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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Merry Christmas everyone! Santa has arrived but the grandkids are still asleep. Some quiet time and a hot coffee. We had a delicious prime rib dinner. Enjoyed watching the children and their excitement that Santa is coming. Today’s dinner will be centered around a honey baked ham. Well, kids are starting to stir so I need to get ready for the big event. May all of you have a wonderful and Blessed Christmas Day.🎄
  2. Good morning! Brr! It’s 18F at home with a windchill making it feel like 6F. Hopefully my neighbor will report no frozen pipes! We enjoyed a fun family fondue dinner last night then Nana and Poppy babysat so the adults could go out and get a break. Two granddaughters went right to bed but Miss Tilly had me singing lullabies for two hours before drifting off. Today’s project will be cooking a large prime rib and entertaining grandchildren. Thank for the reports and post. Keep safe and warm.
  3. Sorry to hear that. With this weather system and these unknowns so many Holiday happenings being affected.
  4. Ricky Nelson oldie song. “Can’t please everyone so sometimes you just have to please yourself.”
  5. That ship went through the Panama Canal ahead of us a few years back.
  6. At home in NW Florida temps it’s already freezing with wind chill 22. Here on East Coast it’s still in fifties but slowly cooling and will really get colder later tonight! Forgot my long Johns!
  7. Good morning! It’s a pretty active household this morning with two granddaughters under three checking each other out and the seven year old granddaughter trying to be in charge!! It’s still 65 degrees but wind is starting pick up but The cold air will be later tonight. Jacksonville area is abuzz this morning after their Jacksonville Jaguars dominated and won last nights football game over the NY Jets. Roy thanks so much for taking on the Fleet Report, Care List and even Bon Voyage post for Kazu. Your a loyal member of Cruise Critic Community. Have a great day everyone and stay safe and warm.
  8. We made it to daughters in Saint John, Fla. safely and the early traffic was decent but really picked up as we got father East. Now it’s time for family.
  9. Good morning! Up bright and early and getting ready to travel after first light. I would imagine I-10 East will be fairly busy today with holiday traffic. Got the outside spigots insulated and will be leaving the heat up inside the house as wind chill factors are forecasted to be in teens! At present it’s fifty but it’s a coming. So it’s one cup of coffee off to the showers and pack the Lexus. Roy with that positive Covid test are you feeling OK? Hopefully a false positive. Rich thanks for the Report and best to you on the World Cruise. Bon Voyage! May all of you have safe travels, stay healthy and have a wonderful Holiday Season!
  10. Good morning! It’s packing up day and I believe we are bringing most of our house!🤔Fondue pots and accessories. Cooler with Prime Rib, pies, burritos, breakfast casserole, presents for grandchildren and of course booze and warm clothing. We’ll leave early tomorrow morning and will be in Jacksonville around noon. Sports legend Franco Harris died last night at 72! Friday the temperatures in our area will be in the twenties which is pretty cold for us Floridians and fauna! Thanks for the Fleet Report and all who contribute. Stay warm!
  11. First Sail-Away in a long line. Miss the second camera. Thanks for the reminder.
  12. I just realized today would have been my sister birthday and that I lost her one year ago today. Miss you Sis!❤️
  13. Good Morning! Rainy night and more on the way. Have an early dental cleaning appointment and DW told me I’m taking her out to dinner tonight! Terry I’m glad your surgery went well. Amazes me still how they send you home so fast after major surgery these days. Like Redneck Bob I just don’t have much to say today other thanks for the Fleet Report and all your post. Have a great day and for many of you stay warm!
  14. Bon Voyage to all and thank you Roy for stepping in and for volunteering to doing the Sail Away Thread!
  15. On those thank you notes from whomever did laundry we have been using the Navigator App to personally thank the laundry crew who did our laundry. Received feedback from front desk on how appreciative they are to be recognized. I bet that sore foot would enjoy a soothing time in the hot tub. Have a great day.
  16. Good morning! It’s another cold morning in NW Florida and it appears that will be the norm all week through Christmas. It’s laundry day and a few errands. Today we will have a bowl of home made chili as the weather begs for some spice and warmth in our dining. @smitty34877 Your in many of our thoughts and prayers today for a successful surgery. Thanks for the reports and post. Have a great non stressful holiday week. Bruce
  17. Good morning! Brr! Our first freeze of the year. Presently 32 degrees. We will be doing online church today as we are trying to stay healthy before our family Christmas together. Other then that not much else on the agenda. Might take a ride around town this evening and see some Christmas decorations. Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate. Have a great day. Here’s a couple of more funnies that my nephew recently sent to me. Thanks for the reports, list and postings.
  18. Si! We are booked again on our April Eurodam from Fla to Vancouver. May you and child bride have a great cruise and joyous Christmas!🎄 PS: I flunked my dance lesson.
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