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Everything posted by bobstheboy

  1. Prawn sandwiches for lunch. Dinner is steak and ale pies courtesy of the Yorkshire Pie Company in Ripon. Can't recommend them enough, delivered frozen.
  2. I was leading an investigation at RAF Kemble in 1980 when the Red Arrows were based there. We were successful and as a thank you I was given a signed framed photo of the entire team, pilots, engineers etc. Pride of place in my den, along with Marilyn !
  3. I am assuming the extra OBC is on Select fares, nothing for Early saver ?
  4. Thank you. Will be very interested to know the outcome.
  5. I knew a few in CID who liked a nip of whisky with their morning tea before they started work.
  6. I was appalled when I read your first post, relieved he is an imposter. Although I retired from the police many years ago, I am always angry when I read of police offers behaving badly. My niece, who just completing her first year, went to her car at the weekend, parked in the police car park. She saw that the drivers side was badly scratched and dented. There was no note on her windscreen so she saw the duty sergeant. A check of CCTV revealed a fellow officer reversing next to her car, hitting it, getting out, having a look at the damage and driving off ! Needless to say he is in deep trouble, and will be lucky to keep his job. What is incredulous is he must have known the car park was well covered with CCTV. The police service is better off without his sort.
  7. Early saver and Select prices are very fickle. I booked a cruise for next September and got £820 OBC, with my military OBC it is £950. The difference between the two prices was £960, it was a no brainer. Another of my booked cruises the difference was £1300 with total OBC of £420! No way am I paying that excess to choose a cabin. All prices per cabin.
  8. We have cruised once with Fred, on Balmoral to Canaries. Hated the ship, no atmosphere and there was a husband and wife team for help, they must have been 80, and I was 70 at the time. It looked dated and the average age of the passengers was 75 +, I got told off for talking too loud to other passengers on the pool deck by a lady wanting quiet whilst she read ! Never again.
  9. Another thank you. Just applied for my wife and I. Almost immediate email stating successful.
  10. We are thinking of booking this suite, but it's location below the pool deck is bothering us, with possible early morning noise overhead from pool loungers being moved.around. Has anyone stayed in one of these suites and what has your experience been regarding overhead noise ? Thanks.
  11. Returned from a MSC cruise a couple of weeks ago with Covid. First week was great, start of second week we were both sure we had Covid. Contacted Medical Centre who sent a nurse to our cabin to test us. Took nasal swabs, said they would test and let us know. Thirty minutes later we were told we were negative and it was probably a heavy cold. We were sure it was Covid, no energy, no taste, very lethargic. We decided to keep ourselves away from people as much as we could and only ate in the buffet. Breakfast and lunch was ok, dinner was poor. There was no follow up from Medical Centre during the next six days we were onboard. Arrived home, self tested and we were positive. If we had been irresponsible, we could have mixed with others and passed it on to who knows how many ? We were annoyed with ourselves that we forgot to take testing kits with us, something I would advise on doing.
  12. Having visited most places ships sailing from Southampton go to, it is definitely the ship that the deciding factor. Some ships/cruise lines I wouldn't sail on for next to nothing.
  13. Thanks for all your kind responses. Both well jabbed and could be worse. The bit I don't like is loss of appetite and everything tasting bland. Very thankful for the vaccine.
  14. Indoor temp overnight a steady 29c. It was like sleeping in an oven, needed cold water at 2am and again at 4.30am. Garden thermometer in the shade reading 33c. Not ideal, especially as we both have Covid. Stay safe.
  15. Booked for Sep 23, very good OBC deal. First for Arvia, already cruised Iona three times and two more booked. I like these ships.
  16. Princess have changed the Sky Princess to the Baltics on 2nd Sep 23 to a Med cruise. Fancy it but not at the price currently advertised. Will wait and hope for a deal.
  17. Thanks and same to you. Feel fine ATM and will test again later today, then the test that counts on Thursday through Randox, who provide evidence that MSC require that you are negative.
  18. We went to a large family and friends party last Saturday week, 18th, and up until now 7 people have caught Covid. So far so good for my wife and I, we are anxious because we are cruising on Saturday. Negative today so just got to hope we are ok.
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