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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Nothing like a dinner with a view at sea even looking thru a salty glass window. Goodnight to all. Will we get our second green flash this cruise?
  2. Good afternoon from the North Atlantic. Tomorrow we’ll be passing through the Gibraltar Straits. Captains noon hour report stated that we have now sailed 34,800 miles and our present sea conditions are running around 10-12’ waves and temperature around 68F. We really enjoyed our visit in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria yesterday. After viewing the huge caldera from the volcano that took place 2,000 years ago we visited a small mom and pop winery. They produce around 5,000 bottles a year but also produce olives, oranges, bananas, mangos and coffee. All in a beautiful flowered botanical setting. We tasted some very good wines along with freshly wood oven baked bread, homemade marmalade, red pepper sauce cheese and olives. Just a very special and momentous event. Rocking along on our first of three sea days. Thanks for the reports and post. Bruce
  3. A beautiful day in Gran Canaria. Went to this small but beautiful winery after visiting the 2,000 year old caldera from the great volcano. Great wine. Now it’s time for tonight’s entertainment and the ship is letting us know we are on a churning Atlantic. Las Palmas was a beautiful clean city and it was nice to set foot on Terra firma. Three sea days before Tunisia. . .
  4. Great hearing from you. It was great seeing land again today here Las Palmas. Will enjoy our short stay as we have three more sea days before our next port in Tunisia. Onward and crew have exceeded all of our expectations. We’ll be booking the 2027 Azamara World Voyage if our good health continues. Thanks to all for kind comments. Still have some great ports to see before Barcelona.
  5. Ahoy Land! Las Palmas. After eight sea days it is nice to see land. We’ll be having some lunch and then we will go wine tasting. Return to ship for sail away, dinner and it’s the lady singers putting on tonight’s show. A new production show team is joining the ship today. Then it’s three more days at sea before our next port in Tunisia. Thanks for the report and post. Bruce
  6. I agree pizza is not their specialty and needs improvement. However, this one day they really had a better product.
  7. With the getting better back stiffness I’m experiencing I could not resist sharing. Middle age I wished.
  8. Couldn’t log on to CC all day until tonight even though we had good internet all day. Last night was a special set dinner followed by a really special evening of performances with Amanda, Eric and Tony. Probably never to be done again but it was a very special evening. This afternoon we had a crew talent show in Cabaret and the six performers were really gifted with talent. It was well attended by guest and crew in support. Our lengthy haul of sea days ends tomorrow with a visit to Las Palmas in the Canary Islands. It will be nice to see land and enjoy a private wine excursion. The World Voyage is winding down and the realization that this great adventure on the Onward will be ending soon in Barcelona or Southampton is sadly becoming a reality. Yes, we could easily do another 156 days. It’s been wonderful.
  9. Good afternoon! For the first time today I have been able log to onto Cruise Critic. Has anyone else had problems. All I could get was an index listing and when I clicked sign in nothing happened! One time it showed I was in UK version. Tomorrow we visit Las Palmas, Canary Islands. We are going on a private wine tasting. It will be nice to see land. Time for cocktails with friends followed by dinner. Seeing this is my first time today I’ll try and check up later. Thanks. Bruce
  10. Another sea day. The wind has picked up and the Atlantic is responding with 2-3 meter swells. It is also cooler today and that is bringing our planned dinner under the stars inside for tonight. Moving rather slow last two days as I’m having some lower back pain and strain. It happens now and then and time will heal. Tomorrow is the last sea day on this long stretch and I’m ready for some terra firma and new sights. Thanks for the reports and post. Bruce
  11. Approx. 160. So many new things have been done that would not be possible with a full complement of guest.
  12. Thanks for today’s edition of the Daily. Just another sea day here. Just attended a lecture on getting the most out of mobile device. Carl has shown us many great tips to get the most from our devices. Time for lunch at the Patio and live music. Eat, drink, read, sleep and be waited on and be entertained is what we do. Have a great day. Bruce
  13. Make your own pizza option luncheon is a hit and is under review as a possible frequent event. They made fresh dough and crust last night. My pizza was very good and other’s are giving thumbs up reviews.
  14. Thanks for the report. One can tell we are getting further North as it was pretty much still dark at 7:45 this morning. We’ll probably see a difference tomorrow as we set our clocks back an hour tonight. The make your own pizza lunch special has been popular today. Under review if it may become a regular event. Enjoyed ours and received positive feedback from others. The North Atlantic started the day off with glassy seas and a late sunrise. Our NASA lecturer about the sun and solar system was interesting and proved once again I know nada on our galaxy’s and how they work. Another great guest entertainer tonight and in the meantime it’s back to a good book. Have a great day everyone. Bruce
  15. Last night Roy rocked the ship with his Oldie Rock and Roll show. He is so talented and I hope he gets to be a CD some day. His last performance as his contract ends at next port. Today at lunch a new first. Make your own pizza. They will be slightly smaller so they can cook more than four at a time. Guest entertainer Andre Cruz entertains tonight. Another super talented entertainer who plays guitar, piano and has a great voice. Sure glad we elected to stay onboard for the detour. Onward crossed into the Northern Hemisphere yesterday which is the fourth time we have crossed the equator this cruise. Starting the day the mighty Atlantic is smooth and glassy.
  16. Good day everyone. We are now back in the Northern Hemisphere after crossing the equator for the fourth time this cruise. A beautiful day with temperatures in the 70’s. Our anniversary dinner went well followed by Amanda doing an ABBA tribute performance. She is such a talent. We really appreciated all your kind well wishes on our special day. Thank you. Went to a culture Namibian customs lecture followed by a lecture on the I Cloud. Storage on your phone getting close to being full? Erasing old text messages can get you as much as 5gb back. We had a lite lunch and more reading. Ready for a nap. Enjoy your upcoming weekend and thanks for the reports and post. Bruce
  17. Last night’s progressive dinner was over the top. What an evening. Started out with cocktails, canapés and music in the Den. We then moved to the highly decorated Cabaret Lounge for appetizer and more entertainment. We then were taken to the Galley for more appetizers . Then out to aft Sunset Verandha for soup and salad. Then off to specialty restaurant for a Beef Wellington dinner. Then to Living Room (C. Nest) for a Chocolate Extravaganza and dancing. Unbelievable all the work that went into this historic event that most likely will never be repeated. Upon returning to our cabin our ceiling was decorated with globe balloons. Thank you for the kind Anniversary wishes. It truly has been a wonderful and precious 32 years together.❤️ Tonight the Chef is preparing a special dinner for us in Aqualina? Thank for the reports and post. Bruce & Sue
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