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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Good morning. We arrived home on time ordered a pizza and retired early. Flights had some turbulence as weather was not nice around Minneapolis. We received no rain just a little breezy at times here in our area of Florida. Got to do some wash and maybe a grocery run but it’s going to be a fairly quiet week. Thanks for the reports and postings. Coffee is calling. Bruce
  2. Good morning. Safe thoughts for any of you in Hurricane Debby’s path. We are packed and getting ready to head to airport. Debby should not interfere with our flight back to Florida. Have a great week and thanks for the reports and post. Bruce
  3. Good morning. @MISTER 67 Bon Voyage!🛳🍾 After a quiet day around the house we went out to dinner in downtown Pittsburgh at Papa J’s Italian restaurant. Great service and food. Upon our return Pittsburgh was hit with a real gully washer but Venetia didn’t get any to speak of. They have been pretty much in a drought and the huge lawns in this area are browning in spots. Upon returning home we played Dominos which was the first time for me and Sue. I did pretty good for a first timer and came in second. Today more of the same. A few games of backgammon, some Olympics and I hear it’s a flank steak dinner tonight along with wine. Our flight home tomorrow is kind of weird. Leave Pittsburgh and fly to Minneapolis then a direct flight home without having to go through Atlanta. Should be home by 5:30 tomorrow afternoon. The hurricane models present course should not have much effect on our area. So thanks for the reports and all of your daily postings. Bruce
  4. Good morning folks. We had a wonderful first day visit with family. Just enjoyed being together. Played some games, reminisced and had a great dinner. We struggled but made it to ten PM before heading to bed. It had been a long day with that 4 AM wake up. More of the same today but we will be going out to dinner at a local Italian restaurant. We are actually outside of Pittsburgh called Venetia. Headed for coffee and I was told freshly baked blueberry muffins. Have a great day. Bruce
  5. Good morning. Six AM and waiting at the gate for our flight to Atlanta followed by flight to Pittsburgh. 🤞It will be great to see son and family. Such a busy family with both parents in high profile jobs and grandchildren are busy and excelling in sports. Somehow they make it work and are a model family. Wish we were closer so we could see them more often. @marshhawkAnnie and Chuck definitely hard times with hard decisions and we pray for strength and improvement. OK that’s about it from here. Looks like our plane is here an on time. Have a great weekend and thanks for reports and post. Bruce
  6. Thanks for your concern but we will be in Pennsylvania this weekend. May have a problem flying back Monday. @marshhawk Just noticed about Annie's Chuck. 🙏🙏
  7. Thanks Roy, I just realized I will visit Arica on our Jan 7 - March 31, 2025 cruise around South America, including Antartica, Amazon and Rio Carnival. Miami to Miami. Will be visiting several of these less popular ports. Take care of that neck. B.
  8. Good morning. Going to be another hot day with a possible thunderstorm. Was introduced to Albariño wine in Spain last year. Very nice. i’m already so sick of repetitive political ads over and over. No substance of what they offer just bashing each other. Got a bit of small packing and a couple of chores today before our mini trip to PA. Hoping we can make it to our church small group tonight and then early to bed for the 5:30 AM short drive to airport. Where’s Waldo? More important where is Redneck Bob? Have a great safe and healthier August. Thanks to all who contribute. Bruce
  9. Good morning. I had a minor stomach bug yesterday but after a lot of sleeping I’m feeling much better this morning. It’s currently in 80’s but that will climb as we are on another heat index alert. Annie not much I can say with all your issues at present. Do pray that you get some much needed support and answers. This has been a very quiet week and maybe just what we needed after our last two weeks. Looking forward to our short visit with son and family this weekend. We will head to airport at 5:30 AM Friday and return Monday. Have a great Hump Day and thanks for your post and reports. Where has the Redneck been? Bruce
  10. I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking that. It’s dark outside! Arrest me!
  11. Up early this morning in Central Time and have no idea why. We are on high heat index alert today so hoping for a shower or two to cool it down. Do wish that those with health issues receive some improvement and encouragement. For myself maybe I got up too early. There is always the option to go back to bed. Love today’s port of call. Such a beautiful place. Thanks for the reports and post. Bruce
  12. Late start but had some early business to attend too. Looks like more occasional rain for most of the week. Definitely will help with the water bill. We had our neighbors over for dinner last night and enjoyed their company. The Commissary had wild blueberries in stock yesterday so Sue made a blueberry pie that was the hit of the night. No appointments this week other than our flight to Pittsburgh Friday morning. I did laundry yesterday so I need to find a project for today. Keeping an eye on that tropical wave in the Atlantic and hope it won’t interfere with our return flight home Monday and that our area won’t be affected. Thanks for the reports and post. Have a great week. Bruce
  13. Good morning. Thanks for the report and post. My two sister-in-laws boarded the Volendam yesterday so some of our family are enjoying cruising. Getting ready for church so will keep this short. Have a great day. Later.B.
  14. Good morning. Just a quick greeting as we will shortly be on our way to Tallahassee. The nicest perk of being a grandparent is being able to give them back to their parents. Have a great weekend. Bruce
  15. Good morning. Not much happening here other then it’s our last day of granddaughters visit. We will meet her parents in Tallahassee tomorrow. Next Friday we will fly up to Pittsburgh for a short weekend visit to son and family. No Uncles, Aunts or siblings left. I’m the last. Did get my Echo done yesterday. It was done out of sync of usual date due to cruise. See my cardiologist in December so if no call beforehand I can assume the bovine aortic valve is still mooing! We were in Tunis earlier this year and visited the great ruins of Carthage. Have a great day and weekend. Thanks for all your contributions to the Daily. Bruce
  16. Good morning. We received a lot of rain yesterday and we have a 80% of more today and the days ahead. Received a nice message from the Food and Beverage Manager from our World Cruise thanking us for a bottle of wine we gave to him. He was enjoying it at his home in Amsterdam. Amazing but we still have frequent communication from Hotel Director and Cruise Director and other crew. We did become family with crew and guest. Have my annual Echocardiogram this morning and it’s around twenty miles away so need to start getting ready. Thanks for your Daily contributions. Bruce
  17. I hope they get enough feedback to return some of these legendary events on all cruises. Enjoy your cruise.
  18. Good morning. Currently 80 degrees with a forecasted high of 89. Our granddaughter has had an ear ache from swimming and was being treated. Yesterday, she got worse and had a low grade fever. We took her to Urgent Care and she also has an inner ear ( otitis media) so more meds. Poor gal is not having a very good time at Nana and Pop Pop’s. Semi annual AC/heating inspection has turned expensive. We bought this house new in 1995 so it’s coming up on 30 years old. Most air duct systems have a lifetime of 15-20 years. We have been having some allergy like symptoms inside and an inspection inside the ducts revealed it’s time to replace all. We will have it done in November when it’s a little cooler. New systems are much more efficient and effective. Had two biopsies done at dermatology and will find out the results Aug. 8. Our house cleaner will arrive in an hour so it will be nice to have a freshly clean house. So that’s what’s happening at our house. Don’t feel it’s necessary to thank everyone personally every day but do know you’re all appreciated in your contributions to the Daily. Have a great day. Bruce
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