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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. Now in my first life I was a sacristan on the alter and had to clean up after mass, dust, polish vacuum. We had to get the wax from candles that burned from the choir members holding as they sang and purposefully dripped it every where, hands feet, carpet floor. Then we got wax paper and the iron, put the wax paper over the dried wax on marble and carpet (Usually 3 layers) melted let dry and lifted. When we were done we just vacuumed the carpet if needed and washed the tile as needed. Good luck with your concrete. It sounds like the towel will absorb and lift the wax. Take care
  2. Getting ready for our upcoming cruise on the Allure in a few weeks and on one of the "other" sites they have also people who do not know what they are talking about and like to instigate. But this one topic caught my attention and when I pursued it, nothing more than BS. So the poster stated that RCI requires adults to be fully vaccinated, and goes on to say, they have to have received the booster shots............................. Uh, no. Looking at my checkin page that I did a few weeks ago, it clearly states to have the vaccine, and nothing at all about boosters (which by the way we did do both). But if people are narrow minded and selectively believe this wow. Just had to vent, I could not even give them my attention, I play monopoly with post deleted more on that site......................... Take care
  3. Story time: How we spent our fourth of July weekend. To begin with, this holiday always brings back memories of my DH's dad. I have mentioned some of this before on CC. 57 years ago, his plane went down over Libya, on July 1,1965. It was not a "Mission" so his name does not appear on the Vietnam wall. My DH was only 9 months old at the time so the memories he has were passed down through his mom and all the memorabilia she kept. The DH always wanted to follow his dads footsteps and go to the Air Force Academy, but when your vision is sub par, it is not going to happen. So, he often talks about not having a 'dad' in his life, but his uncles did a great job filling in. (His mom never remarried). So what better way to spend and evening in this hot hot weather is to go to the theaters to see TOP GUN. My husband was so into the movie as was I. Afterwards we went to dinner at Out Back, and he was able to share some of his fathers accomplishments. His jet was the F100 It was one of the few times he really opened up about what he knew about his father and you could hear the calmness in his voice as well as the love he shared of his legacy. It was a very fulfilling evening. It was meant to be. We also did a little de-cluttering of the computer room. We have two desks in the room. One our knew massive computer desk with enough drawers to put a hoarder in heaven, and my DH old desk he grew up with. Well it was time to get rid of the old desk. So we went through it drawer by drawer and found some interesting items. We found original Ronald McDonald happy wrappers, Idora park tickets, his report card from 1970, and a slide rule as well as a ton of other things whose only purpose now was to fill a trash can. Now we did find one thing of interest. 30 years ago when we were first married and were at his moms house for dinner, she gave us my DH's life insurance policy to take home. In the booklet she put the savings bonds she bought for him. Well making a long story short we brought them home, put them in a safe place and could never find them. When we went to dinner for months afterwards at his moms house she asked if we ever found all those bonds she bought.......................uh no. We got tired of being asked. She knew I was a clean freak and goes, "Your wife, (nameless me) must have thrown them out" Well BAMMMMMMMMM! The DH her son, put them in his desk, and we found them yesterday. The insurance policy as well as " . . . . . . . . ...................all those bonds" Yup,two $25 bonds...........................yup, all those bonds. So as she is looking down from heaven, she can thank her son for putting them in a safe place, and me the wifey did not ever throw them out. Yup 2 bonds. Gotta love it. Take care
  4. To start with I am not one of those women who are so into themselves that they make life miserable for others because of what they accomplished and pat themselves on the back. Or had to fight for just do in the work force. That being said; I worked with a female surgeon at our local hospital. Now she came with attitude and stayed with attitude. For a while. The day she arrived she was given a locker in the nurses locker room, that really made her day, it was said she asked for a physicians locker, and was told all the male doctors use that room. Now she was very qualified and an excellent practitioner having trained at a very renowned facility, and why she would come to our small town to this day amazes me. But, when doing surgery, there were so many comments about the benefits of getting treatment from her because of all her talents and having to fight for what her rights were. It got old. Always berating other male physicians for whatever reason. Well, she did it to herself. Her practice really never grew, and she left to take on a paid hospital practice where patients were assigned to her. Yes she was good, but her attitude did her in, and that in itself lead her to leave and take on another site to work. But I admire women who strive and attain the best in whatever field they work in, and I know some may have to fight and cross set up barriers, but stay cool, and share your talents, not make grief for those around you. Take care
  5. Here is another. When I was 12 months pregnant (at least it seemed like forever), I already started my pre maternity leave. And being a good wifey with the burst of energy I decided to make a 5 course meal. So I open the pantry door to go in, and a mouse walks out. Now our pretty kitty then 'Anny" was just 18 months old, and when I screamed the DH thought something was wrong with me, he ran to the kitchen just as the mouse leaves. He picks up Anny and goes "some cat you are, your not even a mouser" Dinner did turn out great, and it was another sleepless night for me and I left the bedroom and came back downstairs and sat at the island. All of a sudden, Anny comes up from the cellar with a mouse in her mouth as she is howling so loud I do not know what scared me more the mouse or the howl. She drops the trophy at my feet, I scream. The DH comes flying downstairs, and I just look at him and go................she's a mouser. Anny lived to be 21- 1/ 2 years young till we said our farewells. Take care
  6. So tonight we were going to go to the big city. Warren Ohio to a tribute band concert. This would be our practice run until we see Jimmy Buffet in Cincinnati in 20 days, but whose counting. I was actually going to rough it. Why? Lawn chairs on grass/concrete Bugs Port a potties Hot sun, humid, Rain and thunderstorms predicted. Extraordinary LOUD music even with ear plugs But dodging a bullet on this one. Weather not going to cooperate Hmmmm Maybe a movie instead.
  7. Pretty kitties! Hopefully every day gets better for Andy. Pain is frustrating, and I am sure, it was bad with broken bones. How are you holding up? Often it is just as hard on the care giver, being frustrated on how to help more. Also, I know you know he needs to keep moving those fingers. Games with friends, could help as he moves on with trivia, maybe try some card games where he has to use those fingers. Good luck keep us posted. Take care
  8. Well, if you want to call the minute, itty bitty seafood thingies shrimp. Before you could identify them as shrimp. Now after guessing, I think they were the ones that RCI got on sale on our visit. But, will check it out in August, to see if they let them mature. Take care
  9. Upon arrival in May, we noticed all the buildings were painted, and the famous butterfly mural was gone. There seemed to be more locals on the pier with wheel chairs to take you to land. If you wanted. The restrooms were the same, clean. Barefoot beach, where we spent most of our time had a life guard out in the water by the rope line, and they seemed to have brought that line in closer to shore and reduced the swimming area. Read that floaties to use were now $15. It was free at barefoot beach. Still had only one bar to get soft drinks, labadoozies or drinks at barefoot. The entrance to the water had initially about 2 feet of broken shells, then so very clear. We used our water shoes. Did not see any paddle boarders on this trip. The buffet seemed to be stream lined. No more steak and the shrimpies were tiny. But the rest of the food was just like the general buffet. Saved carbs, desserts did not look enticing. Unusual, though did not notice any flies or sand fleas this visit, did not need our bug spray for our feet. The cabanas, seemed to be cleaner and must have been updated. We did not rent one, just observed. Loungers and umbrellas, abundant. You could exchange your towels for fresh ones, but they told you to take back to your ship what you brought. We did not have to go through their mini, check point in that hot, hot, hot building and have our bags scanned. We just walked back to the ship and it was done the way it always was done, when coming back. The local dancers were good, and their reggae band was into their songs. The locals were really working for their tips, but did not push the issue. A couple locals remembered us from previous cruises. From fellow cruisers, we heard the vendors on the hill were out of control, pushy and trying desperately to sell their ................whatevers............they said it was bad when they walked to get to the beach. They waited for the tram on the way back and avoided the scene. Take care
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