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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Good Morning! @Mr. Boston Happy Birthday. A short one as we are getting ready for church. Enjoyed a grilled BBQ Chicken dinner last night with corn on the cob. We were in Lima last January for the second time and will revisit next January on our South America cruise. Enjoy your day and thanks for the featured reports and post. B.
  2. Stayed up late and slept late. Just another day here with no plans as of now. It’s a beautiful day and currently ninety degrees with a chance of a thunderstorm this afternoon. Yesterday we treated ourselves to pedicures so we both have smooth happy feet. Time for another cup of coffee and reading your post. Have a great day. B.
  3. Good morning. No surprise but it will be another hot day. Looking forward to visiting relatives in East Jordan, Michigan next Wednesday and cooler days. Haven’t been on a roller coaster in years and have no desire to ever ride one again. May go down to Destin for lunch today. With school starting it may be a little less crowded.🤞 Thanks to all of you who make the Daily a part of our every day routine. Have a great weekend. B. PS: Do you have a fridge like this? One in my garage is still chilling.
  4. Good morning. We have done our civic duty and voted. Apparently many folks are taking advantage of early voting as the polls were quite busy. Maybe after next Tuesday we can get a short reprieve from political ads. Tonight is church group so need to do some preparation for that. Other then that we are pretty much caught up for the weeks task. When I read what some of you are going through I feel blessed. Our day is coming but so far life has been kind. So thanks for the reports and post. B.
  5. Thanks for sharing your cruise experience. Looking forward your perceptions. Norway is a great cruising experience.
  6. Good morning. It’s going to be another hot day. It’s August and we have learned to deal with it here in Florida. Currently 79 so not too bad for any outside chores. Again not much on our agenda. Sue has been busy planning excursions for our January South America cruise. She does a great job and it makes for great vacations. Have been to today’s port of call several times. The last time we stayed on aboard and enjoyed the ship. As has been the case lately not much happening here so will just say thanks for the FR and post. B.
  7. Good morning. The cable conduits were laid without issues. Not so for next door neighbor who lost power for a couple of hours but our power company was quick to respond. Just some menial chores today and other than that another day in the neighborhood. School started yesterday so the arrival of the school bus is again my morning alarm clock. We will probably go to vote this morning and get that out of the way. Some good choices and a couple not so good IMO. Thanks for the reports and post. B.
  8. Good morning. Get this posted before we loose internet or power. New fiber optic cable is being installed in neighborhood and I have four workers digging holes in front of house between easement and sidewalk. There have been many complaints of gas lines, electric, internet lines being damaged. What they don’t flag and mark is our sprinkler heads and pipes for our yard irrigation. No matter before the days out I will have at least four areas in yard with dirt spots and no grass. Cox Cable now has competition with this new company offering cheaper service. It’s Monday so laundry day and some day this week we are going to the polls to early vote. @richwmnHappy Birthday! @Haljo1935Bon Voyage I remember milk being delivered to house and in my early years it was delivered by horse and wagon. Yup! Old as dirt. Have a great week folks and thanks for reports and post. Bruce
  9. Morning folks. Dawn is breaking and first impression is this going to be another gray day. We have been to today’s port a couple of times. Would love to have a Greek salad for lunch. Greece has such wonderful produce. Need to start getting ready for church. We are going shopping this afternoon for some things we need around the house. Other than that no big plans. Thanks for reports and post.
  10. Not everyone will get this. “One of these days Alice, Bam Boom!”
  11. Good morning! Picked up our neighbors at the airport last night. They were too tired to dine with us so we drove them home then went out for Mexican dinner. Hit the spot. Woke up this morning thinking I had to get ready for church. What a treat when I came to my senses that it was Saturday. Rolled over and slept another hour. @RMLincolnSafe travels and Bon Voyage! @Tbay Happy Birthday! @luvteaching Bon Voyage! @MISTER 67 Bon Voyage! Thanks Rich for the Fleet Report. I would have no idea where my relatives were sailing today without it. When we were on a lengthy land and cruise trip in South America I got tired of drinking Pisco Sours and finally said just give me the Pisco Brandy without the froth and egg whites. Have a great weekend everyone. Ours should be quiet. Steak on the grill and a fine bottle of red will be today’s highlight. Bruce
  12. @Heartgrove Always a hard day. My condolences. Beautiful animal leaving behind beautiful and fond memories.
  13. Good morning. Another hot one here but hey it’s August and Florida. Yesterday’s dermatology visit revealed that I have Basel Cell Carcinoma on my leg and Squamous Cell on my back. I take that as good news that it wasn’t melanomas. Will have surgery to remove in October. Could have been done earlier but we will be in Kauai. Please no need for care list. We will pick up our neighbors at airport and go to a Mexican restaurant before taking them home. Of course this all depends on their flight being relatively on time. Thanks for the reports and I hope you all have a great weekend. Bruce
  14. Good morning! This will be short as I’m headed for my follow-up dermatology appointment to find out yes or no. I think not but we’ll see. The mighty oak came down with a loud thud. They will continue clean up today and grind down stump Friday. We were in Corfu this May and did the standard touring around the island and some of it was a repeat from previous visits. Thanks for the reports and personal post. Bruce
  15. Good morning. Looks like another hot one. Last night at 8:00 PM it was still a 100 degrees F. House cleaner arrives in a bit so that means trying to stay out of her way. Yesterday my door bell rang and when I answered there was an elderly man at the door. Introduced himself as the person who was going to take down the huge dead oak tree next door in common area. He wanted to know my border line so he would not leave any damage on my property. It was just him and I presume his wife. They would be here this morning to commence taking down the tree. In talking with him he revealed he was 72 years old. I asked how many on your team. “Just me and her!😳 They proceeded to tell me how you can’t get good help these days. So I’ll wait and see how this goes today and in a heat index alert at that. One of my biggest pet peeves is today’s packaging. So frustrating especially when one has arthritis in thumbs. On our flight home Monday I struggled to open a couple of the offered snacks. Thanks for the special reports and post. Enjoy your Hump Day. Bruce
  16. Such a well deserved and needed cruise. Enjoy!🛳👏🏻
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