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Everything posted by ovccruiser

  1. A definite no and at no time did I ever hint that
  2. That sounds a bit like following like sheep, I have never stated that it is ok for me to go into certain areas on the ship on formal nights as it is also not allowed to attend the grills dining rooms. Formal nights I have dined in the Red Lion as well as the Lido not on the same night of course. If I choose not to dress formally that is my choice, it is then also the choice of Cunard not to allow me into certain areas on those formal nights with which I am fine. I think your first paragraph is just a little over the top as on a formal night I would alway have my dickie bow on😂
  3. The choice is for the individual not the cruise line, I have been on more that 50 cruises and there is always always someone on board that chooses not to dress formally as I have stated I have on more than one cruise. Next time you are on a cruise check out how many do not want to dress up, you will be surprised by the number, it is not an obligation it is a choice.
  4. All cruise lines must accept passenger who, for whatever reason, do not wear formal wear on formal nights. I always dressed formally when required, but my last couple of cruises I couldn't be bothered, One was on Cunard QE where we ate every night in the Lido self service restaurant and the other was on a P & O cruise where we did the same thing. However on Cunard I did wear a jacket, no tie, and we did go into the ballroom with no one objecting. On P & O where they are not so strict I did not wear a jacket and on one night was refused entry to one of the bars. So yes, quite rightly as the OP says all cruise lines differ.
  5. Yes, its all done through stockperks, quite easy to use, I'm 73 and found it easy anyway😂
  6. My very first cruise experience was on QM2 in 2004, her second cruise. It was a 4 night cruise two ports of call and a day at sea, that which got me hooked on cruising. Hamburg is a great place to go with a lot of history.
  7. But definitely no slurping as you drink😂
  8. Thats whipped cream not clotted, just as bad as putting butter on first 😂
  9. Nooooo you don't use butter on jam and cream scones, sacrilege 😂
  10. And discuss whether the cream or jam is applied to the scone first 😂
  11. Interesting the complimentary meal, no reference to lunch or dinner
  12. Cruised on her in February this year and had one small whiff of a not nice smell, for a brief second or two but can't remember where I was on the ship, I would hazard a guess on the promenade deck somewhere though.
  13. Thanks for the replies, one more though. Do they still have the jazz trio in the Chartroom about 9:00pm each night?
  14. As the title, I have done 17 or so cruises on Cunard over the years but not been on since just after covid. A few questions I could do with some help on, internet access used to be so many hour depending on your loyalty level, I see now this is done on a daily level. Can you have some days on and some off or does it have to be continuous, we are diamond level so get a good chunk to spend on the internet. We prefer to dine in the Lido at night, is this still split into different restaurants at night. Any advice will be appreciated.
  15. Enforcement of dress code may only be applicable to certain areas of the ship and more relaxed in others. Not everyone want to dress up so some areas must be left "more relaxed"
  16. The main obvious question we are all asked before going on a cruise, have you been ill in the last week or so and everyone answers no, they don't want to miss their holiday. Some of the suggestions while they seem excellent, has a cost implication for P & O which I am sure they would gladly pass on. Single use condiments is expensive compared to a condiment set on the table. Also, who would clear all the empty sachets after use. I have cruised many times but have only once experienced norovirus on one cruise. It was not too pleasant and I was confined to my cabin, my wife, however, was not and that I could not understand.
  17. I agree with your comments, however I do not agree with the title of the thread, a tad sensationalising perhaps? 😉 As david63 says you cannot educate those who will not listen, simple measures only are needed to rid this virus.
  18. When I logged on to the site and got to view cruise history all I got was information about Peninsular Club. No history at all.
  19. I have a Natwest Platinum acc and pay monthly to get worldwide travel insurance with medical conditions(hypertension) under control no excess. However when I reached 70 the cover price went up by seventy five pounds a year, quite standard for age related extension. The monthly premium also covers AA membership and mobile phone insurance. I have checked prices, and for my age (72) my monthly premiums and well cheaper than most standard travel insurance companies. I can't say all, as there is probably one I have missed.
  20. Have a good look at the pricing of P & O cruises, as said they do include the tips and they also offer onboard spend depending on grade of cabin on some cruises. If you then up this with stockholder benefit, it may well cover a large portion if not all of your drinks.
  21. There was a dartboard in Brodies on Azura, so guess there may be one on Arvia. Not sure though if you are allowed to use your own darts. May be worth a check worth P & O
  22. It is illegal to drive in Norway whilst operating a mobile phone, much the same as here, but, would you call into your nearest police station if you saw someone in the UK doing the same? There are virtually no police on our roads so many people take the risk unfortunately.P & O will probably do nothing about it if you complained.
  23. There are also far cheaper ways to get to Flam much cheaper than cruise ships, but no one raises that point, just the price of excursions😂 My experience over the many cruises we have done is, it depends on where the excursion is going. For example, Rome, cruise excursion only, no waiting in queues at the various sites, Borobudur temple cruise excursion only, you get a police escort there and back and all traffic is stopped for the coaches. There are others. Madeira get off the ship and hire a taxi for either half or full day, Many of the Caribbean Islands I would only use local taxis.
  24. My first cruise with P & O was on Oceana, probably the worst crossing of the Bay of Biscay we have done. Weather was about force 10-11 seas were rough and we had windows blow in on Deck 7 towards the front and also the window to mid ships bar area, you can see a sheet of plywood covering one of the windows
  25. Did exactly this but in February, really enjoyed this and have already booked for next year.
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