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Everything posted by Presto2

  1. Thanks. Tendering is one of those things you can't predict I suppose. No fun of its really choppy but ok if it is still and calm ! Hope your wife's knee is getting better.
  2. Thanks for this. My friend is able to walk confidently with a stick and is only small and (she'd be pleased that I say this) is only about 8 and a half stones in weight. Having said that, I do know that tendering can be difficult dependant on the weather conditions and fully understand that the cruise ship crew can not be expected to lift people.
  3. Hi, We know that P&O have a 'test' for passengers to ensure that they are able to use the tenders safely. I think it is that they have to step over about 18 inches and over a step independently. Is there such a test on Marella? We have a friend who is able to walk unaided with a walking stick but would struggle to stride that gap totally unaided without anyone to support and we want to check before booking as one or two ports are down as tender. (Well Santorini isn't but am guessing that it will be). Thanks for any help you can offer
  4. I think he is a former teacher and has done a number of cruises and seems like a nice guy. Have seen a number of his videos but he has no more expertise than I have..... make of that what you will. Don't think it is appropriate to quote him like he is a font of all knowledge though to be honest.
  5. Someone been handing you a gin this morning ? 😉
  6. And I still stick by my comment. As a previous senior manager / leader I know that sometimes decisions are made that those at the top are not allowed to explain or share reasons with stake holders with due to folk wanting compensation or what social media says. Not easy for those on the receiving end but this is the world we live in and people and society have made happen ... Yes I was worried at the time as is natural but seeing it through Spock's eyes of logic without the benefit of hindsight what you have done ? Ps I am a Tekkie so apologise for the reference to Spock
  7. Reading all of the above it seemed like Catch 22 for PO and hindsight is always a wonderful thing when it comes to which decisions to make.
  8. Glad to read that you are all home safe and sound after your adventures and Happy Birthday to Mrs YP. Hope you manage to enjoy the celebrations today and that the sun shines ....we can all but dream !!!
  9. I even found myself singing to it -- in my head of course
  10. We have a flight with TUI to Cyprus in September and booked extra legroom seats. We have been allocated row 2A and 2C on a dreamliner so we are more than happy. We have already booked for 2025 and managed to find a Dreamliner Flight and have booked 4A and 4C 🙂 We don't get the premium perks but we get the extra legrooms seats so more than pleased.
  11. Yes they were on Britannia when we were on board. The only reason we didn't do it was because we had done one in 2015 when she was new. We've done them on Oceana, Britannia and Ventura and find them to be excellent value - though the Captain makes a difference to the overall experience. On Oceana and Britannia both Captains were amazing (Willard and Brown) while the one on Ventura couldn't have been bothered with us. (I can't even remember his name ..) We were told on CC to go to Reception as soon as you board and ask if you can put your name down as sometimes they fill up even before being advertised. Enjoy
  12. 3 orders in a row hubby had his men's deodorant (I probably should know but can't remember the name) had become a large tub of powered baby milk. The poor Asda drivers were as baffled as us!
  13. That really touched me - what a lovely, lovely gesture. Brought back some memories of my elderly parents in a caring care home. Take care xx
  14. We stayed until 1.30pm with 2 laptops and a phone working on it. Was just about to give up and we logged in! We got 4A and 4C so we'll.worth it. Think row 7 has no window seats. Good luck
  15. You won't regret it. It is well worth it if you can afford it. All you need to do now is to sit up until midnight when they become available to book the one you want ....even more money I'm.afraid
  16. Have to admit I do think that close up seagulls really are beautiful birds when they aren't trying to rip your food from your hands or circling ready to attack some unsuspecting picnicer. Some people don't help themselves though and just sit on Llandudno front with all their packed lunches on show ... of you excuse the expression .. and wonder why the prom looks like a scene from Alfred Hitchcock The Birds. Must admit saw that film as a child and it has to be one of the scariest things I've ever seen ever ...Still makes me cringe now. Re feeding seagulls .... has to be a no on the coast as they are quite frightening In land they love to live with the ducks near us and have their food !!
  17. Nerrrr you just wake up, glad you have arrived and then go back to.sleep
  18. Like you say personal choice but as the OP asked about lack of motion I thought best to go lower where there you feel the ship move less. Then again we were D deck on Ventura once and it was terrible ..... We always go aft so probably not the best people to comment on lack of motion in a ship 😉
  19. Many moons ago we were on a Med. cruise and she almost always docked starboard side facing the port for some reason ... and got the sun most of the time. Mid ships if you don't want it too boppy and low down. The higher up you are the more you will feel the ship move .. well that's what were told.
  20. We paid £26 for 2 litres of Bicardi last week on a tui flight from Cyprus.
  21. Sorry have come to this thread late. Been away and tbh have only just registered the title! I haven't read the 26 pages of posts so apologies if I repeat anything but we find this disappointing. Another perk for PO gone ... OK you can buy spirits on board but though they may be supermarket prices they won't be anywhere near duty free prices. Am I right in thinking that duty free is much cheaper now we are not in the EU? I just feel like all of the things that led us to PO are being eroded and this is yet another one to increase profits.
  22. From Manchester we had to pay £1200 extra for the Premium seats.for a special cruise. Well worth it for such a long flight if you can afford it, especially if you are tall ...so hubby tells me.
  23. We have had aft cabins on Britannia a number of times on F deck and E deck. No need to book a suite as they are classed as a GD cabin ...think it was .. and certainly not the most expensive standard balcony cabin. If you need space for more than a couple think the balcony dividers open so you can have an even bigger space. We've had F729, F728 and one of the E deck cabins above F729 to be further away from the Live Lounge
  24. Decorating day for us --- groan. No escaping it in this weather. I hate stripping the walls ...... oh well, better get back to it. 😞
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