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Everything posted by BWIVince

  1. Ivi, when you log into your account, and click into your booking, there is a button marked “Complete Guest Documents” which brings up a travel dashboard. On that dashboard there’s a button marked “Suite Preferences” in the travel documents and preferences section. In there, there’s an option for twin beds or one queen. Hope this helps. Vince
  2. This is one of the biggest advantages of being owned by one of the most prominent DMCs in the world — they have to begin contracting space for major international events for their other clients 2-3 years ahead of their announcement to the public. 😇 Vince
  3. If it's Lee we're talking about, it's way, way, way too far away for cruise lines (or even passengers) to make any changes to their plans based on its expected path. The alternatives are just as if not more likely to be impacted as the original plans. Everyone just needs more time at this point to get a clearer picture of probability before anyone takes action.
  4. Just out of curiosity, which storm is it? The NHC only has advisories up for Lee and Jova. (I haven't had my head in the weather much this week, I admit. Fall crunch in thee events industry is now underway.) Vince
  5. BWIVince

    Covid Policy

    Nice! I’ve had none of that this year…. I stayed at a Hilton+branded property last year that had little packs of wipes available upon request at the desk, but even that was last seen 11 months ago. 😞. I still see dispensers about, but as someone who has always used sanitizer and has been happy to use up someone else’s first, I’ve has less than 50% success this summer on the dispensers actually still being filled by the 0roperty anymore. I stayed at a Kimptons in July that actually just took one down completely when I told them it was empty. 🫤 Vince
  6. BWIVince

    Covid Policy

    Totally... Norovirus is a different story though... Honestly it's been over a year since I saw any hotels or restaurants have any Covid-specific practices in place any longer. (Other than reduced staffing and guest services.) I can't even remember the last time I saw either have sanitizer available, or if they had a dispenser out, that it was actually stocked. ...For better or worse. Vince
  7. Unless they changed it recently, it has a fixed pin in it locking it into meal-table-height. (I had a similar table at the same height in my (at the time) PH (now Aquamarine Classic), and I ate at it comfortably several times.) What it doesn't do anymore is lower to coffee table height, but honestly, at my height, it would have been incredibly inconvenient if it had been lower. Vince
  8. I've had Sonoran Hot Dogs at several different places in the past year, but none of them looked that good. It's hard to go wrong with a hot dog wrapped in bacon though. (Well, maybe as long as you have good health insurance?) Vince
  9. I'd just add this pic to Rob's excellent series, since it summarizes the biggest changes from the refit prior to the 2021 restart... Symphony's non-PH rooms new carpet, loveseats, cocktail tables, reading lights, artwork and soft goods. The surplus loveseats and tables from Symphony appear to have been used on Serenity's equivalent cabins, but also those items and the new prints seem to have survived on Symphony as well. At least all those new items didn't go to waste. Vince
  10. I was just thinking the same thing! Between the jingle (which I already mentioned the power of this week) and the Weinermobile, OM may not have my favorite products, but their marketing over the decades has been powerful relative to its size within Kraft Heinz. I think I remember every time I've ever seen the Weinermobile. Not sure I'm ready to call it the Frankmobile yet, but accept this is world we live in today. Vince
  11. I always knew the dress was blue! Oh wait, wrong optical illusion…. 😁 Though I still don’t know what all you gold dress people were smoking. 😏 Vince
  12. I just assumed she had the ships mixed up? Her comments could fit Serenity's Prego, but the Kirk Nix iteration of Symphony's Prego only has the Venetian abstracts (but even there, they're not paintings)... There were no grapes or Roman columns in the room. The columns in the foyer had a little band of trim at the top and at waist height, but it's a stretch to call them "Roman columns". Serenity's Prego was a friggin' Olive Garden by comparison. I know we all have our hot button (<COUGH> flying saucer ceiling), but does she actually think Prego was the worst space on Symphony pre-refit??? Vince
  13. +1 on the fun of following ride share nav instructions, but at least DC isn't the most "layered" city. 395 is sort of the Big Combover, since most of it can't really be called a Big Dig anymore... And some other city already claimed that anyway. I need to embrace the Wharf more -- I'm so far behind on older DC neighborhoods (unless I have to work in them) that I've been putting off even trying to sample the newer ones. I think the Magazine title sort of started out like that originally, right? The WaPo banner was at 90 degrees in the original launch commercial (sample linked below)... BTW, there REALLY is something to ad jingles... I still remember this commercial vividly almost 40 years later, and thought of it as the MaaaAAAAaaaaAAAAaaaagamagazine till they stopped publishing it. https://youtube.com/shorts/XD3nWUFnKAo?si=hljiKtNgxm_k7W2T Vince
  14. This is just a random observation, and I'm pretty sure not an actual driving consideration, but I'll throw it out there anyway. Prior to Covid, cruise lines were pretty happy to violate CDC Vessel Sanitation Program regulations in comparably low-risk ways on days when they knew the CDC wasn't going to pay a visit... At Crystal I think the most obvious one was the Grand Gala Buffet being held in the Crystal Plaza. (Improper holding temperatures, no contamination protection, inadequate time tagging, etc.) Even before the shutdown, at the beginning of the pandemic a lot of lines started walking a lot of those practices back pretty quickly, to the point many of the lines operating from CDC-eligible ports just started creating one set of rules to operate from that conformed to CDC VSP regulations, if not for safety reasons, for cost and efficacy of having one set of rules that everyone worked from every day, every meal. Obviously we're seeing a huge shift back to pre-pandemic practices in a lot of our daily lives -- landslide and aboard ship... But that said, I can't say I've seen too many lines (at least in the reviews, reports and videos I've seen) say, "ok, now's a good time to go back to doing our own thing when the CDC isn't looking." This could be an interesting measure of that. Vince
  15. 100% correct…. But IMHO, I have a hard time placing too much blame on the AmEx agents though, compared with AmEx themselves. The agents are just reciting the rules, they’re not making anything up — it’s AmEx that’s talking out of both sides of its mouth and literally trying to have it both ways. It’s literally the first term in the rules: Cruise Privileges Program Cruise Privileges Program (“CPP”) benefits are valid only for new CPP bookings made with participating cruise lines through American Express Travel. Vince
  16. We’ll see if they hold to that. That was the published rule of CPP for a long time, but then they had a back door option for certain other agents. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Vince
  17. Thanks Ken! I loved reading both articles, but especially the review of Love, Makoto. I really enjoy reading Tom Sietsema’s reviews. Reading that today reminded me of reading Phyllis Richman’s reviews in the Post when I was a kid. Her Sunday column was in the Magazine (miss that too), so my mother and I would race through the insert bag to find it, but she’d usually get distracted by the bigger and more prominently placed Parade, so I usually ended up with first dibs on the Magazine. I usually read the review (and the rest of the Magazine) while I ate breakfast, and Parade was so thin I usually got a, “are you done with that yet?”…somewhere about halfway through the meal. I had to google where Capitol Crossing is though…. Someday soon they’re going to void my ‘Native Wharshintonian’ card, if I don’t start keeping up. 😞 Vince
  18. I’ve been hearing the same rumors, which would be consistent with the restart. It takes a year or two to work out most preferred supplier agreements, and many of them (like consortiums) get implemented in stages…. They’ll do mild initial offerings without any sales data, to get the relationship started and put the new supplier at less of a disadvantage, but then once they have more sales data, both parties can better assess the true value of the relationship and tune the benefits to work better for all parties. I agree about the prediction for the future — it seems unlikely it’ll be more than $300 for most people though, as they advertise CPP as giving “up to $300” in credits as the headline, but that does still leave the door open to potentially offering the extra $200 in credit that AmEx offers Centurion card holders booking certain lines under CPP. Time will tell. 🤞 Vince
  19. I’ll leave it to others to provide photos for comparison, but Classic does mean it was not renovated this year. The reason they use Classic though is because different parts of the room were updated at different times. InSymphony’s case, the cabinetry, table lamps, headboards and bathroom were updated in a couple of previous refits, but the furniture, carpets and artwork were replaced in 2021. Personally, I prefer the Classic Aquamarines on Symphony to the 2017 ones. Vince
  20. Nooooooooooooo Muriel! 😢 If you stay on for an extra cruise, I’ll buy you a drink or three! 😁 Vince
  21. BWIVince

    Casinos gone?

    Yeah, I’m not expecting that at all, though that’s a shame because it’s technically the best spot for the casino (custom designed in a windowless, low ceiling space) and is in Crystal’s magic spot outside the main showroom (their number one market “catch” for casino activity)…. But like I said earlier, for maximum flexibility of repurpose of this space, they need all the square footage, which pretty much rules out any subdivision, sadly. Vince
  22. BWIVince

    Casinos gone?

    I suspect this is what’s being studied, but ironically on Serenity, this might end up working in reverse, if I had to guess (unfortunately). Because the casino doesn’t need windows, the original casino was located in one of the interior spaces, but in order to get a smaller venue, it may have to go from the windowless space to one of the precious windowed ones. They could split up the old casino space and use part of that, repurposing the remainder, but that limits some of the options for the remaining space, as some concepts require more room. I shouldn’t be as down on that as I am, because Serenity’s entertainment hub aft on deck 6 is not exactly a place people see a lot of daylight right now or go to window-gaze, normally, but relative to Symphony, Serenity’s windows overall are pretty precious. TBD…. 🙂 Vince
  23. At least pre-refit, among the evening venues besides restaurants, the Cove, Avenue and Palm Court’s bars all has espresso machines too, at least on Symphony. I’m sure Serenity is similar, and doubt that’s changed since. Vince
  24. Meeeeeeeeeeee too! 😢. But Serenity is ok too, except for the deck 7 cabins with that dang eye-level promenade. 😒 Vince
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