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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. Hiroshima has been thought of more lately, due to the Oppenheimer movie release. I like some blues music, and certainly salute hardworking farmworkers. Good quote. Pass on the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Gozo Island. Another warm and sunny day, humid, with possible thunderstorms later. My house tidying efforts yesterday didn't go so well, as vacuuming caused me back pain. I need to get this sorted, as it's getting so I can't do much without pain or having to take frequent breaks to sit. BFF and I had a nice dinner out, then came back to my house to watch a movie. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the lovely picture of the four of you at your PG dinner. I'm glad the fog lifted for your sail through Prince Christian Sound. @0106 Interesting recipes, but it's real cheese for me. @kazu I'm glad to hear that Ivan is good. @Lady Hudson I hope DH continues to show progress with his PT. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thank you for the Gozo Island photos. @Tbay Oops! Sorry I got the date wrong. @1ANGELCAT Prayers that Barb is successfully recovering from that big surgery. @RMLincoln You were an amazing GM, coming up with tasty foods that DGD could eat, with all her limitations at the time. Great to hear that she outgrew most of her severe allergies. @ottahand7 Sorry to hear about the swine flu there. We have West Nile found in mosquitos here, and our always high incidence of lyme disease due to ticks. @cunnorl Congrats to your niece on her engagement! @Seasick Sailor I'm glad you found something that Oliver will eat. I read the John Hersey book in high school. @Nickelpenny Your DF had an impressive career trajectory! Safe travels tomorrow. @dfish Gorgeous scenery! Thanks for sharing. @RedneckBob That sounds intense, when you were cruising through the Sund. And seeing the orcas too! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating. Be well everyone.
  2. Today’s Care list: Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-op, lung infection, on ECMO Mamaofami’s DH Sam back in the hospital for brain bleed 1Angelcat’s friend Barb post-surgery for pancreatic cancer NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Ill pets – Heartgrove’s Sam. Cruising sister’s Molly Canadian/US/Greek wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Crusing-along’s niece Jeannine with MS recurrence RMLincoln’s DH with glaucoma and surgery x 2 Smitty34877’s DH Lou having side effects from chemo Lobsternight’s great nephew with bike crash, multiple fractures, surgery Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Birthday Tbay! Bon Voyage Copper10-8! Retirement of Mr. Boston Cruzn single’s move almost complete Catmando to start immunotherapy next week and ok to cruise Kochleffel getting accepted into graduate program and attending the Glimmerglass Opera Festival this weekend Kazu’s Ivan doing better The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: AV8rix (Nieuw Amsterdam to Aug 13), Copper10-8 (Nieuw Amsterdam to Aug 13), Dfish (Zaandam to Aug 23), StLouisCruisers (Zaandam to Aug 23) and NextOne (Zuiderdam to Aug 25)
  3. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Maybe I'll have a beer at dinner today. Underwear is important, at least for me, lol. I don't like oysters, so no thanks. The quote is ok, although not every day. I like the meal, although carb laden. Maybe on the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Hakodate. It's sunny and 70F, but humid, and going up to 85F. I'll be mainly inside today. BFF wants to go out to eat, then come over to watch a movie. So, I need to get this place tidied up as much as I can. Sometimes it's the push I need to get stuff done. @cunnorl Happy Anniversary to you and your DH! @lcand1923 Enjoy the family gathering (and beer if you indulge). @StLouisCruisers Enjoy Qaqortoq, Greenland, a place I've never been. @kazu I'm glad you got your flight straightened out. In days gone by, we rarely had to worry about these types of changes. I'm sure your BFF enjoyed spending some time with you yesterday. Yikes on the cost of the chemo; hopefully there's a pharmaceutical program to help out with the cost. Your flowers are lovely; my lilies are long past blooming. @cruising sister Prayers for a miracle for Baby Murphy. @smitty34877 I hope you find some things Lou will eat, so he keeps up his nutrition. @marshhawk Enjoy the museum and dinner afterwards. @Nickelpenny Stay cool, with those temps! Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  4. Today’s Care list: Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-op, lung infection, on ECMO Mamaofami’s DH Sam back in the hospital for brain bleed 1Angelcat’s friend Barb post-surgery for pancreatic cancer NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Sharon in AZ’s family member’s situation All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Ill pets – Heartgrove’s Sam. Cruising sister’s Molly Canadian/US/Greek wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Tana’s pulmonary issues Smitty34877’s DH Lou having side effects from chemo Kazu’s dear friend’s DH with leukemia Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Anniversary Cunnorl! ❤️ Retirement of Mr. Boston Cruzn single’s move almost complete Catmando to start immunotherapy next week and ok to cruise Kochleffel getting accepted into graduate program and attending the Glimmerglass Opera Festival this weekend RMLincoln’s DH’s good post eye surgery report Kazu’s Ivan doing better Ger_77’s DH much better from gout attack The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 days for Copper10-8 (Nieuw Amsterdam Aug 6 to Aug 13) AV8rix (Nieuw Amsterdam to Aug 13), Dfish (Zaandam to Aug 23), StLouisCruisers (Zaandam to Aug 23) and NextOne (Zuiderdam to Aug 25)
  5. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. Good to see Chinese Daughter's Day, Chocolate Chip Cookie Day (my grocery store had their usual $4.99 container of cookies for 99 cents today), and I will salute the USCG for all they do to keep us safe. Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish) and drink, and yes to the wine. A sad day in history with the arrest of Anne Frank. I visited the Anne Frank house many years ago, when I first started traveling. I have been to Italy, but not Bari. It's hot and sunny out (87F) and more humid. I've been using Voltaren cream on my back and also some new stretches, and it wasn't too bad getting out of bed this morning. Then I went to PT, which finished with some aggressive passive stretching. Then to the PO and grocery store. Now I'm cooling down with my delayed morning coffee (although it's hot coffee). @Mr. Boston Congrats on your retirement! Enjoy your time; and you'll wonder how you had time to work, lol. @StLouisCruisers Wow on DS and Ren getting to see Messi play! He is such a great player. Sorry about the bug bite and I hope they get less itchy soon. @0106 Great job on the recipes. @Denise T Feel better soon! I commend you for working, going through personal challenges, and working toward your doctorate; not easy! @Heartgrove Thank you for your service in the USCG! Great photos of you carrying the CG flag. @1ANGELCAT Oh, Barb already had her surgery. Prayers that it was as successful as the surgeon thinks. It sounds like the typical long procedure for that diagnosis. I hope the recovery goes well. @smitty34877 Sorry to hear that the side-effects of the chemo have started for DH. I hope they lessen soon. How often will he get infusions? I'm sure it's tough having an aide only part time for a while. Prayers for your family during this rough patch. @marshhawk Hoping that DH tolerates the new treatment well. @RMLincoln You and DH did a great job getting through this second surgery. And woohoo on the pressure readings being good. I hope he can reduce the drops. @ger_77 Have a great time with your visiting family. @kazu I'm sure it did your BFF good to get together for a bit. Continued prayers for her DH. @Nickelpenny The study I'm in is a cognitive one. Sometimes I have to do online tests or something on my phone. I got notification recently that I've been in it for 500 days; it's a 2 year study. And I did a Covid study for immunocompromised people that just involved measuring antibody response to vaccines; that one has already been published. @Quartzsite CruiserThanks for the photos from Bari. @Vict0riann @sailingdutchy Great photos of the beehive houses and your tour. @cruising sister Continued prayers for Baby Murphy. Prayers for the Care List and all needing prayers. A Toast to those with something to Celebrate!
  6. Today’s Care list: Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-op, lung infection, on ECMO Mamaofami’s DH Sam back in the hospital for brain bleed 1Angelcat’s friend Barb having surgery today for pancreatic cancer NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Sharon in AZ’s family member’s situation All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Ill pets – Heartgrove’s Sam. Cruising sister’s Molly Canadian/US/Greek wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: StLouisCruiser’s friend’s DB Mark with bile duct cancer Tana’s pulmonary issues Summer slope with a health issue Kazu’s dear friend’s DH with leukemia Celebrations and Shoutouts: Congratulations on your retirement Mr. Boston! Catmando to start immunotherapy next week and ok to cruise Kochleffel getting accepted into graduate program and attending the Glimmerglass Opera Festival this weekend RMLincoln’s DH’s good post eye surgery report Congrats to Seasick Sailor on the adoption of Oliver! Kazu’s Ivan doing better Ger_77’s DH much better from gout attack The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 2 days for Copper10-8 (Nieuw Amsterdam Aug 6 to Aug 13) AV8rix (Nieuw Amsterdam to Aug 13), Dfish (Zaandam to Aug 23), StLouisCruisers (Zaandam to Aug 23) and NextOne (Zuiderdam to Aug 25)
  7. Annie, it's @erewhon. And I was wondering about @Cruzin Terri as it's been a couple of days since we heard from her.
  8. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. I like to snack on almonds, eat watermelon on a hot summer day, and have an occasional IPA. The meal looks good, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. Where would we be if Columbus hadn't landed here? I have not been to Manila. Another nice day today, although humidity is increasing a bit. Nothing specific on the agenda. My formal shrubs need to be trimmed, but I'm not sure if I'm up to it. Due to PT yesterday afternoon, I didn't take my RA/uveitis injection until I got home. That was because of the Benadryl premedication needed. So I took that around 4pm and the shot at 5. Well, I got in the recliner later feeling a bit sleepy, and slept form 8-11pm accidentally, due to the sedation of the Benadryl! I wasn't sure I'd sleep in bed, but I slept until about 6:30am. @lazey1 Happy Birthday! @0106 Thanks for the recipes. @StLouisCruisers @dfish Enjoy your sea day today. @kazu It's good to hear that Ivan hasn't needed a pain pill for a week. Lovely flowers. @marshhawk That's terrible about no one from the Oncologist's office getting back to DH. @Heartgrove It's good to hear that Sam is doing better these days. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Manila and Taal Lake photos. @rafinmd Lovely sunrise. @Nickelpenny Wow, that's an early start to school. Enjoy being a "guest teacher" this year! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
  9. Today’s Care list: Ger_77’s DH having an angiogram today for increased angina Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-op, lung infection, on ECMO Mamaofami’s DH Sam back in the hospital for brain bleed 1Angelcat’s friend Barb with surgery Friday for pancreatic cancer NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Sharon in AZ’s family member’s situation All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Ill pets – Heartgrove’s Sam. Cruising sister’s Molly Canadian/US/Greek wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Smitty34877’s DH Lou getting chemo Crusing-along’s niece Jeannine with MS recurrence Catmando with eye infection; cancer recurrence, treatment being decided on StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Rafinmd working on getting stronger following pneumonia Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Birthday lazey! (Jane)! I was off by one day RMLincoln’s DH’s good post eye surgery report Congrats to Seasick Sailor on the adoption of Oliver! Kazu’s Ivan doing better Ger_77’s DH much better from gout attack Cruzin Terri’s AC working again The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 3 days for Copper10-8 (Nieuw Amsterdam Aug 6 to Aug 13) AV8rix (Nieuw Amsterdam to Aug 13), Dfish (Zaandam to Aug 23), StLouisCruisers (Zaandam to Aug 23) and NextOne (Zuiderdam to Aug 25)
  10. Good afternoon. Thanks for the commiseration on my back situation. This visit today at PT was to start pelvic floor therapy. Maybe that, combined with the regular twice a week PT to strengthen muscles and increase function, will help. I've just been listening to the survivors and family of the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting victims 5 years ago, as the verdict against the shooter just came back. It brought it all back and I had tears in my eyes. I was acquainted with 2 of the victims. Tu B'Av. @Seasick Sailor Thanks for the suggestion, although getting down on the floor is something I can't do as it's an ordeal getting back up. @mamaofami I'm sorry to hear this news about Sam. Prayers that he won't require surgery. @bennybear Good luck with the credit stuff. A few years ago I checked mine and found someone had opened utilities in my name in Maryland! Then went into arrears and it was on my credit report. It took a while, but I finally got it straightened out and removed. @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad the procedure is done. Safe trip home.
  11. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. It was National Night Out last night here. BFF used CAD in his work as an electrical engineer. I like ice cream sandwiches, especially using cookies, but haven't had one in a long time. Interesting quote. I like good potato salad (both traditional and German), but don't make it often just for me. Pass on the drink, yes to the wine. I haven't been to Skjolden. It was a chilly start this morning at 58F. But will warm up nicely. We're getting smoke again from Canadian wildfires, but it will stay high enough in the atmosphere to not affect air quality, thankfully. Also I got a notice that mosquitoes with West Nile Virus were found in my town, so they will be spraying today. I have got to get a diagnosis and treatment for this low back pain; I can hardly walk to the bathroom when I get out of bed in the morning, it's so painful. It improves as I move around, but if I stand for any time, it comes back. I have PT later, but for something different. @0106 Cute photo. Thanks for the recipes. @StLouisCruisers Enjoy Corner Brook. Thanks for posting your photos and Lenda's. @Quartzsite Cruiser Have a safe trip to and from Dallas. And prayers for DH's procedure to go smoothly. @kazu Good news about Ivan! I hope the pain meds aren't necessary in the future. Hugs as you go about your business meeting with the lawyer. @aliaschief I'm glad it wasn't a serious dental issue, but that was unusual. @smitty34877 I'm sure you'll rest easier once the pump is off, for now. Maybe it was empty, so it beeped? @ottahand7 Lovely flowers (and bees). @RMLincoln I hope everything checks out for DH at the eye surgeon appointment. @ger_77 Congrats on winning a GC with your photo! It was a stunning one. @cruising sister Oh no, sorry to hear what happened when they took Baby Murphy off ECMO. Continued prayers for her to heal and be strong enough to tolerate being off, and for her family. @Seasick Sailor Congrats on the adoption of Oliver! @durangoscots Good news that your foot feels better. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  12. Today’s Care list: RMLincoln’s DH’s recovering from eye surgery Smitty34877’s DH Lou starting chemo Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-op, lung infection, ? off ECMO 1Angelcat’s friend Barb with surgery Friday for pancreatic cancer Crusing-along’s niece Jeannine with MS recurrence NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Sharon in AZ’s family member’s situation All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Ill pets – Kazu’s Ivan, Heartgrove’s Sam. Cruising sister’s Molly Canadian/US/Greek wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Ger_77’s DH with acute gout attack and increased angina Catmando with eye infection; cancer recurrence, treatment being decided on Tana’s pulmonary issues Mamaofami’s DH Sam recovering from brain bleed Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Birthday lazey1! Scrapnana completed chemo and recovering Ger_77’s DH showing some improvement from gout attack Cruzin Terri’s AC working again Mamaofami’s DH Sam home from the hospital The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 4 days for Copper10-8 (Nieuw Amsterdam Aug 6 to Aug 13) AV8rix (Nieuw Amsterdam to Aug 13), Dfish (Zaandam to Aug 23), StLouisCruisers (Zaandam to Aug 23) and NextOne (Zuiderdam to Aug 25)
  13. Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily @richwmn. I said rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit this AM. Close girlfriends have been important to me. I used to play Mahjong in college; I still have a set but no one to play with. The only mountain I climbed was Pike's Peak in a car! I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal (not a fan of eggplant), maybe on the drink and pass on the wine. A world changing day in history. I haven't been to Walvis Bay. Just back from PT. It's 78F out and low humidity, a lovely day. If I can muster the energy, maybe I'll mow the lawn. I had terrible knee pain most of yesterday, and couldn't do much. @1ANGELCAT There's big National Night Out goings on here. Prayers for your friend Barb for her surgery Friday and future chemo. @kazu I hope that Ivan's 2nd shot works and enables him to get off the pills. @Quartzsite Cruiser Nice photos from Walvis Bay. @smitty34877 Sorry to hear there were a few complications, but good that answers were readily available. Also Oncology nurses are some of the best. I hope DH is feeling reasonable well. @StLouisCruisers It sounds like a nice little family get together in Texas for DS. @marshhawk Annie, with all the appointments and issues going on, if you could get out of the dog walking that would free up a little time. @RMLincoln Prayers that DH's eye procedure goes well. @Seasick Sailor Prayers for your dear friend and her sister as she transitions. @ger_77 Sorry to hear the gout medication is bothering DH, but good that it's working. Not good that his angina is getting worse, but good that they can take him for the angiogram on Thursday. @Cruising-along Good to hear you're feeling better. Wow, great shots of Mt. Baker! @Heartgrove Best wishes for Sue tomorrow with her stress test. I had something similar and went through all the same tests (negative) about 8 years ago. @durangoscots I'm sure yesterday was hard. And I hope Diane's cats are quickly placed. @bennybear Thanks for the photos. @Mtn2Sea Great photos from Walvis Bay and the surrounding areas. @dfish It sounds like a fun time! @cruising sister Thinking of Baby Murphy and I hope she's doing ok. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  14. Today’s Care list: RMLincoln’s DH’s eye surgery today Smitty34877’s DH Lou starting chemo Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-op, lung infection, back on ECMO NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Mamaofami’s DH Sam recovering from brain bleed Sharon in AZ’s family member’s situation All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Ill pets – Kazu’s Ivan, Heartgrove’s Sam. Cruising sister’s Molly Canadian/US/Greek wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: StLouisCruiser’s friend’s DB Mark with bile duct cancer Catmando with eye infection; cancer recurrence, treatment being decided on Tana’s pulmonary issues Lobsternight’s great nephew with bike crash, multiple fractures, surgery Cruzin Terri still without AC Celebrations and Shoutouts: Welcome home Norseh2o! Scrapnana completed chemo and recovering Ger_77’s DH showing some improvement from gout attack Mamaofami’s DH Sam home from the hospital The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 5 days for Copper10-8 (Nieuw Amsterdam Aug to Aug 13) AV8rix (Nieuw Amsterdam to Aug 13), Dfish (Zaandam to Aug 23), StLouisCruisers (Zaandam to Aug 23) and NextOne (Zuiderdam to Aug 25)
  15. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. Mutts can be great pets, I like avocado (particularly as guac) and watermelon is refreshing on hot summer days. Funny/sad quote. Yes to burgers! I'll pass on the drink and take the wine. I haven't been to Recife. The weather is lovely today. It was in the high 50's overnight. It's now 69F and sunny, with low humidity. I might think about mowing the lawn later. I was up this AM to watch my friend Ruth's memorial service from the UK. Of course a few tears were shed. I was surprised to see a casket brought in, as she was cremated and I expected an urn. The service was short but moving. @Mr. Boston Your life's about to change! @0106 Thanks for the recipes. @cruising sister Many prayers that Baby Murphy gets off ECMO today successfully. It's great you can be of help to the family. Beautiful photo. @ottahand7 Lovely photos from Recife. @cat shepard Safe travels home. Great pictures from your lunch with the birthday girls and walk in the greenway. @marshhawk I hope plans for DH become clearer, although I know you said he needs to get more scans. Probably good if he can continue to work, as something of a distraction. @StLouisCruisers Nice of you to check in from your cruise. Hoping for a photo from the CC meet and greet. @RMLincoln Prayers for a successful surgery tomorrow for DH. @smitty34877 Thinking of DH and you today. @luvteaching Happy Birthday to your son! Tears are to be expected on occasion, especially at celebrations like that. And yes, you're strong. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating. Be well everyone.
  16. Today’s Care list: The passing of Durangoscot’s friend Diane 7/24 Smitty34877’s DH Lou starting chemo today RMLincoln’s DH’s eye surgery tomorrow 8/1 Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-op, lung infection, back on ECMO NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Mamaofami’s DH Sam recovering from brain bleed Sharon in AZ’s family member’s situation All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Ill pets – Kazu’s Ivan, Heartgrove’s Sam. Cruising sister’s Molly Canadian/US wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Summer slope with a health issue Catmando with eye infection, cancer recurrence Marshhawk with back and arm pain Lobsternight’s great nephew with bike crash, multiple fractures, surgery Celebrations and Shoutouts: Ger_77’s DH showing some improvement from gout attack Mamaofami’s DH Sam home from the hospital Cruising-along booking a new cruise Heartgrove’s house painting completed The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: Norseh2o (Oceania Regatta to Aug 1), AV8rix (Nieuw Amsterdam to Aug 13), Dfish (Zaandam to Aug 23), StLouisCruisers (Zaandam to Aug 23) and NextOne (Zuiderdam to Aug 25)
  17. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. No FIL here. I'll salute friendships, foreign and domestic, which make life sweeter. I am a fan of cheesecake. I somewhat agree with the quote, but we can make changes to who we are. A fish sandwich is about the only fish I'll eat, and yes to the drink and wine. I like Roy's meal. I haven't been to Puerto Chiapas. A cold front came through with the rain yesterday, and it is cooler, yay. Heavy fog is burning off. We'll be around 79-81F this week, until Friday, and less humid. I was up late last night, as one of my night blooming cereus cacti had a flower opening. The flower opens at night, and closes and dies the next day. I put a couple of photos down below. I have to be up and at the PC tomorrow AM, as my friend Ruth's memorial service will be webcast from the UK. @AV8rix Bon Voyage! @cat shepard It sounds like although sad, the memorial service was also somewhat healing, especially for your nephew's son. The ice cream and farm sound great. Enjoy meeting your friends for lunch and family for dinner. @0106 Thanks for the recipes. @ottahand7 Beautiful flowers. @1ANGELCAT Happy Birthday to Houdini. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos from Puerto Chiapas and for posting Sandi's too. @ger_77 I have a Breville countertop air fryer oven that I like. I didn't get the bigger one that can hold a 9x13 inch pan, due to having a small kitchen and not a lot of counter space. I'm glad DH is starting to feel better. @Nickelpenny You're not alone - I have the Apple watch on my left arm and Fitbit on the right! @cruising sister Continued prayers for Baby Murphy. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. My Cerus cactus around 7:30PM 11 PM
  18. Today’s Care list: The passing of Durangoscot’s friend Diane 7/24 Smitty34877’s DH Lou starting chemo tomorrow 7/31 Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-op, lung infection, back on ECMO NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Lobsternight’s great nephew with bike crash, multiple fractures, surgery Mamaofami’s DH Sam recovering from brain bleed Summer slope with a health issue All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Ill pets – Kazu’s Ivan, Heartgrove’s Sam. Cruising sister’s Molly Canadian/US wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Catmando with eye infection, cancer recurrence Marshhawk with back and arm pain Ger_77’s DH with acute gout attack Kazu’s dear friend’s DH with leukemia Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage AV8rix! Mamaofami’s DH Sam home from the hospital Cruising-along booking a new cruise Heartgrove’s house painting completed The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: Norseh2o (Oceania Regatta to Aug 1), AV8rix (Nieuw Amsterdam to Aug 13), Dfish (Zaandam to Aug 23), StLouisCruisers (Zaandam to Aug 23) and NextOne (Zuiderdam to Aug 25)
  19. Lenda, I'd read Haunted Mansion was closing for refurbishment and would reopen mid-August in Disney World and early September in Disneyland. Thanks for the gorgeous photos. You were obviously there at the right time! Thanks for the update on Baby Murphy. I'm sure it's tough on everyone to not be able to do anything, except pray for a good outcome.
  20. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Tigers are beautiful creatures and should be protected. I like chicken wings if someone prepares them, and also lasagna. I have my DM's lasagna recipe, but it's expensive with 4 meats, and I rarely make it. The quote is a good one. Pass on the meal and drink, and yes to the wine. I've seen footage of Steamboat Willie and that was the start of something big! I haven't been to Aomori City. I woke up to it being very dark, thunder, and rain. It's very gloomy here, but at least no high winds to cause damage, and it's a fairly gentle rain. It has also cooled off. So it's an indoor day. @grapau27 Hugs to Pauline and you also, on this remembrance day. @StLouisCruisers Bon Voyage! Have a wonderful cruise! @Crazy For Cats Welcome home. @Cruzin Terri Sorry to hear it's so warm inside; hopefully cooler weather is coming. DH is lucky to have you to nurse his wounds. @cat shepard I'm glad you made it there safely. I remember Boston driving traffic from my college days. Prayers for the family as you remember your nephew; I hope the memories bring comfort. @marshhawk I hope you start feeling better soon. @Nickelpenny Great photo! I'm in a brain/memory study that uses an Apple watch. It's a 2 year study and I'm about 1-1/3 of the way done. I'm glad you didn't have to have anything done at the dentist. @ger_77 Ouch on DH's gout attack; hopefully the meds work quickly. The celebration of life sounds lovely, if difficult. @RedneckBob Ha ha! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating. Be well everyone.
  21. Today’s Care list: The passing of Durangoscot’s friend Diane 7/24 Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-op, lung infection, back on ECMO NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Lobsternight’s great nephew with bike crash, multiple fractures, surgery Mamaofami’s DH Sam recovering from brain bleed Cruzin Terri with no AC during this heat wave Summer slope with a health issue All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Ill pets – Kazu’s Ivan, Heartgrove’s Sam. Cruising sister’s Molly Canadian/US/Greek wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: StLouisCruiser’s friend’s DB Mark with bile duct cancer Catmando with eye infection, cancer recurrence Tana’s pulmonary issues Lady Hudson’s DH needing PT for leg strength Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage StLouisCruisers and Dennis! Welcome Home Crazy For Cats and Juan! Mamaofami’s DH Sam home from the hospital Cruising-along booking a new cruise Heartgrove’s house painting completed The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 day for AV8rix (Nieuw Amsterdam July 30 to Aug 13) Norseh2o (Oceania Regatta to Aug 1), Dfish (Zaandam to Aug 23). StLouisCruisers (Zaandam to Aug 23) and NextOne (Zuiderdam to Aug 25)
  22. Those are the restrictions for travel. You can't enter or leave with more than that.
  23. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn, Milk chocolate is my favorite. I've never been to a waterpark, but in this heat it would feel good. A big salute to the Buffalo soldiers. Good quote, which is also a Lewis Carroll one. A good day in history. I like the meal, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Hiva. It's hot, hot, hot and humid. I'm just back from PT. The therapist has added back massage, which feels good. I had a bad night's sleep, as I couldn't get comfortable with my bad knee. I fell asleep around 3AM, woke up to post the Cares List, then fell back asleep until 9:40! My PT was at 11, but is 5 minutes away. Now I'm inside for the day. Perhaps thunderstorms this evening. @cat shepard @StLouisCruisers Safe travels today. @rafinmd I hope you get a good report at the Cardiologist. @0106 Thanks for the recipes. @smitty34877 I'm pleased to hear that DH's procedure went well. Prayers that things get easier for Tana. @Heartgrove Jack, the house looks great! @Quartzsite Cruiser Prayers that the wildfire stays contained. Thanks for the Hiva pics from your balcony. @marshhawk Thanks for the definition of Buffalo Soldiers. @cunnorl I was watching the launch last night on YouTube, but when it got delayed I was so sleepy that I had to go to bed. @durangoscots My condolences on the sudden loss of your friend Diane; prayers for all her family and friends. And prayers also for your friend in hospice. Hugs to you. @kochleffel Congrats on the graduate program. @bennybear Condolences to your DH on the loss of his cousin, and to your neighbors. @Cruzin Terri I hope you're doing ok. And that they replace the HVAC unit and take care of the floor damage. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating. Be well everyone.
  24. Today’s Care list: Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-op, lung infection, back on ECMO NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Lobsternight’s great nephew with bike crash, multiple fractures, surgery Mamaofami’s DH Sam recovering from brain bleed Cruzin Terri with no AC during this heat wave Summer slope with a health issue All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Ill pets – Kazu’s Ivan, Heartgrove’s Sam. Cruising sister’s Molly Canadian/US/Greek wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Catmando with eye infection, cancer recurrence Tana’s pulmonary issues Status of Scrapnana Celebrations and Shoutouts: Mamaofami’s DH Sam home from the hospital Cruising-along booking a new cruise Heartgrove’s house painting completed The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 days for StLouisCruisers (Zaandam July 29 to Aug 23) DH 75th BD and 54th anniversary 2 days for AV8rix (Nieuw Amsterdam July 30 to Aug 13) Crazy For Cats (Zaandam to July 29), Norseh2o (Oceania Regatta to Aug 1), Dfish (Zaandam to Aug 23) and NextOne (Zuiderdam to Aug 25)
  25. @superoma Happy Birthday, Eva! 🎂 @Cruzin Terri Oh my, I hate hearing your news. I assume the thermostat is under warranty, but that's little consolation when it's so hot. I'm glad you got a portable unit, so you can at least sleep. And the floors warped? You can't get a break. I would be so mad at the Post Office! I was so upset when for one week my mail got delivered while I was away, because there was a substitute who didn't get notified of the mail hold. Condolences on the passing of your neighbor; prayers for his wife and friends. I hope Jim's Dermatology appointment tomorrow has good results. @Quartzsite Cruiser I hope there is more fire containment soon.
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