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Everything posted by luvteaching

  1. @atexsix Bruno, so sorry to hear this news. Dad was a wonderful man and I know how much enjoyed his cruising and his music. It was a pleasure to spend some time with both of you on the cruise we did together. You are in my thoughts. Karen
  2. Good morning, It's a quiet start to the day here which I needed. It's going to get busier in a bit. I have a Widows Support Group potluck lunch "Spring Fling" at noon. I made chocolate chip cookies yesterday as my contribution but need to package them up. I've got about 40 minutes left before I need to get out and moving. No to most everything on today and haven't been to the port. Less than 2 months to the first of my 4 Alaska cruises. This one is on Majestic Princess at the beginning of June and I'm going by myself. The other 3 (2 HAL and 1 Princess) have friends going with me. I'm looking forward to the one by myself as I'm becoming a good solo traveler. I mentioned earlier in the week that my DSIL passed away on Monday morning. Her service is next Friday, the 19th with a church one at 11 AM, reception afterward, then burial at a local cemetery. She fought a good fight against cancer but cancer won out in the end. She was an amazing quilter and I took a few pictures of her quilts yesterday that I have. Nothing else too exciting. Karen
  3. Good morning everyone, It's a cooler cloudy day here with showers in the forecast. I think it's a good day to stay home. I do need to do a bit of baking of something today to take to a potluck tomorrow. It's the widows support group one and desserts are always welcome so probably chocolate chip cookies. No pets here anymore. When DD DH was alive we had our share including ferrets, guinea pigs, turtles, hamsters and then cockatiels and parakeets. After the last cockatiels died I said "no more!". Hubby had all the enjoyment and I got all the cleanup! He had COPD so cleaning cages, etc. wasn't on his to-do list. I'll celebrate cleaning the pantry day today. I've been looking at mine, which is very roomy I think, and I really need to go through and pull the items I won't use and then rearrange it a bit. Also on the list today is getting April birthday cards ready to go and cleaning my desk in my craft room - a never-ending task. Karen
  4. Good afternoon, Wanted to check. in and let everyone know that I had a wonderful birthday yesterday (and remembered DD DH on our anniversary) and I was totally ok which was good. I tell folks I'm a tough old broad and yesterday was proof I guess. The day went really well. That decadent chocolate cake DS made was absolutely delicious and so rich!! It was two layers and the German Chocolate filling was in the middle but the cake itself was a very moist dark chocolate. For his first try at baking I'd say he hit it out of the park! I had lots of calls, emails, texts, etc. and we (DS, DDIL, and myself) had a lovely late lunch/early dinner at Olive Garden. I had the cheese ravioli and have enough for dinner tonight. I got my free dessert there (cheesecake) and got my treat at Starbucks so it's a good thing water aerobics was on the top of the list this morning. I also checked in with my brother-in-law and he's doing ok. My sister-in-law's service will be the 19th at a local church with a reception and then graveside to follow. He was an awesome caregiver for her as she battled breast and brain cancer. He did everything possible to keep her home and make life meaningful for her. She did some amazing quilting and when I get a few pictures taken I'll post them, . Enjoy the afternoon/evening! Karen
  5. Good morning, At the risk of not missing someone THANK YOU everyone for all the good wishes! I'm doing ok today, so far, and hopefully it will continue. Yesterday DS surprised me by baking a birthday cake for me from scratch - his first ever! It's German Chocolate and looks totally decadent. When a friend comes for tea later we'll have a bite or two. The top says "Happy Someteen" which goes back to last year when DD DH was in the hospital on this day. I went in and he greeted me with Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary. I asked how many years we'd been married and he could tell me 46 but when I asked how old I was her got a bewildered look and said "umpteen". It's become a favorite memory for me. Yesterday our sister-in-law passed away after a mighty struggle with brain and breast cancer. She went peacefully in her sleep which is good. She was at home and went downhill quickly this weekend. She was married to my DD DH's brother. She did beautiful quilting and we all have quilts to remember her by. Have a wonderful day! I'm heading out to lunch with DS and DDIL at Olive Garden this afternoon and looking forward to that. Karen
  6. Good morning, Quick note this morning as I need to get ready and head into town for water aerobics. Happy Birthday @StLouisCruisers and twin, @Norseh2o and Happy Anniversary to @Overhead Fred and @erewhon. Enjoy your days! Yesterday morning was a bit on the tough side and I called my son who decided he'd come over for a visit which did me a world of good. I haven't had that overwhelming sense of grief since the day my DH died so it was unexpected. I sort of expect it tomorrow as it would have been our 47th anniversary but didn't see it coming on Sunday. After a good visit with DS and lots of hugs I was much better and have been fine ever since. Have a good day! We won't see the eclipse as we're in the northwest corner of Washington state but that's ok. I did have the DARE program in school and many years had a DARE officer in my classroom. Karen
  7. Good morning, The sun is out but rain is in the forecast. I've been missing in action only because it's been busy and I've been in a bit of a funk which is unusual for me. I'll be fine - just have to work through things. Thursday a friend and I went to BC to visit my 97.5 year old mother. We were on the go the whole time! We went to a local mall so she could get her lottery tickets then to Northern Reflections where Mom got a pair of black jeans for me for my birthday. We went to Cob's bakery for scones (I have a triple chocolate one and a cinnamon one in the freezer to indulge in later). For lunch we went to White Spot for the shrimp sandwich and then my friend wanted to do IKEA. I've never been and it was interesting but not convinced I'd go again. My DM walked the whole thing with her walker, knew she had to use the restroom as we walked in and had her route planned! We got to her place at 11:20 and left at 5:00 getting home at 7:15 so a long day. Friday I got my second Shingles vaccine and the newest Covid booster so I have a sore left arm. Yesterday was visiting with a friend for a short time. I know why I'm in a funk so no worries. Just teary due to upcoming birthday/anniversary. Once I get over that I'll be fine. Have a great Sunday! My plan is to be home, watch the ships sail away, and be lazy! @kazu I hope you're feeling better soon. Hang in there! Karen
  8. DH, when he was alive, had to use oxygen. We've done canisters and a concentrator. Scootaround and Special Needs at Sea both will rent concentrators to use on the ship. These are the bigger ones that aren't as portable (they have wheels). He had his own portable one that was covered/paid for by our insurance so that solved some of the problem. Karen
  9. Checking in. Table is set, lasagna and cheesy bread ready for the oven. Guests coming about 2:00 so will put the lasagna in at 1:30 and the bread in at 2;00. I have some "son-do" jobs to keep DS busy like fill hummingbird feeders, put my recycle bins in the car so I can stop at the recycle place tomorrow and rotate my mattress 90 degrees. He has to earn his leftovers! Karen
  10. Good morning from the Pacific Northwest! We have a nice sunny day with highs about 60F so quite a treat. Happy Easter to all who celebrate. Yesterday I got the homemade lasagnas done and then ran the steamer over the floors! I did two pans - a 9x13 and an 8x8 so plenty of lasagna and leftovers will go home or in the freezer. All I have to do today is put them in the oven and put together the cheesy bread which is easy. There will be 5 of us around the table which is a nice size. Have a lovely day! Karen
  11. Checking in. Working on Easter dinner - lasagna. One 9x13 pan and one 8x8 pan done. Homemade noodles and there's now a mess to clean up. Oh well - after the ships sail! Karen
  12. Good morning, The sun is out and we're supposed to get close to 60F today which is quite nice for my neck of the woods. I'll gladly salute doctors and add in Physician's Assistants as our two are wet kept my DH going for close to 10 years which was precious time for us. I'm going through that "last" part now. He left the house for the last time on the 28th but today marks the 1 year anniversary when he got out of ICU and onto the Intermediate Care Unit so progress was made. He was one tough guy and I miss him. Today is making lasagna day. I have the meat done up so today is making the noodles and putting the lasagna together so it can "marinate" to bake tomorrow. We'll have a loaf of French bread made into cheesy bread to compliment the meal. There will be at least 3 of us and maybe my lady who comes for her and her husband will join us. Have a lovely Saturday! Karen
  13. Have a wonderful trip @POA1, @Huskerchick and, of course, Poohby Joe!
  14. Good morning, It's overcast here today with rain showers in the forecast. Typical Pacific Northwest! I'm hitting a patch of days that will be "firsts". Yesterday was 9 months since DD DH passed and I did ok - just a few tears. Today is the one year point where he left the house and didn't return. The medics and I thought it was dehydration and the start of a UTI so I'd called our local medics to take DD DH to the ER. On the way out of the house he made them stop so that he could get a hat on. The doctor on the floor, Dr. Goo, always noted DD DH's hats and DH didn't want to be without one. Little did we know that a few hours later he'd be in septic shock and heading to the bigger hospital north of us in Bellingham, I'd be having "end of life" chats with an iCU doctor, etc. Hubby battled back and we had 3 more months for which I'm grateful beyond measure. Today is getting things done around the house. DS and DDIL are coming for Easter dinner and requested homemade lasagna and cheesy bread. It's a BBQ lasagna recipe that is quick and easy so I'll get the meat mixture made up today and Saturday make my noodles. Tomorrow is errand running and banking. Have a wonderful Thursday! Karen
  15. Good afternoon, Such sad news about the Baltimore Bridge collapse. My heart and thoughts are with the citizens in that area. Several years ago we had our bridge over the Skagit River collapse but it was due to a semi hitting one of the supports. No loss of life so this area was very lucky. Today was PT and next Tuesday is my last session for my stuck hip muscle until mid-May. The water aerobics really help as well. This afternoon is getting Easter cards ready to mail and doing some more purging as it's garbage day tomorrow. Nothing too exciting! Karen
  16. About 30 minutes ago, on the Marine Radio, someone said something about let's get moving and get out of here. There's a large hurricane brewing off-shore.
  17. Checking back in. Our camera operator is doing a stellar job today as far as close ups go.
  18. There's now a close up of the lines and the white trucks on the Symphony! When's the last time we had a view like that?
  19. Thank you for the kind thoughts about my dad on what would have been his 98th birthday. He was a very good person with a heart of gold. His favorite phrase was "quit mucking around" and he could fix anything! In the Skagit Valley right now the daffodils are out and I treated myself to a drive this morning. Here are a couple of pictures of a couple of the fields. Today was overcast and not too many people out. Sunday is supposed to be sunny and it will be busy out there. I will stay home! Karen
  20. Good morning, What good days to celebrate today. My area is known as the Skagit Valley and is very well-known for the annual Tulip Festival that runs the month of April. When the sun's out and especially on the weekends, we locals stay far away from the fields as it's a madhouse out there. Currently the daffodils are blooming and today is not raining so I may take a quick drive out that way on my way to doing Costco and Fred Meyer (and maybe even Wally World). Yesterday was my "goof off" day in a way as I stayed home but got things done and even made time to finish my book. I'm enjoying an author by the name of Rhys Bowen and love her "Royal Spyness" series and am enjoying her "Molly Murphy" series. Today is errands and nothing much planned for the weekend. Tomorrow is supposed to be quite wet so a good day to stay home. Today would have been my dad's 98th birthday - he passed 7 years ago on March 11th. Karen
  21. Good afternoon! It's an overcast day and quite a bit cooler than earlier in the week but it's not raining so that's a plus. Way, way, way back in 1991 I defended my thesis and got my Masters Degree in Education. At that time you could do a 5th year or the Masters to get your permanent certification. They were the same cost and only a couple of credits difference so I did the Masters and never regretted it. My thesis was comparing a couple of different ways of teaching spelling. I can still see my DD DD (he'd be 98 tomorrow and passed 7 years ago) beaming from the top of his bald head as I walked up to get my degree. The last few days have been busy with water aerobics on Monday and Wednesday - the fun thing. PT on Tuesday and yesterday had the car in for routine servicing at the Toyota dealership. Such fun to sit around there. I took my book and read. The car did fine and I had one burnt out light bulb and they replaced a cabin filter and air filter. I'm at the stage where I can't do that myself so I'll have them do it. Tuesday night we had excitement on the road (about 3/4 of a mile down from me) but I slept through it. Some lady went after someone with a hammer and then took off. She is now in the local jail on charges including attempted murder. The victim was "code red" but haven't heard anything else on them. Usually my area is very sleepy but not Tuesday night/wee hours of Wednesday! Ok - off to get laundry going, cleaning up and maybe indulging in a bit of reading a finish off my book. Karen
  22. Good afternoon, It's a lovely 62F with clear skies and lots of sunshine and another day like this for tomorrow is forecast. I'm finally home having done 2 water aerobics classes and some grocery shopping. @richwmn and the rest of the cast - this is a belated Thank You! Over the last 4 years the Daily has become a special place for me. You were all so supportive when DH was having health issues and I was grappling with things and even more supportive when he passed away. There were some days that I had tears in my eyes as I read some of the comments and they meant so much to me. Other days, when I'm having a quiet at-home day, you may be the only one I "talk" to during the day. You have all made a difference and all should be proud of that. It's the little things we do without even thinking about it that sometimes have the biggest impact. Thank you!! Karen
  23. Checking in from a beautiful spring-like day in the Pacific Northwest. I have the windows open and ceiling fans going hoping to air the house out.
  24. Good morning, We're having some nice warm weather - unseasonable for us and into the high 60's today. Yesterday it was so nice to open windows, air the house out and sit on the front deck for a while. Friday's lunch with friends went well. Very little of the Greek Lemon Soup left and out of 20 dinner rolls I made there are 6 remaining. DS will be over for leftovers. I am Kind-hearted Sparkly Pants. I have my shamrock earrings and leprechaun socks ready to wear today and nothing too much else planned other than hanging out at home. Karen
  25. So glad to read this Kathi @Scrapnana! I've followed you on your blog and your many cruises and so happy to see you're back cruising. Have a wonderful time, take it easy and enjoy every minute! Karen
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