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Everything posted by JennKach

  1. We did the Dubrovnik shuttle in May and it was $20.
  2. I had a similar issue on Escape last month. We too enjoy the martini bars on the smaller ships and I thought I could get one from that menu somewhere on Escape. I tried to get a Rumcake at the bar by the dining rooms and they didn't have the heavy cream. I tried the Atrium and the three bartenders said they'd never heard of a Rumcake. I gave up trying since it was late on the last night.
  3. Two months ago we disembarked through Barcelona. If I remember correctly the first luggage tags had a time of 5:45 am, which may have been a tour or NCL bus, not sure. Either way, it was by far the earliest times I have ever seen on my cruises. You will be fine. We did the NCL transfer for a 12:15 flight and had plenty of time to wait for luggage, spend lots of time in line at the airport and still enjoy a nice lunch and a quick nap before boarding.
  4. We were in Venice last week and did get about 8 bites each while sleeping with the window open. Our room smelled like sewage and deodorizer and we couldn’t take it anymore.
  5. If they only have one spot left and you have two people on your reservation, it will show up but give you an error when you try to add to the cart with both people.
  6. Must be a Jade thing. Our last two cruises on Jade (late 2023 & March 2024) did not have a main dining room open for lunch on embarkation day. It's our start of cruise tradition to have a nice lunch in the main dining room. We thought originally it was because the ship left port so late at 9pm, and there wouldn't be enough people onboard at lunch time to justify it, but the second cruise was a "normal" sail away at 5pm and they still didn't open.
  7. I tried that but discovered the Libre app for my continuous glucose monitor doesn't work on manual time settings on the iPhone. You get a big error message and can't access any past or present data until you go back to auto. Unfortunately I still have to bring my cheap watch.
  8. On one of the other social media sites there is a huge thread today about the loss of cookies (and hash browns, and smoked salmon). Do you think NCL sits around in meetings and grades employees based on how many people complain about their decisions? The "cookie cutter" needs to be demoted after this half baked idea.
  9. I've done NCL air for transatlantic and USA/Panama flights, and we had free checked bags on them. I was able to pick seats for a fee, and on one I upgraded at check in to premium economy. My next flights include a leg from Canada to USA and it includes a free checked bag, but it's a connection from a transatlantic.
  10. Our friends were in the same situation last week on Jade. They spoke to the latitudes people onboard and they said no, they had to wait until after the cruise completes.
  11. Most people are assuming the bag made it to the luggage area. My last “lost” bag was left behind in an airport luggage truck where it hung out on the tarmac for about 4 hours until someone noticed it lurking in the dark corner. I had an AirTag and showed the location to the lost luggage office. It was 100 yards away but no one could find it. I got it back the next day.
  12. Our flights back from Barcelona to Detroit are Air Canada with a 5 hour layover in Montreal. We were able to pick seats for an extra charge, but checked bags are free.
  13. We ( 2 adults) will be in Palma on NCL Escape in May from noon to 8 and want to visit the aquarium and the beach across the street from it. I assume the quickest and easiest way to get there is a taxi. When we are ready to head back to the ship will there be taxis around there? I see there is also a bus. What is the best way to get back?
  14. I'm taking a mother/daughter cruise in May, and it's the first for my 23 year old on NCL as an adult so she has no status level until after the cruise is complete. I don't think she had enough points as a minor to earn priority tendering anyways. Will she be allowed to accompany me on priority tendering (sapphire, not Haven), or do we both join the general tendering groups? It's ok either way, but I'd rather not be doing it wrong and get sent on a walk of shame lol. And no, I'm not going to abandon her by going ashore before her!
  15. If you are before final payment when you do your upgrade, you can adjust your original cabin based on what cabin is available to upgrade. I've booked the top OV, then upgraded to a lower level balcony and they downgraded my OV to match before doing the upgrade. I got a small price reduction. One time it was highly beneficial because prices only increased later, but the last time prices went down after final payment. It's a game you play.
  16. I would normally laugh at people who have to have specific food on cruises, but my husband absolutely loves cookies and would choose them for dessert over most other things. Baking fresh cookies for him is the ultimate gift. He searches for cookies onboard to save for his evening snack in the cabin. He found them in the casino on the Jade TA in November '23, and I believe they were on the buffet at lunch a few times as well. You would think he is a hoarder when you see his plate, but he really does finish them by the end of the cruise. We had an unmemorable Carnival cruise a few years back but he still raves about the peanut butter cookies on that ship. NCL shouldn't underestimate the impact of having cookies available. As a side note, my husband grabbed a plate of cookies in the casino to graciously share with our group of four sitting in the bar area just outside Le Bistro. A bartender came and said we weren't allowed to have cookies here and he has to take them. I'm still not sure if they didn't want them removed from the casino (like they're only for active casino players) of if they don't allow food to be eaten in the bar area. Either way, we all looked at each other and simultaneously grabbed a final cookie before he took the plate away. Cookies are serious business to some people.
  17. I called yesterday since my May cruise was in the email for an extra point. CAS told me NCL no longer puts the code on your confirmation and I will automatically get the promotion without making a change to my reservation. Supposedly Marketing has a list in the system somewhere. I am not confident the points will be applied.
  18. We had a bit of an issue with laundry on the last cruise. When it didn’t show up the following day, we gave it one more day before calling to find out where it was. They had no record of it. After getting the room steward involved it took a couple hours for them to find it and get it washed. We got it back at 7pm on the last night of the cruise, just in time to pack. Up to that cruise our experiences were great.
  19. People who don't cruise often, or follow Cruise Critic most likely have no idea how often itineraries change because of weather, medical emergencies, rescues, or other things. It only hits the news when someone goes overboard. I know I was blissfully ignorant before my first cruise. We ended up skipping Israel 23 years ago because of violence, but substituted a lovely stop in Cyprus. Another cruise avoided a typhoon which cut a shore day in half and we missed another port altogether. My last 12 day transatlantic had to reroute for weather and lost all stops but two. Someone on that trip was complaining he missed a family reunion planned around his stop on that island. My older son has only cruised as an adult once (2 as a minor) and his three day trip had a jumper. Using these family stats you have a 18-33% chance of missing or shortening a port stop. My younger son was more lucky and he's cruised 6 times with zero issues. Planning a wedding on a port stop would give me a panic attack.
  20. I'd be careful with trusting the navigation channel clock because it's been wrong before. On one of our cruises it was way off on random days. We always bring a cheap wrist watch or travel alarm to keep us on track.
  21. We had five normal ones plus the daylight savings. Port time and ship time agreed, but we did skip two ports so I can’t speak to those. It’s definitely easier going east to west in the fall when we gained time with each change. In past cruises I can only remember two times where we didn’t match port time and one was Roatan for sure.
  22. For me in May, the app/website never let me make a reservation for Onda. I just called NCL directly and reserved with no issue.
  23. Yes that's what I thought too. We've traveled all over the world and I can count on one hand the number of times I've felt uncomfortable or unsafe. The square is just so crowded with people selling things, tourists overwhelmed with aggressive vendors following them around, and in general a chaotic environment. It was really hard to enjoy the sights.
  24. If you plan the day before, the breakfast buffet will have hard boiled eggs, cereal boxes and cartons of milk, and the delicious chocolate croissants. I always kept eggs and milk in the fridge so I could eat breakfast early. I believe the hot chocolate was available 24 hours in one of the beverage stations near the buffet. If not, I bet room service has it 24/7.
  25. Unfortunately the cruise business is not immune to the same economic conditions every other business is facing. For every cutback, there is a high paying customer upset about it, and a bargain customer not so upset because they realize it helps them continue to get a bargain. I'm neutral on the topic because I fall more in line with the bargain shopper but I'm willing to pay a little more to get what I want. I sympathize with people that can't afford to cruise as often or well as they used to. My family has tried out a few land based options lately which turned out to be similarly priced but just a different experience to throw in the mix, and a lot more effort to execute. You still have to deal with increased prices, reduced service (i.e. no daily housekeeping, understaffing, waiting in line, etc.). I've completely changed my restaurant and shopping habits locally due to cost/value/service changes in the past couple years. Maybe it's just me, but I'm shocked at the amount of money some people spend on vacation. If NCL keeps getting people to pay for their high priced itineraries and dates, NCL will keep the pricing. I don't see them restoring any of these reduced services in the future. My first choice is a NCL deal, but I don't limit my research and have no issues choosing another vacation provider.
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