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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Susan, thank you. We hope to hear some good news, too. He had the MRI of his brain Thursday, and will see the PA next Tuesday afternoon. Hopefully, we'll know more then, and maybe get an appointment with a doctor soon after. Enjoy being mostly unplugged and beautiful Alaska. Fingers crossed 🤞 you have great weather. Carolyn, I know what you mean about getting up your courage to walk down stairs away from the wall. That happened to me on the Great Wall, and it did not help that the side wall kept getting lower and lower. I finally told DH to go on up to the top, and I'd wait for him. Then I had to find a comfortable place to wait and to try not to hog the sidewall while doing so. Lenda
  2. It's been a busy morning here., but I actually got a few things accomplished. They weren't anything exciting, just routine chores. 🤕 @AV8rix Susan, safe travels today to Vancouver. 🥂 🍾 BON VOYAGE! 🎈 🎉 I know you'll have a great cruise. 🛳️ All I can say is OUCH!!!! I'm glad you were able to get the hook out, and sending positive thoughts that you do not get an infection. Terry, I'm glad Tana is feeling more like herself and has resumed the executive chef duties. It sounds like you have more of you energy back. Joy, it's great when neighbors work together to solve problems. I'm glad the grass fire was put out quickly before it caused major damage. That's good news Ninja got a good report from the vet. I hope Fluff's surgery Thursday goes well and they are able to get everything and take care of the problem. Rich, we've watched both those movies many times, and I remember the scene where they destroyed the Greyhound. Thanks for the beautiful pictures, and ideas of other places to see if (when) we return to Koper. I'm not sure about those 99 steps. With my fear of heights, steep steps like that without a hand rail, especially going down, would give me problems. I doubt anyone would be willing to carry me, and that might even be more nerve racking. I guess, I'd just have to put on my "big girl panties", find someone to hold on to, and tackle those steps. Lenda Lenda
  3. An early good morning from central Texas before I make a grocery run. I have never been fond of roller coasters or anything with a sudden drop. When we were in Hong Kong in 2018, we decided to ride the Star Wars ride at Disneyland. Little did we know it was Space Mountain on steroids. I kept my eyes closed the whole time, and leaned heavily on DH, but at least I did not scream. We both had to find a bench and sit down until our legs quit shaking after we got off the ride. I am not a good joke teller, but I'll celebrate rum day, especially if it's Captain Morgans. An interesting quote. I like the meal suggestion and the wine sounds good. We'll pass on the drink. @rafinmd Roy, I also saw the new Covid protocols, After reading some of the posts on the thread about them, I agree that it is probably too political for the Fleet/Daily. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, safe travels for your DS, DDIL and their sons. @Heartgrove Jack, I'm glad Lily and her mother are doing well . I'm sorry Sam is having trouble with stairs. @Crazy For Cats Welcome, Raven. We have been to Koper once, and the following is what I posted on June 19, 2021. We were in Koper, Slovenia, in 2016 on the Prinsendam's revised itinerary after the Black Sea cruise was cancelled. We were there on a Sunday, so the town was fairly quiet. The Thompson Dream (the old Westerdam) was in port with us, but her passengers were not in town when we were. The Dream was having a major drill including passengers at the request of the local fire and rescue authorizes. It was interesting to watch part of it from the bluff overlooking the harbor. Thankfully, there was an elevator to reach the top of the bluff. We walked around town and looked in a few shops that were open. These were taken on the bluff before we entered the old walled part of the town. They had a good view from here. The central square in the old city and the church tower, which a friend climbed. The interior of the church Scenes from our walk around town. From here you could go down to the lower part of town and the shopping district. We decided to stay in the old town. A inviting looking restaurant, but it was too soon after breakfast to give it a try. Back on the pier with the bow of the Thompson Dream, after they finished the drill where all the passengers and crew had to evacuate the ship. Your can see some of the locals and their vehicles in the picture. We enjoyed our day in Koper. At that time, I don't think may ships had called there and it wasn't a big touristy port. Lenda
  4. It seems I decided to celebrate relaxation day after all. So far, I haven't really done much of anything today, and definitely not what I had planned. Maybe tomorrow, or maybe not, who knows what will happen tomorrow. 😉 @ger_77 Gerry, I hope you and DH are recovering and feeling better. @Heartgrove Jack, thanks for sharing the picture of the cute, new grandbaby, Lilly London. The Daily has a new baby to watch grow up. @Vict0riann Ann, I'm sorry you wound up in the emergency room, and hope you are feeling better. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm sorry your legs are still bothering your. I hope puppy Kindergarten helps train the "wild child" and her humans. Sadie is so cute and innocent in the picture. Lenda
  5. @Heartgrove Congratulations, Jack, on the new granddaughter. I know you will enjoy having them close to you. Lenda
  6. Good morning from central Texas. The weather forecast is showing our triple digit days are almost over with Wednesday forecast to be the last one through August 29. Thursday's high is predicted to be 88F, then back to the 90s. I can easily live with that. Even better, rain showers are predicted for Thursday and for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week. I will join our Canadian dailyites in celebrating Acadian Day. Many Acasians settled in our neighboring state, Louisiana. We celebrated relaxation day yesterday, and I always celebrate my best friends. @0106 Tina, thanks for the explanation of the quote since I have not read the book. Chicken carbonara sounds good, but I'll let someone else do the cooking. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have not been to East Timor. @MISTER 67 Welcome home, and glad you enjoyed your cruise. @aliaschief Bruce, thanks for the report on your cruise 🛳, and enjoy your sea day. @cat shepard Ann, thanks for the very creative meme. @dfish Debbie, safe travels home today. You will find the perfect house for both of you. @smitty34877 Terry, that's good news you're keeping the extra help for Tana until everyone recovers completely. @grapau27 Graham, I hope the physical therapy helps your knees and hips. @marshhawk Ann, I'm not sure about a bus in Grand Cayman, but in the past, we've rented cars and driven around the island. You might be able to hire a taxi for an island tour. In Anchorage, the ship will dock in a very busy industrial port where you are not allowed to walk around. There will be a shuttle to downtown at the convention center. You could walk around, or pick up a local city tour. Lenda
  7. The Crew Appreciation is the new name for the Hotel Service charge. It goes to the same people as previously with one exception. When we cruised this spring, they added a service charge to the specialty restaurant charge, and there is still the 18 percent added to the bar tabs and wine charges.
  8. You will soda cans in the mini bar, and I think in the dining venues. Some of the ships have had the soda guns in bars, but others, like the Koningsdam als9 have cans in the bars. If you bought the soda package on Koningsdam, you were given a reusable cup to use in the soda machine.
  9. Good afternoon. This morning, we wanted to get out of the house and do something normal. We took the convertible for a drive-thru breakfast, and we left early enough to have the top down for about the first hour. We decided to drive to another small town we had never visited in the 23 years we've lived here. The older part of town is not doing very well, but the outskirts are thriving. Besides having a large natural gas plant in the city limits, there are new neighborhoods. The town is now a bedroom community for Arlington, Tx. We also drove down several back roads and noticed all the hay and corn had been harvested. The farmers have now planted cotton, which surprisingly, is stronger when grown in drier, hotter weather. Maybe, that's why it is grown around Yuma, AZ, and Blythe, CA. I am enjoying all the pictures of Venice, and reliving our visits there. Thank you all who shared your pictures and memories. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm sorry you tested positive. Take care, get some rest, and I hope both of you are better soon. @aliaschief Bruce, thank you for the pictures from Rotterdam and of the Volendam. Maybe, we'll get to Rotterdam someday. Have a great cruise. @durangoscots Susan, ouch on the mess with your accounts. I hope the bank and the exorcism on your computer can get everything back where it belongs qu. @SusieKIslandGirl Our condolences on the loss of your quilting buddy. Thank you for posting the message from the back of the service sheet. Lenda
  10. We brought sodas we bought in port on board since the start up. We always bought cans since single use plastic has been banned. Also, we never brought sodas on board in the embarkation port, even on turnaround days.
  11. In 2017, we decided to check out the Arsenale, home of the Italian Navy and the Naval Museum, which had a display of various types of boats besides naval vessels. These pictures are of the entrance to the restricted area of the naval facility. We also visited the Jewish Ghetto, which is not easy to find. After the bustle of the rest of Venice, it was eerily quiet. We've been to Murano twice. We like Murano, but Burano was even more interesting and prettier with it's brightly painted buildings. While Murano is know for glass, Burano is known for lace. We have been fortunate to overnight in Venice twice. St. Marks Square and the surrounding area are practically empty compared to the daytime. This is the walk from the vaporetto dock to the square at night. A couple of pictures from the Grand Canal at night. Lenda
  12. Good morning from sunny central Texas. The Navajo code talkers were instrumental in winning the war in the Pacific in WWII. I believe we are financially aware, and we've never played whiffle ball. Today's quote is interesting. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. The wine sounds good, and we've had some good wines from eastern Europe. We have been to Venice several times. It was the port of the day on June 17, 2021. If you posted pictures that day and do a search for Venice, I found my pictures on page 21 of the search. @cat shepard Ann, I'm glad the party was a success. @aliaschief Bruce, thanks for the pictures. Glad you three and your luggage all made it safely to the ship. @lindaler Linda, it sounds like you have a busy few weeks until your Alaska cruise. @marshhawk Ann, enjoy your day off. @HAL Sailer Melisa, I enjoyed your pictures of Venice. Pictures from June 17, 2021: The problem with many visits to Venice there are just too many to choose from. We were there in 2016 and 2017 on the Prinsendam, and in 2019 on the Veendam. So my pictures will be a mix from five visits, and will have to be broken up between two posts. A couple of pictures as we sailed into port on the Veendam. In 2016, during our first time in Venice, we got to the Doge's Palace ahead of the tours, and managed to get a senior ticket that included three other museums. The first picture is looking out the Bridge of Sighs toward the lagoon, which was the last look at the city for most prisoners. The second picture is a repeat, but it puts the first one in perspective.. After the three other museums, we headed to the Campanella with advice to be back down before noon as the bells are deafening. In the last pictures, you can see the Prinsendam "in front of the X ship. On our second call there was after Venice had three days of heavy rain, and St. Marks Square was underwater. We bypassed the area, and found a dry route to some of the back streets. On another visit, we took a gondola ride, but without the singing. We have also toured the Opera house. One of the streets away from the Grand Canal. There was an art festival one time we were in Venice, and there were various temporary displays around the city. This one was on the Grand Canal. Lenda
  13. Jacqui, I think I speak for all of us when I say take care of yourself and Shadow. I hope the place for disabled dogs will take her. She definitely should not be put through the stress of being shipped back to Egypt. We' will miss you, but your health comes first, and we'll be here when you are able to join us and when you need support. (((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))) Lenda
  14. Bruce, thank your for the pictures from Delft. We took the train from Amsterdam to Delft once and toured a Delft factory on the outskirts of town. We did not see much of the central part of town, and we only saw The Hague from the train. I didn't know baking soda would dissolve and travel with the steam. I tried using a paste of baking soda and I think vinegar to clean the oven in Quartzsite. You were supposed to let it set overnight and remove the paste with water the next morning. It was supposed to remove the baked on grease. The paste was very difficult to remove, and it did not remove the worst of the grease. Once the oven dried, there was still baking soda residue in places. Try as hard as I did, years later I can still sea white residue in places. Moral of the story, Ill use baking soda for cooking but not cleaning. 🤣 Lenda
  15. At least, the vendors are honest and tell you the watches are genuine fakes. 🤣 Lenda
  16. While I have sympathy for the families who lost loved ones in the crash, this lawsuit is another example of a frivolous lawsuit. About ten years ago, we booked a floatplane trip to Misty Fjords on our own since we had a two for one coupon. We came within seconds of flying into a mountain. We survived because the pilot pulled up and turned very quickly, but we felt the near miss could have been avoided.. At no time did we ever consider blaming HAL for the near miss. They had nothing to do with our decision to book the flight. However, the next time we want to see Misty Fjords, it will be on a boat, and even that comes with risks.
  17. We have been to Copenhagen five times beginning in 2003 on the Rotterdam, on what was the precursor of the VOV. In 2005, the Marco Polo overnighted in Copenhagen, and we were then three times on the Prinsendam, 2011, 2016 and 1017. These pictures are a compilation from all the cruises. In 2003, we did the ship tour of the three major castles, but I only remember Kornberg as being one of them. Here are two of the outside in the rain, and one as we sailed passed on our way into port two years later, when we had much better weather. We have done the Ho-Ho a couple of times and the Ho-Ho boat once. On one of the times on the Ho-Ho, we toured the Carlsberg brewery. It was okay, but I'd suggest waiting until Dublin to go through Guinness. From the drop off point, you could either walk or take the wagon.. A few pictures from the tour. In 2005, on the overnight when we were on Marco Polo, we went to Tivoli Gardens and had dinner. We wound up at a Norwegian café/deli. One of the things I tried was reindeer sausage, and it was good. The nighttime visit was in August, so it was still light fairly late then. We also went back to Tivoli on one of our Prinsendam cruises. These pictures are for the Garden Club. On one of our cruises, I think it was 2011, we got off the Ho-Ho and walked through Christiania, an international community and commune of squatters that started in 1971, and was known for its cannabis trade. The government cracked down on the trade in 2004, but when we walked through, several people tried to sell us some. It was an interesting experience. One picture from our Ho-Ho boat ride. The main pedestrian street. Somewhere on that street is our favorite bakery with the best Danish. A couple of times when we were in Copenhagen, we happened on a special event or group performing in the City Hall Square. One such event was a food festival, but it was mainly fish, which the locals seemed to enjoy. We never expected to see a musical group dressed as American Indians and playing native American music. We never learned if they were locals or if they really were Native Americans, but they sure looked like the latter Many of the wind generators off the coast. Lenda
  18. Good morning from sunny central Texas. It looks like the breeze is just starting. My mother was left handed, and her teachers tried unsuccessfully to make her switch hands to write. DH is the middle of the three brothers. We are not allowed to have a garage sale here with the exception of the one sponsored by the POA. I either donate things here or take them to Quartzsite to sell there. If things ever work out, I have amassed a lot of stuff to sell, but the last couple of years have not been the time for a garage sale. I agree with the quote. Sometimes a little fear is good. The meal sounds good and so does the wine. We'll pass on the drink. We have been fortunate to visit Copenhagen several times. I'll repost my pictures in a few minutes. @dfish I'm glad the meeting with the realtor went well. I hope the picnic is not rained out. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, please wish your GH HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. Safe travels tomorrow. @lindaler Linda, it sounds like you've settled into your new life in Mobile. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad everyone is feeling better, including Tana who is having a better day. I'm also glad you have help taking care of her while everyone regains their strength. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope your DH's cough clears up soon, and I hope you stay well. @kochleffel That is an interesting story about your roommate. It's amazing how hard they used to try to make lefties into righties. Lenda
  19. These are my last pictures for the day. We were in Edinburgh once in 2016 on Prinsendam, and three times on Prinsendam in 2017 on multiple B2Bs. These pictures are from 2016 and our first visit in 2017. The second time in 2017, we took the city bus out to tour the Britannia, and the third time we did the Ho-Ho and walked the Royal Mile from top to bottom. In 2016. we took the Ho-Ho around Edinburgh. When we were in the vicinity of the castle, we ran into extremely heavy crowds who were in town for the Tattoo and the Fringe. Several blocks were turned into pedestrian only streets and the Ho-Ho had to make a detour. Even the area around Waverly Station was crowded. From our detour on the Ho-Ho The new bridge across the Firth of Forth. It was nearing completion, with just a few spans waiting to be installed. It was opened the next year by Queen Elizabeth II. In 2017, we did a ship's tour to the Falkirk Wheel, which is an engineering marvel. It connects two canals which are on different elevations. Boats enter one of the two chambers on the wheel and are either raised or lowered to the other canal. The chambers, for want of a better word, used Archimedes' principle of water displacement, so they do not have to add or remove water when the boat enters and exits the wheel. I strongly recommend a ship's tour to visit the wheel, since the tours are guaranteed a time to "ride" the wheel. We entered the wheel from the lower canal, were raised to the next canal, sailed down the canal, turned around and went back to the wheel to return to the lower canal. Entering the wheel on the lower level. Coming back toward the tunnel and the wheel. Entering the wheel at the upper level The view across the countryside from the top of the wheel was spectacular, even on a cloudy day. Canal boats in the canal near the Kelpies. Lenda
  20. These are my pictures from St. Andrews. Since several Dailyites have shared their pictures from the Old Course, I am only including one. The rest are from our afternoon in St. Andrews. Our first stop was St. Andrews Cathedral, really the ruins of the 12th century cathedral. Our next stop was the Old Course, where we had free time. After we looked around the Old Course, we walked back into town. Our first stop was the University of St. Andrew. We walked into the chapel but were not even allowed time to take one picture because the were setting up to take some pictures, IIRC. The rest of the pictures were taken as we walked around town. A pretty park and playground Lenda
  21. Good afternoon. I have a lot more pictures from our five visits to Edinburgh, and I thought I'd share some more here and in other posts. @bennybear Brenda, a great pictures of the moon. Our condolences on your DSIL loss of his mother. @Cruzin Terri Terri, glad you are off the steroids. I hope you won't need them again. @Vict0riann Ann, I'm happy to know you and Pat are Covid free and are now back in the world. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm sorry your DH tested positive, and I hope you don't get Covid. @Live4cruises Welcome home. I'm glad you had some healing time while you were away. I think we all need some healing time from all the stress and uncertainty of the past two years. @aliaschief Bruce, great news on the negative tests. @XBGuy Thank you for the story and the nice comments on all our postings on here. I tried to use correct grammar and punctuation, but I'm the first to admit, I'm guilty of ending many sentences with participles even though my 10th grade English teacher drummed proper grammar into our heads. She had us diagramming post-graduate college sentences. I also had a college journalism professor, "Col. Mary" , a colonel in the Marine Reserves, drum proper word usage into our skulls. They were two of the toughest and best teachers I had. I cringe reading some posts on other social media sites. Also, I'm sure you've noticed that proofreading is a skill that did not take. Our first visit to Edinburgh was on August 25, 2011. Because we wanted to see as much as possible in one day, we took a morning panoramic city tour which included a tour of Edinburgh Castle, and an afternoon tour to St. Andrews. The day we were there was Armed Forces day, and not only were the veterans in my earlier picture marching, but many military units too. I found out today, thanks to Google, that Prince Charles was there and gave the troops a salute. I'm going to post my pictures of Edinburgh here, and the ones of St. Andrews in another post. Some of these pictures were taken from the bus, and are not the greatest. A couple of pictures of houses. Preparations for the parade Even though it was June 25, the stands for the Tattoo were already being erected. The entrance to Edinburgh Castle The Governor's House circa 1731 For @Cruising-along Carolyn, here are a few pictures from inside the castle. The rooms for the royal family, without furnishings, are first, followed by the quarters for the soldiers. Looking down on Edinburgh from the castle Lenda
  22. My heart goes out to Jacqui @kazu and to Shadow. Poor Shadow, after a life on the mean streets, she deserves better than this. Jacqui, has been through so much in the past eight months, she also does not deserve to have to go through this additional emotional pain and turmoil. Sending virtual hugs and support to Jacqui. For both their sakes, I hope Jacqui can find a good, loving special needs/disabled rescue for Shadow. Finally, shame on the original rescue group for not disclosing the problem or not finding a special needs place for Shadow. Lenda
  23. Good morning again. The smoker is ready to put the ribs in in a few hours. I wanted to get it set up while it was still cool outside. This is what I posted on March 12, 2021, a very good day since March 12 is my birthday. We have been to Edinburgh five times all on the Prinsendam, so we docked at Rosyth. The first time in 2011, we took a morning tour to Edinburgh and the castle, followed by an afternoon tour to St. Andrews. In 2016, we were late docking due to tidal conditions, and our tour to the Falkirk Wheel was cancelled, so we took the train into town. In 2017, we did several b2bs, so we were in Rosyth and Edinburgh three times. The first time, we made it to the Falkirk Wheel, but the tour was nearly cancelled. The guides for the two buses had to cancel and there were no replacements. We were given the option of getting off the bus and getting our money back, or doing the tour anyway. The two drivers went out of their way to make it a memorable tour even without out any commentary. The wheel provided a guide for the boat ride. The bus drivers even made a unscheduled stop at the statues of the Kelpies, mythical sea creatures that steal children. As usual, there was one grump who complained about the lack of commentary on the bus. A view of the stands being erected at the Castle for the Tattoo. The stands are vey steep and tall, and since I do not like heights, I'm not sure I will attend the Tattoo because with my luck I'd be on the top row and miserable. When we left the Castle in 2011, we had to wait for our bus until a parade of veterans assembled and marched by, followed by a band, and pipers. It was worth the wait to see how proud they were. The Kelpies. We visited the Britannia, but I will only show one picture of the sitting room. The last time we did the combination of the city bus and the Ho-Ho, since I wanted to go to the statue of Greyfriars's Bobby. Here is the statue and his grave in Greyfriars's Cemetery. Finally, a couple of pictures from the town. The first was taken in 2016 during the Fringe and the Tattoo. You could hardly walk down the streets. Lenda
  24. The Perseid Meteor shower is one of the best, but with the last super moon of the year, it might be difficult to see many meteors. It's been quite awhile since we've had Kool Aid. We still have all our old vinyl records, the stereo we bought in 1970, and a modern turntable. The quote is very true, and I have a friend I can call at 4 am, though I probably wouldn't. DH might like the meal, but I'll pass, and will skip the drink, too. I would like to try the wine, but it's more than we would pay for a bottle of wine. Tonight, we'll have smoked baby back ribs, potato salad, and corn-on-the-cob. We have been to Edinburgh several times, but not to South Queensferry. We were on the Tahitian Princess and Prinsendam and were able to sail under the bridges and dock in Rosyth. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, the bridge you showed is the railroad bridge which was opened in 1890. We have taken the train across it to get to Edinburgh, @mamaofami Carol, I sorry your DDIL died so young. Our condolences on the loss of your dear friend. @StLouisCruisers Safe travels back to Ohio this afternoon. I"ll look for my pictures in a little while. Lenda
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