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Sharon in AZ

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Everything posted by Sharon in AZ

  1. Good morning and Happy Wednesday. For some crazy reason it feels like a Sunday to me. The meal today sounds good. I don’t make fajitas but DM loves them and orders them out when they are on the menu. I had a bite of some at Chuys in Waco and they were delicious. Happy Anniversary @Crazy For Cats, Jake & Juan!! And a 30 year celebration in September! Wow! 🍾🥂. Sounds like you have a great day planned for today. Joy @Seasick Sailor, so good to hear that Oliver is doing better today. Blue always seems off after having shots. His annual visit with shots is in October. I might schedule it sooner if they let me. Jacqui @kazu, I’m glad Ivan did so well yesterday and is more like himself today. Best wishes for your surgery tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you! Have a great day everyone!
  2. Good morning and Happy Tuesday. Around 6am we had rain preceded by some thunder. I was able to get back to sleep since it didn’t last long. Weird to have rain early in the morning. Have had a few busy days so am taking it easy today. I sometimes think that I’m DGD’s personal chef. She’s quite the picky eater and has lately been even pickier. She used to eat chicken nuggets and hamburger sliders but no more. I’m trying to get as much protein in her as possible. We had two different snakes in our backyard last month which was unusual. The first one was behind our pool fountain and I could only see part of it and when I went inside for a few minutes it was gone. I forgot to take a picture because Craig wasn’t home and he didn’t believe me. The second one came out of nowhere when Craig was watering and then disappeared. Now I’m on the lookout. Pass on the soup, drink, and wine. I’m making hummus this morning, to go with the pita I made the other day. I’m going to try to make wraps with a new recipe. Some of the pitas don’t have pockets, it was like every other batch was pocket-less. They are cooked in a very hot oven and I cook 2 at a time. So those are going to be the ones I use for the wraps. Joy @Seasick Sailor, I’m sorry to hear that Allen lost 2 pounds. Maybe more desserts? Good on lowering his sodium. Have a great day everyone!
  3. Bon Voyage to @Norseh2o!! ⛴⛴⛴ Also, congratulations on your new retirement home in Tucson! I’m sure you will enjoy being back here.
  4. Sandi @StLouisCruisers, oh no on Ren’s injury. I hope he heals quickly and is back to playing soon. Annie @marshhawk, thinking about you and hoping that you are okay. You have had a rough few days, I’m sure you are stressed. Bless you for all you do for your DH, the kitty’s, and others—so just make sure you are taking care of yourself too.
  5. The Zuiderdam August 24th and B2B with the next one so round trip Boston. So sorry we will miss each other!
  6. What cruise are you taking? I don’t think the timing of yours matches the one I’m taking next month but I would love to see you again! You do a mean line dance!
  7. Thank you Sandi! I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make that time because I believe Main Seating is at 7:30. Oh well, not a biggy since Rich @richwmn won’t be onboard. I have really enjoyed reading about your cruise and hope your DS shoulder surgery is scheduled soon. Also , I’ve been anticipating the twins birth on the 25! Thank you Lenda. I actually prefer breast but the store didn’t have that so I had a silly idea to cut up a whole chicken. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  8. Good morning and Happy Friday! We got some of the storm that Pennie @Nickelpenny mentioned but not as severe. Just goes to show how you can live in the same city with different results from a storm, aka that you can have rain on one side of the street and not the other. It did mess up the pool and I think Craig is getting tired of cleaning it almost every day. Hmmm, chicken burgers. Well my thoughts are that I’d rather have chicken meatballs or just call the chicken burger a chicken meatball sandwich. Today I need to make something out of the whole chicken I bought on sale. My thought was to cut it up and try Lenda’s @Quartzsite Cruiser recipes for air fryer chicken but I don’t feel like cutting it up now. So I think it’ll be a smoked whole chicken. Annie @marshhawk, thinking of you and Chuck today. Praying all goes according to plan. Joy @Seasick Sailor, continuing prayers for your sister. Jacqui @kazu, thinking of you and your busy week next week. I know it will all work out and that you will get through it all. Happy Birthday to Ivan!! Sandi @StLouisCruisers, can you check something for me? Can you see what time the evening trivia is? The one that is around 6:30 or so? I think it will probably be the same as when I board the Zuiderdam next month. Thank you! Have a great day everyone!
  9. I had a different experience since I didn’t know that my hanging clothes could be moved and had packed everything. My bags were moved to the new cabin for me sometime while I was waiting with all the in-transit guests. But there was down time after that was done and when the new cabin became available. I walked by the cabin several times and saw that it still wasn’t ready but did see my bags on the bed. I can’t remember how long it took but it was ready after I had lunch. BTW, this was May last year on the Volendam.
  10. Graham @grapau27, please tell Father David Happy Birthday!! 🎈🎈🎈
  11. Good afternoon and Happy Thursday. It’s currently 106 at my location but I really thought it was going to be hotter today. I had an appointment this morning and we went to lunch afterward, which has us all sleepy. We try not to nap until 3:00. I got an upgrade offer for the second week of my B2B cruise for a Pinnacle Suite! $3,400!! And double that for me as a single!!! For 7 days!!!! No. Thank you. Now why haven’t I gotten an offer for an outside cabin? Have a great day everyone!
  12. No problem Tony. If that had happened in the past year you wouldn’t have been able to post because the threads are closed. I have really enjoyed your pictures! But I always do! But I agree with Martha, they look like full days and tiring sometimes. You pack a lot in in a day!!
  13. In AZ it’s 75. Sort of funny/crazy but my DM got a jury notice last year at 94. So I asked her doctor for a letter, but it turned out she didn’t need it because of the age cut off. I called and she was immediately removed when I gave them her age. Don’t they keep track of ages in their system?
  14. Good morning and Happy Wednesday. I’ve lost track of the high temp from yesterday but I think it was 109. Today it’s supposed to be 107. We were surprised last night when a monsoon rolled in and couldn’t swim. Maybe today. @quilty964, just to add to Lenda’s advice. I usually add pictures individually and that makes it easier to add spaces and comments. Sounds rudimentary but a tip is to always look where your cursor is and move it to where you need the spaces. I also have problems if I start off with only a picture (especially on my phone). I never understood poetry but think I could with Tina’s @0106 help. I liked yours Annie @marshhawk. I would definitely try the drink with Debbie @dfish and Gerry @ger_77 ! I would like the pickle pasta but would use pickle relish instead. I use it in my potato salad too. I would also like to try the wine. I got a nice surprise yesterday and saw that my AARP OBC had been applied to my August B2B cruises. I was worried it was too late to add it. 44 days and 6 weeks to go!! Jacqui @kazu, I’m glad you have your surgery date even though it’s close to Ivan’s. Just think, it will be all over soon and you can begin your new adventure. Terri @smitty34877, I don’t know how you hold it all together. I would also have a hard time not voicing my opinions. Have a great day everyone!
  15. Dixie @summer slope, I hope all went well at the ophthalmologist appointment today. My experience was very different. I actually had measurements done during surgery after the cataract was removed. I had to pay extra for that but it was highly recommended because of my severe poor eyesight. The surgery center the doctor is part of has a special computer that does this. When is your surgery scheduled for?
  16. OMG!! Bruce this is hilarious! We actually encountered someone with a humongous suitcase disembarking from a cruise once. She was directly in front of us and could hardly manage the huge suitcase. Ooppps, I got my facts mixed up. Anyway, it was a beautiful cake and a lovely way to remember your friend. Thoughts with Terri @Cruzin Terri and Annie @marshhawk today. Hugs to you both.
  17. I watched the Dr Pol finale. Very touching. Sad to see that it’s gone. Although I did see an advertisement that Nat Geo was rerunning the entire series from beginning to end on Saturdays. Everyone’s comments about being called both first and middle names is hilarious. Weirdly, I don’t remember ever being called by both, Sharon Gayle. But I have always been told that I was a perfect child. I think that was out of not wanting attention and knowing what trouble my brother had gotten into. On the other hand, Craig doesn’t have a middle name. When I asked his mother about why she just said the name Craig was just right on its own.
  18. Nancy @ottahand7, the cake looks professional! Did you have it made? I love the idea of celebrating your father. The fireworks looked amazing.
  19. Bon Voyage Karen!! ⛴⛴⛴ Enjoy your cruise with your friend. Please let us know what your DM gifted the two of you. Pennie, thank you for the weather from yesterday! I usually try to look it up but I forgot yesterday. I find those beetles on the patio, often upside down. BTW, your home made 4th of July feast looked wonderful! You have a knack.
  20. Good morning and Happy Sunday. I am not sure what yesterday’s high was, maybe 105. I just know that it was still over 100 at 6:15 when I got in the pool. Gosh I wish I could take a walk with my father. He used to take me when he walked to the post office for the mail. He was a small business owner, he was the only dentist in town, so had a ritual every day. He died way too young. I don’t think I’ve been to a dive bar. Forgiveness is important. Funny, I made a shrimp salad yesterday using an Italian dressing. My Garlic Expressions dressing arrives today, yay! I had to buy 3 bottles but I’ll use it and it can also be used as a marinade. Anyway, I didn’t care for the salad because it had capers in it, it just didn’t seem to work together well with the shrimp. So next time no capers, I like them just not in a salad. Here’s the recipe, just remember to not add the capers. Lidia’s Shrimp Salad Joy @Seasick Sailor , I remember when you moved to Georgetown during the shutdown and the storage container didn’t arrive on time! Have a great day everyone!
  21. I purchased one of the 4allfamily pen injection cooler on Amazon for my pen injection to take one pen on our last cruise but only to use while traveling to the ship. Once in our cabin I stored it in the mini fridge (this was the Koningsdam). I think if I was sailing on a ship without a fridge I’d rent one just for peace of mind and convenience.
  22. Good morning and Happy Saturday! I believe our high yesterday was 111. Yesterday DM had an appointment and we went to lunch afterward. Friday lunch means Texas Roadhouse. I’m in love with their prime rib and DM always gets the filet. Lots of leftovers! I would eat a hand roll and I’ve gotten kisses today. I consider Rich @richwmn our Fleet and Daily webmaster. I’ll pass on the rest. Wrangell looks interesting. Jacqui @kazu, I know that your decision to move must have been very difficult. I applaud your courage and fortitude to move forward and realize that you need to make a change. Having a huge house to take care of is difficult for someone alone. I remember how difficult it was for my DM after her DH passed back in’97. She stayed in their house for a few years but realized it was too much for just herself. That’s when she moved to a townhouse and lived there for about 16 years. Then realized that was too much for her and moved to her senior residence. I’m sure Ivan is wondering where all the furniture is going! 😉 Hugs to you!! Have a great day everyone!!
  23. We have had binoculars in Neptune Suites but they are not as good as our own binoculars which we always bring. I just think they aren’t as powerful and as good of quality. We haven’t noticed that they are scratched.
  24. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Joy @Seasick Sailor, thank you so much for the recipes!! I actually don’t have an air fryer but do have a convection oven and have read that it works very similarly. I think the one Craig’s mother made was like Lenda’s. Only she used a stick of butter! I’m going to try again! The one made the other day was like Joy’s but I think I used too much oil and all the breading fell off.
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