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Sharon in AZ

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Everything posted by Sharon in AZ

  1. Wow, I just realized that you probably meant something else. Do you mean substitute a different dining venue for the Pinnacle Grill? If so, no probably not. I would go to Customer Service and ask. I actually put something similar on my after cruise survey that I would like the option of using the dining credit for lunch instead of dinner. I know, it’s not comparable in price but I would enjoy it more.
  2. I’ve never had a poor meal in the PG, however some have been better than others. I’ve been able to choose 3 starters for my entire meal which is great for me because I have a small appetite. In your case they would probably only substitute something for something that is already on the menu. Like a different sauce. However, it’s really easy if you want steak— you just order the type of steak that you want. It’s the multiple component dishes that you might want to make substitutions.
  3. Terri @Cruzin Terri, I’m glad you are home and feeling a bit better, hopefully that will continue. We will keep praying for the bubble wrap to surround you. Debbie @dfish, each time you write Golden Beach I think of On Golden Pond, a great movie. Annie @marshhawk, I can’t believe a superior hung up on you, totally unprofessional. Deeni @DeeniEncinitas, it’s so good to see you posting more. Enjoy your Hawaiian home. 🌺🌺🌺
  4. Good early afternoon and Happy Wednesday. Humidity is down just a bit but still noticeable. There was an interesting episode of The Food That Built America on the History Channel about bar codes and their development. It was a game changer in the grocery world. I’ll give the other days a pass. I have a recipe that I love for pork chops but can’t seem to access my recipe box right now. I marinate them and then smoke them on the grill. I use the big thick bone-in pork chops. Yum. Pass on the wine and drink. Pennie @Nickelpenny, thank you for the Birthday wishes! Ouch on the incision opening! I had that happen with an abdominal incision, but just a few inches of it, and the doctor decided not to re-stitch it but I had to clean it and really take it easy. He told me it would heal from the inside out. I had been overdoing it, two little kids and a cat and a husband doesn’t make for an easy recovery! I hope yours heals quickly! Happy Birthday Carol @mamaofami!! Enjoy your special day!! 🎈🎈🎈 Need to feed the always hungry teenager. Have a great day everyone!!
  5. Good early afternoon and Happy Tuesday from a still very muggy Tucson. Good collection of days. I enjoy onion soup occasionally but would want it with beef broth. I’ll pass on the drink, too fruity with the hibiscus. I have never been to the east coast of Costa Rica. Thank you ALL for the lovely birthday wishes yesterday!! I am very grateful for my Daily friends and feel blessed to have met many of you. Jacqui @kazu, thank you so much for posting your wedding pictures yesterday!! What a beautiful day it must have been! Two lovebirds in love! May your memories of Jose bring you joy and peace. Jake @Crazy For Cats, I hope Juan is enjoying his special day. I believe that this is the crepe restaurant Debbie was wanting to go to. We walked by it in October 2022 when we were in QC together prior to our cruise. http://aupetitcoinbreton.ca/ unfortunately, they weren’t open in the evening at that time so we went to https://en.cassecrepebreton.ca/ instead. Annie @marshhawk, I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. Have a great day everyone!
  6. Jake @Crazy For Cats, please tell Juan Happy Birthday! from me and that I’m excited to meet you both in August on board the Zuiderdam!! 🎈🎈🎈
  7. Graham, do you fly to Southampton? Seems like a long way if you drive there.
  8. Thank you for sharing your cruise Graham! It looks like you and Pauline had a wonderful time! Your pictures are great too. I love hearing your voice on the videos. How large is this ship passenger wise?
  9. Graham and Pauline @grapau27, welcome home!! I loved your coded posts while you were cruising! I’ll read your review later today. Thank you for sharing.
  10. Good morning and Happy Monday! It’s still very muggy here so definitely monsoon season. Feels a little early to me but I’m not Mother Nature. Happy mutual Birthday to your DD Sandi @StLouisCruisers!! She picked a great day to be born! Jaqui @kazu, Anniversary wishes to you as you remember Jose today. I’m sure it will be an emotional day. I remember you posting wedding pictures before, maybe you could share them again? Thank you all for the lovely Birthday wishes!! So very sweet to wake up to my Daily friends wishing me a happy one. I will pass on the drink but I think I’ve had the wine before, maybe on a BHB even. I like green beans but not having them today. Thank you for the pictures of today’s port. DM has a hearing aide appointment today. I didn’t want to go out on my birthday but this appointment has been rescheduled twice so wanted to get it over with. We will go out for lunch and I’m going to suggest Red Lobster since I have a gift certificate from them due to my experience last time with the filet I ordered. According to the email I received they were going to reach out to the manager and staff to retrain them about the issue. Not knowing the difference between a strip steak and a filet! Tomorrow Craig is making one of my favorite meals for my birthday, Chicken Parmesan with Marsala Sauce. Hopefully he doesn’t ask for too much help. 😉 Have a great day!
  11. Thank you Ann! I looked it up at Total Wine and they don’t have that vintner but do have 3 others, all in the $40-50 range. Too much for me to try it though so I’ll be interested how much your wine shop will charge. Thanks Jacqui and Lenda. It’ll dry up eventually. And all the dirt and leaves and debris can be swept up. The pool needs to be cleaned too but we might wait until our pool gets serviced this week. Craig is having a bad bout with his bad back so he isn’t up to doing that. I haven’t checked my herbs yet so hope they aren’t too beat up. BTW, I’ve never had Detroit style pizza but have seen it made on TV. Today on Food Network on the show Mary Makes it Easy, Mary Berg is making Detroit pizza. I just love her.
  12. Good morning and Happy Sunday from a very humid, muggy, soggy Tucson. We have had rain the past three days but yesterday’s was big. The backyard flooded and is now a mess. The humidity is 66% which is really high for us. I don’t think rain is expected for a while. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for the Suez Canal pictures. I don’t think I’ll ever get there but it seems like the Panama Canal is more impressive, which I have been through twice. I will pass on the meal, I’d rather have regular tomato soup if I’m having soup. And since I’m not a big fan of soup that will be a while. I believe I’ve had the wine before and Ann @cat shepard, your wine from last night sounds lovely. Can you post a review and cost when you do your research? Isn’t that the vintner that makes a light red that goes well with Turkey at Thanksgiving? Sorry , I’m not fluent in wine speak! Not much on the agenda today except taking some supplies and a case of wine to DM. I’m still adjusting to cooking 3 meals a day for a third person, DGD. She is a very picky eater so isn’t too excited about what we eat. Thank goodness she will eat Cheerios and pasta and weirdly seaweed snacks. Have a great day everyone!
  13. Happy Birthday Roy @rafinmd!! Enjoy your special day! 🎈🎈🎈
  14. Good afternoon. It’s been windy today and right now 106, it’ll probably get higher. Summer is working on studying for her drivers learners permit but won’t actually be driving any time soon. I like bacon and lamb chops. Costco has some great lamb chops, like mini T-bone chops, and very thick. We marinade them and grill them, yum. Graham @grapau27, I think I understand your internet problems. And your meals look delicious. Great pictures of Oslo! Sandi @StLouisCruisers, I’m hoping you feel better. What a generous compensation for the missed ports. Have a great day everyone!
  15. Gerry, I recently upgraded from an iPhone 6 to an iPhone 15!! What an improvement. What I’ve discovered is every once in a while it will give you tips on what is new to you. I did have to research some things too. I’m still learning but so happy with it.
  16. Oh Elizabeth! My heart is with you. Back in 2016 when I decided to change jobs I worked next to a Mom of 5 boys, one of whom had recently died from suicide. Wow, it was so difficult to express my feelings to her but realized just being there for her was the best thing. Then I met Melissa D’Arabian who had lost her mother to suicide. If you can please read her book, Tasting Grace. She delves into her feelings about her mother and suicide. And this turned out to be in Tucson, quite a connection. She was/is a spokesperson for a National Board for Suicide Prevention. I can’t remember the exact name. Hugs to you.
  17. Good evening! I absolutely love spanakopita! I fell in love with it when all my girlfriends were having babies and baby showers. One friend made the triangle type as appetizers for the baby shower—yum! I used to make it a lot but haven’t lately. Last time we went to Greece I tried it but it wasn’t as good as I remembered. I think it was just the version I tried. Probably just like we have different versions of a recipe. Happy Birthday to @SusieKIslandGirl’s DH! Sandi @StLouisCruisers, I hope your tummy feels better soon. Today we went for pedicures and I had Summer come along. They were super busy but we still went out for lunch. It’s so hot running around in this heat. But I just love my new car and it’s so much easier getting DM’s walker in and out of the hatch. Automatic open and close—wow. But even better is starting the car remotely so it’s somewhat cool when we get inside. Have a good evening!
  18. Elizabeth, none of those names sound familiar. I’m seeing my DM tomorrow and will ask her. I have so many cousins and relatives in Limon and the area that I feel I’m related to almost everyone. The last name is Monks, not my name, but they are related to half of Limon. I have a brother who lives east and nieces and a nephew too. My DM still gets the Limon Leader and gives it to me to read. I’ll keep those names in mind while reading.
  19. Good morning and Happy Tuesday. It’s supposed to be 100 or so today. Good collection of days. Thank you for the information about hate speech @0106. And the additional information about the quote. I enjoyed the Superman movies more than the TV series. Happy Birthday to Clark Kent. I usually make pork shoulder in the crockpot but want to smoke it next time I make it. I have one in the freezer so maybe soon. I make carnitas burrito bowls with the meat and sometimes by itself with sides. I freeze the leftovers and then we have an easy meal at the ready. Today I’m making a pasta dish. Yesterday I made chicken tacos with rotisserie chicken and peppers and onions. I was surprised how good it turned out. I would like a small glass of the wine but pass on the drink. Have a great day everyone!
  20. Wow! That’s unbelievable. Limon is so small just like you said. My family has lived there for generations. Both my sets of grandparents lived there and my grandfather, my mother’s father, died there in 1934 during the dust bowl days from dust pneumonia. Thirteen children and my mother is the only one still living, she’s 95. Anyway, I would say the family name but don’t want to here. Starts with an “M” and there are a lot of them around along with a construction company with the name. However, I didn’t live there for very long, because my father went to dental school in Kansas City when I was small and after he graduated we moved to Brush. My parents divorced when I was 13 and we moved to Limon so DM could be closer to her family. This was 1968-1971. We lived there until I was 16 and then moved to Tucson where 2 of her sisters were living. You have to tell me about your Limon connection.
  21. Good morning and Happy Monday from a toasty Tucson. @cruising sister, there really aren’t any good restaurants near the airport, just fast food places. However, one of the concourses has a Beyond Bread with a smaller menu than their regular place. The sandwiches are really good. When I was working I ate lunch there many a time. It’s in concourse B so just depends which airline you’re flying. Concourse A has a few places to eat too but I don’t think they are as good as Beyond Bread. ** I just looked up their website and it says that they are also in concourse A.** Susan @durangoscots, Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your special day! 🎈🎈🎈 Paul @kochleffel, thank you for the article about making your own savory galette. I have some ingredients that just might make a good one. Debbie @dfish, thank you for the recipes today. The mushroom one looks good and so does the corn one. My first thought about your dream was that you had stolen Annie’s @marshhawk’s kittens! Root beer is about the only soda that I’ll drink but only as a float. Little known fact about me is that I worked for a summer when I was 15 at an A&W as a carhop. No roller skates but I did have a change belt. This was in a tiny town in Colorado on the eastern plains, Limon. Living in the desert I’m not sure how to combat drought but I do think it’s important to have drought tolerant plants and conserve water. Sandi @StLouisCruisers, good to read you are feeling better. Happy CC anniversary! Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, your brisket sounds like it turned out great. My step father was from San Antonio and he always marinated brisket in store bought Italian dressing before grilling it. It always came out really good. Today we are taking Blue to the vet. Ann @Vict0riann, I took your advice and checking on the glands you mentioned might be a problem. We will see. Have a great day everyone!
  22. Roy @rafinmd, what a great picture of your father. You resemble him! We have been seated with complainers. The worst was an anniversary cruise seated at a large table for eight. It seemed they were all friends and traveled together to the ship. The constant rehashing of their travels and complaining of this and that just did me in. We asked to be seated at another table that very evening. And it was one of the last times we had a shared table.
  23. Good morning and Happy Sunday. Happy Father’s Day too! Good days to celebrate. Some Chenin Blancs are good. I prefer Sauvignon Blanc. I don’t have a desire to visit the port. I’ve seen chickpea pasta but have never had it and eggplant in pasta is common in Italy. I’m not sure what I’m making today. Depends if Craig and Summer come home today. Have a great day everyone!
  24. Good evening! Today, at the last minute, Craig took Summer north to Show Low. His DS’s daughter and family were visiting from California and all the girls were wanting to see each other. Not sure how long they are staying. We have been to Ketchikan 4 times, most recently a year ago in May on the lovely Volendam. It’s one of my favorite Alaskan ports and a great place to shop for souvenirs. Have a good evening!
  25. I like all your ingredients and agree with you that you should use all fresh ingredients. Thank you Debbie! We will have to see what happens next. I’m taking it day by day. I wish you were here to enjoy our pool but I don’t think you would like our weather. Me too! Thank you Lenda.
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