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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Thank you for pointing out that there is no need to assemble anywhere. I forgot that. It was the same thing when we had a turn around day in Montreal. No assembly and no need to leave the ship, although we did there. The In Transit passes worked beautifully to get us back on the ship.
  2. I'm so sorry. Hugs to you. Oh, my! That is such a difficult thing to deal with. Hugs to you and your neighbors. @smitty34877 I am sorry that Lou had some setbacks. I hope forward progress continues today. Sometimes there is a little backsliding. I'm taking a break from changing electrical outlets in the house. We do have central air, but it doesn't extend to the family room, so there is a window air conditioner. We could not get it to work and I wondered if it was the outlet. So, I replaced the outlet and voila! It works! Enthused by that success, I decided to change out a light switch in the dining room. I'm halfway through that one. I have everything connected and just have to screw everything back in place. Sometimes, that is the hard part. BTW: membership in the injured toe club is now closed.
  3. We had that situation in Rotterdam last year on our Norway cruise. We did not have to leave the ship. We could if we wanted to do so. They provided us with instructions on how to go about that if we were inclined and we received an in transit pass so that we didn't have to go through all the lines to reboard. We chose to stay on board and took advantage of being able to use the pool without crowds. It was a nice, peaceful morning.
  4. Good morning, everyone! My sinuses are a little better today. It cooled down nicely last night, so we opened windows. That probably didn't help, but the house smells so much better when there is fresh air moving around. Thank you to @rafinmd Roy and @0106 Tina for mentioning non violent civil disobedience. That brings to mind actions like the lunch counter sit ins and Rosa Parks on the bus. Civil disobedience also played a role in securing women's right to vote. I hope I would have had the courage to do as Rosa Parks did. Today's meal is a nice alternative to crab cakes. Shrimp isn't quite as expensive as crab, so a little easier on the wallet. Check out this first recipe. https://cafedelites.com/shrimp-cakes/ I like the addition of the lemon aioli in this recipe. https://natashaskitchen.com/shrimp-cakes-recipe-video/ These shrimp cakes are delicious as they are, but the recipe lends itself well to tweaks based on your own preferences. Feel like adding more veggies? These have been made these with corn and even chopped kale before and they taste wonderful. You can also add herbs or even jalapenos to switch up the flavors. They always come out tender and delicious every time! https://herbsandflour.com/easy-shrimp-cakes/ Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  5. It was! I enjoyed talking with you. As soon as I saw your CC handle, I remembered it.
  6. @kazu I'm so sorry Ivan is ailing. If it is the arthritis, from my own experience, you have to medicate to head off the pain, not wait until the pain is bad. I hope Ivan is better after his nap. @Seasick Sailor Joy, no more falling! We have declared this to be a fall free zone. It just simply isnt allowed. I'm glad you weren't injured more seriously and that Allen survived the fall unscathed. Please, be careful. @Sharon in AZ Caron, from the Daily, was on that cruise as well. I can't for the life of me remember her CC handle. It will come to me when it is too late to edit this. I did like the white wine from the winery and I don't like sweet wines. I bought a bottle and took it back to the ship. I've decided my malady isn't allergies, but sinuses. When I was a kid my sinuses bothered me a lot when we were living in Texas. My mom took to packing Dristan in my lunch as I was coming home every day just dragging and feeling miserable. We've been having Gulf Coast humidity here the last few days and I think that is the cause along with the fire smoke.
  7. You are right! I did mean Redbird. I should drink my coffee first.
  8. Good morning, everyone! My sinuses are very unhappy this morning. I think it is a combination of the humidity and all the rain recently. They are telling me I need to be at sea so the good salt air can heal them. Sounds as good as anything else to me! Three weeks till we're on board and we are getting excited. It is time to haul the suitcases out. @cruising sister I'm sorry to hear that your aunt won't make it. Eccentric sounds like they were a lot of fun, but the hoarding would drive me nuts. I am living with a potential hoarder, but I make her clean things out now and then. Bit by bit we're getting there. @rafinmd The shooting in Baltimore has hit national notice. It saddens me each time I read about another shooting and think that as a society we are unwilling to stop it. Healing thoughts sent out to Lou @smitty34877 and Chuck @catmando, as well as Annie @marshhawk. Hugs to Karen @luvteaching and @bennybear with their recent losses. Also warm thoughts to @StLouisCruisers for her DB and @JazzyV for her friend, Ruth. Healing thoughts for baby Murphy @cruising sister and her upcoming surgery. Today's meal is one I'll skip due to carbs. But for those who can tolerate them and like them, it does sound tasty. It would make a good side dish. We'll start with this recipe: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/85389/gourmet-mushroom-risotto/ The brandy in this one sounds interesting: https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/mushroom_risotto/ And this one is made with white wine. https://www.loveandlemons.com/mushroom-risotto/
  9. Wow! Did you get that one right. Total silence unless I make a racket.
  10. I hope so. But, I do wish they would allow us to book those in advance. It helps me plan finances better.
  11. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! Good morning, everyone! Our air quality is greatly improved this morning, however pollen is wreaking havoc with my allergies. I guess I need to up my meds a bit today. River is going home today and we will miss her. No excuses for going to spray parks and story hour. I'll take the chicken wings. They don't have to be hot or spicy. Here's a picture of mine. Happy Canada Day to our friends and Daily family members from Canada. We've been to Halifax several times and we'll be doing the Ocean Floor excursion with @Crazy For Cats this summer. It is a great one! The shopping in the Halifax cruise terminal used to be fantastic. I hope it is back to normal this trip. Today's meal is one of my favorites. I often have this during the summer as it is so cool and refreshing. The biggest difference I found in recipes is in the dressing. I just use some lemon juice. The salad is one that can easily be adapted to individual tastes. Don't like olives, leave them out. But, do enjoy the crunch of the cucumber and the delight of the fresh tomatoes. https://www.loveandlemons.com/greek-salad/ That picture makes me think I need to get to the grocery store. This next one is from Ina Garten and the Food Network. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/greek-salad-recipe-1948517 It is hard for me to choose between this and gazpacho as my favorite summertime meal. Both are so refreshing. One last entry from Delish https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a54226/best-greek-salad-recipe/ Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  12. That makes sense. I am disappointed with no special meals being offered on a 25 day cruise. No pop up Sel de Mer. Nothing.
  13. There are no special meals available to book on our 25 day cruise in July. In the past I was able to book them in advance. I liked that because I didn't end up with a big bill at the end of the cruise. I wonder what the criteria is for having special meals such as De Lebrje.
  14. My condolences to you and your family on your loss of Chris. Hugs to all. I will let her know. She takes some meds to help prevent them, but it is a very low dosage and the doctor told her to keep a log of the headaches and they will adjust the meds. Maybe the B2 is the missing link. Story Hour this morning was a huge success. They had a craft to go along with the stories and after that we went to the bubble station and made bubbles. The spray park was an even bigger success this afternoon.
  15. Good morning, everyone! The air quality here in mid-Michigan is marginally better than it was yesterday. I think we can manage short times out of doors if we can stand the heat. This morning we may go to story hour at the gardens and this afternoon to the splash park. Sue has another migraine and is still in bed this morning. The air quality and weather have been hard on her this week. Happy Birthday to @smitty34877's DH, Lou, and to @bennybear's DH. Happy Retirement to @kochleffel Paul. Today's meal sounds really nice. The actual meal according to the description is from Bon Appetit/Epicurius. Those require subscriptions, but I stayed away long enough that I have a free recipe available. Halibut is hard to find in places and when you do, it is expensive. @ottahand7 I would be tempted to try it with whitefish. https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/grilled-halibut-nicoise-with-market-vegetables This one is a grilled halibut with roasted vegetables. Again, you can use any fish you like in this recipe. https://www.heinens.com/recipes/grilled-halibut-with-roasted-vegetables/ This one cooks the halibut and then flakes it into the salad. You wouldn't have to do that and could just use it as a sheet pan recipe. https://lukeslobster.com/blogs/recipes/one-sheet-roasted-nicoise-salad-with-halibut This one looked really good to me. https://thefeedfeed.com/paleo_newbie_recipes/halibut-nicoise-salad-with-grilled-vegetables-and-lemon-dill-vinaigrette Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  16. Good evening, everyone! We made the salad rolls for dinner tonight and they got a thumbs up. They were easier than I expected, although mine did not look like the ones in the pictures. They did hold together, though, and that makes them A ok to me. They were quite refreshing for dinner on a hot muggy evening. @JazzyV I am so sorry to hear about your friend, Ruth. May her passing be peaceful and easy and may your memories hold you during this time. @smitty34877 I'm sorry to hear that Lou is uncomfortable and having some complications. I hope everything can be dealth with easily and that he is back to his old self shortly. @luvteaching Thinking of you and hoping all is going as well as it can. @aliaschief Welcome home. @Nickelpenny Hope you settle in easily and devise your new normal. Wishing all of you a peaceful evening.
  17. Good morning, everyone! Woke up to thunderbumpers this morning. I'm hoping the rain can wash some of the smoke out, but the AQI keeps going up, not down. We were down to 78 last night and now we're up to 159. We were going to try for the zoo today, but it isn't looking good. Maybe today is craft day. Prayers for baby Murphy. I hope she comes through surgery well. Today's meal looks good to me! While it shows it made with shrimp, you can substitute shredded chicken for the shrimp. You can also swap out vegetables and use your favorite. I'll look for something to replace the noodles. I think I liked how fresh the meal looked. This first recipe has some good ideas on how to customize the meal to your liking. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/vietnamese-salad-rolls-with-peanut-dipping-sauce/ In this next one the peanut sauce is a little different. Also, vegetables used are different. https://cookieandkate.com/fresh-spring-rolls-recipe/ I'll offer one last version of the salad rolls. https://www.thelittlekitchen.net/vietnamese-spring-rolls/ I hope these give you some ideas! Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  18. We need to tour the Alden Dow house sometime in the near future. I'd also like to tour The Pines, his parents' house. We chose our house colors after walking around the outside of The Pines. For those who might be interested, here is the website and you can see a good picture of the outside of the home. You'll understand the statement that gardens never end and buildings never begin. My neighbor, the landscaper, was bemoaning the fact that the previous owners had cut down a beautiful Japanese maple. I mentioned that it was kind of close to the house and he said, you prune the tree to fit the house, you don't chop it down. We've since planted a new tree.
  19. Alden Dow, a Midland architect, was a student of Frank Lloyd Wright's and that had a great effect on Midland architecture. Many, if not most, of the public buildings were designed by Alden Dow. Also, many homes in Midland have design elements that stem from Alden Dow. Our home is one of them. It sounds good to me, too! We're having hot dogs tonight. Karen, I am so glad you have been surrounded by friends and family. Keeping you close in my thoughts today. I fought with my health insurer for over a year over a bill for a kidney stone. They came up with every excuse in the book not to pay it. They paid the doctor, but not the hospital saying it wasn't medically necessary to go there. I was out of town and the ER is where you go in the middle of the night. They thought I should have gotten in my car and driven 300 miles to see my PCP. Then, they didn't know how to subtract out the doctor's fee from the bill as they had paid that. I told them it was their lucky day as I was a Math teacher and I could help them with subtraction. It was tough, you had to borrow. I finally threatened legal action and that got the claim resolved. Let me know about the kebabs, Carolyn. And, I agree, I would like the piccata without the cream. Just a lot of added calories in my book. Due to air quality levels that were in the Danger level, we opted for the Children's Museum today. The kids had a great time. It was a small place, but held their interest for hours. We had to peel them away. We'll try for the zoo again tomorrow.
  20. Good morning, everyone! It will be another smoky day here in mid-Michigan. We had a trip to the zoo in Saginaw planned with my niece and her two littles, but with the air quality so poor, we don't want to have the kiddos outside all day. We may substitute a trip to the Children's Museum in Mt. Pleasant. Today's meal sounds good to me! And, I'll take the wine for today as well. This easy chicken kebab recipe is glazed with a tantalizing blend of Asian chiles, ginger, and garlic. It’s easy to make and so delicious! https://www.aspicyperspective.com/korean-chicken-skewers/ Dakkochi is a popular grilled chicken on a stick. It’s often coated with thick, sticky, and addictive sauce. Some sauces are sweet and salty and some are sweet and spicy. In this recipe you will find both options, so you get to choose! https://mykoreankitchen.com/chicken-skewers/ Here is another variation: https://amandacooksandstyles.com/korean-chicken-skewers/ And this one looked just too good to pass up. https://damndelicious.net/2018/08/19/korean-chicken-kabobs/ I hope everyone can find something in the above to interest them. Remember, if you don't like heat, you can tone it down by not adding as much of the hot stuff. Recipes can always be tweaked! Warm thoughts to @luvteaching Karen as she wakes up to her new reality. Healing wishes go out to @smitty34877's Lou. Glad to hear he is finally in his own room. Thinking of all of the ailing Dailyites and spouses and wishing them healing and good health to come. Wishing everyone a good day.
  21. I agree that you should just tell the pharmacy you do not want the prescription. They can't make you take it.
  22. I am so sorry for the passing of your DH Phil. You did such a wonderful job caring for him and find peace in knowing he passed knowing how much he was loved. May your memories, especially of the last concert, help you through this difficult time and remember that we are here to support you. Hugs and warm wishes sent your way.
  23. Hugs to you, Karen. I hope during this journey you can feel the Daily family with you.
  24. Good morning, everyone! It is cool and gloomy out this morning and looks like rain. That would be ok with me as we can still use it. I think the weather has brought on a migraine for Sue as she isn't up yet. She's usually up by 7:00 at the latest. As soon as I get this posted, I will go check on her and River. We have nothing planned for today as it is a day of rest after yesterday. I would love to try the drink today and the wine sounds good to me as well. Today's meal sounds wonderful. I would skip the pasta part and use spaghetti squash or zoodles. Perhaps riced cauliflower. I love anything lemon, so this meal is right up my alley. Here's our first recipe: https://www.aheadofthyme.com/creamy-lemon-chicken-piccata/ I liked the looks of this next one and it has a bit more lemon in it. They suggest using almond flour to flour the chicken to make it lower in carbs as well as swapping out the noodles. https://therecipecritic.com/creamy-lemon-chicken-piccatta/ Here is one more that is slightly different from the others, but not by much. I don't think you could go wrong with any of the recipes. https://www.jocooks.com/recipes/creamy-lemon-chicken-piccata-fettuccine/ Prayers for Phil and Lou. Holding @luvteaching and @smitty34877 close today. Also wishing good news for all of the other ailing spouses. Wishing everyone a great day.
  25. If you decide to come, you and BFF have a place to stay. Thank you, Terry, for the update. We are all still here, holding you both close. @Cruising-along I'm glad your neck is better. I hate when that happens and it usually isn't due to anything I can put my finger on. Just living and aging. @cruising sister Ouch on the toe! I hope it heals quickly! Speaking of aging, I felt every nanosecond of my age today. We had a full day keeping a six year old entertained. She was really pretty good and enjoyed the shopping at the outlet mall, visiting Bronner's, and shopping in the River Walk shops in Frankenmuth. She found a fairy village store and bought some stuff to build a fairy village in our back yard. She's still going strong, but her grandmother and I are failing fast. We have instituted a quiet time from now to bedtime.
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