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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Thanks. Onboard, on time and bags are also on board. Just a long day!
  2. It’s 3:30 AM and we are bag dragging to airport! Have a great day!
  3. Maybe some good news about pre cruise Covid testing in EU beginning August 1, 2022. https://loyaltylobby.com/2022/07/07/norwegian-cruise-lines-holland-america-just-dropped-pre-cruise-covid-testing-requirement-from-august-1-2022/
  4. Here is maybe the news we have been waiting for some of us; not maybe all. https://loyaltylobby.com/2022/07/07/norwegian-cruise-lines-holland-america-just-dropped-pre-cruise-covid-testing-requirement-from-august-1-2022/
  5. Made it to Sea/Tac and the airport Marriott. Definitely the most beautiful day of our trip. Enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way. Stopped for lunch at a local Fish and Chip and enjoyed some superb fried oysters at the Oyster Capitol Of The World. Such a beautiful day and Mount Ranier was showing her beauty along the way. Early flight home and Wednesday we start packing for Scotland and Norway. Oregon and Washington State are beautiful.
  6. We spent the evening in the small quaint town of Manzanita, Oregon. Walked around town, enjoyed a wine tasting, had an early dinner and off to bed. Headed for breakfast then will hit the road to Seattle. We have a couple of scenic stops along the way. It will in turn be an early evening as tomorrow will be a very early arrival at the airport for an early flight home. Thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily contributions.
  7. Good morning. Getting packed up and will say goodbye to son and family until Thanksgiving. We are in no big hurry as our lodging for tonight is not available until 4 PM and just a short drive up the coast. It has been a great week enjoying family in this beautiful state. We are already planning another trip here next year. Thanks for the Daily Fleet report and Daily contributors.
  8. Thanks for sharing your cruise. We will be boarding MS Rotterdam in August for two weeks of cruising Best Of Norway.
  9. Good morning. It’s our last day at the beach house. Tomorrow we will enjoy a leisurely drive up the coast. Spend a night along the way and another in Seattle before flying home Tuesday. Today is looking to be a great beach day and we have reservations at a local Thai restaurant. This was my first time visiting Oregon and I’m very thankful I finally got to see some of it’s beauty. Thanks for The Fleet report and Care/Celebration list.
  10. I recently saw a interview with The President of Azamara and she stated Amazing Evenings would be back and running by November. The venues have to be booked far in advance along with entertainment. I believe I saw the interview on You Tube.
  11. Good morning! We enjoyed our whale watching tour yesterday with a PhD Marine Biologist who has been studying these particular whales for years. They all had names and history. We also visited Foul Weather Lookout which was named by Captain Cook in 1788. The Devils Bowl was a dramatic sight as it was formed by lava over 15 million years ago. We returned home to a steak dinner, some great wine and a beautiful sunset. Today’s hiking day a two of us grandpa’s are staying home to take care of granddaughter which should be an adventure. Thanks for the Fleet Report. Have a great day.
  12. Good morning. Not much time as we are getting ready to go whale watching. Yesterday we visited Cape Lookout and Cape Meares Lighthouse. Several beaches with their beautiful rock formations. We also went to Tillamook Creamery where they produce 85,000 lbs. of cheese per day and they also make great ice cream. For dinner last night we cooked a bushel of raw oysters. They were great and the oysters were huge. Thanks for the report. Prayers for Buddy and family and all in need.
  13. Good morning everyone! It’s 58 degrees, overcast and light fog. Seems like all the days start off like this. Today we are going to go experience some local sights. One being Tilamook Creamery, local lighthouse and a roadside picnic lunch. Yesterday was pretty much of watching the surf, reading and later a shrimp Alfredo delicious dinner. Prayers for all who have relatives and friends with illness. Have a great day
  14. Good morning/ afternoon. Trust you all had a memorable holiday. Can’t remember the last time I slept till 10:30 but I did just that. Must be the sound of the breaking surf. We had quite a array of fireworks up and down the beach and as you will see a prettier sunset last night! Thanks for the Fleet Report. Have a great week.
  15. Good morning. We had a beautiful drive down the coast from Seattle, lunch in Astoria overlooking the Columbia River. Arrived at the beautiful beach rental and just enjoyed the views, a whale spouting and a delicious Seafood boil of shrimp, Dungeness crab, potatoes, corn on the cob and Portuguese Sausage. Today is walks on beach day, traditional hamburger and hot dogs on the grill with chilled watermelon. No matter how you celebrate this special holiday may it be shared with loved ones and great friends. Pictures are our views from the beach house. Sunset was hindered by some offshore clouds but the folks enjoying their beach fires, and of course there were some pretty dynamic individual fireworks. I wish I could do a live scratch and smell as the scent of the Pacific Ocean is intoxicating.
  16. Good morning from Seattle. It was early to bed after a light appetizer in Marriott’s Airport restaurant. Awaiting Concierge room to open for breakfast then back to airport to pick up our rental car. It will be a leisurely drive down the coast as the beach house is not ready until 5 PM. I look in the mirror and say who the hell is that! Then a prayer of thanks that my image is still reflecting back. I love fried rice and that is probably why the guy in the mirror looks different. Rich thanks for the Fleet Report and may all you continue to enjoy your Canada Day and Fourth of July weekend holidays!
  17. Terri, We now fly to West Coast spend a day then fly rest of the way to Hawaii. Many options such as SF, Oakland, Seattle, Las Vegas and others. It breaks up the long flight and enables one to see and enjoy some great places along the way. We had a veteran Flight Attendant today who was fantastic and has over 17 million miles flying! Amazing!
  18. We and luggage arrived safely and on time in our cross country flight on Delta today. Mount Rainier was welcoming and beautiful on our final approach to Seattle. Even saw some cruise ships.
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