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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Annie, you both have been hit with a lot of bad news all at once, and I can't begin to imagine how difficult it is to process. I wish there was a way to help you cope, but know we are sending you our best wishes, very positive thoughts, and all the support we can. Big virtual ((((((((HUGS)))))))) to both of you. Lenda
  2. Denise, I hope all the eggs hatch and that your DGS 4-H project is not affected by this. I'm sorry the neighbor's dog killed his ducks and chickens. Lenda
  3. Good morning. Finally, the guy who has been working on our leaky roof off and on was here today. He is also working on another neighbor's roof that has the same problem, but with more places leaking. That roof has given the roofer some more ideas of what the problem may be, and he is going to be back in a few days to try another fix in a few areas. Fingers are crossed that this time it will be fixed. It seems the problem might be where the metal sheets overlap and are no longer staying together. If and when, the leaks are stopped, then we'll worry about getting the ceiling repaired. Terry, I'm glad you got some answers and some solutions yesterday. I'm also glad you are getting help when you need to lift Tana. Cute pictures of cute dogs. Terri, I'm glad all your communication devices are working again. Sometimes holding your own is very good. Gerry, that is indeed good news that your DH has an unofficial date for his new valve and a backup date. I'm glad Wayne is doing well after receiving the pacemaker. I hope the cardiac ablation solves the afib problem. Safe travels to Chicago today and to Rotterdam tomorrow. Annie, thank you for your Juneau pictures. I'm sorry there was no good news for your DH. We are all here for both of you when you are ready to talk about it. Otherwise, you both will be in our thoughts. Lenda
  4. Looking back through my pictures of Juneau, I realized the 12 Visits I mentioned earlier were the ones on HAL. We have also been there three times on Princess and once on the Matanuska. I've also found a few more different pictures, many from the times we rented a car for the day. A interesting tree on Mount Roberts The cable car station on Mount Roberts In 2012, we did b2b2bs on Amsterdam. The second time we were in Juneau we took a cruise on the steamboat Susanna. There are remnants of an old mine and ore processing plant on Douglas Island across the Gastineau Channel from Juneau. This is part of the facility that can been seen from the ship as you sail down the channel. You can get to the Treadwell Mine Trail at the south end town on Douglas Island. These are a couple of the buildings still left in 2012. We have also driven as far north of Juneau as Highway 7 goes. There are several nice beaches along the highway. A different view of the fish hatchery. These food stands are very popular with the crew. In 2018, we joined many of the Zaandam's crew and enjoyed some lumpia. Two locals hanging out at the dock Lenda
  5. We have been to Juneau on at least 12 cruises, plus a stop on the Alaska Marine Highway when we didn't get off the ferry. To get out of the Texas summer, we started doing b2b2b2b cruises. Also, we found that doing 2 or more b2bs, we have a better chance for good weather (meaning clouds, no rain) at least once in each port. In 2018, Alaska was having a heatwave in the southeastern part of the state, so we had tremendous weather all but the last time in Juneau. Our first cruise there, we took a helicopter flight to Taku glacier. We landed on the glacier and when we took off, the pilot flew through some wide crevasses. Unfortunately, those pictures are in a photo album. For the most part, I tried to pick pictures a little off the beaten path. The first two are from Douglas Island, taken the day we rented a car. Volendam was with the Zaandam that day. We saw this statue as we came across the bridge back into Juneau. In 2015, we were on Statendam for her final call in Juneau before heading to Singapore and then to Australia. The day we rented a car in Juneau in 2015, we saw this bear up close and personal at the boardwalk by the parking lot at the Mendenhall Glacier. Fortunately, there was a strong fence between us and the bear. Finally, a classic picture of Juneau without the classic Juneau weather. Lenda
  6. 🐰 RABBIT 🐰 RABBIT 🐇 WHITE RABBIT! Good morning from another cloudy day in central Texas. It is 69F with a 8mph wind and 96% humidity. The dew point is 67F. Our high will be 80F with the chances of rain starting about 3pm, but the best chance of rain starts a little later, and is predicted to last through early morning tomorrow. There will be chances of rain off and on through Monday morning. Law Day, Couples Appreciation Day and Loyalty Day are all good days to honor. It is also Lei Day in Hawaii. I'm not sure about how I feel about the John Green quote. We'll pass on the meal, but will be having the rest of the mushroom soup chicken from the other night. It's a childhood favorite of mine, and DH also likes it. I'll take a Cuba Libre made with Captain Morgan's rum. I've always heard, its a Cuba Libre if it has lime in it, otherwise, it's just rum and coke. I would love to try the wine, but some else will need to buy it for me to taste. I've lost count on how many times we've been to Juneau, and we've been there in all kinds of weather. Our first time in Juneau was on the old Sky Princess in 1993. At least, I think that was the year. Commemorating the 1701 Acts of Union is an important day in UK history @grapau27 Thanks for the explanations today, Graham. Nice lunch, too. @MISTER 67 I hope the new crown arrives before your cruise. Our dentist has a 3D printer that makes the crown, so it's one and done. @dfish Safe travels home, Debbie. @cunnorl Charlene, sorry about needing a new a/c. I hope the doctor appointment goes well, and that the board meeting goes very smoothly. @kazu Jacqui, thinking of you today. @ottahand7 Nancy, thanks for the swan video and the great pictures. @marshhawk Annie, I'll be thinking about you and Chuck @catmando today, and I hope the doctor will have some good answers for you. Lenda
  7. Good afternoon. I got all but one errand done, and that one will be done on the way to the hair cut appointment. I just have to drop off a form and a copy of the receipt at the electric coop's office to that we will get the rebate on the work done yesterday. My reaction was the same as Ann's @cat shepard. Don't be shy, and tell us how you really feel about the White Sox. Gerry, your mentioning about catching more flies with honey than vinegar made me smile and a little teary. My paternal grandmother was always saying that. I hope you get a good answer about the case presentation. I hope the pacemaker solves Wayne's problems. My thoughts exactly. You know what they say about great minds. 😉 Vanessa, I'm very glad you are getting plenty of sleep. It must have felt good to get out of the house for a bit. Maybe the White Sox will follow the Mets history. Remember the Miracle Mets in 1969. Bruno, thank you for checking in with us. I'm sorry you are having a rough time, and please remember to take care of yourself and to make time to do something nice. That is great news about your DH being cancer free and graduating from oncology. I hope you don't have to wait too long for the hip surgery. Have you tried steroid shots while you are waiting? Enjoy your cruise. That is not the best news for Wally or his owner. And what a cruel way to scare someone. Lenda
  8. Good morning from another cloudy start to the day in central Texas. It is currently 69F with a expected high of 81F. There is no fog today, and we should see some sunshine this afternoon. The rain will return early tomorrow morning. Another busy day with a couple of stops in town, and a trip to the county seat to register one car. This is the last day the current registration is valid. I've waited this long hoping the other car is out of the shop by now, but they are still waiting on a part. While I'm that close, I'll stop at W-M. This afternoon will be a much needed haircut. Animal Advocacy Day should be everyday. If we don't speak for the animals, no one will. Beltane is new to me, and thanks to Graham @grapau27 for telling us about it. Bugs Bunny was not my favorite cartoon character. An interesting and amusing quote by Hans Christian Andersen. We like fried rice, but we'll pass on today's meal We'll also pass on the drink and the wine. We docked in Kahului on February 8 on Koningsdam. I posted my pictures on February 24 when Lahaina was the port of the day. While we've driven through Kahului on several visits to Lahaina, I don't have any pictures of the town. The advertisement of Mr. Potato Head in 1952 has been a trivia question in the past. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm glad the eye pressure is lower. You and your family will be in my thoughts today as you say goodbye to DSIL. @MISTER 67 Our condolences on the Lightning's loss last night. @StLouisCruisers Sandy, the graduation tree is a very nice thought, and it looks lovely. @LambKnuckles Enjoy the Austin zoo. I didn't realize there was a zoo in Austin. @marshhawk Annie, I hope the doctor's visit today gives both of you some answers and solutions. HUGS! @VMax1700 Colin, thanks for the picture of the sunrise by the Rock. Lenda
  9. Maureen, I'm sorry there were complications from the Richard’s eye surgery. I hooe the fix works. Lenda
  10. Good afternoon after a longer than expected afternoon. Nothing note worthy, but just time consuming. Still the yard is mowed and the rest of the weed killer is sprayed. Also, the a/c and furnace are checked, cleaned and tuned up. The other change in plans is fajitas for dinner instead of steak. At least, is was a warm sunny afternoon, and a nice day to be outside. Carolyn, I hope they can get a replacement video for you. I believe you especially since I saw the story on a news feed. Susan, I hope you feel better soon. Dogs are good nurses, especially when they want the meal schedule back to normal. 😉 It was very nice of your neighbor to help you with your storage unit and to take things to the thrift story. Annie, this is one of those times when words seem so very inadequate. I'm sorry the pain clinic could not help Chuck and now the problem with the hole in his cheek. I'm glad he could get an appointment for tomorrow. I hope the doctor and the cancer dermatologist can find a way to help him. In the meantime, positive thoughts and big virtual hugs heading to both of you. Nancy, I'm glad your appointment went well. Steroid shots helped DH for many years. Karen, I know you are proud of your DS for going back to school and doing well. Our condolences to the families of the three police officers, the other members of the police force and the officers' friends. Carolyn, thanks for the update about Amber, which is mostly good news. I hope the doctors can control the swelling and high BP. Positive thoughts for her recovery. Lenda
  11. We were pleasantly surprised when the phone repairman arrived before 9 am. It turns out, when they installed the fiber optic cable, they forgot one final step; so we were really without the landline for almost three weeks. That shows how often we use the landline. It is warming up, but still humid, and I see patches of blue sky. I'm heading out shortly to start on the yard work. I want to have the area around the a/c until finished before the technicians get here to perform the annual maintenance work. Brenda, thanks for more wonderful pictures from Japan. We have enjoyed our visits there, but there is a lot of Japan we have not seen. Lend
  12. Nancy, I hope your appointment goes well today. Safe travels in the rain. I'm sorry the death count is now five. Our condolences to the families of those killed in the tornado. Vanessa, it's good you are still sleeping well. I hope the pain from the incision is gone soon, but it is a good reminder not to bend over. Gerry, I hope you get some good news from the cardiac clinic today. Roy, DH's DSIL signed us up to on CC in 2002, and we went to one of the first M&Gs on Rhapsody of the Seas in September 2002. We followed CC and roll calls for several years, and CC was much like it is today, except maybe a little more polite. I don't remember if there was a Fleet Report that early. BTW, you will notice it says we joined CC on August 24, 2008. That is because we didn't login for many years, only lurked. Then, when we wanted to post on a roll call, we couldn't remember our password. That's when DH created Quartzsite Cruiser. Lenda
  13. Oops! I didn't catch an important typo in time to change it. The German Reunification Treaty was signed on October 3, 1989. I guess I went too far back to the future. In 2005, we disembarked Marco Polo in Warnemunde and took a train into what had been East Berlin. Before checking into the hotel, we had a city tour and a river tour or Berlin. The next day, DH and I toured Berlin on our own. In 2005, there were still sections of the Berlin Wall left in place to remind people of the divided city. There is a line going around what was East Berlin where the wall had stood. The Brandenburg Gate Of course, I couldn't forget Checkpoint Charlie looking to the west. There is a good museum in the building on the left side of the second picture. Lenda
  14. Good morning from a very foggy central Texas. It is currently 67F with a predicted high of 81F and sun this afternoon. It will be a busy day between mowing the grass, the a/c tune up this afternoon, and someone coming to fix our land line. Yes, we still have a land line since it is necessary for the internet. We now have a fiber optic cable coming to the house, and what a difference the speed is over the old DSL. Our phone has been out since at least April 17, but we didn't realize it until last week when the PCP's nurse said she'd been trying to call me for a week. I'll celebrate Peace Rose Day, World Wish Day and Zipper Day. A very interesting quote from Henri Nouwen, but I think everyone in our lives are important unless they are truly toxic. The meal sounds good as a side dish, but not today. We may take advantage of the good weather and grill a steak tonight. The drink sounds good, and I hope I remember it the next time I'm on a BHB. We'll pass on the wine. We have not been to Kochi, so no pictures. This day in 1990 is a good day in history when the Berlin Wall was taken down at the Brandenburg Gate. However, the official date for the Berlin Wall coming down is November 9, 1989. during the Peaceful Revolution. That is when part of the wall came down. Germany was officially reunified on October 3. 1929, when the reunification treaty was ratified. @grapau27 Graham, thank you all the information about the days. @aliaschief Bruce, I'm glad the ship is taking anti-pirate precautions. We were told that cruise ships can out run the pirates' boats, but it's still good to be prepared. @seagarsmoker That is good news the new job is going well. @summer slope Dixie, I hope the chiropractor can help with the lingering effects of the accident. @marshhawk Annie, I hope the appointment at the pain clinic goes well, and they can help Chuck. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope the rheumatologist can help with the RA flare, and that you shoulder is better. @RMLincoln Maureen, best wishes for DH's appointment today. I hope the doctor is pleased with the progress after the surgery. Lenda
  15. Rich, the people you cited deserve credit for starting and keeping the Fleet Report going. However, you deserve full credit for The Daily and keeping the thread going and growing during the shutdown. It would have been easy to just stop the Fleet Report when the fleet was not sailing. Instead, you not only kept going, but created a safe place for a special group of terrific people to meet during a very trying time. It gave us a place to safely interact with others. Thank you for that. Susan, I'm sorry you caught a bug, but I'm glad you are feeling better. Thanks for checking in, snd great news you and your Yorkie are safe. Lenda
  16. I agree. When I was looking up Ilulissat yesterday, It said January and February were the high tourist months. It's too cold for me then. Lenda
  17. Sharon, I'm glad your DM feels like going to the dining room to pick up her meals. I hope her strength returns as she recovers. Roy, thanks for your pictures. The ice looks a lot bigger from the perspective of a Zodiac. I think we had about as much ice when we were there in August 2003, but at least, we could tender into the port. Lenda
  18. The rain has stopped and the road and driveway are dry, but it is still cloudy and windy. It has warmed up to 69F, and is not too uncomfortable outside. The Chocolate Snickerdoodles are cooling now. We did a taste test of each pan and they are good. The cinnamon gives them a less sweet taste. Plus they are easy to make. Brenda, thanks for the pictures of Kobe. When DH retired a few of us met in Las Vegas for a retirement weekend. The official retirement dinner was at Le Cirque, and one person ordered the Kobe beef. It was a very small piece of meat, and he gave us a taste. It was very good, but I wouldn't have paid the $100 supplement. We saw one of those fancy toilets when older DD spent two nights in Tokyo at the end of the first segment of the 2002 APEC cruise on Volendam. We went with her to her hotel before exploring the city. DH played with some of the buttons, including the one that heated the seat. He never could get it to turn off, and DD never told us if it was still on when she returned that night. Paul, I'm sorry your canceled your Utah trip. I hope you will be able to reschedule it. That area of Utah has some spectacular scenery. Lenda
  19. I knew we got a lot of rain this morning during our 1 1/2 hour storm, but I was shocked when I looked at the weather station. It say's we received 2.33 inches of rain. Eyeballing the old fashioned rain gauge from the porch, it looks like it was close to 2.5 inches. It's still sprinkling lightly and too wet to get to the rain gauge. Gerry, I'm glad you are getting much needed rain, and I hope it's not accompanied by high winds, etc. I'm sorry Wayne is still having health issues. I hope he is feeling better soon. Annie, I hope the appointments tomorrow and Wednesday go well for Chuck. That is good news the Lightning won, and are still in the playoffs. Miracles do happen. Lenda
  20. Good morning from a very soggy central Texas. Thunder, lightning and heavy rain woke me up a little before 6am. The worst of the storm lasted until about 7:30. Looking at the radar, we'll get more rain for about another hour or so. It is currently 64F down from 68F at 6am. Our high is predicted to be 78F. Yesterday afternoon, I made the dough for the Chocolate Snickerdoodles Karen @luvteaching shared with us. I'll bake the cookies this morning. We will honor all three days, but I think the hardest to deal with is Brave Hearts Day for the families of children battling cancer. Childhood cancer seems much worse than cancer in adults, but it's a nasty disease anytime. Superheroes and Occupational Safety and Health day are just as important. The Lou Holtz quote is true, but the percentages could be different for different people. We'll skip the meal and the drink. I'd like taste the wine, but not at that price. We have not been to Kobe, although we were closed when we were in Osaka and Kyoto. The first night flight by Claude Graham-White was very daring just seven years after the Wright Brothers first flight. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope today is a calm, relaxing day. @grapau27 Again, thanks for the information on the days today, Graham. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad the weekend is going well for you. @rafinmd Roy, thank you for the interesting time line of the evolution of the Fleet Report to The Daily and then the Fleet Report and Daily. Thank you. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope your plant sale goes well and that you have a lot of buyers. Beautiful tulips, which we can't grow here. @Seasick Sailor Joy, that was some storm this morning. @cruising sister Lorraine, I hope you stay safe from all the storms that keep popping up. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry you hurt your shoulder and have a RA flare. I'm glad the aide could come last night. Are you going to an urgent care to see about your shoulder? Lenda
  21. I doubt they really believe us. It brought to mind a vacation we took when we lived in Corpus Christi in the early 70s. We spent a couple of days in Marfa before going to Big Bend. One day, we decided that since we were so close to Carlsbad Caverns, only 200 miles, we would go there for the day. Of course, we were much younger. We did get some weird Texas rain this evening. It rained very hard for all of 10 to 15 seconds, and that was it for the day. Right now, we just have a strong south wind. Gerry, Kevin is such an adorable cutie. He reminds me of our two orange cats, Sandy and Sargent, whomcrossedmthe rainbow bridge many, many years ago. Lenda
  22. @luvteaching Karen, the cookie dough is chilling until tomorrow. I've never had a cookie dough that was so easy mix. Terri, our condolences to Jim and you on the passing of his childhood friend. Also, our condolences to the sons and his friends. Lenda
  23. Sharon, the biggest potential problem would be at DFW. If there's a lot of lightning and wind, they would likely close the airport until the storm cell passed. It's better to err on the side of caution. At least, the flight to Waco isn't long. I hope the weather cooperates for you. Lenda
  24. Graham, it seems there is no rhyme or reason in these matters. It's up to the gremlins whim. Thank you, Graham. Lenda
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