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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good afternoon to everyone. We are home from Jacksonville and I have to say, “There is no place like home.” The drive home was okay. Good weather but lots of trucks. Still the traffic moved and we made it home in good time. We stopped at Costco since it was very close to the Mayo and saved us a trip to Poller. We bought so little and spent over $300. i was really shocked. We also stopped and bought fresh peaches at Exit 87 on I-95 at PeachWorld. That is always a nice treat. Tonight’s dinner is the other half of last night’s lovely dinner at Seasons 52 that we had boxed. It is Chilean Sea Bass with rice and green beans. It was so good but so much. So we get two meals out or our very expensive meal. Thank you Rich for the Fleet Report and Daily. I love reading. While I have a lot of books loaded on my Nook App on my IPad, I do like to read from a physical book. I do admit that the Nook App is much more practical and lighter when traveling. I appreciate our indigenous peoples. They are our first citizens and should be respected. I learned to dance the Polka from my childhood girlfriend who was Polish. it was a lot of fun,. Not sure I remember how to do it now. With all my aches and pains, I haven’t danced in a long time. Will skip the meal and the drink, but the wine looks good, albeit a bit expensive. Have not been to the destination. Thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration List. Prayers for those who are ill and especially those with Covid. Cheers to those celebrating, especially to those who are recovering from illnesses. Hope those who are on vacation and cruising are enjoying. Thank you Roy for including me on the Cares list while I was at the Mayo. i received mostly a good report, however, my blood pressure is not where it needs to be and I need to work on that. Yesterday, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings issued a new directives regarding their Covid protocols. As of Sept 3, the three brands, Norwegian, Oceania and Regent will begin allowing unvaccinated persons to cruise. They will also drop any mandates to require testing prior to cruising unless required by the locality of embarkation. They are also saying that if you contract Covid during the cruise, there are no protections from the cruise line. Very disappointed. This disturbs us. We have just made final payment on our Christmas Cruise and feel that the rules were changed in the middle of the game. We also have a few more cruises booked and are trying to decide whether to keep them or cancel. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Time to start writing letters. We will see what happens. Hope everyone is having a great day. God Bless, Terri It is probably a given that once one cruise line does this, the others will follow.
  2. I am feeling the same way. Just paid for a December cruise. i have a number of other cruises that FP is not yet due. DH and I will seriously consider whether we will go on those or cancel. We are not happy about this. I feel like the rules were changed in the middle of the game. Terri
  3. i have now read through all the posts. Thank you all for the lovely photos of the Cats. i like cats but don’t have any and never did. i like zucchini but can’t grow some because of living on a golf course. However, if someone left some on our front porch I would be thrilled. Until then, there is a farmers market. Like chicken stir fry, but not tonight. Like the quote. Thank you Rich for the Fleet Report and The Daily, and Roy for the Cares and Cheers list. @smitty34877 I am glad you and your family are getting your appetites back. Good sign. @StLouisCruisersSafe travels and good times with your family. @marshhawk sorry DH has mouth pain again. Love the blue hair. @atexsixBruno, I am sorry to hear of DD is now almost totally bedridden. You are a good son and I know how hard this is on you having had to do this with my mom. God Bless you and DD. I will pass on the drink and the wine. Have not been to the destination. I hope everyone had a great day and I enjoyed all the photos of cats and destinations. God Bless, Terri
  4. Hello everyone. I have not read any of the posts yet but figured I should post. i had a long day at the Mayo Clinic starting at 7 am this morning. At one point I had two appointments at the same time in two different buildings. I felt like I was running a marathon from one building to another but I did finally get to all my appointments. Got back to the hotel at 3:30 pm. For the most part the results were pretty good. The best part is that on Friday I will be taking my last dose of Prednisone. YIPPIE! i cannot tell you how happy this makes me. In speaking to my PCP about my contracting Covid and how it was more severe than DH, he pointed out that I have been taking Prednisone, which suppresses the immune system. He said it also explains why I may have contracted it so easily. There are some things I need to work on but for the most part, I am doing okay. I do have to see the hand surgeon on Sept. 22. At that point we will discuss Carpal Tunnel Surgery. This afternoon we went to Seasons 52 for dinner. Very enjoyable. Not having one near us, we took advantage of the opportunity to have a great dinner. Tomorrow we will head home after stopping at Costco. Hope to be home by the early afternoon. Hope everyone had a great day. I may post again if I get a chance to read the posts. I am also trying to follow the BREAKING NEWS! God Bless. Terri
  5. Good evening from Jacksonville, Florida. We had a sunny day for our drive down here. However we had heavy traffic. Everyone seemed to be heading to Florida today. Thank you Rich for the Fleet Report and the Daily. I like the days. Friendship is important and i especially treasure my friends. I also treasure all of you who have become my friends since I joined this thread. I appreciate each and every one of you. As for forgiveness, that is very hard. There are a number of people in my life that I have been working on forgiving. Mostly in my family. It is hard. I have achieved some level of forgiveness so that these people do not rent space in my head. However, forgetting is another story. I love lighthouses and we have been to quite a few. Unfortunately, those photos are from the days before digital photography and I cannot share them. I really like the quote. The meal would have been nice today if we were home, but we had to do with other food. Wine seems nice. I have never been to Punta Delgado and am very grateful for all the photos. It seems like a lovely place. We are tired from the drive. My first appointment tomorrow is at 7:30 am. That means getting up quite early and going to bed early tonight. I hope everyone had a lovely day. God Bless, Terri
  6. Good evening. I am late to the party again. Just can’t seem to get my act together these days. Thank you to Rich and Roy for the Daily and Fleet Report and for the lists. @dfish I am overjoyed that your sister has been reunited with her luggage. Having had the same problems (the latest being in Berlin) I know what it feels like @smitty34877Great news that Tana is now testing negative. However, you need to take it easy and get your strength back. It takes a while. I had a busy day. First of all I slept late. Had a fitful sleep so when I finally got some sleep I stayed there until after 9 am. Very unusual for me. The after breakfast I had to hurry to shower, etc because i had a mani-pedi appointment. Traffic was very slow because it is TAX-FREE WEEKEND. School starts next Monday and this is an annual event. That coupled with the change-over day for the resorts made the traffic terrible. When I got home, I took a nap( also very unusual for me). Just worn out. Tomorrow we drive down to Jax again for another round of appointments. Will be home on Tuesday. Hiroshima needs to be remembered for what happened there. I am not a fan of the Blues, but do appreciate our farm workers. I will skip the meal and the wine (beyond my budget) as well as the drink. We had hamburgers and corn on the cob tonight. I have been to Berlin before the start of a river cruise. We spent a few days there (two of which were spent chasing our luggage) and then headed to Prague to begin our River Cruise. That was the last trip before Covid. I will try to find some photos of Berlin to post. Have not been to Wannemunde but have a cruise planned for next Summer (God willing) and it stops there. @aliaschief I will be interested in seeing some photos of Orkney. We stop in Kirkwall on our cruise next summer. Prayers to all who need them. Cheers to those celebrating. Hope everyone has a great evening. God Bless, Terri
  7. Debbie, I was going to ask you yesterday about that. However, I was so tired I forgot. I have been praying. Now to say a prayer of thanks. Yippie! Terri
  8. I will try again. Today was a comedy of errors. If it could go wrong, it did. Especially tonight. First of all, i was unable to sleep last night. When we got home yesterday we l decided to have a Margarita. I think that helped to keep me awake. i had all of 2 1/2 hours of sleep last nig ht. I am dead tired and will probably going to bed right after I finish this. I am really having trouble typing this tonight,. The good news is that i do not have any pain in my hands today., Nor do I have pain in my knee. I thank God for that and Dr, Shapiro. He knows what he is doing. God Bless him. I was just too tired to do all the things I had planned for today. So I didn’tdo them. Tonight we expected to barbecue Sea Bass and corn on the cob. Well first of all, the starter would not work. So we changed the battery. Okay, that was fixed. Then we lit the barbecue. Went out to put the corn on the grill and found out that the canister was empty. It is a small grill with small canisters,. We l were just too lazy to go out to the garage and get another canister. So we moved to the kitchen and cooked the corn in the Breville Oven and then did the Sea Bass afterward. it just took a long time. We finally ate at 8 pm, which Is quite late for us. That is why there is no photo of the sunset tonight. i really don’t even know if there was a pretty sunset to capture. So there you have it. Thank your Rich for the Fleet Report and the Daily. Appreciate it. The Days are interesting Don’t care for beer. Change my underwear every day and like oysters but haven’t had any for quite a while. Like the quote Pass on the meal, the drink and wine. Oh, have been to Bordeaux. We were on a land tour of France and spent two days there. Also stopped there on an Oceania cruise and did a wine tour in St. Emilion. Also good shopping there on Rue Ste . Catherine. Enjoyed the port. Prayers for all who need them and cheers for those celebrating and cruising. I am tired and ready to get some shuteye. God Bless to all of you. Terri
  9. I just wrote a whole bunch of stuff and it just disappeared. I will try again. Terri
  10. Sandi, I am proud of you for wearing your compression stockings and for stopping to rest and eat. I hope the whole trip goes well and you will soon feel better. Terri
  11. Sandi, i hope this info helps you a bit. I hope you have a great trip to see your family. As for the back and forth, the Ortho Doc was very upset that the scheduler did not set me up to see him on Monday since he had an opening. He is aware that i live in SC and always tries to accommodate me when i am there. It is his schedulers who don’t want to know it. I also have been worried about blood clots since I already suffered from a DVT and then pulmonary emboli after a long plane ride. Thankfully I will have an ultrasound/Doppler on Monday. Hopefully to put my worries to rest. The Docs at the Mayo are the best. i have a lot of faith in them. They are not quick to operate and find every conservative method first. Maybe it is because they are on salary and do not get paid by how many patients they see. They all work together and refer you to whom they feel you need to see. I have been very happy with my health care there. The only problem is the traveling. thanks for the good wishes. I hope the injections work too. We will see in a few days. Happy travels. Don’t forget the compression stockings. Terri
  12. Good afternoon everyone. We are home from Jacksonville. The drive home was much easier than the ride down. While there were many trucks, the traffic was moving and the weather was perfect. Made it home in 2 1/2 hours, Good timing. We placed an order at Total Wine and picked it up on our way home. We don’t have one near us, so this is a usual stop when I have an appointment at the Mayo. However, prices have gone up quite a bit. Still good value. We have enough for a few months. Now for my news. The Doc gave me an injection in my knee but said that I can’t have many more. If I require too many more I may have to think about knee replacement surgery. This scares me because of the need to take blood thinners afterward. When I had the Pulmonary Emboli I was on Blood Thinners and did not do well. We shall see what happens. The X-rays did not show a fracture, so that was good news. The left hand showed that I have two trigger fingers and probably not Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. He gave me two injections in the long and ring fingers. I have more appointments on Monday and he is going to fit me in to see how I am doing. He may thing that I may not need surgery. He said we will talk about it Monday (or Tuesday) but not cancel the appointment with the surgeon on Sept. 22 yet. He also indicated that I need to talk to the PCP about a referral to a Rheumatologist. It appears that there is a lot of inflammation in my body and need to be under his care. Finally, I asked about getting my second booster in relation to getting these steroid injections today. He said wait about two weeks and get it. He said that in the Fall everyone will be eligible for the newer vaccine that will target the new variant regardless of how many boosters you’ve received. So we are returning to Jacksonville on Sunday for appointments on Monday. Blood work to see the inflammation level, ultrasound of my legs to check for DVTs, visit with PCP and a bone density test because I have been on Prednisone for a long time. @StLouisCruisersThis should be of interest to you. I told him about the pain behind my legs after my bout with Covid and whether I should attribute that to COVID. He said Yes. He said many people have complained of this, and while the CDC has not documented it, there have been so many people with this and many other problems, that they attribute them to COVID. So that is my story. More to follow on Monday after I have the second round of tests and visit with the PCP. Terri
  13. Good morning as I sit in the waiting room of the Mayo Clinic waiting for my appointment with the Ortho Doc. My X-rays were completed and I am early for my appointment but don’t feel like walking back to the hotel in hopes that I will be called earlier. Thank you Rich for the Fleet Report and Daily. Nice Days. Chinese Valentines Day/Daughter’s Day. Well, I am a daughter, but sadly, don’t have a daughter, or a son for that matter. I tried to be a good daughter to my mom, and cared for her for the last years of her life. Love chocolate chip cookies, but don’t eat a lot of them. Appreciate the work of the Coast Guard. Happy for the meal and @dfishDebbie’s recipe. I have a Breville Smart Oven/Air Fryer and have been wondering if I could air fry a steak. So I am happy for the recipes. Glad HAL now has it right as to what they are looking for as far as the luggage. Will pass on the wine. Way above my budget. However the description is wonderful. If I were gifted a bottle I would be thrilled. Pass on the drink. The quote is great and very true. After this appointment, We will pick up an order at Total Wine, get gas and start our journey home. Hopefully we will have better weather. Nothing else to report right now. Have a great day everyone and… God Bless Terri
  14. Good afternoon from sunny Jacksonville. That doesn’t mean the ride down was sunny. We had rain (and I mean torrential rain) for most of I-95 in Georgia. Happy to be in the Hotel and resting. We are not going out for dinner but just having our meal here in the hotel. Tomorrow morning I have a knee X-ray and then see the Orthopedic doc for injections in the knee and left hand. I hope I can convince him to give me an injection in the right hand too so that I don’t have to return in 3 weeks. it was a very difficult drive today with all the rain. Anyway we are here safe and sound. Hope everyone is having a good day. Terri
  15. Just checked to see if I missed a change. Gratuities are covered at cruise #10. The other perks kick in at #15. Just want to set the record straight. Terri
  16. Welcome to @RedneckBob. I have enjoyed your posts and trip reports over the years. i am sure you will bring some humor to this thread. Terri
  17. Good morning to all Thank you to both Rich for the Daily and Fleet report and Roy for the list. I like nuts and I like clean floors, thought that is not on my agenda today. We will be heading to Jacksonville in a few hours for my appointments tomorrow at the Mayo Clinic. I never heard of Cloves Syndrome so i also looked it up. Will pass on the meal and drinks as we will be eating out tonight. Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers for those celebrating and cruising. I have a number of things to do before we leave so i am going to make this short. Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  18. Tomorrow DH and i are going down to Jacksonville to the Mayo Clinic. I am getting an X-ray of my right knee and injections in both my right knee and my left hand on Thursday morning. I have to wait three weeks for the injection in my right hand. Can’t have too much steroids at once. When we were in Rome, our room had a small balcony with two chairs and a small glass table. i went out there one day and bumped into the table with my right knee. That was in addition to the pain I was having in the back of my legs after Covid. It swelled up like a balloon and has been hurting me ever since. I had ACL surgery on this knee back in 1984 so it has always been a problem. Of late it has been more of a problem. So I am having an X-ray to make sure it’s okay and then an injection. I will be glad to get some relief on Thursday. Everything takes so long Terri
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