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Everything posted by ctjon

  1. For all's information - Anne Marie and Keith's blog now has information about their 2 upcoming Serenity cruises - always an enjoy to follow
  2. Yes, maybe I'm a bit hung up on dress codes - the casual (non-formal) seems a bit more dressed up than before with requirement for jackets for men. Also seems strange on formal nights that even though it is suits or tux - ties are optional. Time will tell but to me - I'm not saying shorts or jeans in the evening but not sure I really want to get dressed up every night on a cruise.
  3. Serenity has left Triest where she has been for about a year undergoing refurbishment and drydock. Headed for Montenegro YEAH
  4. Are women here finding the effective dress code for them has also changed as it seems to have for men.
  5. Gee if she does her job, which I'm sure she will, we'll have different food pictures on this forum. Good, healthy vs. good and gooey
  6. If they are really having a new dress code (both men and women) and are going to enforce it they better make sure people are aware of this change in policy. A lot of Crystal cruisers don't read this site and if they get on a cruise with several formal nights and find they aren't allowed in the dining room there will be a lot of very unhappy people and probably some bad press about this. Not sure what the communications mechanism should be but it should be clear and early in the reservation / ticketing process letting people know this change to policy.
  7. I think Crystal will have issues with this "more formal" dress code than they used to have the last few years. Sports jackets, no ties, was acceptable and probably more common for men. I'm not even sure I own a fitting suit anymore since where does anyone wear a suit anymore (wedding maybe). I"m not sure I'll buy a suit just to wear a couple of nights on a cruise.
  8. Hard to believe these days but you used to be able to rent and pick up a tux while on one of the Crystal ships
  9. The other advantage of using a TA is that when things happen - getting there or home or other parts of the trip a TA can work to get things right. Hoping you never have the need but. We were getting off a cruise in Dublin on 9/11/2001 - due to fly home the next day. Five days later we did get home but I can't imaging thinking of and making all the right arrangements without our great TA.
  10. If I remember correctly - sports jacket was OK for formal night at the end of the old Crystal - hopefully it will still be OK
  11. My first Crystal cruise was Harmony in 1993 - it took less than an hour to get Crystalized - the crew is what has made this line fantastic
  12. Thanks I'd bet a good percent of Crystal passengers aren't instagram users so if this is going to be the communications media they will miss a lot of customers. Interesting in one picture it titles as Crystal Cruises - though the company was only Crystal now
  13. I would think = using for instance the roll call on this site - you could find the people to fill your 12 users if that is actually needed. Hopefully not but an advantage of CC is have contacts to make joint reservations such as this if needed.
  14. Understand but it people were looking on a travel site for a cruise in December - at least on the sites I looked at Crystal doesn't show - so if they don't know what line to cruise on....
  15. I wonder when Crystal will appear on the search for cruises sites - maybe after 7/31- have looked (not that thoroughly at a couple of sites including cruise critic and didn't find the Crystal cruises
  16. Memories - I remember in HS I took a typing class - not sure why - I was the only male. Was handy typing papers in college and then when I went into the computer industry it was really needed and I remember people asking me where I learned to type.
  17. Seemed strange to me when they announced the Serenity home port - why home port. This one is stranger. I'm not sure I'd do that travel to Symphony and how does that limit where it will go. We really need to wait for itineraries to see what this really means but....
  18. Sounds like an exciting city - wonder how easy it is to get there from US Well, while I was typing someone answered part of it - Intl airport right there.
  19. I am also the product of small private school in NYC where grammar was everything. I can listen to major news network and spend time correcting grammar or major newspapers. Wish I was never trained in that as a youth
  20. I sometimes get them 1/2 day or later than published here
  21. Going back to the days. I have 5 rolls of film 36 pics each. Take a picture of the ship or pyramids? I’m showing my age?
  22. I know if is probably normal but it strikes me if they find problems it doesn't give them much time to fix. Still it is all happening this month
  23. Yes I did - typing is one of my many non-skills - sorry
  24. Now that we are in July it is THIS month that Crystal returns to cruising. Yea!! I wonder when Serenity will leave dock and do its "tewt" cruise?
  25. Not sure if it is relevant but I thought the new company was Crystal and not Crystal Cruises
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