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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! I'll salute Columbus/Indigenous People's Day, National Metric Day, and World Mental Health Day. Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal and drink, yes to the wine. I have been to Hilo, once pre-digital and in 2012 when my camera malfunctioned. Another cold start to the day (38F), but sunny. The roofers arrived bright and early at 8AM. @grapau27 Good luck with the doctor's visit today. @kazu Good to hear you had a nice dinner yesterday. I hope the SUV gets fixed tomorrow. I just had my car inspected, and mentioned I'd had the drive axle boot replaced elsewhere, after hearing a clunking noise, as I was afraid to drive it the 30 miles to the dealership. @ottahand7 I watched that Ravens game too. They are arch rivals to us, but our Steelers are awful so far this year. @smitty34877 Sorry to hear that Tana had a rough night. I hope today is somewhat better. It's good that DD and DSIL can help out. @StLouisCruisers The mailbox looks very spiffy! Good job! Prayers for the Care List, especially the bombing victims in Ukraine. Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone. A few pics from Hilo in 1992, converted from slides Black Sand Beach Kilauea Caldera Sign marking lava flow Rainbow Falls Approaching Hilo 2012 Trees planted after 1946 Tsunami in Hilo Statue of King Kamehameha Entering Kileauea Volcano National Park
  2. @StLouisCruisers I'd call it a GIF, as most of those are moving (but they can be static too).
  3. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Curious events are curious! A salute to fire prevention (and CO monitoring) and Leif Erickson. I like the quote, and Bronte. The meal looks good (every culture has some type of dumpling), as well as the drink and wine. I haven't been to Basseterre. Another cold day, although the sun is out. I relented and turned the heat on last night, but only at 65F, just to take the chill off. I need to call the plumber tomorrow, to service the boiler. It's supposed to warm up through Wednesday. No plans today, other than working on some ebay stuff. I'll have to get up early tomorrow for the roofer. @grapau27 Thanks for Fr. David's sermon today and the picture of your church. @0106 Thanks for the recipes. @smitty34877 Thanks for sharing that memory you made with your mother. @kazu Sorry to hear about the SUV issues again and other unpleasant surprises. Enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with your neighbor and the other ladies. @summer slope Feel better soon. I had the same reaction to the shingles shot earlier this year. @StLouisCruisers I never heard of those Rustoleum wipes; I'll have to check them out. Thanks for the photos. @Sharon in AZ Thanks for the group photo! @ger_77 Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner. @Overhead Fred @ottahand7 Great photos. @Cruzin Terri Wishing you no further tummy troubles and good weather. Prayers for the Care List and extra for Ukraine and its people. Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  4. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I haven't played Tag since childhood, not a motorcycle fan for safety reasons, and music is awesome! Great quote. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and wine. I have been to Russia, on a river cruise from Moscow to St. Petersburg, but not to Vladivostok. Brrrr. It was 59 in my bedroom this morning. I still haven't turned on the heat, but it's going down to 38 by tomorrow morning. We have frost warnings! But then up to 70 next week. I might cave in and turn on the heat tonight. I scheduled my flu and bivalent Covid vaccines yesterday, but will probably move them back a bit. I could only schedule 2 weeks out, and want them closer to Halloween. Bon Voyage to all cruising Dailyites! @0106 Great selection of recipes! @rafinmd We appreciate your doing the lists every day. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the photos. @Sharon in AZ Good times! Bon Voyage! @kazu Yay on being de-planted! @GTVCRUISER Bon Voyage! @dfish Good news that the seller is going to do those repairs. And karma is still affecting that first seller. Bon Voyage and have a great time! @Overhead Fred Wonderful sunrise! @HAL Sailer Great story about the Texas linemen. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Vladivostok pictures. @summer slope That's so sad. Kudos to them for helping. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  5. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn, especially while you're on vacation. Bald can be beautiful, on men. I walked to school growing up. The world could sure use more smiles. Nice quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish). The drink and wine sound good. I haven't been to Dawson, Yukon. It's chilly (low 50's) and damp out. It's a busy day here. I spent the morning cleaning and moving some furniture in preparation for the delivery of my new LZ-Boy recliner this afternoon. I've never had a recliner before so this will be interesting. Then yesterday the roofer called and said he'd like to start on Monday. This morning he called about the delivery of the shingles. The company just delivered them and they're on my parking pad; neither the guy who delivered them or the roofer seemed concerned about theft. I did bring the roof vents into the garage, as metal has some scrap value. And I just realized I forgot to pay estimated taxes in September! @Cruzin Terri I hope the weather improves for you. Glad you got to the beach! @kazu I hope you make a big dent in your winter prep with your helper. I just brought my cacti inside today for the winter. And you have a cruise to look forward to! @grapau27 I'm glad you're not feeling badly from the vaccine. I need to schedule mine. @marshhawk That crown issue doesn't sound pleasant; I hope the dentist fixes it next week. @0106 Thanks for doing the recipes while @dfish is on vacation. @RedneckBob Great story! @Sharon in AZ The food looks great. Enjoy meeting up with Debbie tonight. @ottahand7 Lovely fall view of the cabin, and nice of your neighbor to send it. @Quartzsite Cruiser I hope your response to the shots remains mild. Thanks for the photos of Dawson. @Cruising-along Safe travels. @Heartgrove Sorry to hear that your brother continues to decline. Enjoy your time with Lily, and congrats to DD and DSIL on the house! @durangoscots Prayers for the missing runner and his family. @rafinmd Thanks for the Dawson stories and pictures. @jimgev So sorry you're still without power. @Vict0riann Great news on Pat finally testing negative! Sad news about your cousin with ALS; prayers for her. I heard others mention the CC email issue; I haven't gotten any, just my regular online notifications on the site. Prayers for the Care List. High Five for the Celebration List and all those cruising or about to cruise. I can't toast you, as I'm to limit alcohol due to the liver enzyme elevation. Stay safe everyone.
  6. Have a great cruise! Hopefully no more issues arise.
  7. Just a quick check-in. I have to go back and read from Monday. BFF and I did a quick trip to Michigan. He set up a lovely birthday dinner at a nice restaurant. Unfortunately I’ve been battling stomach issues which I think are related to medication. There we were at the restaurant and I had stomach discomfort and nausea. I asked for ginger ale and the waiter suggested adding bitters. That helped but I took my dinner back to the hotel. I felt bad for BFF. Now I’m sitting at the car dealer service department. I need new tires, a timing belt, etc. Big $$$. I hope all are doing well!
  8. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. A salute to essential custodial workers, I've never named any of my cars, and farm animals are valued. Nice quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I have not been to Kerkira. Thanks for the photos. Brrrr. It was 61 in my bedroom when I woke up! Still holding off on turning the heat on, but soon if it stays this chilly. It's cloudy out, the rain finally stopped, and we may make it to 60F later. It's a busy day for me. BFF and I are making a short 3-day road trip tomorrow, and I'll celebrate my birthday on Tuesday while we're away. So I'm doing laundry and packing. I'm only taking a small suitcase, and my CPAP bag. @kazu Good luck with the planters. @grapau27 Thank you for Father David's sermon. @Cruzin Terri Safe travels today and tomorrow. Early Happy Anniversary! @Seasick Sailor Sorry to hear about the itinerary changes on your cruise. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the lovely photos of Corfu. @*Miss G* Enjoy your river cruise! @1ANGELCAT No doubt it's disappointing not to be sailing today, but your time will come. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos. @ger_77 Oh no on stepping on the nail. Good that your tetanus shot is up to date. Woohoo on DH finding your earring! @kochleffel Thank you for the Corfu synagogue pictures. @Cruising-along Nice photos of Corfu. @Vict0riann Good that you tested negative. Sorry you both have that brain fog. Prayers for the Care List, all those affected by Fiona and Ian, and Ukraine. Cheers to those with something to Celebrate! Stay safe everyone.
  9. Good evening. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. I can salute all the days: I love coffee, I call myself "mature", and at times try to be frugal with my fun (other times not). Interesting quote. I like the meal (I like cumin), pass on the drink and wine. I have not been to Toulon. Thanks for the photos. It's dark and we're getting rain from hurricane Ian, but nothing too bad. Busy thread! I'm late today. I started this morning with a haircut (my salon is still requiring masks, yay). Then BFF picked me up and we went to take another friend to the airport. Then we watched the latest episode of LOTR back here, so I'm just getting to reading and responding. I can't get warm! I'm not used to these temps in the 50's. Also got my lab work back; mainly normal but some liver enzymes a tad up. @grapau27 Good news about normal blood tests. @kazu That's a lot of stems! Be careful lifting stuff. @Cat in my lap Safe travels. @kplady Happy Retirement! @StLouisCruisers Great photos. Thanks! I'm glad DGD is home and has power and no damage. @Cruzin Terri I'm happy you are able to go on your trip. Safe travels. Have a great time! @cunnorl Happy Birthday to your DH! @Seasick Sailor I hope your sister is feeling better today. @ger_77 I hope you find your earring. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos. @jimgev So glad to hear you're safe; sorry to hear of the devastation in your community. @HAL4NOW Good news on the Bolt Creek Fire. Prayers for the Care List, all in the paths of storms and Ukraine. Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  10. Thanks for checking in and it's great to hear you came through it safely. It sounds like a very scary experience! Smart move getting out and going on a cruise. Bon Voyage!
  11. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Not a mud pack person, I don't know a vegetarian to hug, and translation professionals are important. Also a salute to Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Day I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish), and like the drink and wine. I've been to Greece, but haven't been to Nafplion. I was off to Quest for lab work this morning, and a couple of other errands. It's cloudy here and we'll start to get some rain tonight from Ian. Thinking of all in the Carolinas who are in the path of the storm, and those devastated in Florida with so much damage. @rafinmd Thanks for our lists. Glad to hear your niece and her family were ok. @HAL4NOW I'm glad you made it safely back to Skykomish and that the evacuation level was lowered. @marshhawk I agree about knowing health history; that's all I was concerned about with adoption. So I've tried to do all the preventive tests, as I have no clue about cancer, diabetes, etc history. @kazu Good to hear you can do the stairs more easily; that's a challenge for me. @mamaofami Happy Birthday to Jared! @StLouisCruisers Awww, cute picture of the sibling pups. @Cruzin Terri Prayers for safety and that you get to your trip. @superoma I'm glad to hear your friend and her family are ok. @dfish Good news about your niece's house. @Horizon chaser 1957 Bon Voyage tomorrow! @Seasick Sailor I hope your sister recovers quickly. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos of Nafplion. @HAL Sailer Glad the friends are safe, and wow on that photo. @Cruising-along Great that your friend is ok. Nice photos from Nafplion. @Vict0riann Good going on the new cruise. I hope you and Pat are feeling better. @MISTER 67 and @jimgev hope all is well with you. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  12. Good point. When I moved into this house (having had forced air in my first house) and put in a programmable thermostat, I learned the heat went up about 1 degree an hour. So I couldn't set it as low at night or while at work, and had to figure in the time it took to get to the desired temperature.
  13. The plumber opens the boiler and looks at internal stuff. They look for corrosion, clean in there, look at the pilot, check the flames (color and strength), check the thermocouple (although they say it can look ok, then fail the next day), check the flue. Do you have radiators? The only thing I do is bleed them each year to get any air out of the system and keep the heat distribution even. I start on the first floor at the one furthest from the boiler, then move around toward where the boiler is in the basement. Then I repeat on my 2nd and 3rd floors. My radiators have a bleed valve that uses a key (still available at hardware stores); newer ones may have a slot that a flathead screwdriver can be used on.
  14. @dfish Sorry you have that gap from moving out of your house to moving in the new one. I have a rubber roof on my back porch roof. It was originally a tin roof, and I had a rubber roof put over that. It's been there over 20 years and no issues. I also have a boiler and hot water heat. I have my plumber come out to service it yearly. It's gas powered and has been reliable except for the occasional thermocouple failure (that seems to always happen on a holiday in winter!). Good that your BIL can be there to supervise.
  15. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. A salute to Maritime Day, Broadway and Confucius. It's also National Coffee Day! I love my coffee. True quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink, and I like the wine but it's too pricey for me. I haven't been to Majuro. I had an Ophthalmology appointment this AM. Everything looks good per the doctor, so I just keep on with all the drops and meds. I'd planned to get bloodwork done after, but forgot and ate some toast this morning, so now I need to go tomorrow. The temp went down to the mid-40's overnight, and the house was around 62 when I woke up. It's now 57F outside. I've held off so turning on the heat so far, but it's tempting! @kazu Oh my on flurries this weekend! @dfish Thanks for the recipes. @summer slope Sorry about your mango tree, but glad that's the only damage. @*Miss G* Good to hear you made it to Manchester. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Majuro photos. @Cruzin Terri Prayers for safety and that your house gets no water. I hope you get to Barbados. @StLouisCruisers DD's tree is great! @cunnorl I'm glad you're ok so far. Stay safe. @ottahand7 I overpronate and just bought some Saucony running shoes from their online site, on sale. I also put orthotics in them. @smitty34877 I'm glad you're all feeling ok and pray for negative tests tomorrow. @Heartgrove I've sailed on the Golden Princess in the Caribbean and to Hawaii; it was a nice ship. Good to hear that the cortisone shots helped Sue and the hyaluronic shots for you. I'm going mid-October to see about the HA shot, since the steroids no longer seem to help me. @mamaofami Oh no on shingles for Sam; did he get antiviral meds to lessen it? Shingles are contagious until the vesicles crust over. I hope the new aide is a good one. Prayers for your DD with the concussion. @Cat in my lap I can imagine you're anxious to get home to see how things are. @HAL4NOW Safe travels home to Skykomish. I hope there is some rain to help the situation. @HAL Sailer Great news about the family home. @MISTER 67 Thinking of you. @bennybear Nice photos. @Vict0riann Don't overdue; I hear the fatigue can go on a while. Prayers for the Care List and all those in the path of storms. Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe and healthy everyone.
  16. @dfish Karma indeed! You get the last laugh on that first seller. @grapau27 Sorry to hear you have those lesions that will need to be cut out. Prayers for the best outcome. @MISTER 67 I'm seeing video from Ft. Myers on The Weather Channel and even a camera at 6ft up is nearly underwater! Hard to fathom what it's like there. @Vict0riann Thanks for the photos.
  17. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. All good days. I like beer on occasion, a salute to good neighbors and public lands. Great quote. Maybe on the meal, without miso. Pass on the drink. I'll take the red wine. I haven't been to Nha Trang. Thanks for the photos @StLouisCruisers Brrr. It was 45 this AM; I was toasty under the covers. I'll have to bring some plants in soon. Only up to 57 today when normal is 70 at this time of year. Otherwise, nothing new except it's injection day. Prayers for all in the path of Ian to stay safe. @MISTER 67 @RedneckBob @jimgev and all Floridians at risk, stay safe! @smitty34877 Prayers for you, Tana and the family that there's no Covid; you all don't need anything else to deal with again. @dfish Congrats on the house! 🍾🍷 Thanks for sharing the photos of it. Love the kitchen! @kazu Safe travels to your session, and good luck making your final decision about the cruise. @Cruzin Terri Praying everything works out for you. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for sharing DH's great Jupiter photo! @Lady Hudson Congrats to your nephew! I hope your friends recover quickly, especially the hospitazed one. @*Miss G* I'm glad you made it to the funeral and safely back home. You must be exhausted. Bon Voyage and have a great trip! @marshhawk Good luck to DH with the stress test tomorrow. @Cat in my lap I'm glad you were able to make alternate plans. @Horizon chaser 1957 Safe travels. @HAL Sailer Hoping for minimal damage to your family's place. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe and healthy everyone.
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