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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Thanks for sharing your cruise experience. Maybe I’m missing something but what ship were you on?
  2. Okay. Forty minutes of walking in a 100 degree heat index is enough!🥵
  3. Well there goes the walk for now. It’s pouring outside!
  4. Good morning. It’s done. Last night we finished the last of the Downton Abby series. Is there a certificate or diploma? Got the Spyder’s oil change done yesterday. Always a good reminder of what inflation is all about. I never would have thought an oil change would cost $76.00! Fortunately, I did have a $25.00 full service off coupon. Will get a walk in soon and this afternoon we are both getting pedicures. One can always tell when it’s time for a pedicure when donning socks starts to be difficult or one starts catching sheets when sleeping. One of life’s great pleasures. Currently 85 degrees with a 70% chance of a thunderstorm or two. A typical summer forecast for NW Florida. It also is a reminder that there is no chance of a “no sweat” walk around the neighborhood. Do hope all made it through Beryl without incidence. Thanks for the reports and post. You know who you are.🫡 Have a great day. Bruce
  5. Good morning. Up early this morning as I have a busy week in preparation for our family week at a beach house on Saint George Island, Florida starting next Sunday. Three couple’s and three grandchildren should keep us busy and having fun. Large beach house with pool, hot tub and all the amenities. Except the granddaughters we are all sharing the cost. We enjoyed our recent visit to Hong Kong and will be returning in 2026. Going to get a walk in, then take the car for an oil change and of course it’s Monday and laundry day. First of all it’s time to enjoy and finish this cup of coffee. I do hope you all have a safe, healthy and good news week. Thanks for reports and post. Bruce
  6. Young lady is headed for her first ever 7 day cruise!
  7. It was a nice church service. Relish taking the time to be thankful for all our Blessings. It’s a nice sunny day here and I just checked a local beach cam. Gulf is still relatively calm with lite surf. Haven’t anything planned for today. Will watch some of the NASCAR race through the streets of Chicago. Yesterday’s race there was pretty exciting. We can always hit the neighbors open invitation to use their pool. Folks have often asked why we didn’t put in a pool. Why spend all that money and time maintaining a pool when we can swim anytime at neighbors. Glad we don’t have one with all our travel. Hope you Texans have a safe and non damaging day with Beryl on the way. B.
  8. Good morning. We enjoyed our get together with five neighborhood families. Burgers, dogs hit the spot. We then returned home and you guessed it more Downton Abby! Our Amazon Prime account is getting a workout. Okay time to head to church. Have a great day and stay safe. Bruce
  9. To our Texan friends we wish you safety and no damage with Beryl coming your way. Received info that our time share in Cancun is fine and it’s already back in it’s manicured idyllic condition.
  10. Good morning! I have been on a sleeping late the past week and have no idea why? It’s only 79 degrees outside right now and cloudy so may be a bit cooler with possibilities of thunder storms. We are on a coastal flooding advisory and strong rip tides. I guess Beryl will be churning up the Gulf. Neighbors are having us over for burgers and dogs tonight so that will be fun. Three households have been invited. Our house is looking great after a complete pressure washing yesterday. The driveway and sidewalk benefit the most from a good wash. Thanks for the reports and post. Have a great day. Bruce
  11. You should join our Downton Abby marathon. Not sure it will ever end.
  12. Thanks for sharing your cruise experience. We will be doing the 2026 Ring Of Fire World Voyage on Sojourn so we have interest on this ship and crew.
  13. Good morning! Late but had to do some prepping as the house is being pressured washed today. It is in need of a good bath and the driveway, sidewalks etc. definitely are in need. Thanks Graham for the explanation of no hands day but I’m still at a loss what it means. @RedneckBob I’m probably going to have nightmares tonight with the thought of you in your thong you showed!😱 @kazu I was so glad to hear of your decision to move to an independent living facility. I wish you well in your new endeavor and peace of mind that you’re not burdened with all it takes to maintain a home. Our Fourth BBQ with neighbors was fine and it was great catching up with them. Hope you all have a great weekend and thanks for all who make our Daily possible. Bruce
  14. It’s painful sometimes watching and not being onboard.
  15. Robert that is a rather gassy issue you’re bringing up. Happy Fourth my friend.🇺🇸
  16. Good morning and Happy Fourth to all us yanks!🇺🇸 Our weather today is fairly mixed with heat advisories, possible thunderstorms and right now appearing overcast. As mentioned yesterday we will be grilling some beef ribs and trimmings and our dear neighbors will be joining us. After traveling around the world it definitely makes us appreciate how fortunate we are to be born in the good old USA. I’m sure many others from various countries feel the same way and extensive traveling makes it even more apparent. During our World Cruise we had many reminders on how lucky we are. Enough babbling. Thanks for the report and post and May you all have a joyous and memorable day. Bruce
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