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Everything posted by ceilidh1

  1. Still here! I’m ok with that. We met the most amazing couple this afternoon. I love cruising!
  2. For some reason we are still tied up in Seattle! At Good Spirits we made friends with the best waiter. When the app ordering didn’t work out, he came through for us so we tipped him. Ever since he has been bringing us random drinks that we haven’t ordered. I’m already drunk! Also, I inadvertently got pulled into a “Karen” situation. We’ve been sat here for 2 hours and as the sailaway show was about to start, lots of people came and stood on the perimeter to watch. A lady sitting next to me tapped me in n the shoulder and said “if you don’t say something I will”… ummm ok? Like I have no issue. It’s a public space. Stand up if you can’t see…
  3. Sailaway moved to piazza due to weather 😭 IMG_9117.mov
  4. Tried out the ocean now ordering- 30 minutes to get out drink. Ugh Just found out that Churchills is now an arcade. It may stay that way or change back after Australia season.
  5. Alfredo’s was outstanding! We shared the vegetarian pizza and each had the veal pasta!
  6. Cab to the ship was $35 flat rate. We let a guy come with us as he was in a group of 4 and the cabs only took 3… There was a line for blue lane (likely as everyone was Canadian) but it moved fast and we went straight onboard. Currently sitting at Alfredo’s- which has 4 tables occupied!
  7. Uneventful 10 minute bus ride and we are here at Amtrak!
  8. Wake up!!! It’s cruise day! Actually, it was REALLY hard to drag myself out of bed this morning and I’m still on auto pilot. The beers last night didn’t help.., Short 5 minute walk to the bus stop and we are en route to the train!
  9. Don't even get me started on "upgrades"....I have been elite on Princess for a LONG time. Since achieving elite status, I no longer receive ANY deals/promos and I certainly didn't get any kind of upgrade for this sailing. Princess seems to think they have "got me" so no longer need to try. I will admit that was the case in the past. No longer. I have zero loyalty now.
  10. Work done. Bags packed. Kids sorted! Let’s get this party started. I bring you the MOST Canadian of beers…”The Toques of Hazard”
  11. Costco shopping trip complete - my little bag is full to bursting with treats for the crew. It will be empty on the trip home (well, maybe a bottle of duty free). I actually have $100 non-refundable OBC to use on this sailing and have no idea what I will spend it on. Duty free shopping it is... Just making lists for the kids for when I'm gone, cleaning the house, and prepping meals. All this in between "working from home". Vancouver weather is beautiful right now - hard to believe there is an entire week of rain, wind, and storms forecast next week. Which begs the question, should I pack an umbrella for the walk home from the ship on Monday...
  12. If it's just pending charges, one should disappear in the next day or two. You haven't been charged anything unless they are posted. I would give it a little time and, if both get posted, then dispute it with your credit card.
  13. One more work day and one more sleep until cruise day. Woot. I'm heading to Costco shortly to pick up some goodies for the crew, then will "work from home" (aka, finish packing and get myself organised). Tomorrow morning, I will take our local bus at 5:40am to the train station and board Amtrak at 6:30am. Hoping for a smooth and uneventful trip down to Seattle! Yesterday I came close to booking the Crown for the day after we arrive back in Vancouver - it's a four day Vancouver to Seattle. I was about to hit book but right before it I thought about how "disenchanted" I am with Princess at the moment. The fact that I NEVER get any of the promos/offers/deals that everyone seems to get, the fact that it feels like everyone got an upgrade on this mini sailing (except me), the fact that they are charging for what used to be free, all small, first world problems that add up to be a reason to look to other lines (yes, I know they are all doing this but I haven't spent thousands or my dollars with them in the past so have no expectations that they would be loyal to me). Anyways, I didn't book it. I will keep that money in my account and put it toward something next year - maybe Princess, maybe not! I will have a blast on this sailing and make full use of my package, but my next two booked cruises are not with Princess....
  14. Canada Place is always a gong show - take that from someone that used to work as pier supervisor there (and sailed from there a gazillion times). The HUGE factor is the number of ships in port - if you're the only one, you're golden. If there's two, it will be busy. More than two, pack your patience and be prepared for lots of walking and lines! Canada Place is unique in that you will drop bags downstairs (either in parking lot level or sometimes terminal level), you then go upstairs to street level to check in at Hall C in the convention centre (this is where you get your medallion). Once checked in, you head back downstairs to the terminal to clear security and US CBP (assuming your first port is in the US). ALL ship passengers go through the same line here and there is no priority, so this is where the lines start - they can be insane when it's a multi ship day (if that's the case for you. I highly recommend getting there by 10/10:30am - there may be a wait at the other end to board, but at least you will be through this part of it). Once cleared, you are funneled through to your cruise line and this is where the "priority" kicks in - if you have status you will be seated toward the front of the section to be first to board (unless boarding has already started, in which case you just walk on the ship). Vancouver SOMETIMES sections off a little "suite/elite" area in the waiting area pre-boarding, but don't expect anything fancy...In terms of being blue lane/collecting medallion, you shouldn't have any hold ups or waits for that portion - the check in is very streamlined and moves fast...it's the other stuff that takes forever!
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