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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily. I'll salute Korean Americans. I don't think I can make my dreams come true today; maybe another day. I haven't had peach melba in ages. Good quote. Yes to black bean soup. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Taiohae. The Nat'l Geographic Society is great. It's about 27F right now, and lightly snowing. Not much snow on the ground. Around 7AM I thought the house would blow away, as the wind was ferocious (it's solid brick, so not really)! The storm windows were rattling like crazy. I will be inside, although I'd like to bring my 2 small Christmas trees by the front door in. There are some power outages, but luckily I'm ok. No heat in this weather would be awful, and one would have to go elsewhere. I'm trying to slowly get non-furniture stuff out of my foyer, LR and DR. There's no where to put all the furniture when the floors get redone, so I think they'll have to do room by room rather than all at once. Also the contractor needs to come back on Monday to measure the broken radiator; he took photos but didn't measure. He's looking for antique ones, but mine is quite large. I'll be watching football later. @kazu Thanks for starting us up. I hope your weather isn't too terrible. @MISTER 67 Nice to see you posting. Sorry it's chilly there, but as you say, it's worse up north. @puppycanducruise Glad you made it through. Be careful outside clearing snow. @StLouisCruisers Lovely photos. @cat shepard Thank you. I hope to hear something from the interventional radiologist next week. I'm taking so many pills right now, but if they help some, it's worth it. I'd like to try that wine. @kochleffel Sorry you're feeling under the weather. I hope you're better soon. @ger_77 Those wind chill temps boggle my mind! I'm glad the trip to the chiro helped your DH. @ottahand7 The delay in getting your meal in the PG is bad! Are they still understaffed? @marshhawk It sounds like the new eye doctor has some good ideas for DH. I knew someone who had a weight put in her upper lid. One worry besides the tearing is if the lid can't close, and there's drying, a corneal ulcer can develop. I hope you get a work schedule that works for you. @smitty34877 I remember as a teenager, the local paper having all the goings on. There was a write up about my graduating and going off to college. @RMLincoln I hope you're able to safely get to DH's appointment. I too am not happy about the one game being on Peacock (like some were on Amazon Prime during the regular season); someone said they think eventually most games you'll have to pay to see (I won't!). @rafinmd Thanks for today's maps and the sunrise. @SanDiegian Good afternoon! @Cruzin Terri Sorry about the cleaning lady not communicating with you, and about the bedroom floor. I hope you get it all sorted out. @Quartzsite Cruiser Nice photos. @Haljo1935 I hope you can get your heater working. @Vict0riann Thanks for the photos. @luvteaching Oh no! Did you put ice on it? I'm glad you're ok. @HAL Sailer Thinking of you and DH. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast for those Celebrating.
  2. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-surgery, on CPAP, gtube JazzyV with right leg pain, tingling and numbness; trouble walking All in the path of storms and frigid temperatures Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Rafinmd getting radiation treatments StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Cruzin Terri’s DH Jim, with memory issues Celebrations and Shoutouts: Kazu stepping up to keep the FR/Daily going while Rich is cruising Seagarsmoker feeling better Marshhawk’s DH responding to Keytruda The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 day for Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam Jan 14 to Feb 4) 21d PC Sunfarer & Southern Caribbean Seafarer Seasick Sailor (Rotterdam to Jan 14, Tropical/Southern Caribbean Seafarer), Kochleffel(Anthem of the Seas to Jan 18) 11d Southern Caribbean, Ottahand7 (Eurodam to Feb 24) B2B2B2B2B Caribbean, Cruising-along (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Durangoscots (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, cruising sister (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Cruisercl (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Richwmn (Volendam to May 4, Jan 3 94d Grand Australia & NZ Voyage + Apr 6 15d PC Cruise + Apr 21 The Atlantic Cruise), Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam to May 11) 128d Grand World Voyage and Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9) 156d World Voyage
  3. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @kazu and @richwmn. I like curried chicken. No ginger here to kiss, and I occasionally like hot tea. Good quote. I'd like the soup and drink. Pass on the wine. I have been to Sitka. One good day in history, and one sad one. It's 40F and partly sunny. Later in the afternoon, the bad weather comes in as high winds, rain, possible sleet and snow. I had a restless 4 hours of sleep last night. The pain may be decreased a little, I think due to the addition of Cymbalta. I have PT early afternoon, then a grocery store stop. Then I'm in for the weekend. @seagarsmoker Good luck with the second interview. @rafinmd Thanks for the map. I hope your physical and treatment go well. @StLouisCruisers Great photos. @GTVCRUISER Thanks for the photos. @kazu Stay safe during the storm. I hope the coastal erosion and flooding is not bad. @aliaschief Stay hydrated during your tour. @ger_77 Wow, that's cold! I hope the chiro can get DH feeling better. @Seasick Sailor That Canaletto dinner sounds very disappointing. @smitty34877 Sorry there was insomnia at your house yesterday. The baked ziti sounds good and nice that the teenager is helping with cooking. @marshhawk That's pretty cold for GA! Prayers that DH's angioplasty goes well. @tupper10 Sorry about the issues with your DM. My DM had started writing checks with dates way in the past. Before I moved her here from NJ, I had all the bills sent to me and my name put on the checking account, plus removed checks from her. It's was tough seeing a bright woman develop dementia. Hugs to you. @RMLincoln Good luck at the DMV! @Quartzsite Cruiser Nice photos. @bennybear Stay warm! @Cruzin Terri Thinking of you and DH. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating. A few photos from 2009, on the Ryndam: Approaching Sitka. The Amsterdam was also there. St. Michael's Cathedral Totems in the Sheldon Jackson Museum Totem in front of the Alaska Pioneers Home Ships and tenders Bear outside a store in town
  4. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-surgery, on CPAP, gtube JazzyV with right leg pain, tingling and numbness; trouble walking All in the path of storms Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Rafinmd getting radiation treatments HAL Sailer’s DH with medical issues Cruzin Terri’s DH Jim, with memory issues Celebrations and Shoutouts: Kazu stepping up to keep the FR/Daily going while Rich is cruising Seagarsmoker feeling better Denise T’s improved blood sugars Marshhawk’s DH responding to Keytruda The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 2 days for Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam Jan 14 to Feb 4) 21d PC Sunfarer & Southern Caribbean Seafarer Seasick Sailor (Rotterdam to Jan 14, Tropical/Southern Caribbean Seafarer), Kochleffel(Anthem of the Seas to Jan 18) 11d Southern Caribbean, Ottahand7 (Eurodam to Feb 24) B2B2B2B2B Caribbean, Cruising-along (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Durangoscots (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, cruising sister (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Cruisercl (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Richwmn (Volendam to May 4, Jan 3 94d Grand Australia & NZ Voyage + Apr 6 15d PC Cruise + Apr 21 The Atlantic Cruise), Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam to May 11) 128d Grand World Voyage and Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9) 156d World Voyage
  5. Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily. I agree cigarettes are a health hazard. No boy here to hug today, but I hugged BFF yesterday. I used to make a hot toddy when I was sick with a bad cold; not today, thankfully. Not sure I agree with the quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Nha Trang. 3 important days in history, especially insulin which saved Type 1 diabetics at the time, and now helps many diabetics. It's a bit warmer today, in the 40's, cloudy. Bad weather to come, and very cold next week. I slept 4 hours, then another hour after posting the Care List. The contractor to do the work following the water damage is due this afternoon, to take a look. Otherwise, nothing special going on. @seagarsmoker I'm glad you're feeling better. I hope you get those second interviews next week! @StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to Ren! Safe travels to all your family members. Nice photos from Nha Trang. @Denise T Good job on improving your blood sugars. @kazu Be careful with that icy driveway. I'm glad your appointment is rescheduled. @dfish Congrats on the Hawaii cruise balcony! Yikes on 10" of snow. @ger_77 Brrrr. @smitty34877 Enjoy having your DB and DSIL there. @MISTER 67 Thank you for your service and the photos. @RMLincoln I think people in NJ do okay in snow; I grew up there. It was a shock coming to Western PA and driving in snow with its hilly topography, when NJ and Boston had been pretty flat. Good job in finding your way around; it will take time. @Nickelpenny Your minestrone looks good. @marshhawk Hang in there and I hope your funk will lift soon. @aliaschief Enjoy the canal transit. Thanks for the photos. @rafinmd Thanks for the maps. I glad the radiation is going ok. It sounds like a nap is in order. @sailingdutchy Great photos. Have a great cruise! @Cruzin Terri Thinking of you and DH at the Neurology appointment today. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  6. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-surgery, on CPAP, gtube Cruzin Terri’s DH Jim’s visit with Neurologist today JazzyV with right leg pain, tingling and numbness; trouble walking All in the path of storms Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Rafinmd getting radiation treatments HAL Sailer’s DH with medical issues Lazey1 with mitral valve stenosis and PAD Celebrations and Shoutouts: Kazu stepping up to keep the FR/Daily going while Rich is cruising 57redbird released by her neurosurgeon after surgery Marshhawk’s DH responding to Keytruda The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 3 days for Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam Jan 14 to Feb 4) 21d PC Sunfarer & Southern Caribbean Seafarer Seasick Sailor (Rotterdam to Jan 14, Tropical/Southern Caribbean Seafarer), Kochleffel(Anthem of the Seas to Jan 18) 11d Southern Caribbean, Ottahand7 (Eurodam to Feb 24) B2B2B2B2B Caribbean, Cruising-along (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Durangoscots (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, cruising sister (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Cruisercl (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Richwmn (Volendam to May 4, Jan 3 94d Grand Australia & NZ Voyage + Apr 6 15d PC Cruise + Apr 21 The Atlantic Cruise), Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam to May 11) 128d Grand World Voyage and Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9) 156d World Voyage
  7. Good morning. Thanks for the FR/Daily. I only use bittersweet chocolate in baking, not for eating. I appreciate my houseplants and try to keep them alive. With this big, drafty house, I try to keep my energy costs down. I don't agree with the quote. The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Sasebo. 3 interesting days in history. We have rain/snow, temp in the 30's, and high winds here today. Knock wood my power has stayed on. BFF wants to go out to dinner later, so hopefully it's not too wild out. I slept better again last night. I'm hoping the radiologist gets the disc of my MRI tomorrow, and that I hear something next week. The contractor that will be doing the renovation work wants to come by tomorrow, so I'll see if he agrees with the estimator's assessment. I appreciated the kind comments yesterday about my postings of the Care List. @lvhh Welcome to the Daily! @rafinmd Thanks for the map. @kazu Oh my on the fall! I'm glad nothing was broken. Take it easy and stay safe from the storm. Great that you have a generator. @StLouisCruisers I admire your dedication to getting the stocking done. @Denise T It sounds like your weather in Eastern PA was worse than mine in Western PA. @cat shepard That's a scary picture! @ger_77 Yikes on that wind chill temperature! @RMLincoln Those address changes sound challenging. How is DH doing regarding the allergy to his drops? Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  8. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-surgery, on CPAP, gtube Crazy for Cats loss of his beloved cat Amelia Cruzin Terri safe trip home home JazzyV with right leg pain, tingling and numbness; trouble walking Passing of Norseh2o’s DM Ruth on 1/4/2024 All in the path of storms Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Rafinmd getting radiation treatments Tana with chronic pulmonary issues StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Celebrations and Shoutouts: Kazu stepping up to keep the FR/Daily going while Rich is cruising 57redbird released by her neurosurgeon after surgery Marshhawk’s DH responding to Keytruda The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 4 days for Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam Jan 14 to Feb 4) 21d PC Sunfarer & Southern Caribbean Seafarer Seasick Sailor (Rotterdam to Jan 14, Tropical/Southern Caribbean Seafarer), Kochleffel(Anthem of the Seas to Jan 18) 11d Southern Caribbean, Ottahand7 (Eurodam to Feb 24) B2B2B2B2B Caribbean, Cruising-along (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Durangoscots (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, cruising sister (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Cruisercl (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Richwmn (Volendam to May 4, Jan 3 94d Grand Australia & NZ Voyage + Apr 6 15d PC Cruise + Apr 21 The Atlantic Cruise), Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam to May 11) 128d Grand World Voyage and Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9) 156d World Voyage
  9. Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily @kazu and @richwmn. I've never been up in a balloon. I've photographed them when we used to have balloon races during our Regatta. I'll salute choreographers. I like apricots dried or in jam. I like the meal. Hard pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Corinto. Not a good day for Joan of Arc, but good days for photography buffs and iphone enthusiasts. It's an ugly day here. There was snow overnight, not a lot, but then sleet and the roads were slushy this morning. Quite a few accidents and schools were on a 2 hour delay. Then it turned to rain and the temperature is 44F. It's raining buckets and we are under high wind warnings. Already some power outages but not here; I hope mine stays on. On the good side I slept about 5 hours total last night. Maybe the Cymbalta my PCP added is helping. Then I heard that the mitigation work will be paid for by my insurance. I'm just back from PT, and I also dropped the disc with my MRI at the PO to send to the radiologist. Now I'm in for the rest of the day. @Seasick Sailor I'm sorry to hear your PG meal was disappointing. From what I read it's hit or miss, which shouldn't be for a specialty eatery. @Crazy For Cats Thinking of you. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the photos of Corinto. Looks like a place I can skip. @ger_77 Your weather forecast sounds awful. Stay safe! @marshhawk Sorry your appointment didn't go well. Big no-no on DH smoking with the oxygen on. I think you need to get that neighbor to pay for Tuesday night dog walking; she's taking advantage of you. @dfish Sue sounds like BFF; years ago he bought this much too big snow blower he calls Big Bertha! @aliaschief Your cruise sounds great. I'm glad your neighborhood escaped damage from the storms. @RMLincoln Anything to do with taxes seems excessively convoluted these days. I'm glad you're all stocked up with the essentials. Great photos of the Balloon Fiesta. @TAW1963 I remember you Todd. @Nickelpenny The stroganoff looks good. And you were industrious to make homemade noodles! @rafinmd Thanks for explaining about your radiation treatments. I hope they take care of the 2 spots. @Quartzsite Cruiser Nice photos of Leon/Corinto. @Vict0riann Thanks for the Corinto photos. @Cruzin Terri I'm glad you made it to Jacksonville safely. Prayers the procedure goes well. @Cruisercl I'm jealous! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.
  10. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-surgery, on CPAP, gtube Cruzin Terri driving to Jacksonville for lab work and derm procedure Crazy for Cats loss of his beloved cat Amelia JazzyV with right leg pain, tingling and numbness; trouble walking Passing of Norseh2o’s DM Ruth on 1/4/2024 Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Rafinmd to start radiation 1/8 for elevated PSA Tana with chronic pulmonary issues Lazey1 with mitral valve stenosis and PAD Celebrations and Shoutouts: Kazu stepping up to keep the FR/Daily going while Rich is cruising 57redbird released by her neurosurgeon after surgery Marshhawk’s DH responding to Keytruda Cruising sister’s g-niece Murphy extubated, on CPAP The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 5 days for Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam Jan 14 to Feb 4) 21d PC Sunfarer & Southern Caribbean Seafarer Seasick Sailor (Rotterdam to Jan 14, Tropical/Southern Caribbean Seafarer), Kochleffel(Anthem of the Seas to Jan 18) 11d Southern Caribbean, Ottahand7 (Eurodam to Feb 24) B2B2B2B2B Caribbean, Cruising-along (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Durangoscots (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, cruising sister (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Cruisercl (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Richwmn (Volendam to May 4, Jan 3 94d Grand Australia & NZ Voyage + Apr 6 15d PC Cruise + Apr 21 The Atlantic Cruise), Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam to May 11) 128d Grand World Voyage and Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9) 156d World Voyage
  11. Oh @Crazy For Cats Jake, I am so sorry to hear this news. Condolences on the loss of Amelia to you and Juan.
  12. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @kazu. I like argyle socks and sweaters. I'll pass on bubble baths for showers instead, and divorce. Funny quote. Interesting meal. Pass on the drink and wine ($$$). I have been to Napier, NZ on my first HAL cruise from Auckland to Sydney. 3 good days in history. It's chilly here, and cloudy. Rain later in the week and very high winds. I got about 4 hours of sleep again. I got an early call this AM from the nurse of the interventional radiologist, saying they needed to see my MRI. So sending the referral directly to them worked! I have a disc that I will mail to them. Then I had to straighten out a bill for the MRI. I also called my insurance claim specialist to see if the mitigation bill will be covered. So I got some things done. @seagarsmoker Good news that you're feeling much better. @grapau27 Thanks for the explanations. @StLouisCruisers Excellent photos of Napier. That rocket headed to the moon has a lunar lander built right here in town by Astrobotic and also a rover that is a project of CMU students (Carnegie Mellon University). @rafinmd Thank you for the maps. Good luck with your treatment today. @ger_77 🥶That's cold! I hope DH is feeling better soon. @Nickelpenny I used to make yogurt all the time in my Instant Pot. I need to get back to it. Sad anniversary for Gabby Giffords and the 6 people killed. @aliaschief That sounds like a great evening. @dfish Stay safe in the storm! All the recipes look good. @cunnorl I remember you telling us about that awful shuttle driver. @RMLincoln I hope there's not too much flooding in your area. Enjoy watching the game tonight. @smitty34877 Thinking of you and Tana. @marshhawk I hope all goes ok with the Endocrinologist. @sailingdutchy Great photos. @VMax1700 Good to hear that DW's tests were ok. @Vict0riann Good luck getting the "bumps" removed. @kochleffel That balcony isn't bad at all. @Cruzin Terri Safe travels tomorrow and I hope the procedure goes well. At least if the bloodwork is off, the doctor may have recommendations to help your pain. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating. Some pictures from Napier: Logs at the port ready for shipping Black sand beach Napier is the Art Deco capital of NZ Art Deco Church The Twin City Stompers entertaining View of the Statendam from Bluff Hill Outlook Unique trees and man all leaning on Bluff Hill Waterfall in Centennial Gardens
  13. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-surgery, on CPAP, gtube Summer slope awaiting skin biopsy results JazzyV with right leg pain, tingling and numbness; trouble walking Passing of Norseh2o’s DM Ruth on 1/4/2024 Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Rafinmd to start radiation 1/8 for elevated PSA/prostate cancer Tana with chronic pulmonary issues Lazey1 with mitral valve stenosis and PAD Celebrations and Shoutouts: Kazu stepping up to keep the FR/Daily going while Rich is cruising 57redbird released by her neurosurgeon after surgery Marshhawk’s DH responding to Keytruda Cruising sister’s g-niece Murphy extubated, on CPAP The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 6 days for Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam Jan 14 to Feb 4) 21d PC Sunfarer & Southern Caribbean Seafarer Seasick Sailor (Rotterdam to Jan 14, Tropical/Southern Caribbean Seafarer), Kochleffel(Anthem of the Seas to Jan 18) 11d Southern Caribbean, Ottahand7 (Eurodam to Feb 24) B2B2B2B2B Caribbean, Cruising-along (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Durangoscots (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, cruising sister (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Cruisercl (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Richwmn (Volendam to May 4, Jan 3 94d Grand Australia & NZ Voyage + Apr 6 15d PC Cruise + Apr 21 The Atlantic Cruise), Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam to May 11) 128d Grand World Voyage and Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9) 156d World Voyage
  14. Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily. I'll salute the talent of the Harlem Globetrotters. As mentioned yesterday, mentors are important. I have mentored and I myself had 2 special ones. I will try to stand up for myself when needed; I used to be very shy, but have gotten over that a good bit. Not sure about the quote. Interesting side dish meal. Pass on the drink. The wine's a little pricey for me. I haven't been to Tunis. 2 good days. It's 34F with light snow off and on; I don't think much accumulation. I took a Benadryl last night and got about 4.5 hours of sleep. Today I'm working on the contract for my restoration work. I also got a bill from the mitigation company, almost $1300, so I need to contact my insurance tomorrow as I thought they would also pay for that. Otherwise I might watch some football. @kochleffel Bon Voyage! @StLouisCruisers I'm glad DS and family had a good holiday and vacation together. Your travelogue has brought back great memories of my cruise in Antarctica. @grapau27 I hope this anniversary of your late Mam and Dad's wedding brings back good memories for you. @ottahand7 Thanks for the photos. Oh my on John getting a shower from the cleaners a deck above! @rafinmd The day that will live in Infamy is Dec 7. Good luck with your radiation tomorrow. @Crazy For Cats Be careful shoveling! @aliaschief So sorry your tour guide didn't show! Relax and enjoy the Azamazing Evening tonight. @smitty34877 That was nice of your neighbor and his workers. I hope things are going a little better today. @Sir PMP Thanks for the photo. @superoma Happy Birthday to DGD, and to DGS a few days early! @marshhawk Sorry to hear Bubbles has so many injuries. I hope you can get him to the vet. Wow on having to jump out of your friend's moving car! @Cruzin Terri I hope you're doing ok. @Mr. Boston I hope you feel better soon. @RMLincoln I'm glad you can just stay in, with all that snow. @mamaofami I'm glad you're doing well after the extractions. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  15. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-surgery, on CPAP, gtube Summer slope awaiting skin biopsy results JazzyV with right leg pain, tingling and numbness; trouble walking Passing of Norseh2o’s DM Ruth on 1/4/2024 Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Rafinmd to start radiation 1/8 for elevated PSA/prostate cancer Tana with chronic pulmonary issues 1Angelcat’s friend Debbi battling dementia Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage Kochleffel(Paul)! Marshhawk’s DH responding to Keytruda Kazu stepping up to keep the FR/Daily going while Rich is cruising Cruising sister’s g-niece Murphy extubated, on CPAP 57redbird released by her neurosurgeon after surgery The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 7 days for Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam Jan 14 to Feb 4) 21d PC Sunfarer & Southern Caribbean Seafarer Seasick Sailor (Rotterdam to Jan 14, Tropical/Southern Caribbean Seafarer), Kochleffel(Anthem of the Seas to Jan 18) 11d Southern Caribbean, Ottahand7 (Eurodam to Feb 24) B2B2B2B2B Caribbean, Cruising-along (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Durangoscots (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, cruising sister (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Cruisercl (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Richwmn (Volendam to May 4, Jan 3 94d Grand Australia & NZ Voyage + Apr 6 15d PC Cruise + Apr 21 The Atlantic Cruise), Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam to May 11) 128d Grand World Voyage and Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9) 156d World Voyage
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