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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Here are some pics of our visit to Royal Yacht Brittania today. Single bed is Queen’s bedroom, double is the honeymoon suite, pictures of sun room, Queen’s study, dining, drawing room and it’s piano, bridge and engine room. Royal Marine quarters. Along with the Royal Rolls Royce. One of these days I’ll learn to space photos on I Pad so I can comment on each.
  2. Good afternoon from Edinburgh. We had a long day using yesterday’s hop on hop off bus still valid ticket getting to the Royal Yacht Britannia. It was a very good museum plus ship tour. Took some pictures on my defunct I phone but it’s recharging right now. So the phone is now just a camera because if you try and use it off airplane mode you can almost watch the battery level dropping. Maybe our guide tomorrow will know a place that I could get a quick battery change. Our Rotterdam cruise will now be sailing out of Rotterdam so we quickly signed up and got a Hal transfer from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam. Cruising seems to be or is such a hassle these days! Jacqui your new furry child is such a beautiful dog. She’s one lucky canine and hopefully she will quickly realize that but it usually doesn’t happen overnight. Today is our last day in Edinburgh and I’m ready to get out of the hustle and bustle of the large city and start seeing natural beauty. I believe we are staying in Oban tomorrow night which means a visit to Oban distillery. Thanks for the Fleet Report. @dfishDebbie sounds like your enjoying your cruise and hopefully Covid is behaving. Bruce
  3. We signed up for Hal transfer after receiving port change information. $39.00 is much better than the average 160 Euro cost of a cab. Train is cheapest but the bag drag would be a hassle. Some days you wonder whether all this is worth it.
  4. It has been a beautiful morning here in Edinburgh. I have definitely been listening to bagpipes and tried a dram or two of Laphroig. This morning we rode around on the Hop On bus and then visited beautiful Giles Cathedral and it’s beautiful stained glass windows and architecture. Of all times the battery on my phone is failing so with all modes shut down it has become just a camera! Here are some pictures from the bus and a couple of insides shots of Saint Giles. Have a great day. Off to more exploring.
  5. The Kurdish dinner was fantastic. Minced lamb kebab, pomegranate rice, array of stewed vegetables, naan and hummus and the saffron and cardamom ice cream was to die for. Tomorrow it’s a late start, then every major city’s favorite the famous Hop On Hop Off Bus! With the time difference it takes an effort to keep up with the Daily. Thanks for the reports. Time for quiet reading time and soon to bed. Being a tourist is tiring!😎 Bruce
  6. Busy day. Visited Sir Walter’s Scott favorite view followed a few miles later with a walk in the woods to Sir William Wallace Memorial. Then Melrose Abby where Robert The Bruce’s heart is buried. Then Rosslynn Chapel. Now eating at Kurdish restaurant.
  7. Good morning to all of you and good afternoon to me. The gals went on the Hadrian Wall tour and I stayed home slept in when a tummy issue convinced me not to chance going on a ten hour excursion. Not sure why but I have difficulty posting pictures here on CC but not other sites. Like I stated last night our aggressive day of sightseeing took it’s toll on us yesterday and after dinner at The Steak and Mussels we returned to our hotel and literally crashed. Other then today’s hiccup to the itinerary we have had a great time. Edinburgh is now one of the most visited cities in the world and the crowds reflect that. We couldn’t help wondering how many folks with Covid have come near us. Here are some pics of Edinburgh Castle along with a pic of the National dish Haggis. Thanks for the report and May all of you Lads and Lassies have a great day.
  8. The sun came out for a spell today just when we visited the Edinburgh Castle. It was raining again when we went to dinner. Hadrians Wall tomorrow but for now it’s early to bed. We overdid ourselves a bit today!😁 Pictures do not want to download!😡
  9. No we leave on our grand private tour x 14 days of outer Hebrides but we did enjoy the Tattoo live on a recent trip. A great experience.
  10. So far 15,000 steps and the old feet are aching. Hollywood Castle, have walked the Royal Mile both ways + and now at Edinburg Castle! Still more to go. Tomorrow will be riding to Hadrian’s Wall. Great time.
  11. We have been on the go since awakening this morning. First was a hearty Scottish breakfast. After that we had reservations to visit the Whisky Experience which is on the Royal Mile near the entrance to Edinburgh Castle. Glutton for punishment we then went on a long guided walking and food tour which was very nice which we definitely exceeded our max daily steps. Yesterday, after our late arrival we did some more walking around followed by a nice nice shared dinner amongst the three of us of fish and chips, Wellington Haggis, Skink Chowder, grilled prawns and fresh sea scallops. We we’re able to hold out til 8:00 PM before going to bed in a coma state! Tomorrow is Holyrood Castle, Secrets Of the Royal Mile and tour of Edinburgh Castle. Phew! Our hotel is directly under Edinburgh Castle. Due to our schedule and time zones I have yet to read the Daily but thankful it’s there. Have a great weekend.
  12. OP you have stated on many post that you have opted not to cruise due to age and underlying conditions. That must be a hard and sad decision to make but why keep bringing up these questions. This week Azamara announced no pre testing required and I expect other lines will follow. There is already three week test run on Rotterdam on not pretesting. There are many of us who are of age with underlying conditions and have had Covid and experienced minor cold like symptoms after being fully vaccinated and boosted. As evidenced by our President this week most likely all of us will eventually have a case of Covid and hopefully have minor symptoms. I’m in Edinburgh, Scotland this week and folks wearing mask is rare. Flying over few mask being worn and from recent travels that seems to be the norm.We wore mask in airport, while boarding flight and finally trusted the planes air circulation once airborne. In our case we would rather spend our last traveling years traveling than sitting at home wishing and dreaming. Sorry you have chosen under your circumstances not to cruise. With all your cruising history you have many wonderful memories.
  13. Made it to JFK. Bags arrived and already on board. Plane is on time. Edinburgh here we come.😁
  14. Made it to Atlanta with a slight delay due to rain. Next flight to JFK also running a tad late but plenty of time between flights. We are not in charge! Thanks for all the kind wishes for safe travels. So sitting around Delta Sky Lounge people watching and surfing the net. Have a great day and those walleyes are going to be yummy! Bruce & Sue
  15. Good morning! Up and busy this morning. Final preps prior to airport. I’m sure the airline will be offering a variety of junk food on our flights today. We had a nice dinner out with neighbors then came home and early to bed. Maybe more while in airports but for now it’s get ready time! Thanks for the Fleet Report and Care List. Yes we are excited and pumped up!😎
  16. Good morning. Decided to sleep in this morning as tomorrow will be a long couple of days of travel. We will fly to JFK tomorrow morning and fly overnight direct to Edinburgh.Will be in Scotland until August 13 and then fly to Amsterdam and board MS Rotterdam from August 14-August 28 on a Best Of Norway cruise. Then we will return home until October and our Scenic Line river cruise in France. Our kind neighbors are taking us out to dinner tonight and will drive us to airport tomorrow morning which is only a ten minute drive away. We had a lovely lunch date yesterday which was enough that we didn’t need dinner. The kitchen is closed down, the fridge is pretty bare, bags are at front door and it’s Post Time here at the homestead. Depending on WiFi I’ll try and keep you posted on our travels. Thanks for the Fleet Report and various post.
  17. Appreciate your comments on your first cruise. Thanks for sharing your first cruise experience. Yes, the specialty restaurants are better then MDR and that’s why they are called specialty restaurants. Did you utilize any other of your Club Orange benefits? We did Club Orange on our last cruise because of our cabin assignment and agree nothing special versus MDR.
  18. Yes, but if you need more just ask your room stewards.
  19. Great pics full of memories of our visits there. I always enjoyed the costumed friar and nuns dancing. Per viewing the Saguenay web cam I posted earlier it’s still a pretty gloomy day there.
  20. Good morning. Meds are working and feeling much better. I don’t believe I have ever had a raspberry cake but you wouldn’t have to ask twice. Sounds yummy. I have been to Saguenay, Quebec several times and they always have a very special welcoming for cruise ships. Folks in various costumes, maple syrup on snow samples, blueberry pie, log rollers etc. Here’s a link to their web cam. https://tourisme.saguenay.ca/en/camera-live-from-the-fjord Roy I read you rode the Rovos train. We have watched various trips on You Tube and it appears to be a wonderful experience. Did you enjoy? Going to a French bistro overlooking the inter coastal water way today. A beautiful setting and great food. Our kitchen is closing down for a month!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 So far🤞🤞🤞all reservations are a go. Yesterday’s CDC announcement has us wondering what the cruise lines will do if anything, now that protocols are more or less back in their jurisdiction. So we sit and wait with just a few things to do. Definitely don’t need to water the outdoor plants as we have had pop up rain every day. I can hear thunder in the distance. Thanks for the report and to all of our contributors. Have a great day everyone.
  21. This whole discussion of crackers just “cracks ”me up. I’m sure the people of Ukraine and other deprived countries are shaking their heads about this. Sometimes life doesn’t always “crack up to be what it cracks up to be.” Tis times our different. Me thinks,I can accept and graciously accept and be so so fortunate to be on a cruise and cherish a saltine if available.
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