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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good morning all! We woke up to a couple inches of snow and it's coming down heavily -- Karen @luvteachingwe're getting it here in Lake Stevens too. We could leave our neighborhood and cross the trestle and they may have none -- so I know what you mean. We're in a convergent zone here. I've gone to the floral arranging demos on BHBs and enjoyed them. Chili sounds really good, especially on this snowy day. No thanks to public sleeping. I will go so far as to doze on a plane if it's a night time flight, but that's about it. The quote can be true, the meal sounds very yummy. I printed out the first recipe (lower carbs as Debbie @dfishsaid). Tonight we'll be having chicken salad in pita bread and salad though. That will finish up the rotisserie chicken from a few days ago. Four meals from a chicken, not bad. We'll be in Christchurch next year on the Grand Australia. Maxine @AncientWandererI'm intrigued by your mention of the Botanic Gardens. You said you took a city bus from Akaroa and it takes an hour each way? Any other info would be greatly appreciated. 🙂 Is it easy to find where to catch the bus in Akaroa? February and March seem to be my months to catch up on medical/dental appointments. After having basically no medical appointments for a year, now I have my eye exam, dental exam, bone density scan, and the Nephrologist appointment all coming up within a couple weeks. My colonoscopy is due in June, but my doctor agreed with me that the prep is NOT kidney friendly so I declined and chose Cologuard instead. Now I'm realizing that if something is found, I don't want the dehydrating colonoscopy -- oh my. The Cologuard has been ordered, I didn't think about all this until after I got home yesterday. Sandi @StLouisCruisersI was asleep around 9:30, and woke up a few minutes after 11!! Was awake until about 2.... So I missed the 3am club last night. But at least I did get back to sleep. Kudos to you for exercising today anyway! I would probably just be a lump all day. 🙂 @superomaHappy 53rd Anniversary!
  2. Thank you both. DH did see a doctor about the cough, and they did a chest x-ray and flonase etc. When I returned home today from my Medicare Wellness Visit, he had heard back from the doctor and now has a prescription for antibiotics too. I think that's what he needed, we shall see... Sandi @StLouisCruiserswe were typing at the same time. That's cute what your 5th grade teacher said about you and your twin. I'm sure you really weren't trouble! 😄 Lenda, it's very quiet around here 🙂 DD told us she hasn't gotten much work done today (she works from home). She sent a photo to us of both kittens on her, one draped around her shoulders, the other on her lap. My appointment went well, next up will be the Nephrologist on Thursday. I have lots of questions for her. @Safety SquirrelWelcome to the Daily!
  3. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your Jerry. You did the right thing, hard as it is (from one of many who has had to do the same thing). Sending hugs.
  4. Good morning all! Wow, 3 full pages already! But then I'm slightly later than usual. I slept pretty well except poor DH was up coughing a lot of the night (Covid test negative) and so we were both awake a lot. Luckily for me I was always able to get back to sleep except for the time between 2 and 4... and he wasn't coughing then! 😄 I think I've convinced him to call the doctor today because her suggestions (after chest x-ray etc. were all fine) aren't helping. If anything his cough seems worse. It was diagnosed as post nasal drip, but this seems much worse to me (but what do I know)? I like all bears, but have only seen polar bears in the zoo. Also like most retro and I guess most of my days are no brainer days lol. I would like the meal without the bun, especially the first recipe. But tonight we'll be having the rest of the big chicken pot pie I made last night. I would like the wine, I think, and the drink without the chili powder. Have not been to this port in Norway, thanks for any and all photos! Last night DD and family came and picked up the kittens to take them home. Oh those boys were happy to see their kittens! My heart about burst when each boy told me that their Nana is the best person to take care of their kitties when they're away. 🙂 I guess they got 15 inches of snow (there was none the day before) when they woke up yesterday morning at their place outside of Whistler. I wondered if they would get out of there! But DSIL had the car cleared off and it probably only delayed them by an hour or so. Sandi @StLouisCruisersthose puppies are both SO cute! Speaking as someone who recently took care of 2 sibling kittens, having 2 makes it fun to watch them play together but it also can make double the trouble as each one follows the other into places they shouldn't. These 2 play tag team it seems. 😅 Terry @smitty34877I don't know which thread you had a post removed, but sometimes if you respond to a post that was removed, all posts responding to it are removed too. It could just be something like that. I can't imagine any other reason you would have a post removed.
  5. And don't forget the door slammers! Once I can forgive, but there's no excuse to go back and forth, back and forth every 30 seconds. We've also had neighbors (also on Celebrity) like @RedneckBobhad.
  6. Ann, friends and family in Bellingham say they got more snow last night --- be safe.
  7. Good morning all! The weather app shows we'll be having frozen mix/snow for the next week. I'm hoping more for frozen mix, at least that doesn't accumulate. Interesting collection of days, I'll pass on the red wine and drink and don't care for mac and cheese. Dinner today will either be left overs from the rotisserie chicken last night, or take-out. It will depend on the timing when we help transport the kittens/food/litter box home. DD's car will be full with ski equipment. We've been to Egypt but not the Valley of the Kings, so have never been to this port. I would love to see the Valley of the Kings, but most likely never will. Not a good night's sleep last night, it took forever to get to sleep. I was having symptoms of kidney issues and hope it was just late night worries getting the best of me. No problems this morning, and most days have been fine. Doctor's appointments this week, I'll find out when the next labs will be. Sandi @StLouisCruisersI always enjoy seeing your DD's seasonal tree. She's very talented! Jake @Crazy For Catsso nice of you to try to donate to the cat rescue, and that's crazy that they wouldn't accept the donation. Only allowing Friskies is being very short-sighted of them. Hugs to Jacqui @kazu, Vanessa @JazzyVand Graham @grapau27. February and March are hard months. My Mother and sister both died in February 13 years ago (the 12th and 18th) and my Dad passed March 7, 5 years ago. Winter months seem the hardest for the elderly and/or ill.
  8. Try this, I hope it helps. This shows the cruises available on the "Time of your life" offer that has the $25 deposit. https://www.hollandamerica.com/en_US/deals/time-of-your-life-cruise-offer/cruise-deals.html?destcode=multi_WAVE23_1&csvfilename=multi_WAVE23_1&ICID=INTHWEB20221214PHR7XFBR02&priceType=halbest
  9. When I looked at the HAL site I see that 266 cruises are part of this deal. Is your cruise one of them?
  10. Good morning all! I had written a fairly lengthy post only to lose it....in the meantime, dealing with kitten shenanigans and I'm late today. The funniest (?) was when Smudge, the most mischievous of the two, stuck her head into my coffee cup. Luckily the coffee wasn't hot, but I don't think she'll do that again, she did NOT like the taste of coffee. And then Soot ran to her and kept smelling her mouth, wondering what the heck she'd gotten into. 😂 Tomorrow DD will be taking them home, and our 9-day visit will be over until the next time....which could be as soon as next weekend but only a couple days that time. Like others, I'll take one of the days, and that's Open that Bottle. It isn't one I've been saving, but is another of my favorite Marlborough Sauvignon Blancs. I'll pass on the red wine and drink, would like to try Debbie's @dfishlast recipe with the hamburger gravy. I admit I've never made hamburger gravy. But tonight will be a roasted chicken from Haggen. Those always last us several days. I haven't been to this port, thanks for the great photos! I slept well last night too, those nights are always SO much appreciated. We got our motorized skylight blind installed yesterday, yay! Welcome to the Daily @lvhhand @arzz! Bon Voyage to @Mr. Boston, @RMLincoln, @SusieKIslandGirl, and @Cruisercl! Annie @marshhawksending lots of gentle hugs to you and Chuck. I know how hard yesterday was. Just know you did the right thing and that he lived a long life because of how much care you gave him. My refrigerator is a Whirlpool side by side (I also don't like the freezer on the bottom). It's counter depth and exterior water and ice dispenser. DD has a freezer under the fridge and I don't know how she finds anything. I have a hard enough time finding things in my pantry. 😅 The kittens have settled down now, they've decided that this corner of my computer room is a good place to nap.
  11. That sounds exactly like what we like to do (except we do take a short time for lunch). And you're so right, some countries we wouldn't be comfortable renting a car either. We do a combination of DIY, private and ship tours.
  12. This is very similar to my recipe. Mine doesn't have the mustard but does have lemon juice, green onions, and a dash of hot pepper sauce.
  13. Ann, Pat is braver than I. (I'm also allergic to all bee stings). Gorgeous cat!
  14. Good morning all! I like tortilla chips, especially in Nachos but can't have them very often due to carbs. Never have had Paczki, but oh my they do look so good! Big cheers to bartenders, especially our bartenders on BHBs. The wine is a good one, thanks for sharing one of our local wineries. I like halibut but will stick to the way I prepare it (similar to Terry's @smitty34877). Will pass on the drink. Love the quote! We were in Reykjavik on the VOV in 2018. We rented a car with Rich @richwmnand another friend for the 2 days we were there. Whenever possible, that's what we prefer to do, I guess we like our freedom to do what we want and when we want. 😉 The first day we drove the Golden Circle, went to Pingvellir where the slow separation of North American and Eurasian tectonic plates are being slowly torn apart. Then onto the Oxararfoss Waterfall, lunch at a family-run dairy farm that was recommended by Rick Steves, to Geysir, then to the Gullfoss waterfall. The second day we drove to Seltun Geothermal Field on Reykjanes Peninsula, and had the most amazing fish and chips we've ever had along with Icelandic beers that were also very good! I won't post all my photos since they would be too much like those already posted, but will see if I have anything different to share. The only thing on our agenda today is that the installers will come this afternoon to install our motorized skylight blind! I can't wait to use it on hot summer days! Melanie @puppycanducruiseI'm with you on the "I hate cilantro day". Annie @marshhawksending gentle hugs and thinking of you today as you say goodbye to Neko. Gerry @ger_77I hope you get your furnace up and running asap. And yes, why do smoke alarms always go off in the middle of the night? I've also noticed that they go off when it's colder than usual -- I wonder why. Maureen @RMLincolnsafe travels and safe flights for your family. @TAW1963Welcome to the Daily, I hope we hear more from you. 🙂 We enjoyed our 2 days of driving when we visited Reykjavik. I'm glad I knew ahead of time that the geothermal fields in Iceland aren't like the geysers in Yellowstone, or I would have been disappointed. But they're definitely worth visiting. Menu at the dairy farm-restaurant recommended by Rick Steves. And a little of what we saw outside the restaurant. Gullfoss Waterfall And Oxararfoss Waterfall
  15. I didn't know that either. But my gloves would have to go up to my elbows, I find paint there too.
  16. You can count on flower pics 😉 Yes, the longest I've ever waited for a particular lab result was about 12 hours. Otherwise I get them within minutes-couple hours. My last one was on MyChart before I even left the clinic parking lot.
  17. Oh, that would be best to be there in their spring! We'll be there Feb. 29 (just realized next year is leap year!) so late summer. Hoping it will be pretty anyway. 🙂 I have noticed it's taking extra time to hear back from my doctor's office too. Part of the problem here may be that our long-time physician retired a year ago and I don't know if she's been replaced or not. Either that or our doctor we have now is just slower at getting back to us. Our labs are always set up 6 months in advance, so at least we don't have to worry about that. Joy @Seasick SailorWe have the ashes of our beloved last kitty too. Very nice wooden box with her name engraved on it. I keep it in a corner of the manel along with the card the vet sent us. Lorraine @cruising sisterMy heart aches for your little grandson and I know how rough that was for you. Hoping the therapy helps him and he can be a happy little guy again.
  18. Good morning all! I'm sure our grand-pups are enjoying dog biscuits today. I tried tennis, I wasn't any good. 😉 Digital learning is important and especially so during the pandemic. The drink sounds good, but I'll pass on the meal. When I saw Pine Ridge I got excited, then I saw Chardonnay. This is the Pine Ridge we always have on hand, a blend of Chenin Blanc and Viognier. It's SO good. I miss Erma Bombeck. Hobart is on our itinerary for the Grand Australia next year, thanks for all the photos! I'd love to see the Botanical Gardens like Sandi @StLouisCruisers did. My night wasn't too bad, I was awake earlier this time (1:30-after 2:30) and woke just about every hour briefly. I did think of the rest of you with sleepless nights when I was awake that hour+. I'll be getting a phone call from my doctor this morning, for the pre-appointment call. Have the rest of you noticed how things have changed? Now we get those calls before our wellness checks, we get online questionnaires to fill out before appointments, and now we even are asked to do pre-check in. Seems like more and more we're doing their work for them -- saying it will save time (yes, their time lol). I got a 6-page form to fill out that the Nephrologist wants too. Vanessa @JazzyVI'm so sorry to hear about the death of your BFF's uncle. My deepest condolences to you, your BFF, and all the family. I think you'll be glad to have T-mobile overseas. We switched to T-mobile on the advice of Rich @richwmnand are glad we did. Annie @marshhawkI guess I'm thankful our last cat passed away before Covid because I was allowed to hold her as the vet put her down -- and we were all crying, me, DH, and the vet. I was able to be in the exam room with Captain Soot this week, I guess it's different rules for different vets. HUGS to you and DH.
  19. Debbie this is a great port to see just by walking around. Be sure and walk around the lake and admire the flowers around it. Hopefully you'll have great weather like we did!
  20. Yes! I had the choice of oral meds or drops and I chose the oral meds. I'm sure I'd be getting those drops everywhere but where they're supposed to go. 😂
  21. Good morning all! We had a big surprise this morning when we looked out the window -- probably about 4 inches of the white powdery stuff -- not expected! The forecast is for lows in the teens and more "frozen mix" so I guess this will stick around for awhile. Nothing like what other parts of the country and Canada are getting, so I won't complain. DD, DSIL and the grandsons spent the night last night and left about half an hour ago to head to Whistler. It was obvious how much they've all missed these kittens. They will be back on Sunday, and the kittens will go home. It's going well getting the antibiotics into Captain Soot, I'm thankful he loves his canned food -- so easy to mix it in his food. @marshhawkI'm so sorry to hear about Neko, and know how difficult it must be for you. Is there another vet nearby who could see him before Friday? Here are my photos of Djupivogur. We were there in 2018 on the Voyage of the Vikings. We spent hours just walking. Around the lake, up the hills, and one thing I especially wanted to do was to see Jon Sigurosson's shop so we spent some time there visiting with him. We found a few trinkets for the grandsons, but oh my things were expensive as everything is in Iceland. We thoroughly enjoyed our day. This building dates back to 1790 These plants fascinated me. When I was able to look them up, I found the common name is "Cotton Flower" and they really look like cotton plants in a field. This is the lake we walked around Jon's shop with polished local rock, crystal and wood carvings. Amazing. Jon, this is in back of the shop. Beautiful Lupines
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