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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich and Roy for the lists. I am posting now while my ISP is cooperating. We expect thunderstorms again today and that could mean that all communications (TV, phone, internet) shuts down. I like two of the three days. Camera Day—I love taking photos. I have a DSLR, which I rarely use because of the weight, a point and shoot and my new iPhone,, which gets most of the use these days. I took the DSLR with me on the last cruise and because of our quarantine, hardly used it. What a waste! Hug Day—I am always happy to get a hug and will gladly give one as well. A big hug to all of you, my Dailyite friends. International Mud Day—I’ll pass on that. I don’t like getting down and dirty. A bit puzzled by the quote. I guess Edison was referring to heaven. I will pass on the meal and the drink. I have not been to the port, but have a cruise to Norway next year. Prayers for those on the cares list. @kazu I hope you are finally on your flight and will be home shortly, @mamaofamiprayers for Sam’s recovery, @St Pete Cruiser prayers for a speedy recovery from the appendectomy., @Heartgrovecontinued prayers for your brother @HAL Sailer more prayers for your nephew and his recovery from his mowing accident. Cheers to those celebrating. @dfish I like the hair color. @rafinmdglad you have another cruise booked. @aliaschiefdid you try the washing machine for the keys? The plane situation has me concerned. We usually drive to Miami for our departures. Last year we decided that the drive was getting a bit more than we would like, so I booked flights for our cruise in December. Now I’m wondering whether I did the right thing. We are doing 18 days from Dec. 10 to the 28. I guess getting down there won’t be bad but thinking that getting back from Miami to Jacksonville may be a problem on Dec. 28. Might be stuck in Miami for a few days. We have non-refundable tickets so we don’t have much of a choice unless the airline cancels the flight. Just something else to worry about. Prayers for all those who need them. i hope everyone has a good day and stays safe. God Bless, Terri
  2. i am going to try to post this while my internet provider lets me. I have tried all day to post and keep getting knocked off. The internet in this area is awful and there is nothing we can do about it because Hargray has a monopoly in the area. So rather than enumerate everyone, please know that I am praying for all of you and cheering with those celebrating. Love you all. God Bless, Terri
  3. Good evening. Sorry I am so late to the game today. I have not had an opportunity to read all the posts but will do so. I had a very difficult night sleep wise. Woke up at 4 am. Then went back to bed at 6:30 and slept til 10:30 am. After breakfast I had to shower and get ready to go get my nails done. A crazy day all around. As I said, I have to still read all the posts. Hope all are doing okay. Prayers for those who need them and cheers to those celebrating. God Bless and stay safe. Love you all, Terri
  4. @mamaofami Carol. A Very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Enjoy your day. Sorry Sam cannot be with you. Terri
  5. Good morning, Thank you Rich for the list and nice collection of days. i like my hairdresser. She’s really great. I like the quote. Forgiveness. When you forgive you not only do it for the person who offended you, but also for yourself. You are able to let go. It doesn’t always mean you forget, but you no longer let that person rent space in your head. I have not been in a canoe. Does a kayak or a rowboat count? I will skip the spicy meal. Spicy and my tummy do not go well together. A Mexican julep sounds interesting. I will wait to see what it is like. I think the wine is above my budget. I am sure it is good. Have not been to Cairns. Prayers for those on the Cares list. @mamaofami Prayers for Sam’’s recovery from Covid and release from the hospital @smitty34877Prayers for Tana that she recovers from yet this new bout of pneumonia @JazzyVhere’s hoping that leg infection clears up @HAL Sailercontinuing prayers for your nephew @Heartgroveprayers for your brother @bennybearPrayers for your DH @kazuthinking about you and hoping all is going well this weekend For all celebrating, Cheers. For those cruising, Enjoy and stay safe,. Have a wonderful Sunday and God Bless, Terri
  6. Did you try the second email? I don’t have any others. No one else has had any difficulty contacting me. I looked at your profile and you do not have an email listed there. Thanks for trying. Terri
  7. Did you click on the red Email Me below my name? When I click on it it opens up my email app. I did not see an email in your profile. Try Tbrein at hargray dot com Terri
  8. If you click on the red EMAIL ME it will take you to my email. If not, it is cruzinterri at hargray dot com thanks for reaching out. Terri
  9. That sounds about right. You will not be disappointed with RomeCabs. Terri
  10. I may be out of line and if so, just report the post and have it removed. I know we are not supposed to get political here, but we are talking about everything but the elephant in the room. I feel like I am ready to EXPLODE! Terri
  11. Here in Bluffton, SC ours is set at 77 during the day. We are comfortable in the house at that temp. At night we lower it. We like it cooler. Terri
  12. Welcome @ktbraunGlad to have you join us. Hope you stay. Terri
  13. We stayed there as well and thought it was quite nice. WE opted for a package that picked us up at the airport, had dinner and breakfast and included the transfer to the ship. Terri
  14. Good morning, Thank you Rich for the list and Roy for the Cares list whenever you post it. I have never been in a Log Cabin, have not eaten Catfish and three cheers to Bartenders. However, I am really not a big drinker, except for a glass of wine. Three cheers for Dr. Seuss. Love his quote. I will skip the meal and the drink. Maybe the wine. I have not been to the port. God Bless all of you. Terri
  15. Just listen to your body. There were some days when I just couldn’t move. Yet DH was like the energizer bunny. It affects different people in different ways. Take care. Terri
  16. I second www.RomeCabs.com. That is the only company I will use for transportation in Rome or Florence. Very reliable and competitive prices. Terri
  17. Try to enjoy what’s left. Just don’t do too much at once. So glad you both are free. Terri
  18. Sandi, I am happy for your good news. Have a wonderful day and enjoy what is left of your cruise. Terri
  19. Good evening to all. I just am not able to post tonight. I am upset about many things and would rather not post about them. God bless all of you and God bless our country. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Terri
  20. @Sharon in AZ. A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And many more. Terri
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