buy chips for the card games in the casino when leaving out of Europe? We’ve only taken cruises departing the USA and have bought chips with USD. and as a follow up question. If you can use Euros, do you get the correct exchange for it?
  23. I'm here and following along. We are very interested for your journal with MSC YC and comparisons to X as we may consider it very soon. We leave in a week with our 9 yr DD for a cruise on Apex out of Rotterdam. Thankfully we traveled to London last summer to get her ready for an overnight Europe flight and it went very smoothly. The MSC cruises look so interesting and hoping to book something in the near future for next summer. Enjoy your cruise!
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