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Everything posted by milepig

  1. It is sometimes open for dinner. The tea smoked duck is amazing. The usual schedule is lunch, then it switches to burgers and such late afternoon. Then it may or may not reopen for dinner. That deck tends to be pretty busy during cocktail hour, which would, i think, may service difficult.
  2. Yeah, I was puzzled at first since all those things have had "good to go" checkmarks, and then this one popped up with the not complete message but then didn't go anywhere.
  3. I just logged into my windstar and noticed what I think is a new option coming? Under passenger information, the headers are: Immigration Information Guest Information Household Information The Guest Information is labeled "not complete" and when I click on it it just pops up an "under construction" box. I don't recall this option in the past.
  4. I've not seen a pillow menu as such, but I have a hard time sleeping with a foam pillow, and when I ask early enough they do have some down pillows but not many.
  5. Windstar maintains a list of tender (or Zodiac) ports, I'm not sure it's 100% accurate: https://www.windstarcruises.com/accessibility/
  6. LOL. From the map it looks like there are maybe 2 streets. My TA has contacts with tour companies in case WS doesn’t come through. The price is very high for the WS option, but in this case the convenience means a lot. I’ve told my TA that we expect the Yacht Club discount. That should be a hoot.
  7. Was this the continuation of the itinerary from Singapore to Doha? If so, we were on board for that and it was indeed magical. SW had just taken ownership of the Pride, and that part was a bit rocky with much reworking to do, but the crew was absolutely top notch, and the passenger load was light. All sorts of top brass were onboard.
  8. As in part of the price? Now it's extra.
  9. Thanks. It's less the thought of "not doing the tour" and more of if WS doesn't add more space. I have now seen that there are various day trips you can book privately and that may be my backup.
  10. No, not security. I just pulled the trigger and made a deposit for Arabia next fall. A large part of the reason is that Luxor is a bucket list item. The Luxor overnight is already waitlisted, with no other options. My TA says not to worry WS will work it out, go ahead about pay the $2000 to get on the waitlist. Would it be better to just cancel and do somthing else?
  11. Never underestimate the ability of WS to get something wrong.
  12. Have you all confirmed that the WS count is correct? At some point they lost some, I'd done all trips with the same TA, he went through and found a couple that were missing, called WS and all was well.
  13. We had one of those mattresses with no stiffening on the legeng in 11/21. For us, it was miserable, indeed it felt like the bed was trying to throw us off and I sort of had to take a leap to get beyond the end. This September, also on the legend, the mattress had a sort of band all the way around the edge that sort of held things together. Not great, but it was much better. On the 2021 trip the cruise director was someone I've known for a long time and he said that they'd had lots of complaints.
  14. Thanks for the info, I hope it was a gut rehab, and not lipstick.
  15. Is the Hilton a newly building property, or is it a conversion?
  16. My TA recently got an unpublished P2P price and it seemed to put it spot on for what it should have, give or take a few bucks.
  17. One of us is extremely allergic to cigarette/cigar smoke. People who like to indulge need to respect the health needs of others and indulge where it is allowed.
  18. This looks like as good a place to ask as any - are those pictures old, or just not well taken. The one of the Grand Suite, in particula looks like a very dated nursing home lounge.
  19. Agreed. I learned from my TA that even when they only post Door-to-Door fares you can negotiate a Port-to-Port fare.
  20. Thanks to everyone's help, our first pass at Alaska tours for next August are in place. One was already fully booked! Well see how they turn out, but I was impressed by the variety. The one middle of the night mystery tour, turned out fine, it continues to say it left at 11:30pm right through the booking process, but in the end it put it on the calendar at the expected 11:00 am departure. I'm puzzling about the one 7:30pm departure for a three hour tour. Dinner seems awkward either before or after the excursion.
  21. That’s my guess. I hate to bother my wonderful TA over this, but I was online today with a SS rep for over an hour today who never got logged in. Maybe I should just book it!
  22. This worked for me - thanks. But now I have another question. For Icy Straight Point on the 8/17 departure, this Excursion: Whale & Marine Mammals Cruise (ISP-H) Says it begins at 23:30!!! but the ship departs at 19:00 Clearly this must be a typo, but when I select it it also puts it on my calendar for 23:30.???
  23. Is there a way to print the entire excursion list. I started cutting and pasting but it was taking forever, and the formatting was all messed up. We're doing an Alaska 14 day, and many of the tours sound very similar, so we don't want to duplicate, and we just like to sit down over coffee and look in all over at once.
  24. All of this info is precovid... Back in the day WS was fairly open to considering such things. We had a bunch of people who got off in Moorea rather than taking the last leg, but that was off early not on late. I've seen people who had transit problems catch the ship a day late, but that was with a schedule problem. You can always ask, and they can only say "no" We got off in Mubai rather than going on the Dubai, it took a special request, and there was no guarantee it would be allowed. One question might be is there immigration in Moorea, I don't know, but I think you clear in PPT. On our itit, several couples spend the night in Bora Bora offship, and I think the ship even offered such a plan. I don't know if they still do,
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