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Everything posted by luvteaching

  1. @Haljo1935 Of course I'll follow up on Alaska Eagle Arts. I'm going here because the couple celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this past weekend were gifted a beautiful print of a hummingbird (done Alaska Native style) with fireweed embossed on the side. The couple who gave it to them want me to stop in and take a few photos of the place and mention the lady's name as she does work down here for them. Here's a picture of the print. They have notecards on their website of this print and I want some!! Karen
  2. Good morning, It's supposed to be pretty warm, for us, today with highs close to 90F. It's sunny and pleasant at the moment but it's not even 9:00 AM! I hate being late and am usually early. No to kale pesto but do like steak on occasion. I'll have cheese pizza but prefer more toppings. Today is hopefully getting packed for the cruise on the Eurodam on Saturday. So far Juneau is looking decent weather-wise which is nice. My friends going with me are so excited! I have a new store in Ketchikan to look at - Alaska Eagle Arts. It's on Creek Street right near Parnassus books which is another favorite stop for me. Today is cleaning up the house and getting some packing done as tomorrow is busy. Have a good day! Karen
  3. Good evening Jacqui, Could you please, when you have time, add these 2 for me: Eurodam August 2, 2025 - 7 Day Alaska Explorer Noordam August 23- September 6, 2026 - 14 day Great Alaska Explorer. Thank you!! Karen
  4. HI @YVRteacher Yvonne, I've enjoyed your writing on this and I'm so sad to hear how lousy things were for you and Dad. I hope you had a good 1st day of school and all went smoothly. Karen
  5. Good morning, It's another cloudy start but sun is somewhere in the forecast - later, much later. It did come out yesterday around 3PM or so. Yes to burgers. I have one on Saturday night. It's da long-standing family tradition. Mom, when we were growing up, made her own hamburger buns and we'd watch Saturday night hockey and have burgers. Now I don't do the hockey but I do have a burger. Today is the first day of school for our district and I heard the school bus a bit ago. I'm so glad to be retired! Just 3 days until my final cruise of this year. I'm on the Eurodam and have 3 friends going with me. One is sharing my cabin and she's both excited and nervous. She's a rather down-to-earth, no nonsense type so she's leery about trying new foods, about what she wears, etc. She'll be fine once we get going. The other friends are a husband and wife and the wife is beyond excited! I think she's walking a foot off the ground when we talk cruise. Their cabin is just a few down from mine. Today I think I'll do a couple of quick errands. I'm going to take DD DH's urn to the funeral home and they'll take out a small portion of his ashes and put them in the biodegradable one for the burial at sea next week. I'll pick both up later this week. Karen
  6. @Cruising-along. Heads up - I believe Costco is closed today. Karen
  7. Good morning and Happy Labor Day, @Quartzsite Cruiser Happy 57th Anniversary! @RMLincoln Happy Birthday! @Denise T Congrats on completing your dissertation! It's cloudy and somewhat cooler here today with a predicted high of just 70. I'm ok with that. Yesterday's 50th anniversary celebration at Lake Cavanaugh was very nice. The drive there was about an hour and some twisty roads but I made it. The driveway to the house was a sharp turn and somewhat steep so DS took my car back up when I left. There were close to 20 people there and it was all casual. Most were down on the dock and enjoying the water, kayak, canoe, etc. There was lots of food and around 5:00 everyone was in, we toasted the happy couple, a few tears were shed especially by their daughters, and we ate. I was home before dark so that was good. Today is hanging out at home. I have some cookies I want to get mixed up and maybe baked since it's cooler today, my neighbor will be down for tea when I text her it's ready, and I should do fun things like change the sheets, etc. Happy Labor Day! Karen
  8. ON the subject of letter writing. I'm still a die-hard and like to include a letter in birthday cards especially when I'm paying for postage to Canada! I still send postcards when I cruise and not just to the "greats" aka as the great nieces and nephew (ages 4-11). I send them to adults as well. I also have a penpal in England who I've been writing to since we were 10 (5th grade) which is now 61 years. We've never met but still write at birthdays and Christmas. We started back in the days of onion skin paper and air mail! I sent out just over 20 grad cards with Starbucks cards enclosed to former students and received just 2 thank you's in response - yes - 2. The bread machine is beeping. Off to punch down the dough and form the rolls. Karen
  9. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit! Good morning and welcome to September. We're supposed to be up to 80F today and then cooling tomorrow. @Cruzin Terri Happy Birthday! Bon Voyage to @richwmn, @lindaler, @USN59-79 and @Seasick Sailor. Today is my DIL's parents 50th anniversary celebration. Before I even had my first sip of tea the bread machine was started for dinner rolls and should be beeping at me in the next 10 minutes or so. The bread machine is one of those appliances that I don't use often but I love it when I do. I need to leave by around 11 as it's about an hour drive to the house that's been rented for the weekend. I'm looking forward to it. Have a great day everyone! Karen
  10. Good afternoon Dailyites!, Welcome to the board @wdw1972. We're a friendly group here. Today has been somewhat busy. I made up the sour cream walnut cookies before it got too hot this morning. My neighbor came for tea and then I headed into Mount Vernon to attend an open house of a realtor friend. This friend and her husband are sailing with me next Saturday and she is soooo excited. I had a friend of a friend come and look at the old PT Cruiser today and he'll take it off my hands so I'm glad about that. Next up is making lemon bars this afternoon, calling DM to check in on her, and folding laundry. Tomorrow we're celebrating my DIL's parents' 50th wedding anniversary so I'm making dinner rolls tomorrow morning and then heading to a place called Lake Cavanaugh which is about an hour away for the afternoon. It's supposed to be 80F so a nice day to be by the water. @atexsix Bruno I so enjoyed visiting with Dear Dad on our cruise. He was a delight to chat with. Now he and my DD DH are both sailing together I'm sure and listening to Lincoln Center! Karen
  11. Good morning and Happy Friday! @Denise T Congrats on getting your dissertation submitted. Yesterday was fairly busy. I made double chocolate walnut cookies and they turned out quite well. Today I'll do up the dough for gingersnaps and a sour cream walnut cookie. I ran to town to Costco and it wasn't that busy at all so that was nice. In the afternoon I got bills paid and I talked to HAL about doing DD DH's burial at sea for some of his ashes. It will be the last sea day (Friday the 13th) somewhere between 6 AM and 3 PM> I'm hoping it's not at 6 AM! I also called the funeral home and confirmed the biodegradable urn. They didn't have it in stock but it will be here by Wednesday. I'll take DD DH's urn down and they'll transfer some of the ashes to the biodegradable one. Since DD DH loved cruising and loved going to Alaska (it was a powerful motivator for him for PT, etc) it seemed fitting to do this. My son came by and did a quick visit as well. Today I'll celebrate beaches but no to the drink and salad but I like the quote. I have banking to do, a water class at the pool, corn-on-the-cob to get (I'm pigging out on it!) and a few groceries at Fred Meyer. Have a lovely day and a safe long weekend Karen.
  12. Good morning, It started out foggy but it's now sunny and our predicted high is mid-70s so that's good. Not a lot planned for today. I have some cookies to get made and will probably go into town to Costco so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Yesterday I got my hair cut and I feel so much lighter! My hair dresser was pleased to see me walk in as she didn't know I'd found her new place of employment. I also went to Barnes and Noble but didn't see anything I wanted. Tomorrow is busy with banking, the pool, a few groceries, and then staying away from crowds as best I can. Karen
  13. @Cruising-along. I got my vaccine at the Fred Meyer in Burlington. You can call ahead and see if they have availability. They do close from 1 - 1:30 for lunch. Karen
  14. Good afternoon, Quick note as I have to get out of the house again shortly and head north to Bellingham. It's haircut time (and oh do I need it!) and my stylist has moved to the JC Penney up there. Today was water aerobics, I picked up corn-on-the-cob and I stopped at Fred Meyer and got both my flu and Covid vaccines. The covid was Pfizer which is fine. My others were all Moderna. However, with less than 10 days to cruise I wanted to be covered. This afternoon is heading north and while I'm up there I may stop at Barnes and Noble as I have a long overdue gift card to use. It's sunny, quite breezy, and overall a very pleasant day. Karen
  15. Good morning, We had rain starting late yesterday afternoon and through the night but it's cloudy now and we're not going to make 70 degrees today. DS came over yesterday afternoon and did a few of the "son-do" jobs for me and we had quite the chat about life, his view of things, etc. He needed to just talk and I can just listen. Today is PT, lunch at a local Mexican place with the Widows Support Group, putting gas in the car and going to recycle since DS loaded it all in the car for me. This is a new restaurant for me so looking forward to it. Then more shredding, putting the trash out, and other exciting things! Karen
  16. Good afternoon, It's a bit overcast and rain is forecasted here for later today. It's been a busy Sunday and Monday. Yesterday my friend and I headed to Canada to see my Mom. No border wait which was nice. DM is doing well but having some balance issues which she'll discuss with the doctor that put in her pacemaker when she sees him on Thursday. We visited, went out to lunch (delicious seafood cannelloni and caesar salad) and they brought DM a small homemade cake with a candle in it. She was quite pleased. We also took her to get her lottery tickets (winning ones of course) and then to get scones at the local bakery. All in all it was a good day and a good visit. I left home at 9 AM and got back at 6 PM My friend, the other Karen, who was on Discovery Princess with me ended up with Covid and her husband caught it from her. She's on the mend but he ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. He's coming along but I hate that this is on her "Cruise memory". Today was the pool for water aerobics, a couple of stops including two cobs of fresh corn (I'll do one tonight in the air fryer) and now home. My son is supposed to be by this afternoon so I have the "son-do" list ready! Have a great rest of the day! Karen
  17. Have a great trip Lisa, Tom and Marcia! @LAFFNVEGAS@dobiemom Karen
  18. Good morning, It's a very wet morning here as @Cruising-along said. Bon Voyage to @dfish, @Crazy For Cats, and @Sharon in AZ. This round trip is one I'm looking at for the future. Going single and getting to Boston are two of my stumbling blocks. My friend who was with me on the Discovery Princess cruise came down with Covid and passed it to her DH. He fell last night, she couldn't get him up, so called 911. They recommended he be taken to the hospital as they thought he was dehydrated. When he got there his temp was 103. Haven't had an update this morning so hope he's on the mend. She didn't have a temp yesterday so that was good. Today is getting things done around the house, going to a friends Open House she's hosting, and getting ready for a trip to BC tomorrow to visit Mom. I'm taking a friend with me and we'll take Mom out to lunch. Karen
  19. Good morning, We're having a wet day today and the rain is coming down quite heavily at the moment. It's good - we need it! Happy Birthday @Vict0riann Ann and @AroundWithMAPTravels Melanie! I hope you both have lovely days. Ann, I hope your appointment goes well and that Pat is improving today. Yesterday was going through more drawers and finding all sorts of papers DD DH had to save but not the ones I needed. I'm going to have a lot of shredding to do! I did visit friends in the afternoon and saw their lovely new home. I also got my new cell phone set up but have to stop today and see why my messages didn't transfer and get a mini-lesson on a few things I'm already having questions about. Today is tea with my neighbor, a trip to town for the Hallmark store, water aerobics class, and a few groceries. Nothing too exciting. Karen
  20. Just off Discovery Princess. There are a couple of spots on deck 7. There are several on the aisles on deck 6. Karen
  21. Good morning, Happy Anniversary @grapau27 Graham and Pauline! @Vict0riann I hope Pat is making progress on conquering pneumonia and DD is doing well. It's a mix of sun and clouds here. I've been puttering around the house, my neighbor has come for tea, and I have to be out by 2:00 PM to head to a friend's house for a visit. My neighbor and her husband will meet me there. He repairs clocks and is going to look at my friend's grandfather clock as we ladies visit a bit. My friend has also requested cookies so I'll see what's in the freezer. Had the first corn-on-the-cob last night and it was delicious! I did it in the air fryer and it came out perfect! Karen
  22. Bon Voyage to @dfish @Sharon in AZ and @Crazy For Cats. May you have a lovely cruise. @VictOriann I hope Pat is feeling a bit better this evening and you are able to get some rest as well. Pneumonia is nothing to fool with. Karen
  23. Good afternoon, It's been a busy morning. I had 2 water aerobics classes, put gas in the car, had the car's regular service done (oil change and tire rotation) and picked up 2 cobs of fresh corn (2-colored). I am now home. DS came while I was gone and brought in the garbage can and did baseboards. I had to go on the "great baseboard hunt" to find out where he'd worked and he also put new trim at the back door. My traveling companion from last week just tested positive for Covid but so far I'm symptom free. I'd think I'd be showing some signs by now if I was infected. She got paxlovid today so I hope it helps her. She says it was worth it to cruise! Yesterday was a bit of a melancholy day but I solved the beeping noise - it was the carbon monoxide detector in the laundry room. I can reach that one using a short step stool. I sent DS a text and he told me how to get it open, I did it, replaced the batteries and oh - blissful silence! I also made chocolate chip cookies ( and I see this afternoon that DS was enjoying them). Dinner tonight is a salad and fresh corn! I'll enjoy that. Karen
  24. HI @YVRteacher. Yvonne, it's great to see your "live from" on your cruise with your Dad. As a retired teacher I'm impressed that you can sail so close to the start of school. More power to you! I enjoyed following you on your Princess cruise and I'm looking forward to following this one. I love when you talk about the books you're reading and the book stores you're visiting. I've been to Parnassus Books in Ketchikan each cruise this summer (I've done 3 with #4 coming up in September). Have you read the book "First Ladies" about Eleanor Roosevelt and Mary Bethune? It's a great read especially if you like historical fiction. Have a wonderful trip with your dad! Karen
  25. Good afternoon, It's an overcast morning and a bit of the cool side. I'll open up windows soon and air the house out a bit. I had PT this morning and I'm making progress on this stuck hip flexor muscle. Not as fast as I'd like but it's progress. Yesterday my DBIL came over in the afternoon yesterday and stayed for 2 hours. We had a nice visit, he took all DD DH's suspenders, and the older mobility scooter. He's offered to come back and help me organize cords, tools, etc. that DD DH has accumulated and I have no idea what to do with some of them. Today I'm on the hunt for paperwork regarding DD DH for medical insurance and I have a beeping smoke detector, actually two of them, so hoping DS will be by to fix for it for me. They are high enough that the larger ladder is needed. Will definitely pass on the carrot dog. I have a nice fresh salmon burger I picked up at my grocery stop today so will have that and salad for dinner. The fresh local corn stand is open as of yesterday so a stop there is on my list for tomorrow. It's 2/$1.00 so that works for me! Happy Tuesday! Karen
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