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Everything posted by KroozNut

  1. Wrong answer.. need to address it as it's happening. If you're not getting any any response from Royal, then that's an issue. Especially if you have a pending cruise, it is unsatisfactory. That being said, After spending 30 mins on the phone with them today, they ended up resetting my password, which worked, and I'm good to good now. But, your answer of 'ho humm, just wait a day or two' doesn't cut it in our situation. It took proactive action on my part to fix it. Now, if I didn't have anything booked for a year or two, I might agree with your lackadaisical attitude toward this issue, but not here.
  2. Now it's telling me that my login ID and/or password is incorrect, ''you have 'x' many tries to login before you will need to reset your password". I double checked ID/password, and I'm positive they are correct. This is so frustrating.. I wouldn't be stressing so much, but we sail next Friday, and I'd like to be able to use the app to finish the check-in process as Royal urges us to do.
  3. I am able to login to the online site with my original password, but have had no luck with the app all day. I just got off the phone with Royal, and the app issue is a 'known problem', and that their IT folks are diligently working on it (where have I heard that before). πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  4. I did the same thing with no luck. I'll give them a call, and if I get any worthwhile information from them, I'll report back here.
  5. App has not worked for me all day. When I tried to view our check-in status, it said 'oops, check-in has checked out'. So I logged out and tried to log back in.. can't even do that now. 🫀
  6. This is a great question, so I'm curious what the answer is to this as well.
  7. We've never done this, but it sounds rather awkward and cumbersome to have a big clunky wooden slacks hanger (or more) hanging from the curtains. Am I missing something here?
  8. I would not expect any upgrade offer, which is why you should book your specific cabin and annotate 'no upgrade offers'.
  9. I'm having trouble with it as well, both in the app and online. Just happened this morning. Hope they get it worked out before our April sailing.
  10. Good idea.. get rid of some of that unnecessary extra weight πŸ‘
  11. You mean that huge cabin number on the outside of your door doesn't give you a clue as to which one is yours? ☺️ Although I will admit that a little extra help could be in order after a long day of 'ship activities' on a sea day, or ashore on a port day. πŸ˜‰
  12. My comments on this list: #2 - Not needed #3 - Same as above #4 - Not needed #7 - Definitely not needed (for newbies only) #8 - For what... sandwiches? #12 - Not needed #14 - Definitely not needed #15 - Not needed, provided in cabin #16 - Same as above #18 - Not needed, tips are included in the charge #20 - Please don't do this!!
  13. Okay then.. into the trash can it will go. Wouldn't want to be thrown off the ship for throwing a duck overboard 😬
  14. I swear, If I find a duck by accident, I'm throwing it overboard immediately!
  15. She can still have all the milkshakes she wants, as long as you're willing to pony up for them ☺️
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