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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. @rafinmd was happy to hear about your health update. Last night’s sunset.
  2. Aloha! Waking up to another day in Paradise. Haven’t seen the weather report but should be a nice day. Here in the South Shore of Kauai they’re experiencing a drought. The recent tropical storm missed Kauai. I see there is a storm brewing in the Gulf. Looks like it will be well West of our home. Last night we had a fantastic dinner with two tomahawk steaks. I think we could have got by with one. We did a reverse char, Cooked in the oven at low temp. then seared them on a hot grill. Today kids are going on a hike and our plan is to read and enjoy the view. Last night’s sunset was subdued by clouds but was still pretty. Anniversary wishes for @marshhawk and @catmando Have a great day everyone, B.
  3. Aloha. We are now settled in and enjoying our Villa and waterfront views. It was fun watching the surfers yesterday as there were some good size waves to ride. Some excellent surfers but quite a few spectacular wipeouts. The gals went to Costco yesterday and stocked us up on food, wine and booze. The outdoor Honu bar has raised their prices to a ridiculous $19,00 per drink! So we will be making our own. Tonight treat is two large Tomahawk steaks. Was very sad to hear about @rafinmdRoy being hospitalized. Hang in their bud and I’ll be praying for you. Last night’s glorious sunset is dedicated to you. It’s 5:50 AM and time for coffee. Mahalo for all your post. B.
  4. Aloha! It’s moving day and it’s always a long day. Get to the timeshare and store bags. Then it”# off for groceries and supplies. Usually around 4 PM our two bedroom Villa is ready to move in. Another bag drag, unpack get settled and start enjoying. Of course four year old granddaughter will want to go swimming. She swims pretty good and has been taking lessons for a year. Coffee and lite breakfast time. Ride to airport at 8:00 AM. Enjoy your weekend and Mahalo for the reports and post.B.
  5. Aloha! I enjoyed my time with granddaughter yesterday morning while the others paid respects at Pearl Harbor. All of us enjoyed the pool in the afternoon and then went out for Thai dinner. They advertised most authentic Thai food in USA. I think not I was not impressed. Son and family have rented a car and will be touring around the North Shore, Dole Plantation etc. Sue and I will be headed for the adult pool and will enjoy a relaxing day. Tomorrow we fly hop over to Kauai. It will be nice to get settled, unpacked and enjoy one of our happy places. @StLouisCruisers Sandi and Dennis Happy Anniversary.🍾 At 7:00 AM it appears to be another beautiful day so time to get moving. Have a great weekend. B.
  6. Aloha! It’s 6:16 AM here in Honolulu and promises to be another beautiful Hawaii day. Sitting on our balcony overlooking Waikiki Beach and the Pacific precious. I’m in the never late crowd. Probably military training to some degree but I believe my dad ingrained the habit of being on time. Thanks for the pics of Pisco as we will be visiting there next year on our cruise around South America. This morning I’m watching granddaughter as rest of family get’s a private tour of Pearl Harbor on the Admirals Barge. Our flight over on Hawaiian air was fine and on time. Saturday we fly over to Kauai for our 3 week stay. Enjoy the rest of your day. Mahalo for the reports and post. Bruce
  7. Good morning. It’s 4:30 AM here. Getting ready to head downstairs and await the shuttle to the airport. It’s Aloha time. Any post from me in next three will be ate afternoon. Have a great week. B.
  8. Good Afternoon/morning. It’s another beautiful day in the Bay Area. Granddaughter is off to swim lessons and school this afternoon. Later today we will move to an airport hotel as we have an early flight tomorrow. We’ll use the hotel shuttle and the rest of family will Uber. Didn’t think we all and bags would fit in one vehicle. We enjoyed a nice day together with grilled prime steaks and fine Napa Valley wine. Have a great week and thanks to all who keep the Daily going. B.
  9. @RMLincoln Happy Birthday🎂 @Quartzsite CruiserHappy Anniversary!🍾
  10. Good morning, For the next few weeks the post will be late. Even more so from Hawaii. It was a beautiful day yesterday for visiting the Oakland Zoo. It was especially enjoyed by our four year old granddaughter. So I’m headed for another cup of coffee and to catch up on what’s happening in your neighborhoods. Happy Labor Day. Bruce
  11. Just starting the day out here. Little fog around the valley and hills. Should clear up as we head to the Oakland Zoo in a couple of hours. sleeping with windows open is quite the novelty for this Floridian. Will spend some time time this afternoon catching up on the Daily. Have a great day.
  12. Greeting from Castro Valley. Going to be a beautiful day. Our flights out here were all on time. The airports were busy with holiday travelers. .The day plan is enjoy family and a tri tip slow cooking in the smoker. Tomorrow we are going to the Oakland Zoo. Need to go and do Pop Pop duties. Have a great weekend and thanks for all your contributions. B.
  13. Good morning. Headed to the airport in ten minutes. Here we go again! Have a great Labor Day weekend and stay safe. Thanks for the reports and your post. Bruce
  14. Good morning. It will be a busy day of final packing and last minute chores. On the fun side we are taking our neighbors (house sitters) to lunch at a nice restaurant. We will attend our church small group this evening. Yesterday watching the news realization set in that we are traveling on a busy holiday weekend and TSA will process over 12 million people nation wide. We’ll arrive at airport a little earlier but not overly concerned as it’s more likely folks are coming to our resort town then leaving. We are traveling first class all the way so we should be fine. Will be short as need to get things done. Have a great day and Labor Day weekend. Thanks for the featured articles and post. Bruce
  15. We have been going every other year to our timeshare in Poipu since 2008. It’s our happy place but cruising is our happiest venture.
  16. Good morning. @richwmn Safe travels and Bon Voyage! @TiogaCruiser Laura enjoying your post on very familiar ports of call. Thanks. Managed to unpack, wash and will start repacking today. One bag is already packed and it’s the kitchen bag. With three weeks at our time share on Poipu Beach, Kauai we bring spices, sharp knives and other supplies so we don’t have to buy over there. Our two bedroom Villa has a full kitchen and we have access to beautifully maintained gas grills throughout the complex. So we do most of our dining at Villa with a few nights at local eateries. Friday we fly to Oakland and will spend five days with son and family. We then will all fly with son and family to Honolulu for a couple of days stay at the military hotel Hale Koa. We have arranged a private tour of Pearl Harbor on Admiral’s barge which son and wife have not seen. I will stay at hotel and entertain my three year old granddaughter. We have done this tour before and it is quite impressive and somber. Then a short hop over to Kauai where son and family will spend a few days before they visit Big Island. Sue’s twin sister will visit our last two weeks. Enough rambling. @StLouisCruisers Sandi. Thanks for taking over Rich’s job as Editor and Chief. Have a great day. Bruce
  17. Wow! The Daily has had a busy edition today.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  18. Good morning. We arrived home last night on schedule. I stayed up too late and slept in this morning. We have just a few days to get ready for our next adventure to California followed by Hawaii. Will cut this short for now and will make time later to catch up what’s happening with my Daily friends. Thanks for the reports and post. Bruce
  19. Another beautiful morning in Northern Michigan. We will ride down to Travers City later this morning. Fly to Detroit then Atlanta. Everything goes well we should be home by eight.🤞 Time for breakfast and packing up. Have a great week. B.
  20. Good morning. It’s a beautiful day in upper Michigan. May get up to low eighties. The barber shoppers concert was fantastic. After the concert we rode back to East Jordan and cooked fresh Lake Michigan salmon on the grill and devoured them as part of our Caesar salads. So good. Today is enjoying the outdoors, reading and visiting and there will be a happy hour and wonderful dinner. Fly home tomorrow and will start preparing for our next trip in four days. Thanks for the reports and post. B.
  21. It’s a little warmer this morning in Michigan at 53 and maybe a quick rain shower in the next hour. More relatives arrived yesterday and we had a wonderful reunion and delicious dinner and wines. This afternoon we head down to Travers City to attend the big barbershop singers prrformance.My BIL is the chairman of his barbershop group so it has been a busy week for him and with all of us here even more so. Thanks for the reports and post. @kazu Sounds like some encouraging news from your nurse.
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