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Everything posted by KroozNut

  1. Yes, that is where all OBC is noted, on the booking confirmation under OBC. But didn't the PDF file come attached to an email? That is the 'confirmation email' people are referring to.
  2. Thanks, and if I understand correctly, with a single CC all charges to the account will debit the total OBC amount, regardless of how it is assigned to each guest. Do I have that right?
  3. Not in this case. HAL's currently published deck plans are accurate, and should take precedence over any third party site out there. Unfortunately, you are referring to outdated information.
  4. Related question about OBC. If the total OBC we have is is broken out and applied to my wife and I separately on our booking confirmation (i.e., $250 under my name and $150 under her name), and we're both on the same credit card/account, does it matter which of us charges to the account total? In other words, if my wife charges more than the $150 listed under her name, does it then debit from the credit under my name (i.e., the total amount on our combined account)? Hope this makes sense.. 🤔
  5. Thanks, and you're right. We received the additional $100 OBC this morning! 🙂
  6. Again, the current deck plan clearly identifies the space on deck 2 as BB King's (music venue). https://www.hollandamerica.com/en_US/cruise-ships/ms-nieuw-amsterdam/4.html Not sure how you 'unfortunately found yourselves above BB King's' unless you neglected to review the ship's deck plan prior to booking a cabin above that venue.
  7. Hmmmmmm, you must be looking at different deck plan than I am. Here is the one that is currently on HAL's site: https://www.hollandamerica.com/en_US/cruise-ships/ms-nieuw-amsterdam/4.html which clearly shows the space on deck 2 as BB King's. This is how it was configured on our last Eurodam sailing, and what we expect on our upcoming NA cruise next Spring. Not sure I understand the confusion..
  8. Applied this morning, but can this be combined with OBC already received based on other promos? We already have $300 OBC as a result of other offers/promos. I guess we'll see when/if they respond to our request..
  9. On the Signature Class ships (Eurodam/Nieuw Amsterdam) the venue is BB King's, and they do the Culinary Arts Center presentations there as well. We're sailing NA next Spring to the Caribbean, and we're really looking forward to it!
  10. And also the paxlovid he received early on, as well as other therapeutics..
  11. I would take it a step further, and say it is irresponsible.
  12. Actually it was one 750ml bottle per person that was allowed without corkage, not any more.
  13. And is this supposed to make their decision more credible? That is laughable..
  14. They want you off in a reasonable amount of time (based on your debarkation group), so they can begin processing and boarding the next group of passengers.
  15. Is your first doctor a 'moron' because he spent at least 6 years in college, including medical school, and has x many years of experience.. or because he disagreed with you and didn't tell you what you wanted to hear?
  16. We usually go on non-gala evenings because we enjoy having dinner in the MDR on those nights. As previously mentioned, the menu doesn't change, and is available to review before your cruise at https://rogerjett-photography.com/specialty-2/
  17. It seems to be used quite a bit, by mostly a niche (large) group of 'regular' posters, that are routinely active on the boards, whether they have a cruise currently booked or not. IMO there is still a lot of useful information to be found here, if one steers away from the 'hot button' topics like proper dining room attire, smoking onboard (especially in the casino), tipping, to name a few. I've found the roll calls on the HAL boards to typically be less active than other lines, but some are more active than others. All that said, if you're looking for helpful information, or have particular questions about HAL, you've come to the right place!
  18. Agree.. I don't smoke, but DW does. So you'll find both of us hanging out at the deck 9 aft smoking area near the seaview bar, where the FUN people are! 🙂
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