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Everything posted by MsTabbyKats

  1. Yeah....one needs to read the T&C with a fine tooth comb. That "Day 0" doesn't count is totally illogical......but it is what it is and insurance shouldn't deny her claim. ETA...I also share @JamieLogical surprise that Covid is still "a thing"....although I have a neighbor on my floor that wears her N95 upon leaving the apt...always...even if she's just getting the mail!
  2. Correct....according to my interpretation. @DCGuy64 OP did not satisfy the terms...because the covid test was "day of"....not within 5 days prior.
  3. @DCGuy64 The way I interpret: You must test positive within 5 days prior to sailing....and inform them by noon of sailing: I am sailing on 4/7. I must have a positive test from 4/2 to 4/6. I must inform them by noon of 4/7. @Homosassa From page 6 of T&C To qualify for the future cruise credit or refund, you must notify the Company via telephone at 877-665-4655 within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving the test result and no later than noon on the date of embarkation
  4. I found something: If you test positive for COVID-19 within five (5) days prior to embarkation, you may elect to cancel your Booking. In that event, you, and anyone else in your travelling party who cancels their Booking due to your positive COVID-19 test result, will be entitled to a refund or future cruise credit equal in value to the amount Passenger paid to the Carrier. This is on Page 6 of T&C. It says test positive 5 days prior to embarkation. The OPs sister tested positive the morning of embarkation, not within the 5 days prior period.
  5. I don't get that either....but legal action is "time and money". If she gets money from insurance, there's no legal action. She'll "be made whole".
  6. Perhaps I have a comprehension problem...but in the original post the OP said she had insurance and would be putting in a claim. I do understand her frustration....but if she's getting an insurance claim, what's the problem?
  7. Yes...balcony is a waste of money. We've done that route almost annually for "a long long time"....and unless the price was very close and the cabin in a better location....OV is the way to go. I think you're going in May (?); if so, chances are you'll never use it.
  8. I like low deck OV cabins....great view of the "angry ocean" in bad weather. Where are you going? I find that there is no need for a balcony if you're going to Canada or Bermuda....the sea day weather is not condusive for "sitting outdoors".
  9. @elapel01Are you aware that those tubs have high sides....not easy to get in/out if your short, elderly or have mobility issues. I was all excited when I booked a "mini-suite" on the Gem because there was a tub. Never again..........
  10. A few years ago I did (pre-pandemic or during the pandemic). It wasn't a smooth process. I don't remember the specifics but I recall forms to fill out and the cruise was ultimatey canceled...so that TA put in a lot of time for $0. The TA I use now won't do a transfer...much easier for him to book direct. There are travel agents who don't want to deal with MSC. However, there are some (like mine) who offer generous discounts or obc.
  11. Something nobody mentions....even @morpheusofthesea (at least I never noticed it) is fresh squeezed oj in the morning. Maybe not a big deal for Floridians....but for us in the northeast, a real treat!
  12. Yes...and we are willing to pay more for YC!
  13. We were in YC last April. At that time, we had 2 other cruises booked....one NCL and one Carnival. We were with the masses (nice cabins...but with the masses) on both and although we enjoyed both...neither compared to YC. Going forward....it's probably be strictly YC. Definitley strictly YC on MSC Not interested in Haven...YC offers so much more for so much less.
  14. My whole life involves "non-Americans" (seriously...I'm the only "native" in my crowd)....but some groups come from countries where they don't know how to line up, or cutting in line is acceptable. As a New Yorker, I'm well versed in "the art of assertive walking"....but large groups shoving to get something from the buffet. No thanks....... It's not whether the people are American or Italian or Mexican...it's that they have manners. I've actually often said sailing on MSC is like going to Italy...but you don't have to fly there. I spent most of my life "booking Bella" and booking guarantees...inside guarantees actually. We saved alot...and now it's all about comfort and convenience!
  15. When you get to be my age...and DH uses a cane...you'll gladly shell out the extra cash. We only tried YC because I needed a rest from being his butler! We were in with the masses on Carnival and NCL after our YC experience...and both were good cruises. But YC...was not "good"...it was "uber great"!
  16. @Swin-2-winSorry...wanted to add we sailed on the Mera Oct 2019 with "the masses". Although I loved the cruise (big pizza eater here) the crowd seemed to be a lot of "foreign groups" with different cultural norms. I'm not xenophobic....and I'm a NYCer....so I'm used to "non Americans pushing" etc...but I can understand why a lot of people get turned off.
  17. @Swin-2-winJust to let you know...the YC is a completely different experience, and well worth the price. Our first YC was the interior...it was an NCL balcony vs YC interior...for about the same price. Booking YC was a no brainer; I wouldn't go on MSC outside the YC. We were offered a free cruise...with the masses....and I passed on it.
  18. Which day in Jan...we're on the Jan 12 sailing? April and Jan...on Mera...and maybe a Canadian cruise inbetween. If so...probably Carnival Venezia. We were on her last month...and were very pleasantly surprised.
  19. @JamieLogicalMay I point out that May is not "good Bermuda weather". It's not beach weather. In addition....the ocean can be very rough. Worst cruise of my life was NCL Dawn to Bermuda in May (about 15 years ago, that is). The ship's movement was so bad I vowed I'd never go on a on a cruise again. If I had to choose Canada vs Bermuda in May....Canada would win. And or course...NCL vs MSC...no contest...it would be MSC for me!
  20. I'm speechless..........I'm thinking what Lenny Bruce would have said....but I'll opt to remain speechless.
  21. I agree about 16. If you check availability, 16 is always the first to go.
  22. Tomato and lettuce with pastrami "just aint right".......but at lease it wasn't on white bread with mayo!
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