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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. @A&L_Ont Good morning. Taking notes on the other site that you are doing live, we will be sailing the Freedom next September. Haven't sailed her in over 15 years. I hope you have a fun, great anniversary cruise. Take care Sue
  2. @A&L_Ont Safe travels!! Have a great fun cruise. @h20skibum Over pack, or backpack. Yup both We make the most of airline suitcase maximum limit. Concerned as we plan for our Alaskan cruise next month. If the spouse overpacks again. You would think it would be me but noooooooo. We will pack for HOT and COLD weather, so we really have to decide and be frugal. But to sum it up. I’m doomed. I feel 2 suitcases 2 carryon 1 back pack 1 purse Better be all we take. Wish me success in limiting what goes in. Be safe.
  3. In my younger days I travelled with my parents across country and one of our rest stops was Las Vegas. ( go figure). I went to the pool on a nice HOT August day and baked, Swam, slept …..repeat. That evening we were walking to dinner and I fainted on the street. I quickly awoke and said. “ I need water”. My dad ran in a store got me a 32 ounces glass no ice. I said. I needed more. Get me something more. He bought a 6 pak of Diet Coke. I drank every can. I never had to “P”. Then I had a milkshake. Finally felt better. I learned my lesson. Be safe.
  4. OMG. THOSE DESSERTS!! Talk about a sugar rush. I would have to try the cheesecake one over a chocolate sundae. Them not eat for a few days. ( lol) Susan, hope you feel better soon. Take care.
  5. Yes so true. I am on that other social media site and probably post about 5 comments a month. Also I am administrator on 2 of our next three cruises. And let me tell you, we really need to be thankful of the respect and professionalism displayed here. There are about 7 posters that are just so rude and know everything. Well they do get it right about 10% of the time. If you state a fact that can be verified taking a picture and posting it, they will still contradict, or just be stupid. They look to cause conflict. Once again very thankful for what we share. One day, I’ll really catch up on the thread. But for now. Be safe Take care Prayers for all
  6. @A&L_Ont Congratulations on Owens baseball skills. It means so much for our children to succeed when the parents are there, it really boosts their spirits when they say “ Did you see that…. “ Also, as excellent parents you guys would not miss it for the world. @Sea Dog First of all prayers for your wife, as she undergoes hand surgery. Greg, I am glad you feel comfortable sharing your daily living events with us. This site got me through COVID, as a newly retiree. Especially so since the spouse is a Respiratory Therapist, and we lost so many of what we thought were friends. Guess they thought you could get it from a text message Take care.
  7. So todays outing I introduced Zoey to a designer store. “Le-WalMarte”. I wanted her to take in all the sites so I put her in the seat and pushed the buggy backwards. She was calm and babbled non stop for the 75 min we walked——-up and down up and down did I say up and down all the aisle. The only fatality was her trying to eat a loofa. Many shoppers thought it was a good idea pushing buggy backwards. And Zoey received many compliments on being such a beautiful girl.
  8. So the last few days we spent organizing supplies in RV. Since the motor was running Spouse put the tire blocks on the wheels. When we took them out one already got “dirt” in it. But upon a closer look the “dirt” was breathing. Happy frog put back in the woods safe and sound. Yup We live and share our property with: deer opossum raccoons skunks groundhogs hawks Bats owls woodpeckers hummingbirds crayfish toads snakes stray cats and the plaque of frogs Be safe.
  9. The man cave came into existence to house the GTO's, Kubota, tractor, tools, storage and mini fridge, bar, sleeper sofa, big screen TV (Just kidding on the non working extras) Long before we ever really thought we would be getting an RV. Now our plans are for an addition to the right of the garage door, to protect it.....not this year. The RV is a tad over 11 feet tall for clearance.....our garage doors are standard height whatever that is, so it would not fit. Be safe
  10. Finally. We have a concrete driveway, to the man cave that connects to the front driveway. Finishing up tomorrow. Took forever, you name it the delays were there. Soon landscaping. Oh. Some frogs were immortalized in the concrete. I guess it’s better than finding the long time missing Jimmy Hoffa. Be safe.
  11. I will be looking for that show. Besides our upcoming cruise in August my wings maybe clipped in regards to gambling in casino. Now mind you I have set a safe daily budget and usually end up in casino 5 evenings after shows. But Alaska sailings kinda tucker me out and late nights are a rarity. Susie needs a comforter, pillow , blankie and spouse more than a slot machine to rest up. So early to bed and early to rise. And besides. New driveway, patio, landscaping and our new RV I am sure I will take my daily casino cash allotment down for this sailing (😜). I plan on doing a live thread, we shall see. Be safe.
  12. @Ozark_Kid Your harvest is amazing. When did you plant? We have to wait till the potential for frost is done. So we plant on Memorial Day weekend. We are just staring to get itty bitty green tomatoes, peppers; and zucchini and squash looks like a massive flower bouquet. Green beans should be ready to pick in a week. Hopefully it will be an abundant year. But, wanted you to know— You are in my prayers. Sue
  13. @mo&fran Add me to the prayer group. My brother went through radiation for a different type of cancer. I will never forget the radiation doctors words of wisdom. “I do not want you to count the days, but rather the weeks”. For my brother he had 35 treatments. He counted the days as 7 weeks. I do t know how but it worked on helping him let the time move fast. Best of luck and Continued prayers.
  14. Good Morning. Our area is under an air quality alert. Not from the Canadian fires. But A temperature inversion keeping the smoke from all the firework displays localized and not only it is stinky out but also foggy. Be safe
  15. @h20skibum Mark I hope Susan feels better and better each day. She must miss being with the grandkids and all their outings. But to all who partake in this thread which by the way are to numerous to mention I wish you health and happiness as well as great sailing ahead. Happy Fourth of July to all! Miss Zoey wishes all a safe fourth. I will see her Sunday.
  16. Well that was the first thing I did. They sent me to the RV resource person. and she says “ I don’t know each RV is different.” Then I was sent to the customer service and the girl goes “ I don’t know I just check out your order”. She sent me to parts and the very friendly attendant goes “ I know nothing about linen, replacements I can help you with, but here’s a measure tape if that would help” And that takes me back to no where. So I went to Amazon camping linen. Not a bad price for linen. Unfortunately they have nothing near what my measurements are for an RV bedding. I need to know how to measure. And yes if you have followed me over the years; if it’s going to happen it will happen to me. As we begin our future travels. I am writing a book. Be safe.
  17. that screen is very sturdy. It can be used as counter space. Or. Resting stuff on it. I am keeping the dish strain, sponge and Dawn soap underneath it when not in use. I will also probably cover it with those drop clothes to let dishes dry on.
  18. So. I’m home for the week. No babysitting. it is obvious. I am catching up on my threads here on CC. I have time to share how my husband is always prepared for anything. So our satellite carrier has dropped a channel that we watch the news on at 10 pm as we get ready for bed. So not wanted to mess the routine the spouse went and got the antenna. Circa 1960s—1970. And we are watching local news regular air TV. Yes it is from the analog era working on digital tv era. Good husband.
  19. How in heavens name do you measure for linen on lofted bed. Sleeper couch and table that turns into bed. I have measured but nothing is made to fit them. Yes, from the man cave. The RV will be housed on the side. Well once the side roof add on.
  20. So as I was admiring our garden and soon to be new driveway and landscaping I look to my right and a deer was also getting a bird’s eye view. Better not leave footprints in the concrete when poured. Need the weather to cooperate, taking forever. Be safe.
  21. We have decided to start a new adventure in our lives. Let’s just say our new hobby. It all started in January when we went to the I X Center to do some walking and get our steps in. That visit a Motor Home/ RV show was the featured event.So we walked and looked. Walked more and said. “ That’s nice” Well we got our steps in and left with a two week option to buy a Motor Home at show price. The next day we made an appointment to proceed with purchase. Then we got a phone call in April that they cannot fill the order with the one we purchased. It was no longer being made. But the good news was they would honor the purchase but a 2024 model, for the same price. Now this model over the 2023 had more options that were standard. Direct TV, Fire stick. Extra charging stations, to list a few. And many storage compartments. We have been purchasing supplies and necessities over the past few months. So on Saturday July 1, we brought her home. Today we spent 5 hours cleaning, stocking and organizing. Oh in case your wondering we do have 3 future cruises booked. Quantum, Symphony and Freedom. Be safe.
  22. I am so far behind on this and “ The” other thread I wish someone would give a monthly summary. I’m like hit or miss. But I continue to pray for the health and safety of all. During nap time (Zoey) I’ll try to catch up better on the lady 25 pages. Take care.
  23. I rarely post pictures/ puns that are affecting people’s life style or personal preferences. And there are many out there regarding the people/ as well as families that are dealing with the Titan submarine event. Those comments do not belong on social media. And I wish somehow they can be prohibited. My prayers go out to all impacted. But. This smoky event impacting so many lives, that I never fathomed it could occur, or even know about it. As an ex smoker ( soon to be 12 years smoke free). I can see now the impact I had on others lives with secondhand smoke. And it took this cartoon to make me realize I was not only harming myself but others. That is why I am posting. I was stupid and needed to grow up. I have no bitterness against Canada, it happens. They are suffering worse than us. I hope it blows over quick. I opted not to post. Because I would be as guilty as some Use your imagination Be safe.
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