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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Good morning. Slept in late as I had difficulty getting to sleep last night. Maybe the sound and flashes of thunderstorms and lightning combined with torrential rain had something to do with it. Per our local TV weatherman we are now about 4 inches above average normal rainfall this year. Which would put us over 30 inches so far. Lawn is looking good and sprinkler system is on manual mode. Sure wish some of our Western areas could get some desperately need rain. Another day of checking off some items on to do list. Have not been to our port of call. Have strong respect for Canada and it’s citizens and many friends. Thanks to all andhave a great day and weekend
  2. Received our credit today after applying for it Tuesday!
  3. @1ANGELCAT Yes we are going to Orkney as most of our two week private tour will be on the Outer Hebrides. Sue has no desire for anymore jewelry. The jewelry box is full with some very nice jewelry and usually only is worn on cruises. On our Florida life style not many occasions to get dressed up. We are at a stage in our lives that we are trying to dispose of things. In all our cruises we have seldom bought anything to take home and we try very hard to avoid gift shops. Just not our thing but understand some have a passion for shopping. The cruise is the gift of memories to take home. Bruce
  4. @bennybear Gore Tex LL Bean jacket, new Columbia waterproof walking shoes and a Merino sweater coming out of safe storage. Two new travel pants, with convertible to shorts option purchased today. With three weeks in Scotland, prior to cruise I believe I will meet minimal dress standards on Dressy nights. Many of the quaint hotels we are staying at do not have elevators so not looking forward to daily bag drags. @Quartzsite Cruiser Fingers are crossed on air flights. We bought the Apple trackers for each piece of luggage so at least we will know where they are located. Though I admit the Delta App does a pretty good job if the bags get swiped. With Apple trackers a quick check on your phone gives accurate location info. The Daily exploded today with post and took me quite awhile to catch up.
  5. Just saw this and thought how true. A reminder to make every day special.
  6. Good morning everyone! Yesterday, I did manage to unpack and get three loads of laundry done and some important prescriptions refilled. I have my order from my Colonel, that Scotland clothing goes on this bed and Norway cruise clothes go on another bedroom bed. This morning we are going shopping for some added clothes items and I need some new Eddie Bauer waterproof footwear. Nearby is one of the largest designer shop outlet’s in the country. The problem is finding some longer sleeve cooler climate items in Florida during the summer. We have been watching some cruise bloggers video streams on You Tube who recently sailed on Sky Princess in Norway. I hope our weather is as beautiful as some of their days. Beautiful scenery but I think that size ship is way too large for our liking. Have been to Athens, not a Big Mac & Cheese fan primarily due to calories, have aches this morning as usual, it’s called aging! I prefer aging to alternative! @dfishHave a safe trip and wonderful cruise. Thanks Rich and all our wonderful subscribers to the Daily. Great paper and it’s free! Enjoy the day!
  7. @StLouisCruisersTo you and your family our condolences and prayers.
  8. Good morning. Great to be back in Central Time. It appears we have a lot of precipitation forecasted this week as a tropical system is in the area. Small percentage that it will be anymore than just rain and thunder. We had a lovely trip and will stay busy in preparation for our next adventure. Tip of the hat to Delta airlines for all the on time flights in the past couple of weeks Rich thanks for the Fleet Report. The meal of the day kind of through me off as I wasn’t thinking frozen concoction! Prefer ice cream. Have a great Hump Day and stay healthy!
  9. It is amazing that all worked well despite the media negativity. Okay it’s 8:30 PM and it’s time for bed in Florida’s Central Zone!
  10. Just to let our Daily Family know that we are safely home, on time with bags. Yes, we are tired!
  11. Thanks. Onboard, on time and bags are also on board. Just a long day!
  12. It’s 3:30 AM and we are bag dragging to airport! Have a great day!
  13. Maybe some good news about pre cruise Covid testing in EU beginning August 1, 2022. https://loyaltylobby.com/2022/07/07/norwegian-cruise-lines-holland-america-just-dropped-pre-cruise-covid-testing-requirement-from-august-1-2022/
  14. Here is maybe the news we have been waiting for some of us; not maybe all. https://loyaltylobby.com/2022/07/07/norwegian-cruise-lines-holland-america-just-dropped-pre-cruise-covid-testing-requirement-from-august-1-2022/
  15. Made it to Sea/Tac and the airport Marriott. Definitely the most beautiful day of our trip. Enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way. Stopped for lunch at a local Fish and Chip and enjoyed some superb fried oysters at the Oyster Capitol Of The World. Such a beautiful day and Mount Ranier was showing her beauty along the way. Early flight home and Wednesday we start packing for Scotland and Norway. Oregon and Washington State are beautiful.
  16. We spent the evening in the small quaint town of Manzanita, Oregon. Walked around town, enjoyed a wine tasting, had an early dinner and off to bed. Headed for breakfast then will hit the road to Seattle. We have a couple of scenic stops along the way. It will in turn be an early evening as tomorrow will be a very early arrival at the airport for an early flight home. Thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily contributions.
  17. Good morning. Getting packed up and will say goodbye to son and family until Thanksgiving. We are in no big hurry as our lodging for tonight is not available until 4 PM and just a short drive up the coast. It has been a great week enjoying family in this beautiful state. We are already planning another trip here next year. Thanks for the Daily Fleet report and Daily contributors.
  18. Thanks for sharing your cruise. We will be boarding MS Rotterdam in August for two weeks of cruising Best Of Norway.
  19. Good morning. It’s our last day at the beach house. Tomorrow we will enjoy a leisurely drive up the coast. Spend a night along the way and another in Seattle before flying home Tuesday. Today is looking to be a great beach day and we have reservations at a local Thai restaurant. This was my first time visiting Oregon and I’m very thankful I finally got to see some of it’s beauty. Thanks for The Fleet report and Care/Celebration list.
  20. I recently saw a interview with The President of Azamara and she stated Amazing Evenings would be back and running by November. The venues have to be booked far in advance along with entertainment. I believe I saw the interview on You Tube.
  21. Good morning! We enjoyed our whale watching tour yesterday with a PhD Marine Biologist who has been studying these particular whales for years. They all had names and history. We also visited Foul Weather Lookout which was named by Captain Cook in 1788. The Devils Bowl was a dramatic sight as it was formed by lava over 15 million years ago. We returned home to a steak dinner, some great wine and a beautiful sunset. Today’s hiking day a two of us grandpa’s are staying home to take care of granddaughter which should be an adventure. Thanks for the Fleet Report. Have a great day.
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