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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. Good morning from Oxford Ohio. So last night as Jimmy Buffet did his 5 song encore. We figured with all these people/ cars. Guessing 30,000 parrot heads we weren’t going any where for awhile. So the humans made a Pitt stop no line. And we walked to our parked car. Almost 2 miles from venue. Cars were becoming bumper to bumper. I’m thinking to myself we’re screwed. So we get in car and I look behind me and people are pulling out and leaving on this road access. So as any mother who wanted to leave asap, I quickly managed a u turn between 4 parked cars (hidden talent). Went to the road, got right on it. A quarter of a mile later police directed us right onto freeway. We were on our way in 7 min. Happy mom. Today shopping for my DD’s β€œ BUMP” clothes. Later
  2. On our way to Oxford Ohio to pick up the DD. And SIL. To go to buffet concert. Finally after passing 3 crashes. 8 blue light specials (speed traps).leaving Ohio to Drive into Kentucky to get to Cincinnati Ohio (Riverbend music center). 7 th row seats. Awesome seats. Happy husband. Just taking in the scenery. Our car is parked 5,678 steps away. Aka 1.89 miles. later.
  3. @Sea Dog I just wanted to apologize to you when I made that reference to wild turkey. Looking back, I do not know why I was so stupid to put that in. I hope you will accept my apologizes. And let me share a drink with you on the Bella Cruise. Take care From the stupid one.
  4. Congratulations to all the great accomplishments on our thread. Owen, should be proud he will always have a memento to remind him of a successful baseball career. Sunshine 3601. Nice to be recognized and attain a phenomenal new job status. Robyn, I remember you now that you are here. Welcome But most importantly DANI Thank you for starting thee best thread on CC And To all the members who visit and share as well as update us on their daily living, if it were not for you, where would we be............................... Be safe
  5. @MJSailors I wish it was just the lightning bugs. Our backyard is host to many of Life's 2, 4 and no legged creatures. And depending what time of day is when they all make their appearance. In the evening I only go out with the DH because "I am afraid of things that go (((BUMP))) in the night" But most of these creatures are not shy to us being out, and make their presence known. So far this year to mention a few: Fox Wild Turkey (Sea Dog, not the kind you are drinking about) Deer, yes 3 groups roam through at different times of day Coyotes squirrels Chipmunks Hummingbirds Butterfly's galore Crows, I hate crows ((((((((LOUD)))))))) Neighborhood cat (aka Moocher) Groundhog Snakes, damn thing was black and about 2 feet long. mosquitos tons of lightning bugs Owl Wood peckers, (damn big and blue with rednecks just buzzed through another maple tree) Hawks, Frogs, toads Crayfish, damn, dunno how they made their mudpile nests with us being no where near ponds or anything, but if drop of bucket of water in their hole in the ground those things appear This year we had geese nesting in front island, with their babes Neighbor had one snapping turtle about the size of 12 inch pizza Just a few miles north of here there are rattle snakes (((((EEEEWWWWWEEEEEEE)))))) I would be honkered down in the house if we had them. We have an ongoing joke here at our house. I feed the wild life, and the DH always says he will feed the wild life "special food" to take care of them. To this point in time, he helps me feed all that we should, deer, hummingbirds, cat, birds, but the snakes, I hate snakes. Take care
  6. My DH and I decided that at least one evening a week we will sit on the deck or out in the yard by the fire pit and just relax and share uniterupted time. He gets out the fogger and sprays chemical warfare on our nuisance mosquitoes. Then he will light the citronella candles. Once he is done I appear and we sit and talk for hours. Well. Knowing I am super sensitive to bug bites I also apply Avons bug detergent. Well, overkill did not work. Cortisone cream dose. Damn they were itchy and painful. This week. Long pants. Spray. Laying blanket down. Citronella bonfire. Hazmat suite.
  7. Beautiful. We re-did our floors to a similar form of this called "Pergo" groove and glue. Dusts easily and cleans with my swifter. Love it.
  8. In my much younger days when I did not have a date to go to the movies, my brother and I would go frequently to see all the new features. But there was always one catch. My purse had to be big enough to hold the cans of beer. The bigger the better. We usually froze a couple cans and placed them in my purse. All was good till one movie he popped a top at a too quiet scene, luckily we were not busted. Um, I do not drink beer. But those were the days.
  9. We have found that this is the one time the door on the 17th deck outside the door to the CK kitchen is locked and you cannot access your cabin as in the past. So we tried the other door the one on the side of the suite lounge where the Genie takes their guest to the Star loft suites and it too was locked. Bummer, we used to be able to sneak in our cabin early, and once was busted and sent back to wait. Take care.
  10. Oh how I wish this play was closer to us. I wish I could remember where I initially read how the towns people came together to provide for all the passengers that landed on this island. How they med the needs of all the passengers. But I remember after all was said and done a significant collection was taken up to give back to the town. A side note. Our small town here in Vienna Ohio has an airport as well as an Air Force Reserve Base which houses the C130's and every other year we have an air show. The Thunderbirds or Blue Angels usually make an appearance (One or the other). During the crisis of Sept. 11, we had 7 large passenger jets grounded at the field. Our local school district (Mathews) bused the passengers into Liberty Ohio, a few miles south of the airport and all spent the week in the local hotels. This being unexpected and many passengers ran out of personal supplies. The two counties Mahoning and Trumbull met their needs. From catering food, personal needs, diapers to deodorant. They were taken care of for the week. Sure their were some miscommunications, as some had to wait for their individual needs to be met, But it was great to see the caring our small town provided. I can only hope this production comes to a playhouse near us. Thank you so much for sharing. It brought back memories that got us through this time in history. Be safe
  11. Today was clean the deck and furniture day. Also the weekly change of hummingbird feeders. Now with this hot weather I only fill them up about 20-25%. I have been watching them closely to make sure it does not go moldy. Usually change mixture every 4-5 days. All hummies happy. We have 3 feeders. 2 hanging and one on the window.
  12. I hear you about how strict Ohio used to be in giving out tickets. In my younger days I was stopped 3x close together. One was just plain going way to fast and got caught (ticket). Two was on an exit ramp in Akron Ohio........that was un called for, the cop, not me (ticket). Three was on the Ohio turnpike. Un-be-known to me there used to be this thing called "Urban Zone"near cities. I passed a Ohio State Patrol car doing 65. His lights went on pulled me over and goes do you know why I stopped you.... I went no. He goes the speed limit is 55. I go Officer had I known that, I would have never passed you. He goes license and registration. I gave it to him. He came back, gave me a warning (no ticket) After that no tickets, I was a good girl, or as my DH said, you just never got caught. Now with WAZE, it is easier to drive a tad faster. But it seems I 76 and I 80 as well as I 680 has many patrols on it. Take care
  13. Good morning. Usually CC gives me trouble with logging in, or just sending post to "the unknown". But today it was our computer. Must have been lonely not having any fingers typing away on it for 2 days while we were away. Arrived home safely last eve and by the time we unloaded the car, unpacked, cooked dinner, showered and chilled it was time to go to bed. But something interesting happened to one our friends who went to the conference in Columbus. "M" is a single dad and his daughter "A" is 12. They live with his father and he took care of "A" while he was gone. Great family arrangement. So he skipped out halfway through the last lecture and headed home to be with his family since everyone has to work today, that went to the conference. So coming up from Columbus on I 71 the recommended speed is 65mph then goes to 70mph. I was driving and traffic was moving at 78-80mph. So I was moving with traffic at a comfortable 78ish mph while the DH snoozed. As we were pulling in our driveway DH phone dings, that "M" got a speeding ticket from a blue light special for doing 85mph in the 70mph zone. Yup, he saved no time, and just got home as we did, (I think he said $105ish dollars lighter that he has to go to a website to pay). When we drove home we only say one state highway near Meander Resevoir and I was a good girl at that time only doing 70 in a 65 mph zone. Today. Taking it as it goes. P.S. Took me 45 min to catch up on this thread. Be safe.
  14. Good morning. So earlier today as I was sleeping at the Hilton, DH had already left for conference I put security bar on door when he left. I was awoken to our room door opening and slamming into that security bar. Here it was maid. I go we have late check out. She goes sourieeeee. Get my drift. Did kinda want to sleep off those Long Island ice teas. Yup. Sales rep treated our group to dinner at this Brazilian restaurant. And all I remember is him saying for 8 of us the bar tab was higher than food bill. Must have been a good night ! Home later today. Be safe.
  15. Good morning from the big city. Columbus Ohio. My DH is here for a two day conference so I decided to come down and rough it while he gets educated. So we are staying at the Hilton in Easton and as I woke up I opened the drapes and a beautiful field of sunflowers welcomed me. And soon I will venture out and shop. It is nice to getaway. But we left our town on a sad note. One of my friends that I worked with for over 30 years passed away after a short illness. He was a character and in charge of ordering our supplies. Now he never married. And all the girls at work. Well. We were his β€œ work wives”. Now there were a few things that made him unique. And the next part is not to be taken in the wrong way. Just sharing my thoughts. His life style lead the way at our facility because he enjoyed life to the fullest and broke barriers early. He and his partner were well known and they were not pushy about their life style. He was always there for his mom taking care of her needs as she aged and gave her a good life. And he and his partner were a couple for many many years. But what made him become Ill was he was a chain smoker at work. Some days smoking 3 paks of cigarettes. And still got his job done. So early in June he started feeling sick. Got tested. And diagnosed with lung cancer with metastatic disease to brain. One day he was walking the dog. The next day he did not know his dogs name. At least he did not suffer long. Now as I sit and type this the celebration of life dinner is tomorrow. And I cannot attend to share my closure. He was a true friend. May he rest peacefully. I think when I woke up and looked out the window and saw all the sunflowers it was a way for me to know everything will be ok thanks for letting me share.
  16. Ever since our first cruise in a GS, and loving what we had, we will always book a GS or above for the two of us. The GS were on Freedom, Mariner, and Explorer. The CLS on Oasis, Symphony and Allure The A4 on Allure, never again in a A4. Take care
  17. Looking good. I like your way of doing it. Being in the work force for too many years I used to do every shortcut I could to save time when cooking. I used to mix my uncooked meat, add onions, bacon bits, Knorr package garlic rice side dish. Stuff the peppers with this mixture. Put in casserole and add one bottle of spaghetti sauce (store bought). Cooked 375 for 60 min. Tasted good. Thanks for sharing.
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